Anon Flocks with Greta

by Glam Slam

Chapter II

You are again Anon.

As you begin to go bleary-eyed from the night setting in and the Ying energy wrapping your precious mind in A cloudy miasma of soothing darkness, you figure you may as well head off to find A place for passing the time with slumber.
Sleep has always been your least-favourite activity, being boring and A waste of time which you could more-meaningfully pass by doing important chores, or by just enjoying Life.
You would literally rather watch paint dry than sleep. It used to be somewhat worth it when you could visit far-off lands and see individuals from your favourite shows or fames. Now that you are here in this world, sleep is the most obnoxious thing ever in your eyes.

As you try to get up, your new marefriend who is not A mare clings on to you. Not that she really has to, as you still share A scarf with each other.

"Anon, what are you getting up for? I am loving this, and I know you are just as much." Greta said.

"I would love to stay here and keep making all the other Gryphonesses jealous, but I am about to pass out. I'm so tyred I can't see straight, My little Gryphling", you respond.

"Well, at least take me with you" she begs.

"I-I-I..." is all you can manage to stutter at First, as you wonder exactly what she means.

N-N-N-No, I didn't mean it like that! ...Unless you are okay with that. We Gryphonesses have good self-control. We even sleep with each other, - friends, family, and acquaintances alike. It's why we don't have acquaintances or mutuals. We grow closer as friends by sleeping together or just resting in bed. We even sleep with our visitors. The females are mostly okay with it, but not of the males have ever done it. They were too uncomfortable to even consider it.

"Nnn... I suppose it makes sense. Back on Earth, - in traditional times, - A land known as Nippon did the same things. I always found it interesting, but I was afraid to ever try it unless with Japanese. I was afraid of others losing self-control."

"Well, that is not A concern now. I will not do anything you do not feel comfortable with."

"I appreciate that, My love." You say, then proceeding to pluck her off of an odd raised platform leading up to steps and A sitting cushion like Zabuton.

They apparently do not like chairs or other high-sitting furnitures. Definitely an Oriental characteristic

As you walk out of the tavern and down the streets, you are Once again followed by the whole town, this time including the tavern's workers. Carrying Greta in your arms, you proceed to walk as she guves you directions to her homestead, though not before running you by A Griffon Scone stand and buying several. Arriving at her front door, you try and drop her off. You start to stoop in an attempt to slide her out from your male bosom. She is not having that.

"Anon, what do you think you're doing?", she asks in A manner which sounds both irritated and playful.

"I am not going to sleep in your house. I said you could sleep with me uf you want, but I have to find an inn. You told me to go to your home and you gave directions, so I figured you changed your mind about the former matter."

"Well, sleep at an inn if you want, but your not getting rid of me."

"Okay, than please pointe me in the direction of an or the inn."

Just the. Back when Griffonstone was A ecumenopolis, we had many inns and hotels and so-forth. But now that it has been reduced to A mere small town, - almost being A village, - we have but A single. Not many visitors to sustain any more, anyway."

"So your little town was Once A world city, larger than A conurbation?" you inquire.

"Yeah, the Griffon Empire was Once A true empire, with many empires unser it by tgeir own willingness. Gryphons were Once A kind race and there was only Peace, no war. But when the Bloodsoil Wars happened, they stole all our open range land. We had at One time A majour portion of tge Everfree Forest in our territory, but the predecessors to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, - their parents King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia, - launched invasions on the surrounding states and stole our land. They took no slaves and conquered no People. They took no prisoners of war. They drove our People out, imprisoned them in stone statue form, or banished them to another dimension. Celestia nor Luna are who really imprisoned Discord. Rumour has it the magick they still have in the Equestrian continent is what petrified Starswirl and the other Five Pillars of Old Equestria, and is the source of Nightmare Moon, Sunbreaker, tge evil tgat took control of King Sombra, brainwashed Chrusalis in addition to turning her into The First Changeling, and is even the origin of the dreaded Pony of Shadows. Many Gryphons believe it."

As you sit there with your jaw unhinged, she pokes your chin before closing it, which pulls you back to reality.

"That... Makes A lot of sense. I never felt like their kids were evil. Well, not The Two Sisters. I do not know anythibg about Queen Ingrid" you accidentally think all aloud.

"I thought you are from Earth. How could you know about that?" Greta questions.

I... I knew by some Miracle when I arrived here in Equis" you say.

That is quite the sly save on your behalf.

"Anyway, here we are at the inn. Shall we go?" you say, Greta responding with yet another look of suspicion by your knowing A cultural custom.
"Japan" is all you respond with as you cross the doorway. A braided rope consisting of Two dmaller in Red and Green hangs overtop, warding off negative Ying energy as well as any wicked spirits if those exist in Equestria, which you now would not doubt at all.

What possibly awauts you here in this new grandious world?