
by Melody Song

Wonderbolt Sleepover

"Guuuuuuyyyyyysssss!" the shriek rang through the halls of Wonderbolt HQ. Stallions and mares burst from the rooms on all sides.

"Surprise! What's wrong?!" Fire Streak asked worriedly.

"I just had the most brilliant idea ever!" Surprise replied, and Spitfire trotted up.

"You disturbed our peace and quiet...to tell us you had a 'brilliant idea'?!" She exclaimed

"Uh-huh." Surprise nodded, smiling innocently. Spitfire looked as though she was about to strangle Surprise, but settled for turning and walking away, holding up one of her wings so that only her middle feather stuck up.

"Spitfire!" High Winds exclaimed

"It's not like I actually said it." Spitfire said

"What did you want to tell us?" Sun Chaser asked

"We. Should have. A sleepover!!" Surprise exclaimed

"I'm in!" Rainbow and High Winds said together

"Okay, it'll be fun." Sun Chaser agreed, Silver Zoom, Fire Streak, Lightning Streak, and Soarin murmuring agreement.

"Sure." Misty Fly said

"Yeah, sounds fun." Blaze added

"If Misty's in, so am I." Rapidfire said, Wave Chill also agreeing.

"Alright then." Thunderlane said

"Spitfire?" High Winds asked

"Come on Thpitty, It'll be fun." Fleetfoot said, nudging her a little.

"Okay." Spitfire sighed, accepting defeat.

"Yay!" Surprise bounced away down the corridor to set everything up.

That night, Surprise gathered them in the rec room, where she had set up sleeping bags, snacks, board games, and some books.

"Hey! Those are my Daring Do books!" Rainbow exclaimed

"Actually, a few of them are mine." Fleetfoot corrected sheepishly.

"Well you guys should really find better hiding places for your stuff. Did you really think hiding them under a bed was a good idea? Especially if you're not even staying in the Sleeping Quarters with us." Surprise said, shrugging

"Come on, let's just start the sleepover." Misty said, High Winds going over to the snacks.

"Pretty good selection here Slowpoke." She said, and Surprise smiled.

"Thank you!" she said. Rainbow followed High Winds and picked up the bowl of popcorn, eating a few pieces.

"So what first?" Sun Chaser asked

"I was thinking..." Surprise held up a card game.

"Never In Equestria Have I Ever. What's that?" Thunderlane asked

"It's a totally awesome card game. I draw a card, read off what's written there, and then you raise your wings if you've done it. It's super fun, wanna try?" Surprise said

"So...basically the game is us telling secrets?" Spitfire asked

"You don't have to explain yourself unless a majority of the players asks you to. And most of the questions are just stuff like egging somepony's house on Nightmare Night. They're harmless." Surprise answered

"Sounds cool." Rainbow said, the others agreeing.

"Alright! let's start." Surprise opened the box to reveal the cards. she pulled one out and read it aloud. "Never in Equestria have I ever stayed out past a curfew." she said

Rapidfire, Spitfire, Blaze, and Lightning Streak raised up their wings, followed by Thunderlane.

"Huh. Okay, next question!" Surprise said, putting the first card to the side. "Never in Equestria have I ever eaten my least favorite food." she said, Rainbow raising her wing.

"When?" Misty Fly asked

"A while back AJ dared me to eat the spiciest pepper in Equestria. She knows I hate hot peppers." Rainbow said

An hour later, they moved to Ponyopoly, and Fleetfoot was winning.

"I put two hotelth on Coltantry Thtreet, tho I'll collect money from Thun Chather, thince you're on that thquare." Fleetfoot said, holding out her hoof. Sun Chaser sighed as she forked over the Ponyoploy Bucks.

"How are you so good at this?" Blaze muttered

"Oh, I uthed to play it a lot." Fleetfoot said quickly

"I don't like this game anymore." Rainbow muttered, slamming her cards onto the floor.

"You just don't like it because you're not winning." Blaze said

"Can you blame me? I always win if I'm playing this game with Twi and the others, I'm used to it." Rainbow said

"It's just a game Dashie. For once maybe you should see how it feels to lose." Soarin teased

"Shut up Clipper." She mumbled, blushing

"And I win." Fleetfoot said, the others groaning.

"Let's do something else." High Winds said, tossing her cards onto the game.

"How about...Truth or Dare, Kiss or Swear?" Surprise suggested

"Nah, what about Seven Clues?" Misty suggested holding up the box.

"No, Ship Wreck." Fire Streak argued, holding it up.

"Let's play Cards Against Ponies." Rapidfire suggested, a familiar devilish smirk on his face.

"NO. Not on my watch we won't. If Surprise brings out alcohol afterwards we'll be cursing at each other to no end. I have to foalsit my sister tomorrow, your bad influence won't rub off on her if I have my way." Spitfire said, hitting him with a pillow.

"Alright, alright. We wouldn't want mini-Spits to hear the 'naughty words' when she was older than her sister was, would we?" Rapidfire joked

"Yeah, you told me once you heard curse words when you were younger, why would your mom let you be exposed to that?" Sun Chaser asked

"Oh, I...I just heard them around town, in more shady areas when I walked home from school. I was a latchkey kid, since my mom usually had to work double shifts to keep us fed." Spitfire answered, rubbing the back of her neck.

"No pony can fault you for that, I can see how you'd want to keep Spark from growing up that way too." High Winds commented

"Why do you think I foalsit her so often? When our mom is too busy at work to watch her, that's when I take over. And I'll have to tomorrow, so for my sister's sake, let's keep our hooves off of the dirty games." Spitfire said, and Rapidfire nodded.

"Fine. How about Apples v.s Pears?" Rapidfire asked "You know it's the cleaner version of Cards Against Ponies."

"Sure." Spitfire agreed, and they began to play.

A little while later, they were all lying in their sleeping bags, talking drowsily to one another. Rainbow was reading a Daring Do book. Soarin was leaning on her shoulder, eyes closed, listening to her mumble the words under her breath, clearly falling asleep. Spitfire had a feeling Rainbow was reading aloud for that reason. Rapidfire and Misty Fly were curled up in the same sleeping bag. Spitfire was watching the two carefully to make sure Rapid didn't get carried away.

"Hey, Thpitty?" Fleetfoot asked

"Yeah Fleety?" Spitfire responded

"Did you like thith?" Fleetfoot asked her

"Actually, yeah. It was good to unwind a little, thanks for convincing me to allow it." Spitfire whispered

"You're welcome baby." Fleetfoot leaned in and delivered a kiss on the cheek, Spitfire smiling and nuzzling up close, wrapping a wing over Fleetfoot's back.