The Ultimate Enemy 2: Return of Harmony

by LoganRyder

Chapter 11

It had been days after Dark Spike encountered the future versions of his friends spirits. Dark Spike continued to practice his magic and began to prepare for his time. As he did, he only focused on ensuring his existence and the one thing he was determined to achieve, his existence. As he continued to train, he only said to himself

"My power grows more stronger, but I must ensure I exist for good."

As he trained, his magic began to increase and his power only increased his rage and fury. As soon as he stopped, his magic slowly dissipated and he stopped.

"My power is infinite, but Equestria will find out the meaning of loss when I finish with the so-called Elements of Harmony and their Princesses."

Dark Spike continued to train his magic such as shields, shapeshifting into other creatures and ponies, fire and a few other element based magic properties and as he did, his skin began to darken and his eyes slowly turned more black and have red pupils.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!." Dark Spike shouted as a dark green magic hold began to form from his magic increasing throughout his body. As his body surged, the power stopped and he fell to his knees.

After a few minutes, Dark Spike recovered and got up, breathing heavily in and out from the amounts of magic he had fused with.

"My power grows, but now my past is what I must know." Dark Spike said

The future Spike left the cave and shapeshifted into his normal past self and made his way to Ponyville. As he did, he looked around if he noticed anything familiar and nothing so far stood out.

"Hmmm, so far nothing here looks familiar, I should keep looking in case."

Dark Spike looked and his eyes glowed dark green to analyze anything. He looked on from the normal locations of the girls to Twilight's castle and so far everything seemed unspecific. As he scanned, his senses went off at Fluttershy's cottage.

"Fluttershy? What could she be doing that's related to my goal?" Dark Spike asked himself.

He walked his way to Fluttershy's cottage and made sure to remain discreet. Aa he made his aay there, he noticed some animal tracks and began to follow them. As soon as he arrived, the sight surprised him.

The cottage had been overrun by animals and there was 3 ponies working around the cottage from the outside to the inside.

"Hmm, If i'm not mistaken, this must be when Fluttershy had to build a larger sanctuary because the animal clinic in Ponyville was too full. It looks like their remaking her cottage in order to get more size for the animals."

As Dark Spike looked, he noticed the yellow pegasus in question giving an look of dismay at the cottage and how it looked. The dark dragon only gave a look of confusion as to what was going on, but decided to not focus on it for the time and left on his way.

"Right now it looks like I have more time then I thought, I have to ensure my fate is too come."

Dark Spike discreetly left the area and made his way to Twilight's castle. While he was flying, he began to slowly think to himself

"When I deal with this small matter, I'll make sure my present self turns into me just like he's supposed to. And I will conquer ALL of Equestria and show the world who the true villains really are."

As Dark Spike flew to the castle, he made sure nobody would be able to see him and sped up in a dash of dark shadow that rivaled even Rainbow Dash and her speed.

(At Twilight's castle)

As soon as he reached the castle, he swiftly shapeshifted into his younger self and only looked at the castle with a dissonant expression on his face.

"Nothing in this place but bad memories." Dark Spike muttered to himself.

As he looked at the castle, all his memories began to flare up in him. From the times he had to clean the library to nearly being a pincushion to the girls. As he sighed and breathed in and out, he silently flew to the castle window of his room and quietly opened it.

Dark Spike saw the coast was clear and went to a drawer that had a picture of him taped with the girls in another photo next to each other.

"....Well....since I can't convince my younger self that Twilight and her friends are bad. I guess i can make him...and probably everyone else THINK they are." Dark Spike thought in malice and hate.

Dark Spike's hand glowed a dark green and the photo glowed for a few seconds and flew in the air, before stopping and landing on the drawer desk.

"But remember, this part is only if I'm desperate." Dark Spike said quietly to himself.

He transformed back to his future form and left the room from the window and closed the window while he flew airborne.

"Now for part 2" Dark Spike said, turning himself invisible.

He flew up the roof and returned to visibility. His arms glowed red in the left and dark green on the right. He merged them together to create a small glowing, energy ball and placed on the roof of the castle. After he finished, he flew back down the ground

"Maybe I should go check on Fluttershy and the others." Dark Spike suggested to himself

The evil teen dragon flew again to the cottage and saw that it grown bigger then he thought. There was alot of sanctuaries for different creatures in need or animals in need of shelter.

"Looks like her little cottage is a sanctuary now. " Dark Spike thought

He discreetly flew down and only watched as Fluttershy tended to the animals with care. As he watched, he only glared in disgust at the yellow pegasus.

"Look at you, acting all nice and kind and treating your animals like they're everything to you. Makes me sick to look at you or think your the so called Element of 'Kindness'." Dark Spike thought with a frown

As he looked, Angel noticed the dark dragon and poked him in the foot. Dark Spike looked and saw the rabbit, giving him a shocked expression.

"Oh, it's you." Dark Spike said bitterly

The rabbit gave a look at Dark Spike as if to say "Who are you?"

"It's me Spike, you stupid rabbit." Dark Spike responded.

Angel's eyes widened and gave a few hand motions as if to say "What happened to you?!"

Dark Spike smirked and said in a distorted, demonic voice

"You will never know."

The dark dragon flicked the bunny in the head with so much force, he ended up breaking through a tree and landing on a branch. Dark Spike then flew away with annoyance to his cave. As he left, he heard Fluttershy scream at the damage to Angel.

"Man, I've always wanted to that." Dark Spike said with a satisfied grin as he neared his cave.