The Elemental Manipulation

by GalaxyEmpire

Chapter 42: Ponyville Secret (S2E23)

Ponyville Secret

Today is a great day for Leo. Not only that is a long time since this paragraph came first, but he's also got asked by Miss Cheerilee, the teacher of the Crusaders and the rest of the foal in Ponyville to perform some tricks for the school recess with his Elemental Power. It's being quite a while since the cub shows off his skill, though he does show some of his power to the Crusaders back that day but not with some crowds of filly and colt. However, Leo still doing it as he's right now carrying the whole student with his Wind Elemental. Many of them having fun and that is enough for him to smile.

With all this best entertainment, everyone knows it has come to an end. Miss Cheerilee look at the window school. "Okay, student! Recess is over, get back to the class!"

"Aw, almost perfectly my awesome stunt!" Scootaloo said, with a blue gust swirling around her.

The school bell ring, filly and colt let a moan, as Leo, slowly put all of them down on the grass. They thankfulness him and ask if they can go for another one next time, of course, the cub nod happily if their teacher would allow it before the foals run back inside the school. Pass the teacher as she looks at the lion. "Thank you Leo for playing with the student. I'm amazed at what your power can do, it's like endless possibilities."

"No problem, Cheerilee! I'm just glad I was able to help. Especially making them smiled like me! After all, a smile can open a heart faster than anything, so I want to brighten everypony with a smile!"

Cheerilee giggled. "You sound like Pinkie Pie, but not the same level as her, you seems free from the care of anything and very relaxed in a happy-go-lucky way."

"What can I say? It's my personality after all!" He smiled only to turn into a curious face. "If you don't mind, may I ask what next education for the foals is?"

"Oh, just some little mathematics and then head to the history of the old Equestria. Then, at the end of the class, I'll be hosting a Newspaper Staff job for the foals who were interested to join."

"Newspaper Staff huh?" Leo thought something in his head while disconnecting his eyes content with the mare. "It's it fun?"

"Well, under normal circumstances is not that fully enjoyable but is a great opportunity for them to learn anything that can become an article from the school. You know, Ponyville isn't a simple peaceful town when we live next to the Everfree Forest so expect some shenanigans happen once per week." She explains which makes Leo laugh.

"Yep, at least we didn't have to do anything since we have Bearer of the Elements of Harmony nearby! And bonus an Elemental Manipulation if that isn't enough. Ponyville will be fine!"

Cheerilee nodded happily, knowing about this lion, everypony can be safe from any harm. "Well then I'm heading to go, the school was about to start too. Oh, if you don't mind me asking, what will you do now?"

"Some couple of chores then I have my free time." Leo raised his right paws as a chain of electricity appear as he spins around in the mid-air and land stood on the ground with his Lightning Form.

"Wind is great but it's been long since I use Lightning power." He smirks as he turns around before thunder off with his Lightning Speed, leaving the Earth Pony in awe.

Soon the awe turns to a sigh of unhappiness, she doesn't tell him who's the editor in chief though. An infamous reputation for causing trouble and picking on others, that filly... So in her thought. 'If only her mother didn't hold so much sway over the school board. If not for her insistence, I would never put a pony like Diamond Tiara in charge of anything.'

Another sigh comes out from the pony before entering the building, ready to tell the student after the end of the school.


The zebra look at her doorway to see Leo with a smile while carrying a bag full of ingredient and herbs. She smiles back as the lion walks towards her before giving the bag to her. He finished the chores, so why not spending some time with the local zebra? It can be fun.

"Thank you, Leo. You have been a great help." He nodded cheerily, soon Zecora went to the near bench and put some of the herbs.

While she's doing that Leo looks around the area, still the same as usual after this place being wreck by his sister and her friends just to demand her the cure for their "curse". But there apologise after they learn the truth about the curse and found out that the cure is in the book that Twilight thing is ridiculous. Don't judge a book by its cover after all. And a sorry from Applejack for being too stubborn.


"Hm?" He turns to see Zecora who mashing the ingredients she working on. Leo saw some mushrooms, herbs and...a berry...? Maybe all of them must be enchanted that it. He also saw a medium-size black cloak.

"If you don't mind, can you please start the fire from the cauldron? Use the candles behind you."

He follows the hoof she pointed at, sure does, there are two candles still lit. But in Leo mind, why do you need those candles to lit a fire when you can make it?



Zecora spun around after hearing his shouts to see Leo in a grin of confidence. "A new power perhaps? Though I prefer the candles over a creature who can generate fire."

"Trust me, I know what I do!" He looks at the small area where the cauldron was placed before he put his paw, then in a second, a fire appears as it surrounding the cauldron until it came back to the cub paws. The flame was assumed in medium heat. "Easy peasy!"

"Does Twilight know about your Fire Elemental?" Leo flinched, then shook. "Then, how did you get it?"

The lion turns and explains to her how he achieved it, all about the dragon, the games there play in dragon style, the chase, the battle, and most meet the Dragon Lord. Only Spike know to his power. Zecora we're amazed by how these two non-ponies were confronted by the Lord of the Dragon of Equestria, as well as bravery march to their territory. Leo told the zebra to keep it a secret, for now, don't want to get heavy punishment from his sister as well as lies to her that their went to Canterlot. To his luck, she agrees, but she also told him that she needs him to keep her gift privately.

"A gift?" Leo ask who return to normal, tilting his head.

"That's right." She said as she started putting the ingredients along with some herbs, and a couple of magic elixirs in the cauldron. The purple liquid of the elixir combines with the stuff that Zecora has made up before it began to bubbling, caused by the heat of the fire. "And now, for the last part."

The zebra holding the black cloak this whole time as she drops it into the pod, bubbling as the robe sunk into the liquid before it let out a big purple smoke. The smoke disappears as well the water from inside the cauldron, only a black cloak in it with glowing purple enchanted around it.

"Behold! My finest enchantment I ever make!" She said as she picked up the robe before the glow disappear. Leo approaches her with eyes sparkling to see the mare creation.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

"See for yourself." She handed it to him, once he did without hesitation, wearing around his neck and bandana while his body was covered by the robe but able to see half of his front paws.

Leo waits for a second to see any alteration happen to him, only for nothing to shows up.

"Um... What should I do next?" He puzzled.

"Put on the hood and the answer will reveal."

It was then the lion feel his back neck has a good on it, he then grabs and pulls the hood to his forehead. And without a second, he was gone from Zecora sight.

Leo gasped. "I-I'm invisible?!"

Zecora clapped hoof for her accomplishment. "Indeed it does, this is my first time doing it. Honestly, I never thought it would work."

"So, there's a chance this attempt will backfire?" Leo said, still invisible. "Well, I'm glad it didn't occur, but why did you want to make an invisible cloak?"

"Is a gift for saving my life from the Alpha Timberwolf, remember?"

The cub blinked, she's right. Since he meets her, helping her and now saving her life from that meat eater. Time sure does fly. "So is this for me?"

He points at the cloak, even though still can't see him but Zecora just nodded happily. "Yes, but don't tell your sister. I hear that she like to study and learn anything that she hadn't discover yet. I don't know how I can handle her hype for research as she did to you." She chuckles.

Now that they're both held each other secret, seems fair enough and legit. What's next?

The next day, the rest of the mane seven, minus Rainbow Dash, and Spike were at Sugarcube Corner reading the newspapers.

"'Applejack Asleep on the Job!' Can y'all believe this? And this one: 'Big Macintosh - What's he hiding?' Who the hay does this Gabby Gums think she is?!"

"Listen to this one, 'Twilight Sparkle: I was a Canterlot Snob'. A well-placed scaly source close to the prissy pony says Twilight Sparkle thinks Ponyville is nothing but muddy roads and low-class rubes. SPIKE!"

"YAH!" He yelped as he belched and fried his copy of the newspaper as Twilight look at him sternly.

"How could you say such a thing?"

"Well, I didn't! Gabby Gums made that up! I never said anything like that!"

Then they all start talking about their privacy has been uncovered. Little did they know, Leo was there, listening as he was invisible this whole time. At first, he's want to mess with them just for fun but after hearing that news about Gabby Gums mess with his siblings. Oh, there won't get away with this.

"Honestly, you ponies have no sense of humour," said Rarity. After Rainbow Dash came in and talk about her career is over because of being too softie. It was then she gasped dramatically. "I'll destroy her! 'Drama-Queen Diaries'... She's reprinted my diary! How could Gabby Gums possibly get access to my private diary?!"

"Oh no, that's such a very private one! Even for Rarity standard." Leo thought before start heading toward the door. "If I remember, Cheerilee school held the Newspaper Staff. I should probably check it out."

As the lion open the door without anyone noticing since there talking about who's has the connection with the Gabby Gums. Then, Pinkie Pie tail began twitching instantly.

"O-Oh! I sense someone!"

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Dunno is vague for some reason. It's like they watching us, what mystery creature..."

"Hm... We deal with it next time, right now let's focused on the objective." Twilight said she do feel like they have been watching as well. "Geez, where did Leo went off right now? I could really use his support right now."

To answer that, later he's now running to the Ponyville school. With hoodie pull down as he is no longer hidden in public. He speeds off, passes nearby ponies who's some of them reading the latest newspaper and boy they feel desperate and miserable.

"Woah, seem it spread like a wildfire," Leo mumbled before his eyes lock at the schoolhouse. "Time to solve who's the culprit."

Once he found the room where the papers were being printed. The manipulator then pulls the hood as the enchantment is kicking in, the door seems to open widen before he went inside.

For some reason, his bandana fell kinda heavy than before. The silver mane lion realised what was inside, he let out a bottle of bubble...and a recorder tape? 'Wait a minute...! This is father tape, no wonder my bandana felt unusual.' It was then he's seen somepony sit on the main table, Diamond Tiara... Ugh, that evil witch! Leo groans in annoyance upon just looking at her AND the one who didn't join him during recess because it was waste of time! He got an idea to use this recorder as he presses the record button.

"So she's the one who's posted everypony personal thing, then again, I don't think she the type of pony who listening other private conversations. Maybe she asked others to do her dirty job, but who?" He thought angry but must remain quiet.

"Those three blank flanks better find me some gossip by sunrise tomorrow morning or I'm going to make sure they are not just humiliated all over Ponyville, but all of Equestria!" Leo heard Diamond Tiara say aloud.

"Three blank flanks...? Wait, the Crusaders!" He thought shocking him before glaring at the filly. "You dirty rat..."

"And if anypony else has a problem with that." Diamond continued, "I have plenty of pictures that I'm sure ponies would love to see on every Inquirer! I'm hoping those blank flanks do fail. Then everypony will know just how pathetic they are!" Diamond Tiara was literally incriminating herself.

"Like leading Pinkie Pie to a mountain of candy." Leo sternly at her while the recorder caught every word she said.

Meanwhile, the three fillies were at their clubhouse thinking of what to do. They were feeling guilty and miserable.

"We've ruined all of our friendships and we still don't have our cutie marks!" Sweetie Belle groaned as she paced about. After Leo left the Crusaders has broken their relationships with everypony in the town. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were just sitting on their stomachs feeling very ashamed.

"This is the worst day ever!" Apple Boom replied.

"Oh yeah? Wait 'til tomorrow, our most embarrassing moments are about to be published for everypony to laugh at." Scootaloo added.

All three of them were laying on their stomachs on the floor in defeat. "So what do we do?" Asked the earth pony.

"I don't know, but we're not leaving this clubhouse until we think of something!" The unicorn as the three fillies stayed at the clubhouse until long after the sun had set.

The Next Morning...

"That's it, Gabby Gums is out of time," Diamond Tiara let out as she handed Shady Daze the manila folder, "Run these instead, but save one printed copy especially for Top Headliner, I want this paper on every street corner of Ponyville!"

"Yes, ma'am." It was then the door bashed open.

"Stop the presses!"

"Uh...they haven't started yet."

"We have a Gabby Gums column!" Said Scootaloo as she held the article in her fore-hoof. Diamond Tiara rolled her chair up to her desk and slammed her fore-hooves on it.

"Hmph, you're lucky I'm nice." The typewriters pick the not and quickly got to work getting the article ready for print. "This better not happen again, or else."

Once the three fillies left, not aware that Leo was there too unnoticed. He then saw Diamond got off the chief chairs as she trotting out.

"Make it quick! I need to use the restroom so you better finished those newspapers when I get back!" She orders before toke off, leaving the door open making the cub smiled.

"Now my chance!" Leo sneaks into the chief table and searches for this picture. He then notices a manila folder, soon as he grabs it and opens it. Yes indeed, every picture of the Crusaders humiliating we're there. Including... "What the...? Is not just them, but some of the foals I know are in here!"

That bastard, don't want anypony to stand in her way so she got everypony embarrassing picture so nopony can stop her. It's a good thing there's some-lion was here to help these foals.

'Now, to blow the whistle.' Leo smile with confidence before slowly sneak his way out.

Minutes later, Diamond Tiara opened the doors from the basement and walked outside with a sigh of relief. "Oh yeah, that's felt much better, and good job to me too. You've averted yet another crisis with your amazing diplomatic skills." She then gasped as she went to see the article Gabby Gums had posed from the copy of the newspaper Dinky was holding. She wasted no time shoving the little unicorn away to take her paper to read it.

"'An Open Letter to Ponyville by Gabby Gums'?! What is this?! Ooh, they're not gonna get away with this! I'll publish those new photos tomorrow! They messed with the wrong pony!" She read aloud.

" messed with the wrong pony!" said a voice. The filly turned around to see Leo and Cheerilee in front of her with a glare.


"That's right, Diamond Tiara. Everypony is gonna know who you are, Cheerilee will do the honour." The earth pony mare then presented the recorder and pressed the play button.

"Those three blank flanks better find me some gossip by sunrise tomorrow morning or I'm going to make sure they are not just humiliated all over Ponyville, but all of Equestria... (fast forward fanfare)... And if anypony else has a problem with that... I have plenty of pictures that I'm sure ponies would love to see on every Inquirer! (Fast forward fanfare) There's plenty more where that came from to make sure that nopony stands in my way..." The tape recorder played out as Leo presented manila folders that contained embarrassing pictures of the Crusaders and others.

"B-But how did you get it? I-I never saw you enter the Newspaper room." Diamond stuttering asked.

"Silly filly. Your voice is loud that I can hear from the open window, and when I saw these pictures of them I know I had to do something." He lied. The lion then pulled out the latest newspaper which he manages to get his paw on it and read something like this:

"To the citizens of Ponyville,

For some time now, you've been reading this column to get the latest dirt and the hottest buzz. But this will be my final piece. We want to apologize to you for all the pain and embarrassment that we've caused.

Yes, that's right. We. For in truth, I'm actually three little fillies, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo.

As the popularity of our column grew, we got swept up in the hype. We knew that what we were doing didn't feel quite right, but we ignored the guilt because everypony seemed to want to read what we were writing. And maybe they were until we started making things up to lure readers in.

Don't worry, from now on, we promise to respect everypony else's privacy, and we won't engage in hurtful gossip anymore.

All we can do now is ask for your forgiveness, Ponyville.

Signing off for the very last time,

XOXO, Gabby Gums."

Later that day, in the Schoolhouse. Cheerilee was in the basement printing press and an unhappy-looking Diamond Tiara stood beside her. "I guess I should've seen something like this coming. It's a pity, I guess I put a little too much trust into a first-time editor, and gave her too much authority."

She adds a growl. "Diamond Tiara, I'm afraid I have to strip you of your title. Be thankful I don't kick you off the paper altogether."

The filly said nothing, she just looked shamefully at the ground as the mare continues. "And now, it gives me great pleasure to announce our next editor in chief. I give you, Featherweight!" Cheerilee proudly declare.

Everypony clapped and cheered, except for Diamond Tiara. "But what about me? What am I supposed to do now?"

"Here you go, you can have my job," The ink covered coat told her. "Our new editor in chief says I get to take his old job as head photographer. Mind the presses, they tend to get a bit messy."

In the end, Diamond ended up covered in ink completely, much to everypony's else amusement. "Darn, father's not gonna be happy about this, and even Mother's probably going to have a few choice words for getting demoted like this."

While the staff start laughing at her, Cheerilee approaches the Crusaders and hand over the manila folder. "Here girls. You might wanna take it, considering it is your picture."

Scootaloo quickly grabs the file with a sigh of relief. "Thank celestia... We sure probably burn it in my opinion."

"But ah still don't get it, how did you manage to record the tape and get the file, Miss Cheerilee?" Applebloom asked only receive a chuckled.

"Oh, it's not me. Let just say, a some-lion was just looking out for you. And that included informing me about Diamond Tiara blackmailing everypony." The three fillies smiled, they knew who it was.

"Thank you, Leo." They softly said. Outside the building near the small window, Leo was just sitting and quietly watching everything unfold.

"You're welcome, girls." Leo smiles gently before he left the area.