Equestria Needs Saviors

by DashyJ

The Elements Side Powers

"G'nite girls!" Cried Twilight over her shoulder.

"Night!" they all cried back, one at a time. It was obvious they were all tired, although Twilight and her friends were no longer in boot, they were still tired from it, and they had taken to working out every morning... Just not so early. It was also clear to everypony who was present at Donut Joes, that Twilight really had a lot of catching up to do with Spike, so they made their little get together shorter than usual.

It was around midnight, by the time everypony had decided it was time to get some shut eye, also Luna getting hammered from, all the eleven mugs of Cider (mixed with moonshine) she drank, and causing a scene for the press and basically everypony to see, is not what the new sisters in arms (Don’t forget TROLL-estia, asides the fact she seemed quite alright with the idea...) wanted. It was hard enough to get around now, each of the friends noticed without being mauled by some sort of media, or fan who wanted a picture. Thankfully Spike was here tonight and that seemed to ward most ponies off from fear. It’s not every day you see a royal guard cowering in a corner, because a ten foot tall Drake had simply said "Boo!" "Some pony’s have no sense of humor." Spike would say after he got one pony to soil himself.

As the roads became nicer (They were heading to Twilight's private quarters, close to the princesses quarters themselves.) Twilight noticed more and more guards, nicer roads, and bigger snobs then the last. The moon relayed its shimmering light upon all of Equestria, but it seemed to be casting it's rustic look upon two beings defining the shadows of Twilight and Spike. Canterlot was the Crown jewel of Equestria, but it seemed to shimmer more in the night, as the second eternal princess had begun bringing HER OWN night once more.

Once they got near to the outside stair entry of Twilight's suite, Spike was subtly surrounded by thirty or so guards. "RELEASE THE ELEMENT OF MAGIC FROM YOUR CAPTIVITY AT ONCE FOUL BEAST!" Belched the captain of the elite Pegasi guard before attacking along with his comrades. Twilight' mom sense immediately kicked in, and within mear seconds she had the captain by the throat in her magical chains this time with tiny little razors. Her eyes set afire for the second time that day. Spike mearly set up a force field like the one Shining Armour had place around Canterlot, and forced them down on the ground, using his telekinesis.

"You wanna play hero?" Asked Spike in a mock angry and intimidating voice. His deep voice along with his shimmering scales from the torches set all around town, made his eyes seem white, soulless even. Ready to harvest theirs.

"He is no foul beast." Twilight hissed, dripping venom every time she spoke a single word. "He is my friend, my SON! You got that?" Twilight said now breaking the Captains personal pace (their foreheads were touching, well it was more like Twilight slammed her head into the captains)

All the captain was able was a slight nod and a whimper. "Put em down Twilight." Spike said softly. "At least they were TRYING to do their jobs."

Reluctantly Twilight released the captain and ignited her horn to heal the maimed captain, she was no medic, but she could fix a wound like this. Fluttershy could just do it faster. All the other guards were now getting up from Spike's deathly kinetic hold on them as well, shamed. The captain was only able to stammer his apology after taking off his severely dented helmet. "S-s-s-sorry ma'am." He said as he gathered his pride, "I-I didn’t know he was with you." After Twilight glared at him for long enough the guard turned to his men, still trying to scrape up some of his pride the captain went to re-assigned his troops. probably to get themselves checked out at the medical office.

"We showed them didn't we?" Spike asked playfully. staring into the night, watching the guards fly away.

"Just shut up and lets get some sleep." Twilight deadpanned. Spike could have sworn hearing something about Twilight mumbling something about "mom sense" as they went to bed. Spike curled up around one of the great pillars finding a cozy spot. He still is only over a year old, just... bigger. 'I’ll have to ask him about that tomorrow' Twilight thought to herself as Spike was already snoring. Twilight was to do the same, today had been taxing, not in a physical way, but all the same.

"Alright." Celestia mumbled extremely quietly. "In these simulation rooms we are going to train you in your Combat specialty’s. Don’t take this simulation lightly it will be like any other experience you have ever known. You will feel everything like you are actually there, until you complete your objective, or DIE." Celestia deadpanned in the same volume she had begun the speech with.

The simulation room was the same as any other simulation room, a large cylinder with alien looking sorts of technology, obviously controlled by magic. Very dark, and not all that welcoming, but it really didn’t matter because you weren't going to see the simulation room all that often, you will see the simulation.

"Hey Celly?" Applejack asked stating the elephant in the room for Everypony (Ninety-nine guards were also in the room, behind Celestia). "Wha do ya seem so... How to put it... Hung over?" Everypony silently nodded in agreement, Whenever the Elements had arrived (and since Luna had arrived) Celestia had seemed to be a little... under the weather after a meet and greet.

"That is because I am Applejack" Celestia tried to say, wincing from the earth pony’s mega volume voice. Or at least it seemed that way. "Luna can just hold her liquor better than I can. Even if I rig the games I always seem to loose. I can’t believe that mare held Twenty-six shots of moonshine. I was done after seven." Celestia was trailing off.

"Uhhh Celly? Ah know your just awful tired, but ah would like to get on with this." Applejack stated "It doesn’t take mah VATS to tell you that we all are a little anxious and wanna get this whole specialty trainin thing out of the way." Once again, Everypony agreed in silence.

"Oh! Right! Celestia snapped back to attention. "Before I start the battle with you, against my Elite guards here, I want to give you three this. Your Elements. It will channel your power to be greater than it already is. Also depending on your progression in the Element.

It appeared that the guard were more afraid of this fight than Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack. That was sure to be told to her friends Applejack knew that if her enemy’s to be afraid of her and her comrades, they would have a serious upper hand.

And just like that the simulation had started, no warnings, nothing. There Celestia flapped her wings in the air. The battle field was a small one, urban terrain (Think of like I Am Legend, or some sort of apocalyptic movie in the city.) They appeared to be in the square for a street. Everything had a grey esque to it, very dead, very depressing. Mostly they were surrounded by tall buildings, blocking most of the sky. It was around mid-day in the simulation.

"Alright." Celestia boomed using her caps lock. "The objective is to eliminate the other team. On one side we have ninety-nine of my elite guards, hoof picked. Thirty-three Unicorn, thirty-three Pegasi, and thirty-three Earth Pony's."

"And on the other side we have two... Unicorn's. Celestia had to gather herself for a moment. And one Earth Pony. They are: Magic, Generosity, and Honesty. Do not hesitate to crush and destroy your enemy’s by any means necessary this is a training simulation, and we want this as realistic as possible." Celestia was looking at her guards who were obviously intimidated by their opponents. Three mares.

"Let the battle begin!" Celestia boomed, and then flew over to one of the nearby buildings to spectate. This was going to be fun. 'And in this simulation, Im free from my hangover!' Celestia thought to herself. She perched herself in the midish levels of the building and conjured a soda and popcorn. Hey, why not?

Neither side really knew how to start this fight. For the guards they knew that the Elements of harmony wield untold power, and were Celestia's greatest weapon. For the Elements side it was the fact that they were to be fighting ninety-nine guards. Elite guards, who had at least four years of combat training under their belts. But what made it worse for each of the Elements was that the guards had all three captains of the royal guard. Shining Armour, Iron Feathers, and Rune Fields

A long silence was spread across the town square. Only the sound of the wind blowing through the dead city was to be heard. Five minutes had gone by which still seemed like hours. Even Celestia was now rolling her eyes in anticipation. Finally it was one of the more impatient Earth Pony guards to make the first move. "I CANT TAKE IT ANY MORE!" He said hurling his spear towards Rarity. It would have flown straight and true if not for Applejack. Before the spear was able to leave the guard a hatchet was already buried deep in the guards chest. Completely cutting through his armour. There was no silence to be heard anymore, the battle cry from Rune Fields and then his companions was sure to that. Followed by the rest of the guards.

It had begun.

"Art though ready for thy training simulations?" Luna asked the rhetorical question. Everyone in the room seemed to scuffle in the awkward silence. "Thy sisters simulations are easier than our own. Be prepared for this." Luna stated coldly. It was true, it was harder to be in Luna's training than Celestia's, but it was over faster. "Take your Elements you will need them. Handing over three of the Elements of Harmony to each pony. "Now in this simulation thou will be fighting the specialty forces Diamond Dogs, behind us. Along with a pack of Timber Wolves. This is certainly their territory, Elements, so they will have the serious upper hand. But fear not. If thou dies in thy simulation, thou shalt leave the simulation and be back at the state thou are currently in. At this time Luna turned to the opposing side. "Be weary though Diamond Dogs, and Wolves, These are three of the Elements of Harmony. Not to be taken lightly for they are Equestrian’s greatest weapon. Thou shall be facing Loyalty, Kindness and Laughter."

With that Luna took to the air, seeing that Celestia had already started her simulation through the magic being released in the other simulation capsule. "Let the battle begin!"

Luna's horn ignited, and started a large white glow across the room. slowly blinding everyone. Even with their eye lids closed they could still see white.

There was a loud whooshing sound and then a drop. The transportation to the simulation must have been completed.

After recovering from the flash of magic caused by Luna, Rainbow, Pinkie and Fluttershy started checking their surroundings. "Ugh my head" Mumbled Rainbow, as she was the first to recover. The area that they were fighting in was something equivalent to the Everfree Forest. Small trees, bushes, and all kinds of dangerous looking plants were everywhere. Making for a very dangerous environment. The Timber Wolves could be anywhere, and the Diamond Dogs could erupt from the ground at any time. This was certainly a dangerous area.

"Leave this to me girls!" Pinkie chirped. she walked up to a tree and started to giggle. Turning it to shadows. "Tehehe, now I can lurk!"

"Ill scout out the area with Fluttershy." Rainbow stated.

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie chirped. "Meet you back here in an half an hour!"

Right as Pinkie said that, there was a light swoosh of wind, and like that, Pinkie had vanished.

It would be mear moments before the group of angry Earth and Pegasi guards had reached the front line that Applejack would be holding. The Unicorns were held back, reserved under Shining Armour's command. Twilight had to think fast. "Uhh, uhhh... Rarity!" she called. "Set up a force field on top of us! Applejack hold them off as much as you can! I have an idea!" Twilight said, the mob getting louder, and fast approaching. "Ill handle the Unicorns! Shining Armour is by far the most powerful enemy we face!" You handle the others until I Get back! With a pop of magic Twilight was gone.

Rarity did as told just in the nick of time as the Pegasi guards were just about to attack from above. Just after Applejack nailed another Guard in the chest she brought out her war hammer and started to swing. Sending ponies all around her flying, tumbling and the few lucky ones got to dodge. In four minutes Approximately fifteen guards were already taken down by Applejack's hammer. but she was starting to tire. Her war hammer was heavy, and the guards had enchanted armour, so they were harder to take down, than guards with regular armour.

"Rarity ah need yer help!" Applejack cried, starting to become over whelmed with Earth Pony Guards. Still swinging wildly taking out guards left and right. Rarity under strain from the massive spell she was holding up was starting to become overwhelmed as well.

"Applejack!" She screamed. "Come to me darling! I need to make this spell smaller!" Rarity was truly starting to wear, and the fact that she had not taken down a single guard yet was not very encouraging at all. It turned out that she made a small force field around herself and started floating towards Applejack. Constant guards were raining hell upon her smacking themselves and their weapons against her force field. Every time Iron Feathers hit her she seemed to wince in pain, and drop her shield a little.

"Ahm kinda busy can’t ya see?" Applejack yelled to her friend. She was surrounded,. Spears to her neck, the remaining 10 earth pony guards had surrounded her, and their captain was slowly approaching.

"Honesty." He said in a mock baby talk. "Aww you awe aww suwonded..."

"Just shudup and lets fight." Applejack deadpanned.

The rest of the guards not attacking Rarity gave space for the fight between Applejack and their captain. A clash of the Titans for them to tell their wives at home.

Rune Fields smiled evilly. "I like your fiest Honesty, let’s see how you fare against a real soldier. “I hope you can fight better than your brother." Applejack thought back to that day. Big Mac and Rune Field were brought to a stale mate, when they fought in that tournament. No matter how long they fought for. Rune field even started to get dirty in the end, but still never managed to win. To Applejack this was now personal.

Within seconds Applejack already had her hammer upon Rune field, but he had a trick up his sleeve. His name didn’t mean nothing, hence his reputation, and ability to climb the ranks so quickly. Before Applejacks hammer hit the ground, Rune Field was already beside her, surrounded by strange looking symbols. He had teleported. “Take down your enemy’s. By any means necessary." Like that Applejacks hammer was in pieces, and she was sent flying.

Rune Field started teleporting from side to side, occasionally smacking Applejack making sure she was off balance. Then after about thirty seconds of this he planted one huge hit on her with his hind legs. There was a cracking sound as his back hooves connected with Applejack's nose and mouth. "Hick!" He yelled to her as she smacked against the wall of a building. The group of ponies around him didn’t laugh they had dead cold expressions on their faces. that didn’t matter to him though as he laughed to himself heartily.

Applejack was pressed up against the wall of the building, this wasn’t over. After recovering from her fifteen foot flying fest Applejack saw her opponent. Standing there smirking. "Ah aint done yet!" Applejack challenged. Spitting blood from her recent brutal hit. She threw a punch as the captain teleported right in front of her. 'thank Celestia for mah VATS' Applejack thought to herself. Before the captain knew what was going on Applejack planted her powerful hoof to his muzzle. Pulverizing the front of his face. Taking the advantage Applejack had she pounced on her opponent with great anger. "How’s this for a hick!?!?" she screamed at him before crushing his skull.

Blood covered Applejack as she unsheathed her second weapon, her Battle axe. In one fell swoop she had beheaded all ten of her remaining Earth Pony enemies. All of the Earth Pony guards were dead.

"Oh Applejack!" Rarity called over to her friend manically. "I could use some help!" Rarity’s mane was a mess frizzed, split ends and had straightened. No pony knew this but she used magic to keep her mane curly somewhat like the princesses used magic to get theirs to flow. "Ehehehe, STAY AWAY!" she screamed at the viciously attacking guards.

Rushing towards her friend in need, Applejack came down upon Iron Feathers with her axe faster than a bullet. A loud scream of agony was heard throughout the battle space as the captains large wing fluttered down on the floor sending him to the ground with it. This gave Rarity some time to gather her strengths, and heal Applejack. "I enchanted your Axe!" She cried over the captains shrieks of pain. "It will spread fire when you swing it!"

"Thanks!" Applejack yelled. "Could ya give me sum juice? Ahll take care of the rest of these here buzzards!"

Quick to comply purple tendrils shot out of Rarity and came down upon Applejack. When the large purple haze came died down and everypony could see again Applejack stood out of the crater in the cement. Her coat shining like it never has before, 5 inches taller, and a whole lot bigger. Rarity's eyes were wide. Shit was crazy.


Twilight stood before her brother, the only other Unicorn left on her wake. When she teleported behind the elite Unicorn she had wiped them out within mear seconds. She had done something similar to what Shining Armour had done against the Lunar Drake, only Twilight used her magic chains and had all the guards all in the air decapitated. Now Shining Armour was the only pony left to fight Twilight. He was the only one strong enough to break Twilight's chains.

"Hey Twilly you are strong! You managed to kill all of my guard before I could think straight!" Shining said. "But not as strong as me." It was then Twilight realised that her brother had her in his magical grip and was setting an enchantment on her. Twilight's eyes were wide with fear, at least that’s what she wanted him to think. "Sorry sis, but you heard what the princess said. I’ll make this a painless as possible."

"Ehehe You sure?" Twilight asked. Shining didn’t realise it, but Twilight had set a draining spell on him. The tables had turned. It was now Shining slowly kneeling to the ground and Twilight gathering her strength along with her brothers. "Good by B.B.B.F.F" Twilight giggled as Shining Armour was now on the ground being drained of his life force. "See you on the other side!"

Shining died right then. A tear escaped her eye. She had just killed her own brother. 'But it was ok right?' Twilight thought to herself. 'It's just a silly simulation... Yeah you keep telling yourself that.'

Seeing her friend could use a little help, Twilight teleported to their part of the battle field.

"Dang buzzards! you get back here!" Applejack cursed. "Twi! We really could use sum help with these last twenty or so!"

"Yes indeed" Rarity agreed.

"Rarity! You know that power transferring spell you used on Applejack?" Twilight yelled Smacking a Pegasus to the ground. "Use that but in reverse!"

A-alright deer, if you say so.

Rarity complied reluctantly. Once more purple tendrils shot out of her, sucking the life force out of the guards and within seconds she and her friends were back to their normal selves. When Rarity opened her eyes she was thrilled to see her mane back in perfect condition, letting out a unlady like squee. Her friends were well and healthy as well., the fact she was about to get rained on by twenty corpses of the royal Pegasi guard hadn’t quiet dawned upon her yet.

"Success!" Yelled Celestia, tossing her popcorn. Winner: Elements!

"Those Elements are pretty freaky aren’t they Darj?" Asked one Diamond Dog accompanied by his companion. "Why did they have to send us out for patrols? I hate ravines, and it doesn’t help that it's so dark! Why can our species just adapted to less sunlight!"

"Really how so Rheddik?" Challenged Darj, poking him with one of his gems. "They are just ponies. Mares for crying out loud! And quit being such a Baby, the Timber Wolves are on our side right now.

Apparently sexism wasn't just a thing in Equestria, but in other places in the world as well.

"Dog they took out Discord! They defeated Nightmare Moon! We now know that all of the legends are true! What if the Harlequin (Laughter is branded the Harlequin in other cultures according to me! Oh and it was mentioned in the story Twilight and the Spartan Stallion By none other than the Spartan Stallion. Im side tracking... Back to the story.) ... What if she is watching us right now?"

"Pff Rheddik your full of-" Darj was quickly cut off by Rheddik's massive paw connecting to the back of Darj's head. Then Rheddik he broke his own neck. Just then Pinkie popped out of the shadows with a pout on her face.

"Meany-mean-meany pants calling me a Herlyquni-... thing" Pinkie whispered. She needed to tell the girls, She knew where the Enemy’s had set up base. Now just to find the Timber Wolves...


"Oh Rainbow thanks for coming with me on our recon!" Fluttershy said in her usual manner. "Its just that I love animals, but these have a mind of their own! What if they don’t love me after this?"

Rainbow face hoofed, despite the fact that she was flying, not very aerodynamic but still easy to keep up with Fluttershy’s leisurely pace. They were flying over a thick part of the bush, so this would be the idea place to hide, and maybe scout. Thankfully Rainbow and Fluttershy already knew how to take to the shadows. Luna just told Celestia's group that they were still to learn the shadow drifting to make them feel encouraged. "Ugh Fluttershy you worry too much! You won’t even be in the combat! Just fixing me And Pinkie up when we need a hoof! Even if you are in combat, you always seem to activate the stare."

"You know I don’t have any control over that!" Fluttershy snapped back, still in her Fluttershy ways, but it hurt more than anypony else giving her an hour scolding. "I couldn't ever hurt anything without it: Endangering my friends, or if it has a good ending to it. You heard about the bear?"

Rainbows eyes were wide open. She had heard about the bear, not the one who needed a back and neck massage either. Fluttershy actually broke that bears neck because it was about to eat a bunch of baby bunnies. That how Fluttershy cam to be mothering Angel all of the time.

"Hey what’s that?" Rainbow said with a pointing hoof. Just begging to Celestia to change the subject. Completely by fluke they noticed seven sets of fiery golden eyes watching them.

Fluttershy just nodded, and signaled to fly slower, until they became idle in the air. During that time she whispered to her friend what they were to do.

"WHA ARE YOU CRAZY? THAT COULD GET US KILLED!" Rainbow said in a hushed yell.

Fluttershy kept her stone cold serious face on and bit her lip for what she was about to say next. "Hey imma Medic, and this is just a simulation remember? Heheh looks like you are the one who needs to relax." Fluttershy said encouragingly and half mockingly.

"Alright..." Rainbow mumbled still not completely convinced. Rainbow Took to her Shadow form, and went down to her unsuspecting enemy’s. at least she hoped they were unsuspecting. The one in the center looked to be the alpha. Once Fluttershy took care of her part Rainbow would spring into action. Sure enough Rainbow was soon to see that each of the Wolves were under a complete comatose of fear. This was her cue.

With her weapons unsheathed, Rainbow sprung out of the shadows breaking her cloak, letting out a war cry and went straight for the alpha of the pack. She swung just in the proper time as the Stare was now no longer under affect. The head of the alpha was gone, leaving it disoriented, but not dead. This was a problem. "He was supposed to die!" Rainbow yelled right before getting a claw to the flank. The gash was huge, but no time for that. If she could still fly and swing her swords she was fine, but out of instinct Rainbow lit her mane afire as she tumbled into the leader, setting him ablaze. If he had a head he would be screaming and howling, but thankfully this wasn’t the case. With the leader now dead Fluttershy's next phase was to take place.

Fluttershy swooped down to the ground, completely disregarding the forest now on fire, and had established herself as the alpha of the group. Was it the Stare? or her Kindness? Maybe both? Nopony knows, but the Wolves were at her command now. "Stay." She simply commanded, going to tend to her friend who was bleeding out. She approached her friend, seeing the pool of blood, and that her cutie mark was torn in half, one side drooped off leaning against her dying fiery tail, the other twitching occasionally. Fluttershy plucked out one of her feathers, and jabbed it on the top of Rainbow's rump. Rainbow winced in pain, but lay still. Fluttershy pet her now un-ignited mane. "It's ok..." She whispered softly. "The medicine will kick in in a second."

"Heh thanks Shy..." Rainbow paused for a moment lifting her head. "Yeah... Yeah I feel a lot better now! Thanks Fluttershy!" Now returning to her hooves Rainbow noticed that there was still six more Timber Wolves. "I got these foals" Rainbow said taking a battle stance.

"No Rainbow!" Fluttershy said calmly. "They are under my control now. Right my little barklings? Fluttershy teased rubbing their... bellies one at a time.

"Uhh Fluttershy?" Rainbow said with an eyebrow raised. "I know that you love your new... Barklings and all, but we really gotta check on Pinkie. Plus this forest gives me the creeps."

"Oh yes! Your right Rainbow" Fluttershy turned to her friend, taking to the sky. "Come with us animal friends."

At the... base of the Elements...

Pinkie already had a fortress set up and her party cannons were all around. The area was cleared, and seemed to be ready for combat. "Ready to confetti!" Pinkie said as she saw her friends approach followed by the Timber Wolves. Pinkie took aim, but was quickly stopped by Rainbow.

Hey Pinkie I know this may seem weird and all, but the Timber Wolves are with us now.

"Okie dokie lokie!" she chirped. "I already have taken out four patrols while you were gone! They are now bush buddies! and they seem to be planning an attack on use soon! ohboyineverhavebeenthisexcitedhaveyoueverbeenthiexcited-" Pinkie was stopped by a hoof in her mouth as she continued to mumble words.

"Shh! I think they are coming!" Rainbow said forcing both of their heads down. "You take out their commander, ill handle the ground forces. Fluttershy use the Pinkies Cannons if you have to."

They all nodded in agreement, and took their positions. Pinkie was to find the commander first, manipulate him, then Rainbow would take out the grunts.

Sure enough Pinkie had found her way to the commander and had already had him manipulated. With a thumbs up Rainbow released her furry upon the unsuspecting Diamond Dogs. Fluttershy probably had released her new pets, to attack as well. They had already drawn blood and were craving more.

Pinkie already had taken out all of the leaders of the Pack and Rainbow looked as if she was almost done slaughtering the grunts left and right. It was a bloody mess. All done in ten seconds flat.

"Huzzah! The battle is over!" Luna seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "Winner: Elements!"

Both Luna and Celestia's simulations finished roughly about the same time. Only something was different this time. There was no partying with the guards or the Diamond Dog's. They were shamed. By women no less. It seemed though the Timber Wolves had taken it the hardest, as their leader was scolding them, harshly.

"I think we should get out of here." Celestia said to the Elements and her sister.

Two weeks later...

Their next phase of training was now complete. The Elements had now learned how to fight with Spike and were readying for the hardest and final stage, of their training. Solo Elemental Training. There was no need for any simulations after the first. All the Elements demonstrated thier side specialtys quiet well in the first one. And quite frankly Luna doubted she could get her Diamond dog friends back in the same room as the Elements.

"Are you ready? For your final stage?"