Space Battleship Yamato: Equestria

by Izumichan-995

Chapter 2: Reigniting the Yamato

"Is this thing really a starship, Princess?" Asked Twilight. "Because ive never heard of a ship designed like this before. It looks like it wouldnt be able to fly."

"Looks can be deceiving my star pupil." Celestiea said as she and the others walked up behind the Mane 6. They turn and look at her in confusion. "But you are right about one thing. WE didnt design this ship."

They all gasp and look at the Princess of the Sun in complete shock.

"Then who did, your Majesty? Was it the Gryphons? Sea Ponies? Dragons?" Rainbow dash began to spurt out.

"No. In fact, we just recenly found out who creasted this vessel. And it wasnt anypony or race that we know of." The ponies let out a huge gasp and their jaws drop.

"Do you mean......ALIENS BUILT THIS!?" Cried out Rainbow Dash enthusiasticly.

"Maybe aliens built it. Or maybe it was a race who came before us. Or maybe the creators used magic to send it here. We have yet to figure it out. But we do know the race who built it. Ill tell you all about the history of how we found it as we walk. Now come." Celestia turned and began to walk down an inclined path along the ledge. The young mares follow her with Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor bringing up the rear.

"So.......first off, how did you find such a thing, your majesty?" Rarity stated as they walked down.

"Ah. An excellent place to start off." Celestia said with a bit of excitement in her voice. " was about three hundred years ago....or maybe it was two hundred it was definitely three hundred. Yes. It was three hundred years ago, when i ordered more guest quarters to be implemented. We had to dig down to move the dungeon and cellar to make way for the new quarters. As the miners and workers were mining out the moutain they fell through.

The young ponies gasped at that. "Y-you mean.....they fell and......died?" Said Twilight, frightened.

"What? No no. No one died." Stated Celestia. "They had pegasus and unicorns so they used their magic and flight to save everyone.

The young mares sighed with relief. "Dont scare us like that princess." Said Rainbow Dash.

"My apologies. I didnt mean to scare you all." Celestia said with a little giggle then continued her story. "The tunnel they were digging gave way to this cavern. As soon as they found the ship i was immediately informed of it and came down to investigate. I too was in amazement at first sight of it. No one had seen such a thing before. I immediately gave a decree that no pone was to talk about the discovery out of fear of panic since back then many ponies were still very spiritual. They may have seen the ship as a monument to something dark, like demons or dark magic."

This sent a shiver down the spines of the mares and look at the princess with disturbed looks.

"Oh. Dont give me those looks. It was three hundred years ago. Many ponies were still more superstitious back then. Besides, if it was a monument to something evil then i wouldn't have brought you all without the Elements of Harmony."

The young ponies think about it and agree and sigh of relief. Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor try to hide their laughter.

"Now then. After I made the decree I had the best scientists and researchers begin to study it. It took us about three years just for us to find a way into the ship. When we discovered it wasn't a monument to evil we began to explore the inside. It was incredible at what we found. As we began to research the interior we learned a great many things. Now then. Who can tell me what happened about two hundred thirty five years ago?"

"I know. The Industrial Revolution." Stated Twilight.

"Excellent and exactly. Yes and does anypony know why we had such a sudden revolution of new industry and technology?" Questioned Celestia, knowing the young mares would never guess correct.

The Mane 6 think long and hard but come up blank. "We dont know, your majesty." Said Twilight.

Celestia giggles. "I wouldnt have expected you all to guess correctly. It is because of the Yamato. About fifty years after we gained access to Yamato's interior we had a break through with the new technology we found. New ways to control electricity. New ways to create metals and rare elements. It was such a wealth of knowledge. It was simply incredible. We all owe our advancements in technology to Yamato. Without her we wouldnt have some of the most simpliest of devices such as a microwave, oven or even the sewing machine. It gave us such a wealth of knowledge we owe it everything."

They finally reach the caverns floor and the mares look up at the tower. Now that theyre below it it looks a lot bigger than it did above. The mares jaws drop as they look up as the tower, well, towers over them. Rainbow dash flies up and around the structure. She gawks at the structure and looks through one of the windows but cant make out the inside because of the darkness. She flies down and joins with the others.

"So, your telling us that everything we have today came from this thing?" Asked Rainbow Dash still skeptical.

"Yes Rainbow Dash. Everything. Without Yamato, we probably wouldnt have huge stadiums. Thus the Wonderbolts never would have existed." Celestia said. This completely stunned Rainbow Dash and she gained a new found appreciation for the ship.

"But Princess." Twilight asked. Her former teacher turned and looked at her. "Why would you keep it a secret now? And why reveal that secret now?"

Surprised but not shocked Celestia smiled. "Yes Twilight. I have a reason for both. Let me answer the former question first as to why i kept it a secret even to this day. And its quiet easy. About a hundred years after we discovered Yamato, we began to reach out and meet new races. Not that we didnt know about them at first. But more along the lines of reaching out to them politically. Gryphons, Yaks, Sea Ponies, we began to negotiate and talk. If i were to make public the existence of the Yamato then the other races would find out about her. Then there would be fighting over her. The technological advances she possesses is unparallel. Second to none. Thus its entierly reasonable that they would want to keep this for themselves. We had to keep her a secret."

"I see. That is a reasonable reason to keep her a secret. But why show us now?" Twilight said.

"Well, for two reasons. One, after your transformation to a Alicorn, Luna, Cadence and I met to discuss whether or not to include you in the secret of the ship. Well, the answer was simple and easy. We indeed chose to include you on the first day however as to the reason why it took us so long to reveal the Yamato to you is a bit hard. We had to talk and discuss something super important."

"And whats that?" Blurted out Rainbow Dash.

"It was to discuss the possibility of raising the ship and make her alive again." Stated Celestia with a serious face.

The Mane 6 gasp the biggest gasp, bigger than even the gasp they had when they first saw the Yamato.

"R-r-raise the ship?" They all stammered. "A-as in.....pull her out and.......let her fly?"

"Yes. We believe its 100% possible. It requires a ridiculous amount of power. More power than the three of us could pull off." She said as she looked at Luna and Cadence.

"So. Not even three Alicorns could power this ship?" Asked Rainbow Dash abit sad now.

"No. We tried. And we couldnt move her at all. We needed more power. And thats where you six come in." Celestia said as she turned back to the six young mares.

The Mane 6 stare at each other. "Us? All of us?" They all said.

"Yes. And that is what took us so long. Because we believe that if we combine your Elements of Harmony with our regal magic it should be enough to power the ship and get the engine running." Stated Celestia.

The young mares look at each other then nod. "We'll try it." Said Twilight.

"I bet it'll look so cool as i fly next to it." Rainbow dash said excitedly.

"It could provide me with new ideas for a new brand of clothes." Rarity said looking at the tower trying to imagine new clothes.

"I-i guess it might be possible to find new animals around the world and help them." Stated Futtershy.

"Oh oh. Maybe it can help us develop new party equipment. Aaaaaaand i can throw a cool party for it when it leaves." Pinkie Pie said getting all excited she began to bounce higher.

"Well, i guess it might be possible to help with bringing us new plants and farming equipment." Said Applejack but still was a bit skeptical on how this could help anypony.

"Good. Now. Let us head to the engine room. The elements of Harmony are located in a a safe there." Celestia said as she turned away and began to lead the young mares. She lead them to a hole down into another cave below the cavern. "This is how we found the entrance to Yamato."

"More stairs? How did you find this? More cave ins?" Rainbow Dash snarkly said.

"Actually. Yes Rainbow Dash." Celestia said with a smirk as she one uped Rainbow Dash.

"Wait. I was just being smart. Your serious?" Rainbow Dash said a bit surprised.

"Yes. But again no one got hurt. We found the way in when a unicorn used his magic to scan the ships surroundings and found the way in. Then it took us some time to dig down to the next level. But we did it. And we found.......THIS."

They come to the bottom. A ton of laterns make it look like its day down here. But what surprised the young mares is what they see. A saucer like object with wings on it. And a few meters from it a protrusion is sticking out of the ceiling of the cavern. The saucer and protrusion are also painted differently. The top was painted dark grey yet the bottom was painted red. The saucer is also opened up with two staircases connected to it.

"This. This is how you got in?" Said Applejack still astonished.

"Yes. And it wasnt easy. When we first found it we hard a hard time getting access to it. However, a unicorn, pegasus and earth pony was able to pry it open and unlock the hatch." Celestia said as she walked over. Inside they can hear other ponies talking and some come walking in and out. They bow slightly as they pass the royal ponies and Mane 6. Celestia leads them to the one of the staircases and stands to the side.

"Please. Head up. We'll follow after you." Celestia said with a smile.

The ponies hesitate a bit but then head up into the ship. The inside is all metal and dull grey. But upon entering the structure it feel like the mares have stepped into a whole new world. Everything looks different yet also familiar. The royal ponies follow them. Celestia smiles.

"So, what are your first impressions on being on a alien ship?" Celestia said with a smile.

"Well.....its so exciting. To step onto a physical piece of history is incredible." Said Twilight with some excitement in her voice.

"Well i think its dull on the inside. These halls could use some colors." Stated Rarity.

"Its ok i guess. I think this thing can't go faster than me." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Well....its interesting. But i still dont know. It could use something more." Said Applejack still skeptical.

"Its exciting. I wonder if we can see other animals." Fluttershy said.

"Well i think it's super duper exciting. So exciting i want to through a big party!" Pinkie Pie said enthusiastly.

Clestia giggles and comes infront of the mares. "Later Pinkie Pie. For now we need to make our way to the engine room." Nodding the ponies follow Celestia. As they walk to the engine room ponies step aside and greet the ponies as they pass.

"Um.....a bit late of a question your majesty." Said Twilight. "But may i ask who these other ponies are?"

"Oh. Yes. Of course. I apologize. They are researchers that ive hired and brought in to study the Yamato. We have about three dozen ponies studing the Yamato. They too have sworn an oath to secrecy. But most of the ship remains blocked off. So they study how to open up these areas without damaging the ship while also trying to find out functions and translate the languages. Most of the researchers are stationed in the engine room."

"I see." Said Twilight as they pass a unicorn who bows to them.

After a bit Celestia opens a door and they enter into a large area. Its pretty open but a large cylinder object sits in the middle of the ship. "This is the engine room." Celestia stated as she steps aside to allow the ponies to walk in. They walk in, single file and look at the engine.

"THATS the engine? It doesnt look like an engine at all." Said Rainbow Dash. "Where are the pistons? The cylinders? Where are the axle?"

"There arent any Rainbow Dash." Celestia said and the other ponies look at her. "From what we've been able to translate this engine is called the Wave-Motion Engine and it runs on Wave-Motion energy." Only Twilight looks at her in surprise while everyone looks at her confused. "It states that this engine creates Wave-Motion energy to propelle and power the ship."

"Whats Wave-Motion energy?" Asked Applejack.

"Wave-Motion energy is basically a energy formed from Wave-motion." Everyone looks at Twilight. "Theoretically, wave-motion energy is created when a higher dimension is compacted to a smaller size. The energy that is released from the act of the higher dimension being compacted is Wave-Motion energy. In a way it is a combination of gravitational waves and tachyons. But this is all theories that havent been proven yet. Are you saying the creators have proven these theories?"

"That was a lot of egghead stuff Twilight." Said Rainbow Dash still confused.

Twilight sighs. "Ok. Think of Wave-Motion energy to be a kind of super energy generated by a worm hole in a way."

"Oooooooooohhh.......whats a worm hole?" Rainbow Dash said still highly confused.

Groaning Twilight begins to get annoyed. Celestia clears her throat making the Mane Six look at her.

"Thank you Twilight. However to start the engine it requires a lot of power. More than Luna, Cadence and I can output. So." Using her magic Celestia floats a safe over and opens it and brings the chest with the Elements of Harmony out and gives each of the Mane Six their appropriate element. "We need you three to assist us. We'll use all our powers to power the engine and hopefully itll be enough to start the engine. Got it?"

"Right!" The six mares said. The nine ponies move into position, forming a line along the catwalk the ponies built. It goes Cadence, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Celestia, Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and finally Luna. The researchers take position to record, document and analyze the engine. One pegasi points to the middle section between the two flywheels.

"Aim here everypony. We calculate this is the best spot." He says then flies to his position. All the scientists give the signal their ready. Other ponies watch from the catwalks. Celsetia puts on a serious face.

"Is everypony ready?" Said Celestia with determination.

"Right! / Ready! / All good!" The ponies said.

"Fire!" With a huge flash of light magic shoots out of the Elements of Harmony while Cadence, Luna and Celestia fire a beam of their magic. It all convenes on the point the pegasi determined. Spike cheeres them on, trying to give them the courage to fight on and keep it up. As they keep pouring on the power the flywheels creak and twitch. The ships own lighting comes on.

"We've done it!" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Not yet! Dont stop! We're not done yet!" Celestia yelled. Nodding Rainbow Dash refocused and continued to pour power on. The flywheels slowly begin to groan as they slowly begin to spin. The scientists watch their monitors closely as bars begin to raise. More and more the flywheels spin. After a while though the ponies begin to tire.

"O-ok. Everyone. Thats enough." Celestia tiredly said. The ponies stop fing their beams of magic. Everyone is tired. The flywheels are spinning a bit but soon the groan and slowly come to a stop. The ships lighting also goes out. Feeling defeated the ponies lower their head in sadness and defeat.

"All that power. And still it requires more? Maybe.......this is impossible without the creators orignal ways." Celestia said sadly. But the ship wasn't finished. Suddenly with a huge bang, a loud clank, and a long, ear piercing groan the engine room shudders and flywheels come back to life and begin to spin faster and faster. All the ponies look at the engine with hope in their eyes. Soon the flywheels stabilize and the monitors read energy is being produced. The ships own lighting comes on and monitors that were once cold and blank now turn on and began to display information. The scientists begin to cheer. Many hugging each other while others bump hooves. Celestia herself has one of the biggest smiles that anypony has ever seen. Luna and Cadence smile at each other while the Mane Six cheer with the scientists. Celestia stands up at the catwalks edge and speaks using voice amolification magic to speak over the engine and cheering scientists.

"Everyone. Good job. Thank you so much for your hard work. Because of all of you the Wave-Motion Engine once again is operating under its own power. Its thanks to Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony for helping us restart the engine." The scientists cheer for all nine ponies with Spike cheering for them too. The ponies smile down and wave their hooves and thank everyone.