Motherly Love

by Shining Prince Percival


Spike awoke with a start, to find himself in darkness. He tried to get up, only to quickly realize that his limbs, and indeed his entire body, had been strapped down- he couldn't even turn his head or lift his tail. He tried to remember what had happened. He remembered being invited to Fluttershy's house, then drinking some tea, then...nothing. He was starting to get scared. In the darkness he cried out.

"Oh good, you're awake," he heard a familiar voice reply. "Now we can get started."

A light suddenly flicked on- Spike had to squeeze his eyes shut from the blinding light. After a few moments, he was able to open them. As he had already concluded, Spike saw that he had been strapped down against a table. However, he quickly realized that the table appeared to be… a changing table. He looked around the rest of the room. He appeared to be in some kind of nursery- the walls and carpet were decorated with pastels, and scattered around the room was a playpen, a crib, a wardrobe, numerous baby toys, and other sorts of paraphernalia suitable for the youngest of foals. Spike had seen rooms like this one before, but he couldn't help but feel profoundly disturbed as he looked around.

Suddenly, Fluttershy entered the top of his vision, smiling warmly at him… but her smile provided Spike no comfort. "Fluttershy, what's going on?" He asked. "Why am I strapped down? And what's up with this creepy room?"

"I thought that this room was rather nice," Fluttershy replied. "I spent so much time putting it together." All was silent for a few moments. "Oh, you probably want me to answer your question, don't you? Well, it all started one night after babysitting the Cutie Mark Crusaders. That night, I realized something- as much as I love taking care of animals, I wanted something more. I wanted to be a mother- to have a baby of my own to pamper and take care of."

"…Okay. I think you'd make a great mom. But what does this have to do with me being tied up?"

"Since that night, I've been going over a lot of options. I thought about giving birth to my own foal, but I don't even have a boyfriend, and I don't want to fuck just any random stallion." Spike gaped at Fluttershy's profanity. "Then I thought about adoption, but there's just so much paperwork and potential complications to deal with. But then, I had the most wonderful idea- I have you!"

Spike couldn't help but get angry- why had she done this to him? His blood boiled with anger, but he restrained himself enough to ask, "…and what happens to me?"

Fluttershy smiled widely. "Isn't it obvious? I want you to be my baby. I'm going to raise you like my own little colt."

Spike was silent for several moments; then, he burst out laughing. "Oh, that's rich. Okay, I'll admit it; you got me. Now could you undo these straps?"

She shook her head. "Oh Spike, this isn't a joke."

"…It's not!?" He laughed nervously. "Come on, quit pulling my leg- I already said that you got me. Now let me go."

"I'm afraid I can't do that. Not unless you do what I ask."

"Well, what do I have to do for you to let me go?"

"Humor me. Be my baby for a day, and if you're not perfectly happy by tomorrow, then I'll let you go and we'll never have to talk about this ever again."

"Sorry, but I think I'll have to turn you down."

Fluttershy look surprised for a moment, but then she smiled again. "I think it's really cute how you think you have a choice." She slowly brought out a syringe filled with a strange pale-yellow liquid.

Seeing the needle filled Spike's heart with fear- he never thought he'd ever be this afraid of Fluttershy. He stammered, "W-Wait, what is that?"

"It's a special foalmula- oh excuse me, formula that I mixed up for a day just like this. It mentally regresses any pony I give it to back to an infantile state. Don't worry, the effect is only temporary… although, if I gave you the entire dose that's in this syringe, then you would become my baby, forever." Fluttershy undid the strap on his arm. Lifting it, she brought the tip of the needle to an exposed speck of fless between his scales.

Spike screamed as he tried to pull away, but the straps holding him down held firmly in place. "No! Please! Don't!" Spike pleaded, "I-I'll do it! I'll be your baby! I'll be your baby for as long as you want! Just please don't stick whatever that stuff is in me!" Fluttershy show no signs of stopping. Spike began to cry- why was Fluttershy doing this!? If she'd gone crazy like before, then shouldn't he and the others have been able to notice it?

Spike felt the prick as the needle punctured his vien. As soon as it had happened, he saw Fluttershy taking back the now half-full syringe, and she began to undo the straps holding him down. Spike would have breathed a sigh of relief, but almost instantly he could… feel his mind going. His mind was going? But where? Didn't...know, think...Room…so big now. He…scared…

Spike began to cry again, but not because he was afraid- it was all he could do in the face of his unfamiliar surroundings. Even though he was now free, Spike made no attempt to escape- he simply laid on the changing table, crying helplessly.

"Oh, don't cry Spike." Fluttershy cooed. "Mama's here for you now." She reached over and put a pacifier in the baby dragon's mouth. Almost at once his cries were silenced, and he began to relax. She picked him up and held him in her forelegs- Spike felt nice and safe now, and he began to… drift off to… sleep…