The New Kids

by GandalftheGrey

Fitting in

The new kids aren't fitting in too well.

The girls are constantly harassed by the same old douche bags, but they at least have Mike, Tristan, Bruce and I to give them assistance when needed, which was unfortunately far too often
I've managed to learn all their names over the past two days, there's Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and finally Fluttershy

My brother Bruce told me he has the hots for Fluttershy, this was probably a good thing as Bruce spent most of his time playing football and boxing, and was generally a nice guy so she should be quite safe with him, and because of this she liked him back,Mike had a crush on Applejack, and finally Tristan, he has a crush on Rainbow Dash
You know what? They are all cute, no wait, hot, no, not even hot, they were strait up gorgeous

During lunch times we all met up at our usual table which me established yesterday, this was the table at the very back left corner, this way we were some what exiled and not in the middle of everything
This lunchtime was special because Fluttershy and Bruce were finally going to admit their love for each other
"Um, you know that you bunch of whores and wankers are at our table?" said Jessica (the biggest bimbo in our school) while surrounded by about 4 jocks and 2 other sluts
Way to help set the mood
"Doesn't look like it's yours" said Rainbow Dash
"Get out of our fucking seats you ugly good for nothing bitch" Jessica said in the most stupid sounding voice physically possible.
"Look you better leave" suggested Twilight
"Why? Is HE gonna hit me? what kind of a name is Rainbow anyways? and that hair? are you trying to look like a wh-" but Jessica was interrupted by a swift punch in the nose from Rainbow Dash.
"WHAT THE HELL" whined Jessica as she rolled on the ground clutching her bleeding nose
"I think we can conclude that this is our table now" said Rainbow Dash in a triumphant voice
The jocks (being totally immoral) grabbed for Rainbow Dash but they had another thing coming, Rainbow Dash kicked the first in the balls, and gave the second a solid uppercut.
We watched amazed as they dropped like fly's.
Rainbow Dash proceeded to give them a few extra kicks while they were on the ground, just to make sure I guess.

After lunch we all went to our classes, I lucked out enough to have Twilight in all of my classes.
Twilight and I grabbed our things and chatted our way to Maths.
We sat there taking notes and helping each other with our equations, well she mainly helped me.
I saw Twilights head go down onto the table as she started crying. I looked behind me to find a broken calculator, it must have hit hard to have actually broken the thing, having a quick look at the pair of laughing pricks. I gave Twilight a pat on the shoulder to help reassure her that she was okay, then I passed a look between Tristan and Mike, and together we all got up and walked towards them.
"LISTEN HERE SHIT SKULL" I screamed in his face while sweeping all his stuff off his table and onto the ground.
"NEXT TIME YOU PULL THAT SHIT I WILL NOT HESIT-" and I was rudely cut off when I was hit in the face with a maths book.
"Oh that's fucking it" I said before the three of us jumped at them over the table.
Fists were flying for a good 20 seconds until the teacher broke us up "What the bloody hell do you think you are doing!?" shouted the infuriated teacher. He rambled on for about two minutes about how we are in a lot of trouble and have to go see the principle after the lesson, but I was more concentrating on the fact that they look more hurt than us, I suppose numbers can overwhelm.
When I got back to my table, I tried my best to comfort Twilight, and for the rest of the lesson I talked to her and made her feel reassured, feels good man.

"So why did you do this boys?" The principal asked.
"Well I'm sick of people abusing my friends just because they're new to this school" Mike said in an almost angry matter
"Yeah, like Mike said, they are all sweet girls, but they still find reasons to make their life miserable" Tristan added
"And besides, they not only hurt her, but they made her cry for the whole lesson, so we had to take action"
"Well, I think iv'e heard enough, i'll let you off this time but I don't want to see it again, now go or you'll be late for your next class
When I got outside I was welcomed by a big hug from Twilight, god, I don't know what she used in her hair, but it smelled sweet, and her skin was so smooth, I loved her, if only she felt the same way.

Our last class was biology, and yet again Twilight powered through the work in the first 10 minutes of class and I wasn't even half way through so she helped me quickly finish so we could chat the rest of the lesson, this was my chance
"So Twilight, apart from the constant harassment from the douche bags, how are you finding things?"
"Well, seeing as though I have great friends sch as you, your friends and your brother, and the work is simple, I am enjoying it, you?"
I wanted to tell her something like, yeah same, but no, I will tell her the truth
"I love it, yeah I hate the constant bullying, but now that I have made friends with a bunch of beautiful girls, all of which have there own lovely personalities"
She started to giggle, so did I, oh hell, think manly thoughts Josh, think manly, think slipknot pulse of the maggots, think throwing bricks around.. it's not working
She let out a cute giggle, then had a look at some more work
She obviously found it more cheesy than flattering

As the group of us walked towards the bus ignoring the abuse coming from a pack of ratbags, we noticed the bus driver looking at us in a bad mood, more than usual
"Look, I'm sorry to say it but two of you cant come on, there's not enough room" he said
Fluttershy and Pinkie being at the back were elected by the driver to walk.
"I'll go with Fluttershy" said Bruce
We waved to them as they walked away holding each other close
It seems things were getting better for everyone, well, maybe.