
by pizzafryer

Chapter 5 - Missing ponies; princesses on their way

The sky had gotten clear above Ponyville, the rising sun ran over the street of the village. Fresh mud covered the streets.

Fortunately, the whole town let off easy the unexpected storm. A bigger and a smaller crowd gathered in village square. The smaller group was giving fliers with huge letters, saying “MISSING”. There were six smaller pictures under it. Two stallions and four fillies, whom were not seen by anypony since the storm.

The light slowly filled the inside of the library. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy was sleeping in Twilight’s bed, when suddenly, like a cannon-fire, the library’s door burst open.

Twilight entered, she was quite down at heels as if she had spent the yesterday night in a dirty alley.

“You destroyed my life!” she shouted at the two Pegasus. Those two looked at her like they didn’t even recognize her. Then Twilight lifted an unidentified bottle to her mouth.

“What the hell are you two still here… in MY bed? Are you so impudent you stayed the in my bed? What did you pour on my bed?” as a closure she puked. She tried to balance, but it was difficult for her even with four legs.

The two winged ponies popped out of the bed and quickly go to hold their friend.

“Oh my goodness, Twilight, are you alright?” asked Fluttershy.

“You look terrible.” Dash said.

“I told you not to touch that book, but you just had to, didn’t you?” she pointed at Dash accusingly, the drunken Twilight, while Fluttershy awkwardly tried to keep her staggering friend on four legs.

“She’s totally drunk.” Fluttershy said.

“I noticed myself. What’s up, Twi?” Dash asked.

“They took mah magic power.” she said under her muzzle, drunkly.

“They what?” the two Pegasus freaked out at the same time.

“I was standing, pressed to the window, in an airless bus, like some loser pony.”

“Look, Twi, we might be able to help you. You know, friendship and the other stuff.” Dash said.

“Please, you don’t! You’ve done enough already.” she was shouting at them; she didn’t know how loud she was talking.

“We’re really sorry for what happened, Twilight,” said Fluttershy sadly.

“Leave me alone. I don’t like you now. I turn my back to you once and for all.” she spined around then blacked out.

They changed the bed-lining to clean ones, and put Twilight in the bed in lateral position.

“What do we do now?” She’s off.” Fluttershy scared.

“I’ll tell you.” Dash said. “ We brought this on her, so we’re gonna get her out of a scrape. We track that filly down, find that book, bring it back, restoring Twilight’s magic with it.”

“Alright, but how do we find that filly? It could be anywhere.” Fluttershy said.

“According to an old buffalo saying? If you want to hide a leaf, bring it in the forest.” Dash said, rubbing her chin and tried to look very wise.

“Do you think she’s in the woods?” FS asked.

“No, you dummy. Among the other children. We are going undercover in disguise among them, and find where she’s hiding.” Dash started giggling, she was very happy to herself.

“We may forget this whole, dumb disguise thing and simply walk to there.” Fluttershy put forward her idea.

“What’s the fun in that?” Dash waved her down.

“Well…” Fluttershy would started if she could.

“We got no time for this, get ready and meet in front of the school in ten minutes.” Dash said, then left the house with light speed. Fluttershy sighted, shrugged and headed for the school at an easy pace.


Meanwhile, a few hours earlier, a similarly idiotic, but many times nerve-racking scene was played. At least from Luna’s view.

“You are very lucky I am here with you. No offense, but seems that thousand years of idleness you spent on the moon are showing. I know you’re exciting. You’ve never faced with real danger after all. If you pay attention you might learn something from me, something from even your sister’s duster coloured mane will stand up. Don’t ease up too much, it’s serious business. Not a childish sibling squabble. So stay frosty and do your best when it’s action time.”

It doesn’t bother Pree at all, that the communication is one directed. She even preferred it that way. There were two things she could talk: how great she is and how trashy is everything else.

Luna was somewhere else, abstractedly. She was thinking with great nostalgia to the moon; how good it was to be there. She could daze on the moondow, gaze to the starts, drink from the milky way, fight against the rocklings, and anytime she wanted to sleep she just walk to the dark side, she built castles from her boredom, gave speeches to her wall paints, she even found friends there; strange, two legged creatures, in black cloth, with red band on their “front legs” with weird crossed hoes on it. Oh, the moon, I wish I was there again, far away from Pree. Full moons were the best, but the half was not bad, either. The full moon was the most famous, everyone gave a damn on the three-quarter. There is the new moon, too. That’s a jerk, it comes twice in a month.

“LUNA!” Pree shouted.

“WHAT?” Luna respond.

“You do not even listen to me. Learn to concentrate. No wonder your sister thrashes you. Let me warn you, you have responsibilities on this mission.” Pree said haughtily.

“So do you.” Luna replied, angrily.

“Luna, we must work together, so put aside your inferiority complexes toward me and pay attention.”

“Do not worry, I’ll just right behind you, covering your back.” Luna was rolling her eyes.


“I guess, you a bit overdid it.” Fluttershy said in a bored tone, with indifference on her face, looking at Rainbow Dash in front of her.

“That was my purpose.” Dash stood proudly.

“You look like somepony, who jumped ahead into the wardrobe.” Rainbow was wearing a red baseball-cap, headphone, moustache, boxer short and a colourful t-shirt with a white shirt.

“You can be stylistic even you’re a filly.” she countered.

“Stylist, did you want to blend in? I’d expect this form Rarity.” Fluttershy was confused.

“And that’s what I’m gonna do. I am winding them around my hoof by my awesomeness.” She proclaimed confidently.

“Why the moustache for? Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash looked at her nose, teared down the moustache and threw it.

“Deception. Why did you cover yourself?” asked quizzically.

“Because I don’t want to be thought being paedofilly.” Fluttershy mocked her.

“Look, I brought stuff for you, too, put ‘em on.” Rainbow started to picking Fluttershy’s mane.

“No! Leave me alone!” Fluttershy huddled, covering her eyes with her hooves.

“Done.” Rainbow hold a mirror in front of her. Fluttershy looked at is. She only put two rubber ring on her hair, making her piggy tails.

“I remember you used to have this like of hair when you were a filly.” Dash said.

“Can’t we go now?” asked the frustrated Fluttershy. “Where did you get that mirror?”

“I found it somewhere in my cloths. My toothbrush must be in here somewhere because I felt it.” Dash informed her, but Fluttershy only turned tail and headed for toward the gate of school.


Luna was totally desperate. She gawked at with derped eyes, her mouth was like wave. At first glance, for a moment, she looked like a cartoon character with this unnatural face.

Allegedly her job should be to come up with effective course of action immediately against every sudden occur. But if she had to listen to her companion, only for one more minute, about how many suitors she had or how many of them take a turn under her tail, then even the writer of this load of crap was unable to tell what would happen.

She learnt to close out those things from her head she didn’t want to hear or being aware, thanks to the years she lived with Celestia. Static noise, it was her constant companion, it was the best how her brain managed to reduce Pree’s stupidity.

It was question if she was going to be able to bear the constant white-noise without an assault. She did not. She had to say something. At least learn that how long she has to bear it more.

“When we get arrived already?” Luna asked.

Pree stopped.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know, where we are now.” Pree look around.

Luna was taken aback. She looked over the landscape round. It was a rocky, dreary, waste. She was certain of they are not even near Ponyville.

Great, she thought, I wanted not to listen to her so much, I couldn’t even pay attention to the travel, and now she is here, where even a bird doesn’t come – literally.

“Where are we?” asked Luna.

“I have no clue; this place doesn’t look familiar at all.” Pree said.

“You didn’t even know where you were going?” Luna asked angrily.

“Well, I haven’t been to Ponyville too often.” Pree admitted.

“Then why did you not tell me? I know where it is.” Luna countered and point to herself she snapped at Pree.

“I wanted to, but we were talking so good I totally forgot about everything. But could be worse, it is still early evening, determine the right direction and we’re on our way again. On our journey I can tell you so many interesting thing about myself. And fashion. Let me ask, if it’s not too sensitive topic, but why you wear always that bib? I heard one insist on their infant things, but showing in front of the whole country, you know, quite hardcore,” Pree said with a high-minded manner.

Luna was grinning her teeth. No, there is no god, pony or human that for I am going to listen to her longer, Luna thought. Maybe it’s better in this way. We are in the middle of the night, alone, in the desert waste, there’s nopony here, the ground is fine soft.

Choice is determinative part of our life. It’s not some deep philosophy. You realize your environment how much termini your opportunities.

Fate, destiny, which you prefer, sometimes brings track changers before us. One decision can impact on your whole life time. Luna believed strongly that every homeless got one or two opportunity for normal life. Most ponies do not even realize these, even if they do they tell themselves out of action, saying, the known bad is still better than the unknown. Only a hooffull of them can safely consider these choices which a very lucky and convenient situation, while others simply just jump at the back of the bull, does not think about how big and wild it is.

This moment was just like this. Everything was given for doing what she was secretly fantasizing for hours now. Without her, the world would be a better place, said the voice in her head.

Luna disproving the bad rumours about her, drove away the thoughts. She took a deep breath and said:

“I can tell our position by the stars. ‘Tis not so bad, but we must be hurry, and ‘till dawn we’re be in the village. Follow me! I don’t feel like dealing with the case longer then it’s necessary.”

“By your command, commander bib.” Pree was giggling, pointing at Luna’s neck decoration.” Oh, sorry, but that is so ridiculous.”

Luna ignored her, she set off. Pree followed her.


Luna and Pree at dawn arrived to the playground of the Ponyville school.

“It’s going to be here; I feel immense darkness.” Luna said. “Inside the building of the school.”

“A school. Interesting choice of hide-out for a demon. Why’d it come here?” Pree asked.

“It is a turd in the skin of filly, this is the best place for it.” Luna answered as though she just told what time it was, and headed for the entrance.

“Aha,” Pree acknowledged.

Luna and Pree stylishly entered the building using the backdoor.

“Whoa!” Luna shout for joy, glowing eyes.” It’s wonderful! Look, lockers.” She went to them and started to play with the lock.

She looked into one of the classrooms: the tables were organized, systematic lines. On the table a few numbers and obscene draws. “Magical.” Said Luna heatedly. “Look, free water.” she ran to the fountain.

Pree unusually was speechless. She was standing there, wondering as watching her colleague was eager as first class filly in her first day in the school. Luna was running on the hall, from one classroom to the other.

“What are you so impressed for? It’s not a big deal. I was using these for twelve years and the water was stale most of the time. The lockers you could open up easily with a mane pin. In the ancient-horse class was the most horrible subject ever.” She said because Luna had accidently found an ancient horse subject book and examined that. “Don’t tell, you loved that.”

“You don’t get it.” Luna turned to her. “I have never attended school. But I always wanted to. Playing with the other fillies, making friends and not always stuck together with my sister.” With that Luna ran watching the graduated students’ photos.

“Have you really never attended any school?” Pree was incredulous.

“As an alicorn, I have no reason. Celestia always said, the friends I would make, would die anyway. Yeah, but until that we could do a lot of good things!” Luna recited her argument form a discussion with her sister millennials ago.

“Fine, I was teacher for a short time, but that’s not the same.”

“Awful.” Pree was shaking her head. “If you had enough fun, then we should keep going, don’t you think?”

Sound of glass breaking filled the empty corridors.

“Did you hear that?” Pree asked and started trembling.

“I did.” Luna turned her head toward the sound.

“Do you think it already knows we are here?” Pree’s expression went pale.

If you’re a horse, it is incredibly hard to step without making noise. Wearing sleepers didn’t change much. Never mind.

The noise came from behind the next corridors cornel. They cautiously headed for. Pree bravely kept the three meters distance behind Luna.

Looking around the corner, Luna saw a sight that she could never dream about.