
by Bestfluttercordfan

Chapter 12

When scootaloo woke up she noticed she was chained up in a dark room she didn't recognize she tried to move her hooves but the chains just got tighter.

"Where am I. Scootaloo asked as she heard hoof steps.

" Well hello there it's good that your finally awake. Rainbow dash said as she walked in the room.

"Rainbow dash. Scootaloo said cheerfully.

" Yes it's me. Rainbow dash said as she walked over to a table.

"I missed you so much big sis when you went missing I was so sad I didn't sleep in my own room I slept in your bed sis.
Scootaloo said.

" Huh you missed me. Rainbow dash said.

"Yeah. Scootaloo replied.

"Why is my wing a robotic wing. Rainbow dash asked a little confused.

" I don't know. Scootaloo said.

Rainbow dash then realized what happened.

"I'm sorry I'm so so sorry spike pinkie fluttershy applejack my friends I'm sorry I wasn't in my right mind. Rainbow dash sobbed as she untied scootaloo.

" sis it's ok you weren't in your right mind.
Scootaloo said while hugging her sister.

"How am I going to tell rarity and twilight what happened to our friends I wasn't in the right mind. Rainbow dash sobbed.

" They don't have to know I can throw the skulls off a cliff they don't have to know I'm not getting my own sister in prison just because she wasn't in her right mind. Scootaloo said.

"Thanks scootaloo. Rainbow dash said as they walked out of the room and into the sunlight.

"Tonight I will come back here and throw the skulls off the cliff and I will burn this slaughter house too. Scootaloo said as they both walked into rainbows house.

" thanks scoots I can't believe I built a slaughter house and I killed most of my friends and I killed vinyl and Octavia and I killed discord. Rainbow dash said sobbing.

"That was when you weren't in your right mind sis. Scootaloo said.

That night scootaloo packs her saddle bag with a lighter.

" Ok time to burn this slaughter house. Scootaloo said as she brought out a lighter and lit a flame and set the slaughter house on fire.

"OK time to throw these skulls off the cliff. Scootaloo said as she was walking towards a cliff.
Then she threw them off a cliff.

" Evidence destroyed my sister isn't going to prison. Scootaloo said as she started walking back to rainbows cloud House.

"Welcome back scoots I made some cookies want some? Rainbow dash asked.

" Yes please. Scootaloo said as she took a chocolate chip cookie from the plate.

"So now what. Rainbow dash asked.

" Well you could tell me where you were for months until your friends found you. Scootaloo said.

"Well while that storm that was really powerful I couldn't control I decided to fly to the eye of the storm to try and stop it put that was a mistake because the storm was too powerful I fell into the ocean and when I woke up I was on a island and my wing was broken and the only sorce of food was coconuts like seriously coconuts and those things were hard too get off the tree I had too ram my head into the tree for the coconuts too fall off.
Rainbow dash said as she remembered she heard a snap and then the voice that drove her mad.

" I need to go to the hospital now. Rainbow dash said in a panic.

"Why are you ok rainbow are you sick?Scootaloo asked worriely.

Rainbow dash grabs scootaloo and fly's too the hospital.

" I need to see a doctor now.
Rainbow dash said too the lady up front at the desk.

"yes ma'am I will get you a doctor right away. Soft heart said.

" Sis are you ok why do you need too see a doctor. Scootaloo asked.

"I need to see a doctor because one time on the island I rammed my head into a coconut tree so hard I heard a snap and after the snap there was a unknown voice that drove me mad and I'm afraid since I'm in my right mind now the voice will return. Rainbow dash said.

" Oh no that's terrible. Scootaloo said.

"Doctor cloth will see you now Mrs dash.
Soft heart said.

Rainbow dash follows soft heart and scootaloo follows rainbow dash.

" What seems to be the problem Mrs dash. Doctor cloth said as he walked in the room.

"I think I may have damaged my brain because a month ago I heard a snap.
Rainbow dash said.

" Well let's take a peek shall we. Doctor cloth said.

"Ok.Rainbow dash said.

" Follow me Mrs dash for your xray. Nurse red heart said.

Rainbow dash followed nurse red heart into the xray room.

"Please lay on this bed. Nurse red heart said.

" ok. Rainbow dash said as she layed down.

5 minutes later.

"It looks like a little tiny piece of your brain snapped off but nothing severe you will be fine. Doctor cloth said.

" Ok thanks bye. Rainbow dash said as she picked up scootaloo and flew back to her cloud house.

"If it wasn't severe how did you lose your mind? Scootaloo asked.

" I don't know I think that fucking doctor Is stupid because I never seen him before. Rainbow dash said as she and scootaloo finally arrived at home.