
by Bestfluttercordfan

chapter 5 the beginning of rainbows

"Where am I.

Spike said looking around but all he could see was darkness he tried to move but he couldn't any time he tried to move the chain got tighter.

" Hello spike.

Rainbow dash said insanely as she walked in the room.

"Rainbow what's going on and what happened to your wing.

Spike asked as he could feel himself shaking.

" Oh you noticed my robotic wing.

Rainbow dash said insanely as she walked to a corner.

"Um so what are you doing I'm glad twilight and our friends found you.

Spike said nervously.

" Oh your gonna help me make rainbows oh and they aren't my friends anymore.

Rainbow dash said with a insane grin on her face as she picked up a shot with some green liquid in it.

" What do you mean they aren't your friends anymore and how am I going to help you make rainbows and why did you pick up that shot and what's that green liquid.

Spike asked as he started to panic.

Rainbow dash laughs insanely.

"You want to know why they aren't my friends anymore I will tell you why.

Rainbow dash said as she flew over to spike with the shot in her hoof.

" Rainbow you are scaring me that laugh you did was scary and where are we I don't recognize this place why am I chained up.

Spike asked as he was watching the blue peagusa.

"Enough with the dam fucking questions.

Rainbow dash yelled as she jabbed the needle into spikes arm.

Spike cryed as the green liquid was burning and stinging his insides.

Spike " Please stop.

Spike said as tears were running down his cheeks.

Rainbow dash smiled as she watched spike suffer.

"You know spike I'm actually enjoying your company.

Rainbow dash said as she walked over to a table.

" Why are you doing this your the element of loyalty.

Spike asked as he still felt his insides burning from the green liquid.

Rainbow dash then slams her two front hooves on the table really hard spike herd a really loud bang.

"Why you want to know why I'm doing this.

Rainbow dash shouted.

" Yes months ago before you went missing you were loyal to your friends you never did this why are you doing this now when our friends finally find you and your home now what ever happened on the island can be forgotten please rainbow be the old rainbow dash not this new rainbow dash.

Spike pleaded with rainbow dash.


Rainbow dash yelled.

" You want to know why I'm doing this it's because you deserve it every pony in ponyville dersves it it's all your fault why I ened up on that fucking island in the first place.

Rainbow dash yelled as she picked up a knife.

"It was the storms fault you where on the island and if I heard pinkie right she told you to be careful rainbow dash.

Spike said as he was shaking.

" So your listening to a fucking bitch huh.

Rainbow dash shouted as she got closer to spike.

"Um what are you going to do with that.

Spike said nervously.

Rainbow dash smiled and stabbed spike right in the heart and then she picked up his dead body and threw it In a grinder.

" Let's see who's next to die. Rainbow dash said.