The Princess' students

by King Ice

Star Chaser

3675 years after Twilight’s coronation

Twilight Sparkle sat alone in her throne room, with only two guards standing on either side of the entrance door. Her appearance hadn’t changed one bit, but her wiseness, and millennia of living could be seen in her eyes. Her subjects didn’t need to look at her to know it, though. Every citizen of Equestria knew she had been their only princess for years, and the only other alicorn most of them knew of was the Princess of the Crystal Empire, Flurry Heart. Some were still saying the mythical princesses of the sun and moon lived somewhere in Equestria, in peace.

Suddenly, the door opened as a small figure entered the room. The guards glanced at him at the corner of their eye, before looking at the Princess, seeing the newcomer wasn’t any danger. It was a colt, very young. He had a blue coat and a white mane. His cutie mark was a big star. He quickly reminded Twilight of Fluttershy. His walk was hesitant and he had his head down, undaring to look at her. She knew she had that effect on most ponies, but it was obvious he was naturally shy.

“Hello… Princess,” He greeted quietly as he bowed.

“Raise your head, Star Chaser; you have nothing to fear. Do you know why you are here?” Twilight asked, smiling comfortably at the young colt. He raised his head in surprise and awe that the Princess knew his name.

“N-No… Is it for the results of my test?” He inquired, tilting his head to the side.

“That’s right. I wish to congratulate you; you have, by far, surpassed the average results. Your score is truly remarkable,” Twilight congratulated as the colt blushed.

“Well… I studied a lot, and wanted to make everypony proud… I knew you would look at some of these tests so…” He stuttered while scratching the back of his neck. He had hoped the Princess would notice him and congratulate him in person. His dream had always been to meet her; however, he still couldn’t believe that was happening.

“I won’t mind if you brag a bit, you know. You deserve it,” Twilight giggled as Star’s blush deepened. “There is another reason for which I wanted to see you. I would like to make you my personal student,” Twilight offered.

“R-Really? Are you sure? Y-You must have made a mistake!” Star stuttered as his heart sped up.

“No, I didn’t. I assure you. I talked with your parents, not only you are a hardworking colt, you’re also generous with the ponies around you. You would fit perfectly as my pupil,” Twilight explained as she walked down the stairs leading to her throne.

“I-I don’t know what to say… I-I’ve never thought something like this would happen to me… I feel so…” Star replied, unable to find the words to express his joy and bewilderment. “I thought you always took fillies to be your students…” He said embarrassingly.

“I admit I had a lot of pupils who were mares, but I had stallions, too. Don’t worry, this isn’t a dream haha. Why don’t you follow me, so that I explain you what is expected of you as my personal student?” Twilight asked as the colt looked away. “I don’t bite, you know,” She laughed as Star Chaser hid his face behind his hooves.

Eventually, he did follow her. In all the years Twilight taught magic and friendship to foals; she had seen every type of personality there was. Even Star’s, so she was used to it and knew how to deal with it. However, she couldn’t deny it was hard to explain everything clearly to the young colt since he was close to passing out every time she got too close to him. She couldn’t imagine she’d meet someone shier than Fluttershy… However, as the minutes passed, he grew a little more relaxed, and started listening closely to everything she said. He was good at this, listening, learning, and deducing. She thought it was essential for someone learning magic, for they had to be patient and study every possibility. Learn from their experiences and what their teachers told them. Moreover, she took advantage of this moment to learn more about him, too. Although she talked to his parent; she wanted to hear everything from his mouth. So she quickly learned he already had several friends, unlike her when she was younger, his studies didn’t take all of his time. That was good, friendship lessons would be learned naturally and quickly.

Finally, their little visit was close to coming to an end, and Twilight had only one last thing to show him. She guided him to a giant room under the Canterlot Castle, in which only a huge ring made of stone was standing. During their walk, Star remained silent, a feeling of fear crushing his guts. Usually, he got that when something bad was going to happen or when he was about to meet someone. When they finally arrived in said room, the colt could only stare in awe at the large ring. He had absolutely no idea of what its purpose could be, but he felt like it was the most important instructions the Princess would give him.

“Lastly, in case of emergency, you’ll come here. I’ll teach you the required spell, but for now: watch,” Twilight said as she lit her horn, then shot a purple beam of magic right at the ring. Soon enough, her magic aura filled the ring, almost making it look like a pool that defied gravity. Star finally understood what it was! A portal! “If Canterlot or Equestria are in danger, and I am unavailable; you will have to come here and go through the portal to ask for help,”

“Help? But from whom? Nopony could be more helpful than you!”

“Haha, I am glad you hold me in such a high regard. I may be the ruler of Equestria, but I am not its guardian. He is,” Twilight replied as she turned her head to the portal. “Follow me,”

She walked towards it as the colt breathed out, mentally preparing himself before closely following the Princess. So close that he nearly stepped on her tail, but could you really blame him? He was scared and didn’t even know what it would feel like to go through a portal. The teleportation spell was already one of the hardest ones, but he was already expected to learn how to create a portal? So much pressure!

Surprisingly, when they crossed the portal, he didn’t feel anything. He had no reason to be scared anymore about crossing it at least. When he looked around, he noticed he was in what seemed to be a cave. It was quite dark, but there were a few lights coming from torches. He stayed behind the Princess, feeling safer there. Suddenly, a huge and threatening voice boomed.

“Who dares to come into my lair?! Leave, or I shall burn you with a fire hotter than Hell’s” The castling voice demanded loudly, so loud that it shook the whole cave. The colt yelled out in fear and hugged Twilight’s leg while shaking. The Princess chuckled before rolling her eyes.

“Spike, it’s me. I already told you to stop scaring ponies like that. You’re going give somepony a heart attack one day,” She scolded as she lit her horn, lighting the whole cave and finally revealing the owner of the voice. Star gasped as he saw it was a colossal dragon with green and purple scales, and a grey beard.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t pick out your smell. Did you change your perfume or something? Nevermind, you know I love doing those jokes! It’s just so hilarious when I see them running in fear!” Spike laughed while Twilight rolled her eyes again. “I do smell someone else with you... Come forward, young one. I will not hurt you,” He said, loving to sound wise and old.

Star Chaser’s legs were still shaking as ever as he hid behind Twilight’s hind legs. The Princess gently patted his head.

“Don’t be scared, he’s trustworthy and also a great friend,” She reassured in a soft and caring voice. Star Chaser gulped as he decided to move forward, trusting the Princess. Even if he was attacked, he was sure she’d protect him.

“What is your name?” Spike inquired as he brought his face closer to his, blowing on him with his nostrils.

“S-S-Star C-Chaser, s-sir,” He answered as he looked down, sweat rolling down his face. “I-I am P-Princess T-Twilight’s new student,”

“I see… her new pupil… Why are you so scared, then? I swear it looks like you’re about to faint!” Spike laughed as Star Chaser blushed in embarrassment, tearing up.

“That’s because you terrified him, you doofus!” Twilight scolded again as he smacked his muzzle with her right wing.

“Alright, alright! I’m sorry, okay? I won’t do it again. Although you can’t deny it’s funny,” Spike replied as Twilight shook her head in annoyance.

“This is Spike, Star Chaser. As you can see, he is a dragon. He has been my assistant and friend since I was only a filly. Unfortunately, even at his age, he’s still playing pranks on others. You two may enjoy each other’s company, who knows,” Twilight explained while smiling. “Anyway, if there is an issue and I am nowhere to be found, he’s the one you should seek out,” She added as Star Chaser nodded quietly.

“Bah, you shouldn’t listen to her! She’s honestly too stuck up lately! Nothing bad will happen anytime soon, so you should visit me whenever you want. A real old hag, am I right?” Spike asked playfully nudged the young unicorn with one of his claws. Star blushed yet again as he didn’t know what to answer.


“Alright! I’m stopping now! I’m done! You’re not an old hag, but you must admit…” He started before Twilight huffed and turned her back on him.

“Well, it was nice that you two could meet… but now we have to go back to the castle! Follow me, Star. You should go home and rest. Tomorrow will be a long day,” Twilight said as she walked away before Star ran after her.

The dragon stayed behind, chuckling as the lights slowly disappeared, leaving him in the dark again.

That was the day Star Chaser became Twilight Sparkle’s student and met the dragon shielding Equestria from its foes. Which wasn’t hard for him since he was one of the oldest and strongest dragons known to ponykind. Due to his size, he had decided to leave the castle and Canterlot. He now lived in the dragon lands, but far from his own kind, appreciating the life he had without someone else’s company. The Princess had tried to convince him to go outside and befriend his fellow dragons, reminding him of how powerful friendship could be; however, he refused. And nobody ever knew why. Star Chaser, to Twilight’s surprise, regularly visited the dragon and quickly befriended him. It looked like they were building a good relationship, something Twilight was proud of. She knew she didn’t make a mistake by taking Star as her pupil. He studied a lot and was always successful when Twilight gave him tests.

He already had some friends, but had troubles in making new ones due to his timid nature. Years passed, and he became a teenager before Twilight even knew it. She was used to seeing them grow after all. His magic power and friend-making skills evolved at a very acceptable level. He still had a lot to learn, but he was undoubtedly on the right track. In fact, he was slightly better than she was at his age, which was very surprising. Only a few of her pupils throughout the years were this good, so she saw a great potential awaiting to be awakened.

Now as a teenager, he stood proudly on one of the castle’s balcony, looking at the city he grew in. Canterlot was large and was built by changing a mountain’s body to fit the whole city on its side. It had quite a few skyscrapers, some so high that they went through the clouds. He breathed out, feeling a weak gust of wind going through his mane. He suddenly remembered how much he had changed, and how much his parent praised him. All he ever wanted was to live his dreams and make them proud. He had doubted himself so many times through his journey; he had made several mistakes, but the Princess always reassured him.

“I’m sorry I made you wait, Star,” A voice called out behind him. He recognised immediately and turned around to look at Twilight Sparkle, his teacher, standing over him. He blushed so hard his face was all red as the Princess smiled, alright maybe he hadn’t changed that much. “Are you ready for your test?” She inquired.

“N-N-No worries! Let’s go! I feel like it’s g-going to be easy as pie!” He stuttered, his face red as ever.

Twilight’s smile didn’t drop as she walked away, and Star followed closely beside her. Soon enough, they came in the throne room, where there were no guards to be seen. Twilight wanted to be alone with her students when they had to pass a test. It was a private time where they needed to concentrate.

“S-So… Princess. What spell should I cast? I’ve studied all the ones you taught me, none of them has any secrets left for me!” He said with confidence.

“I am happy you are excited. Your task is simple: you must use the creation spell to build a computer and every single one of its components. I’ll give you a book referencing the most popular ones, and you will choose whichever you want to create,” Twilight explained as she summoned a thin book and placed it on the floor as Star’s colors were drained from his face. “I showed you this spell two months ago, if I remember correctly,”

“Y-Yes, I planned some training sessions with it a few times before, but… I have to be truthful with you… It’s the one I know the less. I’m sorry… I don’t know if I can do it…” He bit his lower lip as he looked away, feeling ashamed and embarrassed. The worst part was that he just admitted that to the Princess. He didn’t want to lose her trust; he wanted to make her proud. Although he made mistakes while learning her spells, he never failed one of her tests. However, could he really be blamed now? That was one of the hardest spells she showed him! It’s not like he could summon the items; he had to create them himself with his magic!

Seeing his distress and his shaking legs, Twilight gently patted his head, making him look at her with widened eyes. He felt her reassuring aura making him feel lighter as his heart skipped a beat.

“But you did train with it, didn't you? Then I trust you; I am sure you are capable of this. Just relax, and don’t be stressed. If it makes you feel any better, I believe in you. You are my student after all,” Twilight chuckled as she brushed as she ran her hoof through his mane once, then backed away. “I’ll be standing here; take all the time you need,”

Suddenly, Star breathed in and out, then puffed up his chest, feeling confident again. He lit his horns and levitated the book towards him. He quickly looked through it and stopped at one page. Twilight remained silent as her student read it for over a minute. When he was finally done, he closed it as a blue aura surrounded his horn. He closed his eyes, visualizing what he wanted to create. He stood, unmoving, several seconds with nothing happening. Twilight stared at him, looking expectantly at his attempt while she felt the air was getting heavier. It was barely noticeable, but she saw sweat rolling down his neck as he gritted his teeth. It looked like he was using all of his magic power. Suddenly, a single screw appeared out of thin air inside a ball of magic floating in the center of the room. Then, another screw and another. Suddenly, components started appearing one after another, each being a piece of what would be a computer.

Star’s legs were shaking in exhaustion as he started assembling all the pieces together. Soon enough, he did it! The computer was finally complete! Star smiled in relief as his magic aura disappeared, and dropped his creation. The stallion was about to fall too, due to his exhaustion; however, they were both caught in Twilight’s magic hold before being gently placed on the floor. The Princess took a quick look at the computer, inspecting everything was in order, then turned her head towards the young stallion.

“It looks like everything is good! Congratulations, Star! You did it!” Twilight congratulated as she helped her student stand up, using her wings.

“T-Thank you, Princess. I wouldn’t have done it without you,” Star Chaser rubbed the back of his neck.

“Nonsense! I just showed you the spell, and gave you some advices. The rest was all you! You look tired. I am not surprised; it is a hard spell to master. You deserve to rest a bit, go outside and enjoy your day,” Twilight smiled.

“I-I don’t need to! I’m fine! I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of the day with you, Princess!” Star said excitedly, hoping she would accept.

“You know I love to spend some time with a student. I like when we talk to each other, but I am still a Princess. I am really busy and don’t forget you must enjoy some time with your friends, too.” The Princess calmly answered as Star frowned in disappointment.“I’m sorry, I see you’re not happy with this... We can have a meal together tomorrow if you want, and you’ll tell me how your friendship lessons are moving forward,” She tried to comfort him.

“Yeah… We can do that. You’re right anyway; I have to meet up with my friends. I’d tell them I passed the test,” Star forced a smile as he left the throne room. His long walk out of the castle, and to his house was a walk of shame. He was glad he passed her test, but… He sighed. He should have known. After all, he was only a student and a friend… nothing more.

“Oh, dear, you’re back! So, how did the test go?” His mother, Heavy Cloudy, asked as he closed the door of their home.

“Great, I passed,” He replied with his head down as he walked upstairs.

“That boy… I really can’t understand what go through his head!” Cloudy mumbled as she returned to washing the plates.

Years passed yet again as Star Chaser devoted his time at improving his magic skills. He still spent time with his usual friends and Spike, but he preferred doing his best to be unbeatable when it came to magic. By the time he became an adult, his life changed to an extent he hadn’t expected. He was officially declared as one of the most experienced unicorns at magic (although he still hadn’t finished his apprenticeship with the Princess). And, unfortunately, his father died of old age. He was absolutely devastated when he heard the news; luckily, his friends and mentor were here to be at his side and comfort him. Of course, his teacher only would have been enough to bring his mood up, but they didn’t need to know that. Moreover, the guards respected him a lot while the citizens of Equestria admired him. Was this the result of being the Princess' student? Not that he was complaining!

Today was a new day! He nearly thought it would be a good one, until he saw dark clouds hide the sky above Equestria. Those clouds weren’t the ones you usually got during a storm. No… It was something far worse. He could feel an unspeakably evil magic. The very first thing he did when he saw them was to run to the Castle and ask the Princess about it. However, the instant he came outside, he saw several buildings burning down as ponies were running in fear. A second later, his mother came out of their house, too, and called him to follow her to safety. Of course, he couldn’t do that. He didn’t even answer her and ran to find the Princess and help her stop whatever was happening. However, before he could reach the castle, a pony-like creature made of shadows landed in front of him. He gasped, wondering what that thing was. He couldn’t ask himself any more questions as he heard screams coming from all the directions, he looked around and saw even more of these monsters attacking innocent ponies. Star gritted his teeth before dodging a kick from the creature in front of him. He had no effort to blast it to smoke with only one beam of magic. Just when he thought, beating them would be easy; the shadow he just blasted regenerated itself and came back to life. Star stepped back, getting slowly surrounded by other shadows.

Meanwhile, Twilight reduced all her opponents to dust the second they came close to her. She was flying over her castle, destroying every single monster coming from the sky. She had to hold back a groan as she saw more and more of them were coming. She knew the regular guards would be useless against them, and they would eventually be outnumbered! She glanced down and saw, with relief, that her student was holding his ground and successfully protecting the civilians. She was happy to see them cheering for him; however, it was obvious he wouldn’t be able to hold on for too long.

She had to discover the origin of these things quickly or else…

“Hahahaha! Looks like my little princess is in a difficult situation!” A voice boomed from the sky. Twilight widened her eyes.

“That laugh… That voice… I would recognise it anywhere! Show yourself!” She screamed. The voice laughed again as a familiar unicorn descended from the sky: King Sombra. His horn was redder than ever, his eyes were dark and emptied of any life. An eternal darkness filled them, and was enough to terrify anyone looking into his eyes. “How are you alive?! Speak or-”

“Your petty threats do not scare me, Princess. As long as my horn remains, I will come back! I have become much stronger since you and your friends defeated me! I am now able to create the little creatures you see there, they won’t be destroyed until I die. That’s too bad, isn’t it?” Sombra laughed as he floated in front of Twilight.

“You think you can win this, Sombra? My magic evolved, too,”

“That may be… But your alicorn magic is weak against darkness. That’s a secret only a few know, but I am pretty sure you are aware of that. My children are attacking all of Equestria as we speak, even the land of dragons to keep your friend for coming here. By taking control of Equestria, even Flurry’s magic won’t keep me from entering my kingdom!” Sombra explained as he shot a beam of dark magic at Twilight’s face; however, she easily blocked it.

“You leave me no choice, then,” She mumbled as she charged a ball of light at the tip of her horn. Unfortunately, she was interrupted when several creatures shot magic beams at her back. She noticed them in time to dodge and counter with a spell strong enough that it destroyed three of them.

Sombras smirked as he saw the Princess fight against his children. They kept regenerating and ganging up on her, trying to blast her to splinters. He knew it wouldn’t be that easy, but he surely wasn’t expecting her to resist that long; it looked like she had no difficulties to push them back. Let’s see how she would do when there'll be more of them…

Meanwhile, Star Chaser gritted his teeth as a dome of light surrounded him, then exploded outwards, blasting at least five of his enemies.

“There are too many of them, Star!” A mare shouted as she used her horn to throw a shadow creature against a wall. She had a pink mane and a light red coat. Rose Berry was one of Star’s closest friends. She wasn’t as good as him, but still knew how to defend herself.

“We don’t have any other choice than to fight. They keep multiplying. The whole city will be overrun if we don’t stop them!” Star shouted back while the Canterlot’s guards aided them in their fight.

A shadow creature jumped on a fleeing earth pony and raised its horn to take his life. However, before it could even light it, a beam of magic went through its chest, turning it to smoke.

“Run before it comes back!” He yelled at the earth pony who nodded in response before running away. “Let’s hold them off until everypony escapes!” He shouted at the other defenders. They all let out a war cry in reply as they clashed with Sombra’s forces.

Star looked in the sky, looking around in hopes of finding the Princess there. It was above the castle that he saw her battling a dark unicorn and a load of shadow creatures. Some of them were shielding the black unicorn with their own bodies!

“Princess!” He screamed as he ran towards the castle, blasting his way through the horde of enemies. He knew she was powerful, but he didn’t want to risk her losing. She was his teacher; he had to fight by her side!

Twilight glanced down as she heard someone called out to her. She had to suppress a breath of relief at seeing her pupil still alive, not that she doubted him of course. However, those creatures posed a threat even to her! Unfortunately, Sombra was right; they would soon overrun her... She cut through a dozen of enemies with one blade of magic, before flying towards Sombra to do the same to him.

“You won’t win that easily, Princess!” He laughed as a shadow creature jumped on Twilight’s back.

She grunted in pain, feeling it bite her flesh. She lit her horn to blast it away; however, even more of them came and grabbed onto her. She had to hold back a scream as her vision became completely dark, her body was lost among the black masses grabbing and biting her. Star paled at the sight, seeing everything from the ground below. She wasn’t even visible anymore! He had to do something or else she might... He glared at Sombra and lit his horn before shooting a huge blast of magic. The unicorn wasn’t paying enough attention, and was hit right in the chest. Seeing his screams of pain brought a small smile to Star’s face, and the hope of winning came to be in his mind.

“Leave her alone. You big black goo!” He shouted as Sombra glared at him.

“You must be her student, judging by your power. Good. I will destroy you, too!” Sombra shot a beam of dark magic.

Star Chaser countered it with one of his own beam, imitating the one Twilight taught him. Quickly enough, he was pushing Sombra’s attack back! Soon, he’d destroy whoever this unicorn was, and it would be just another regular day! The black unicorn gritted his teeth in frustration; he coudn’t be killed again! No way! He weakened his own attack to message a command to one of his shadow soldiers to come to his aid.

“Now, to finish this!” Star screamed as he pushed the last remnants of his magic in his attack, ready to overpower his enemy. However, he suddenly felt a burning pain on his side, then another and another! He canceled his attack as he looked around and saw multiple shadow monsters surrounding him… They must have shot him while he was distracted, he quickly deduced before being blasted from all sides. His mind went dizzy while all he could think about was the unimaginable pain he was going through, like his body’s insides were exploding!

Finally, after what seemed to be an endless wave of attack, he fell to the ground. His body was unmoving, not like he would be able to even if he wanted. His eyes were half-closed as he looked at the sky and saw all the shadow monsters attached to the Princess get blasted to smoke while eyes were glowing white. It seemed her anger had fueled her power, and she quickly disintegrated Sombra and his horn. Everything went into slow motion. As if time had slowed down, or was it just his imagination after getting his head blasted by magic? The monsters were slowly disappearing one after another as the Princess flew towards him. He almost thought she was an angel coming to take his soul. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case.

Soon enough, even his friend and the other guards came as Twilight held him in her wings. It looked like she was speaking to him; her lips were moving, but he couldn’t hear a thing. What a shame… Couldn’t he get to hear her one last time? He would sigh if his lungs weren’t charred. He did try to speak, but didn’t even know if any sound came out of his mouth.

The Princess brought her face closer, maybe to try and hear him more clearly… or heal him? He didn’t think so; his body didn’t feel a thing. Suddenly, memories flashed in front of him. Memories of his childhood, of his friends… of his teacher… So that's how everything was going to end?! He would die just like that? Without even having the opportunity to confess anything?! How unfair was it?! He didn’t even get to finish his studies under the Princess! He… he didn’t want to die! He begged every deity there was, begged them for mercy. Begged to be left alive! At least long enough to say everything he wanted! To say his final words! He did try to scream them, to scream how he felt for the Princess! To scream how much he loved his mother and his friends! To tell them it was his own fault for getting killed like that, and they shouldn't feel guilty! However… he didn’t even know if he was talking, if anyone was hearing him… he… couldn’t even hear himself… Everything was going dark. The last remnants of light would be gone soon. He was scared… and was cold… What should he do? He asked himself as the very last thing he saw was the face of his teacher. And the lights never came back again.

Twilight gently placed the body of her dear student onto the ground as she let his mother cry on him. Twilight kept a straight face, empty of any emotion as the guards took off their helmet in a sign of respect.

“Princess! I have some bad news!” A pegasus guard shouted as he landed behind her; however, she didn’t turn around. The Princess remained silent for a few seconds.

“I just lost my student and several innocent citizens. Do you think your bad news are bad enough that you need to tell me about it, now?” She asked emotionlessly, still not turning around. The guard gulped, slightly intimidated.

“I-It’s the other princesses! We tried to call them like you ordered… but Princess Luna and Princess Celestia weren’t there!”

“Weren’t there? Did you check their retirement home? It’s on top of a small mountain. You couldn’t miss it. There’s only the two of them there,” Twilight inquired, her annoyance raising as she felt the reason they didn’t find them would be ridiculous again.

“The first thing we checked, but they were nowhere to be seen. We tried your magic tracking spell, but… there are no results! It’s as if… they just vanished away from Equus!”

“This is impossible,” Twilight shook her head, annoyance turning into worriness. “Is it Discord?” She looked at the guard.

“He’s still trapped in stone. His punishment isn’t over yet as you recall…”

“Of course I do! However, we can never be certain… Take some of your men with you. Look everywhere in Equestria, and don’t come back until you found them,” Twilight replied as the guard nodded, then flew away. The Princess needed to go in her chambers or else she just might go crazy. She glanced one last time at Star’s body, sighed and closed her eyes, then disappeared in a flash of light.