Day’s Scorn

by fluffyfae


Now directly before me lay the crumbled remains of the once regal castle. A bittersweet sorrow flooded through my mind. So many memories both painful and wonderful were made at this now pile of ruins.
My mane flowed even more as a gust of wind shivered my now spread wings. I exhaled, taking a step. That's what I focused. Taking one step after another. Eyes gazing up towards the sky, I knew I would have to lower the sun in only a mere few hours. The last drops of sunlight before a seeming-less endless night. Those thoughts tugged at my heartstrings, but I managed to fight them off as I concentrated on still taking one step at a time.
By the time I had done this, I made my way to the small bridge that connected the two pieces of ground. I didn't want to risk my hoof getting caught in the ropes and unstable pieces of wood that lay scattered across the bridge. So I stretched out my wings even more before jumping into the now darkening blue sky. Despite the darkening of the sky, it illuminated my cream white wings perfectly. I flapped them, making my way over the bridge and right onto the front steps, or rather, what remained of the front steps.

An eerie creak was heard as I slowly and carefully made my way up the steps, and into the crumbles of the old castle. I could practically smell the dust on every single inch of the castle. My hooves clicked against the ground as my eyes shifted to the now abandoned castle. This was the only noise present other then a few minor creaks and water dripping down in some areas of the castle.
The tapestries that once hung so proudly over each of Luna and I's respective thrones were now in shreds. Merely just pieces of fabric, dangling from the walls. In a way, it broke my heart. It symbolized the brokenness of our once right bond. It symbolized the pain we had both caused each other. The tapestries could be mended rather easily by the help of some skillful crafts-ponies. As for Luna and I's relationship. Could it be so easily mended?
I didn't know the answer. Did I even want to? The future held so many possibilities, both good and bad alike. Again, I reminded myself though, that no matter what happened tonight, I would give my all. To protect Equestria, my subjects, and myself. If my sister wasn't defeated by the elements.. what choice did I have but imprisonment in Tartarus or.. worse.

I really was getting consumed in all of these thoughts as I shifted my gaze down towards where our individual thrones used to stand. They were no longer there. Most likely obliterated into several pieces at Luna's transformation, symbolizing one ruler of Equestria. In her turmoil though, she had given that one ruler position to me rather than taking it for herself. In a way, it made me feel sorry in a way. She had her own dreams and goals and all she wanted was to be my equal, and I took that away from her. She would either be bent on revenge or she would have to form new dreams and goals for herself if she so desired to.
Guilt tugged at my heart stings as I swallowed deeply, bowing my head to the floor and trudging deeper into what remained of the castle. My front hooves felt an odd sort of tension rising up in them, an unpleasant tingly-like feeling. It was a disgusting feeling. I despised it, I even attempted to physically shake it off, but it was no use. The feelings were still there. I took a deep breath, and even still, no use. It pained me. Greatly.

I gradually made my way down another narrow hallway, or rather, what was left of it. My hooves clicked against the now uneven stone floors. The glass panels and depictions of the past that once lined the hallway, music similar to the ones now present in Canterlot, were shattered across the floor. A small, sorrowful smile crept across my lips, remembering how Luna, Starswirl and myself had once roamed these halls together. Facing life’s challenges and threats, together as a team. I feel as if a part of Luna and myself had left when Starswirl, as well as the rest of the pillars, disappeared.
At the end of the hall was the contraption that once held the elements, however, now the orbs were empty since the shards were now in my care. I pondered over the idea of whether or not I should place the elements back into the contraption with the stone orbs sticking out of it’s sides, as if they were acting as arms. In a way it reminded me of the Tree of Harmony, only this was a robotic version.
Trotting around it, I tilted my horn as a golden aura lit up around it. I used my magic to brush off the cobwebs and dust that had covered it, almost like a snow of some sort. I sneezed as I caught a whiff of the heavy dust. I tilted my head down to the ground in an attempt to see if the contraption that stood before me would even move. It didn’t. I figured I would have to defeat Nightmare Moon the way I had done in the past, with the elements surrounding me rather than using the contraption that had once held them.

I took a step back from the contraption, and eventually turned around, making my way over to one of the broken windows. The sky was darkening. That same feeling that I felt in my hooves now surged over my entire body. My back hooves shook a bit. I shook my head, stomping my front hooves against the ground.
“No. I will not let mere anxieties drive me and defeat me,”I sternly told myself, staring at myself in the little remains of glass that encased the window. I dipped my head, staring at the sun and letting out a deep sigh, the golden aura once again glowing around my horn. I remembered when I was a filly, I would break out in a sweat lowering and raising the sun, but now lowering and raising the sun was a piece of cake. Lowering and raising the moon was a bit trickier though considering that it wasn’t my special talent. For a thousand years though, it was my duty, and thus I performed it to the best of my abilities.
The sun quietly crept underneath the mountains and trees that were in the distance. A various pallet of colors now shimmered across the evening sky. Once I had the sun at it’s correct position, I turned my attention towards the other half of the sky, which was now a dark shade of purple, and only glimpses of light blue poked out here and there. My horn now had a dark blue aura around it as it slowly moved the moon to it’s correct position in the sky. The dots and speckles in the moon, representing Nightmare Moon were still present. I let out a sigh of relief. It wasn’t time. At least, not yet. Part of me hoped that I had gotten the date wrong, but with the book of Equestrian Predictions and Prophecies, and Twilight’s reminder, I knew I hadn’t.

I sat down on the cold ground, shuffling my hoof a bit. What could I do other than wait for fate to do it’s job? I could swiftly write a letter to the rest of the Canterlot Guard, but what good would that do? It would only be putting good colts and mares in way of harm. Equestria had already suffered from my foolish, careless mistakes, and this was a mistake-mine and Luna’s-I would give my all to make up for that mistake. I hoped that Luna would as well, that was the best that could happen. And as I stated before, the worst-
I had caught myself ruminating yet again. What caught me wasn’t my repetitive thoughts though, no, it was a sound of hooves running towards me. My pupils went small. Had Nightmare Moon escaped this quick? I glanced toward the sky. No, the dots and speckles were still present. Perhaps it was a guard coming to inform me of something? What or who else could it be? Then it hit me. But I didn’t have to think to know who it was. Nevertheless, I rose to my hooves, crouching down and spreading my wings. To be fair, I did have a very impressive wingspan.
Not to my surprise, a lavender unicorn with a purple striped mane was running right down the unstable hallway. Behind her, an orange earth pony with a blonde mane. A cream unicorn with a dark purple mane. At the back of the group was oddly enough, a pastel yellow pegasus with a light pink mane. To Twilight’s side was a bouncing pink pony with an outrageously curly mane. In the air, flying right towards me was a sky blue pegasus with a very bold rainbow mane.
I immediately stood up tall, folding my wings to my side and watching the six ponies come to a halt before me. They all immediately bowed before me, some of their noses touching the ground. Twilight stood in front of them, and after a few seconds she broke the silence.

“Princess! Thank Equestria you’re all right!”, she exclaimed, standing up as did the others that stood behind her and to the sides.
To put it lightly, I was for once not very excited to see Twilight. I had specifically told her to not worry about the signs of Nightmare Moon’s return. But on the other hoof, I did tell her to make some friends, which it appeared she had done so.
“I see you have made some new friends,” I forced a small smile as I looked down at all of the mares. They did look familiar, but I couldn’t quite put my hoof on their names.
Twilight looked surprised by this, and before she could respond, the orange colored earth pony spoke up.
“She sure did! It is mighty good to see you’re alright Princess,”she said, removing her hat respectfully.
I did appreciate this gesture, and a more genuine smile lit my face,“I assure you I am physically well as of right now, but I have to ask why you ponies are here?”
“Oo! Oo! I know!”, the pink pony jumped up and down,“Twilight was reading a book and saw the signs of Nightmare Moon’s return, all I was trying to do was throw her a ‘welcome to Ponyville party!’ I do that for eeeeverryy new pony in Ponyville! Then she was convinced we needed to find the ‘Elements of Harmony’ so that’s why we’re here!”, she explained very quickly and enthusiastically.
The cream unicorn stepped forward,“Darl-I mean, your highness,”she bowed respectfully once more, a frown spread across her face though,“Surely you weren’t planning on defeating Nightmare Moon alone?”

I sighed deeply yet again, lowering my head and meeting all of their curious eyes,“I am.. it is my duty, not only as the ruler of Equestria, but the one who banished her in the first place.”
“Well.. now that we’re here though, we can help you!”, Twilight chimed in.
“Twilight, I would gladly accept your help, but unfortunately I can not risk-“
“Uhh everypony, I don’t think now’s the time for chit chat, we got some blue smoke twelve o’ clock!”, the blue pegasus with rainbow hair shouted.
“Oo! Another guessing game? Another guessing-“

As I turned around, I could now see that the blue pegasus was right. There on a small grey platform that stood only a bit elevated to the contraption, was a form of sparkling blue smoke. I spread my wings once more.
“Everypony, get behind me this instant.”
“But Princess!”, the six objected in unison.

“Princess you say?”, came a booming, haunting voice from where the blue smoke had illuminated from. As hesitant as I was, I soon met the gaze of a pair of turquoise, dragon like eyes. Nightmare Moon.