Fallout Equestria: Two halves of the same Whole

by FRHSBrony

Chapter I: Awakening

Chapter I

"Warning, systems corrupted. Malicious spyware detected. Engaging self-shutdown sequence." 

"Fuck, are you kidding me? Thats he last time I trust that skank. Access code my flank. Whatever. I might as well scrounge up whatever tech is left in this dump... Hello? Whats this?"

Shifty Locks was a known "scavenger". He could smell old world tech a mile away. He had found an abandoned warehouse a couple of miles from the Canterlot ruins. He was pretty fearless, so not even Canterlot scared him awat from this. He had gotten a code from an acquaintance of his. He never did like her anyways.

After failing to crack the security, he had resolved to take all the tech, even if he couldn't ise it. And yhats when he found her.

At first all he saw was a glowing light. When he opened the room to the source he saw something that spooked him.. It was a unicorn mare, with a lavender coat, dark blue hair, with two deviant stripes in her mane. She was just floating in this tube, As if she was asleep. 

"Huh. Well if that doesnt scream 'valuable', then Ive gone feral and lost my mind. Lets see if we can get her out, huh?" 

He approaches a small terminal, which is still active. "Maybe its a seperate unit?" he wonders. He scans the area, looking for a power source. Solar was out of the question, nopony ha seen the sun in centuries. Wind was also out, seeing as there were to turbines. A sudden thought reached his mind. Balefire? That would be incredibly dangerous, but it would have kept it going for this long. He checked his Geiger counter, which told him he there was some radiation in he air. Not enough to get anypony sick, but more than the usual. With a grim smile, he starts searching for the containment chamber. He spots a small box connected to the mare's tube. Bingo. With expertise born of practice, sets upon the box. 

After many minutes of fiddling With screws, bolts, locks, and several miniature panic attacks when he had thought that had detonated the balefire egg, he finally reached the center cavity. He donned his radiation suit, so as to protect him from the harmful levels of radiation emanating from the now unprotected egg. 

"Ah, this'll fetch me a pretty penny, even maybe a nice lot in New Appleoosa…" he gazes at the suspended mare. "oh well. Nothing personal, you know?" he says, before leaving. Had he bothered to check he would have seen the terminal flash a message "warning: running on backup power. Beginning re-animation sequence."

Several hours later, a group of raiders followed Shifty's tracks back to the bunker. They didn't find anything of value to them. Until... 

"hey, boss, check this out." one of the raiders exclaims. He motions to the purple mare, laying in front of her suspension tube, unconscious. 

"The fuck? Whats a pretty little thing like her doing here?" a gruff voice says. 

"I dunno, but look at her! We haven't had fresh flank back at the camp in weeks, and the old ones just don't satisfy. They're too loose, and they just dont scream like they used to. Whaddya say?" 

"You have a point… alright, take her. And don't test her out until we get back, got it?" 

The rest of the group nods eagerly. They couldnt wait thill she woke up! The the fun would begin. 

But as the leader of the group says this, her eyes flutter, and she comes back to conciousness. 

"What… where am I?" she mutters sleepily.

"Boss! She woke up!" one of the raiders yells out.

" Shit… well, take a couple of rounds on her, then."

"Who are you… wait WHAT?" she bolts upright, backing away from the group. She may have just woken up, but she knew enough to understand what they meant. The rest of the colts surround her, eyeing her hungrily. One of the colts lunges out, pressing his hoof against her throat. 

"No… please…" she cries weakly. As she feels his body press up to hers , a pulse of light erupts from her horn. The colt is thrown across the room, and collides with another stallion. An audible crack emanates from their bodies, as their spinal cords break in two. Another flash of light bursts through the room, and incinerates the bodies of the two colts.

The entire crowd of raiders could only stare at the sight of the previously incapacitated mare, and their two strongest stallions, reduced to their base atoms. One of the ghouls in the group immediately recognized the telltale feeling throught his body, and immediately bolted for the nearest exit. "GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, SHES USING A MEGASPELL!"

At the sound of the final word, the group of wasteland hardened raiders scattered like a group of schoolyard fillies. Throwing her head back one las time, she released the energy, engulfing the entire area in a blinding white light. 

Minutes later, the mare came back to conciousness. She looked around her, only to find bits of ash, scattered weaponry, and crumbled ruins around her. 

"Good show! You really showed those brutes!" voice calls out to her.

 She turns, charging her magic, only to find a strange flying robot greeting her. 

"Who are you?" she asks, not lettig her guard down for a second. 

"I would like to ask you the very same thing! However I can see that you are in no mood for any trouble. I am called Watcher, and I was observing you. Good for you, you"ve just cleaned up some scum from the wasteland." the robot replies cheerfully. 

"uh huh. Well, Watcher, I wish I could tell you who i was."

"Well, I know that there was a colt that passed by here not too long ago. He was headed in that direction." The robot bobs in the direction of a large mountain range. I would suggest getting equipped before heading put, thought." 

The mare nods. "Thanks. Got any more tips?"

The bot tilts to one side, as if it was abould to scratch its head in thought. That is, if it had hands. Or a head. 

"Yeah, if you really want, there's the raider camp on the way to the mountains. They mentioned that they had some mares captured there. You could try to save them, if you want." 

The mare turns to look out toward the mountains. "Yeah, I'll do that." 

The bot bobs up and down, happily. " I knew you would. You're more like her than I thought!" the bot syays before flying away. 

The mare's ears perk up at the comment, and she calls out to the small robot. "Wait! Like who?" Her calls fall on deaf ears, as the bot is too far away to hear her. 

"Well, great. Now what... Might as well grab whatever these guys had." 

She inspected the piles of ash. Whatever organic materials the raiders were wearing was ash, scattered to the wind. All in all, she found several hunting rifles, and 50 rifle shells in total. She did find a strange looking device. "Pipbuck? What the hay is that…" she picks up the strange hunk of metal. The notices that the clamp on the underside of the display was just large enough for foreleg. "Maybe it goes on here…" she mutters as she attached the object her arm. 

As soon as it was fastened, she noticed that the display had lit up. It showed a pony form, with various other symbols and markings. 
She began studying the module, learning its functions with the help of a built in manual. 

"So this thing manages my stuff, monitors my health, plays music… what doesn't this thing do?" she exclaims, excited at her discovery. 

A message flashes across the screen. 

>Error code 241: host change. 
>starting reboot sequence
>new host detected. Begging DNA analyzation sequence
>host confirmed. Welcome Twilight Sparkle.

"Huh? Twilight Sparkle? Is that my name? I swear I've heard it before… whatever. I think I've wasted too much time here already." Twilight says, hefting one of the rifles. "Time to go wipe up some scum." 

Level Up

New perk added: Who needs guns? 
•with this perk, you can use magic as an offensive weapon, even use it as a last ditch resort! But it sure takes a toll on your energy. +20 points to Magic.

New perk added: Super Scavenger
• With this perk, you find a lot more ammo on killed enemies that you usually would. 

I do not own neither My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, nor the Fallout game series. 

This is a sidestory to FO:E.