
by pizzafryer

Chapter 2 - Awaken

The clock struck midnight. The sound filled the library as a knell at a funeral. Shadows were dancing in the brown wall of the library, painting an eerie endless danse macabre, happy, jumping up and down, muttley laughing at their owners, whom was sitting next to a bizarre candle formation in the darkness, in awkward silence.

They were three. Obsidian, and before her, two young, surprisingly stylish mares. Firstly, it appeared as though they just came from a Kubrick, Adrian Lyne co-production movie casting. And they would be in such a rush, they left their costumes on. One of them was a snow white, but oddly pale shaded, but tidy coated mare. Her eyes were coloured perfectly, her mane was a light blonde that only emphasized her pretty face even more. She reminded Obsidian of Twilight, first, at least, she wore her band in the same way, except this pony’s back mane was cut.

Her girlfriend was really fit as well, a hot bat pony. No doubt, she had the advantage if it was about night wear.

Obsidian tried to break the silence:

“Like my hooves-watch?” She asked, lifting her left hooves, and showing them her watch, which looked like a three-dimensional towel-clock.

“Nice, where’d you get that?” asked the blonde mare.

“From a thestral, in Hollow Shade.” answered, Obsidian boastingly.

“ So, then, you’re a real magic-horse?” asked the same mare.


“ And you will do something magical?” asked the bat pony.

“At once, I just ask for my assistance.” by that, as it was by a call-word Fluttershy appeared from nowhere. She had not put too much effort to put indifference and dark thought on her, it was radiating from her face, because after a whole day of garden and animal work, she would usually turn over to her other side in the bed, at this time, but fortunately the eye shadow succeeded in hiding it. If it would not be enough, even the trousers, that Blackraven forced on her, was too tight, but she could tell her anything, she only iterated it’s good if it’s a stretch. It was going to be a bad idea, she said to her, but why the heck would she ask for her help if she doesn’t listen to her.

“Ladies,” she managed to splutter. She was carrying a big, white book under her pit.

“Phosgene” introduced herself the white mare.

“Glanders” did the other.


“It’s not a very goth name,” said Glanders.

“Oh, I meant, Flickerwry.”

“Apt” understood the two mares, as Flickerwry hoofed the book to Obsidian, and sat next to her, beside the candle symbol. While she sat down, sudden noises broke the stale, ghoulish silence in the room. It sounded like someone tore the rug.

“What was that?” asked the bat pony.

“I told you, these trousers were a bad idea.” whispered Flicker to Obsidian.

“Wry, can I talk with you for a moment?” asked Obsidian. She leaned closer to her. “What are you doing? Do you have to choose right this time to try to be funny? These, girls are not like that; they don’t laugh.”

“Sorry, I just sat down.” Wry got offended, because it was her who told Dash this trousers thing was stupid.

“Never mind. Will you chat with ‘em, while I prepare the magic?” but she was not interested in her reply, she stood up and left the circle.

“Sure, my master, whatever you want,” she said under her nose.” What the hay should I talk with them about?” asked Flickerwry sardonically, with a poignancy.

“They like dark and scary stuff, you should just scare them a bit.”

“Um,” her answer got stuck in her throat. Right now, the scariest… and dumbest thing she could imagine, was the inside of Obsidian’s head. Speaking of the devil she started saving the situation.

“Flicker is a big pal of Discord’s, the almighty lord of Chaos.”

“Really?” flickered the flame of interest in the mares’eyes.

“Yes.” she jerked it out.

“Tell them about what sorta sombre things you two dealt with on your last warlocklordying, ‘til I prepare the magic.” said OF.

“ Um.” Wry tried to figure out who she could unfold drinking tea and tax-evading that she was certain that these mares were not appreciate, in an interesting way.

“ We went to that spooky castle in the middle of the Everfree forest.”

“ Yeah?” asked the bat pony with big interest.

“Yes.” replied Flicker. “We were naked.” she added. “Then we went down at the bottom of the castle where we found the tree of harmony.

“Really?” the blonde mare was totally enthusiastic. “And then?”

“Discord want to the tree and dumped on it.” Fluttershy said with a poker face.

“I guess, this will be enough, I’m ready to do magic” Obsidian butted in the story.

“ Show them what you’ve got, Rainbow.” Wry said sarcastically.

“Hmrr,” Dash growled.

“I mean, Obsidian Blackraven.” Fluttershy was sick and tired of it all.


“Prepare yourself for the mind-blowing magic. You’ll think you’re havin’ a dream.”

“I’ve seen her working, she really will have a dream.[1]”

“Excuse me.” said Raven angrily.

“I’m sorry.”

Obsidian chanted incomprehensibly, then suddenly a bunch of colourful balloons appeared in her hooves.

“Is it some kind of joke?” asked the white mare angrily.

“ummm… it is. A little joke. Hoops, wrong book. I got to get the right one. Flicker, keep the iron hot until I’m back. I feel we are on the way.” Flicker nodded as a reply.

“I murdered a swine and pooped on it.” she said, it didn’t interest her at all, what she was saying. “ right in the middle of it.” The two goth mares was shaking, it was clear they feared, the dropped their jaws. Their face expression transformed into something respectful toward Flicker after a little time. It was not Flicker random bullshit, but her attitude and complexion that radiated pure darkness at that time.

“I suppose, I’d better go check out what our big magic mare is up to.” she stood up and fetch for Rainbow.

“Dash.” she said on entering Twilight’s room.

“I observed you. I have no clue what you told ‘em, but they are fond of you” Dash poked her side.

“ This ripped cloth hurts my boot.” responded FS.

“ What did you expect? What kind of stupid pony would torture herself with a tie trouser like that? “ Dash told her off as if she was a stupid kid.

“Dash, you know, I think I am going to ask you to take care of Angel for the whole next week.” She told it in motionless tone.

“Why for?”

“ Because I say, screw you!” Fluttershy rouse up and stared in her face. It looked like, in Dash’s view, as if Fluttershy grew three times bigger.

“ Okay, chill, Flutty. I got a great idea.” she took out and showed a big, thick, black book to Fluttershy.

“Isn’t it Twilight’s book?” Fluttershy got scared.

“What now, you wanna back out? I thought you would help me.”

“I would, but it is stealing.” Dash didn’t even listen to her, she flew out of the room with the book.” Why am I trying?” asked Fluttershy herself, sighed.

“ Alright, girls, are you ready for real magic?” Dash asked.

“ Whatever.” they started to get bored.

Meanwhile Fluttershy flew back, too, and sat down next to Dash, she whispered to her:

“Do you think it is a good idea?”

“What, Wry? Scared?” she mocked.

“Do something already, you clowns!” the two guests were impatient.

Dash started chanting at once. Fluttershy totally forgot about her acting, she laid down and covered her head with her hooves. she was trembling and her teeth chattering. All of sudden, otherworldly rumble shouted through the library as though it came from inside of a nearby cave from a beast. A wind extinguished all candle lights at once, what was a very unique phenomenon inside the closed library. The two guest mares were looking at the events astonished. Suddenly, quick as a thought, the wind stopped: no more sound, wind, trembling. Dash saw nothing, but darkness, it took her some moment to realize her eyes were closed.

“What is this?!” Dash heard the voice, it gave her enough courage to open her eyes.

“Yeah, it really is surprising, I say.” chating the two mares in a mocking tone.

“To everypony’s shock, a little filly stood in the middle of the candle symbol. It had spotless, snow white coat, curly, light purple mane, and eerie full black eyes.

“ You think we’re really so moronic?!” the bat pony blew up at them, the filly didn’t react at all to her voice.

“Let’s leave these douches.”

“Yeah, next time, don’t involve your little sister in your autism.”

“You’re darn liars.” Phosgene rebuked them

“I can confirm she’s a real autist.” said Fluttershy.

“Come, Phosgene, get outta here!” with that the two mare walked out of the library, angrily.

“ Don’t go!” Dash said. “ you know, how this summoning thing works. It is like blind bag. One day a filly, next day… Flicker, who did we summon yesterday?

“Sombra.” Fluttershy tried to think quick.

“ Yes! Him!” Dash grasped the idea.

“And we played Pictionary” added Fluttershy.

But the two mares has already left the library.

“Well, it’s great.” said Dash turning to Fluttershy. “I knew you were gonna screw up. I knew, I had better strive for the threesome.”

“ It wasn’t my fault: you summoned that little filly.”

“ Yeah, where is she, anyway? asked, Dash as she confused turned to where the little filly had stood half-minute ago.

Suddenly, the library’s door unfolded.

“It’s Twi!’- shouted Dash.

“Quickly, take back the book or else she’ll kill us.” said Fluttershy, petrified at the place her sat.

“But where is the filly?” asked Dash.

“ Why should I know?” Fluttershy shrugged.

“ Just act naturally.” Dash flew up on the ledge and forcefully tried to pretend to be asleep. On the other hooves, Fluttershy stayed as she was: petrified, shaking and being scared.

“Hi, girls!” Twilight greeted her.

“ Hello!” said Spike, too.

“ So, how was your trip?” asked Rainbow Dash as if she was just woke up her dream.

“Our hotel got on fire. So, we had to come home.” said a gloomy Spike. “I can’t believe it, they still haven’t invented the fireproof bedlinen.

“ How’s the weather outside?” asked Dash.

“It’s raining.” and the mini-dragon disappeared inside one of the rooms.

“You look great, Twilight. Have you been training lately? You look so fit, slim and tight-skinned.” said Rainbow Dash.

“I love you very much, Twilight. I’m not sure I’m telling you enough.” Fluttershy said.

“As who you are, y’know, only for you.” added Dash.

Twilight expression went somber, got nervous then said:

“You rummaged my stuff, didn’t you?” asked an angry Twilight.

“No, we didn’t.” said Dash timidly, with thin voice.

“I knew it! I told you not to mess with black magic!”

“Please, don’t be mad at us.” said Fluttershy.

“What did you do?” asked the mad Twilight.

“You just summoned a teeny-tiny demon.” tell Fluttershy fearing.

“ A very little one.” said Dash.

“ I can’t believe this.” Twilight dashed into her room and closed the door.

Dash and Fluttershy flew there. They tried to open the door, but it was closed. They knocked.

“Hey, Twilight! we’re really sorry.”

“Go away!” they heard it from the other side of the door.

“ C’mon, Twilight, don’t do this. Don’t be like that.” Dash tried to coax her from the room.

“ No! This time you went too far! I don’t know you anymore!”

“ Sorry, Twi!” Dash almost cried, wet eyes, Fluttershy did the same as well.

After a half minute, the door opened. Twilight finally emerged from the room.

“Alright. Let it be a good lesson for you two. Let’s go, clean up this mess before hell breaks loose.”

Dash and Fluttershy followed her into the room. Twilight took away a book that was so thick as a world-history phonebook. The two girls sat next to her like penitent poppies.

“ It is a demon catalogue. There are all of the demons in existence in it. Let’s find out who you managed to set on the world.” said Twilight as flipped open the book. They sat around the book.

“ What does it look like? Has it got horns?”

“No.” said Dash.

“ Was it covered with fur or nor?” asked the lavender coloured unicorn.

“ It was a simple white filly.” said Dash.

“WHAT!!!” Twilight got terrified.

“Y’know, it looked like some loveable, small filly. It was like Sweetie Belle, but the shiver runs down your spine from it.”

“ Please, tell me, it was not that one.” Twilight pushed the book in front of the two Pegasus to check it out.

“Sure, it was! It doesn’t look like a big deal, does it?” Dash pointed on the illustration picture with her hoof.

The sky rumbled, the book felt from their shelves, Twilight’s face got so pale, a marble statue could get jealous of that. The sound of books hitting on the ground was felt across the room.

“ You summoned Diov.” Twilight spit out, eventually.

“Diov?” aske Dash. “ And is that bad?”

“ We have to do the revocation spell, right now! Where is the book?” asked Twilight stressfully.

“Um, you have a copy of that book, don’t ya?” Dash scratched her head, as standing in Twilight stare as though she was caught red-handed on stealing.

“ These are seven-thousand-year old books!” said Twilight, her anger growing.

“ Yeah. You know, Twi, you’d better start insuring your stuff in that case.” Dash suggested.

“ You don’t understand what you have done! If Diov has the book then she will be able to multiply herself. Evil fillies will roam the streets. Blood will flood like rivers, and the fire of hell will devour the clouds.” said, Twilight as she got a nervous breakdown.

“Stop it, Twilight! I’m starting to get scared.” said Fluttershy.

“ Even, me.” joined Dash.

“ You know what this means? Ponycalypse is coming!” Twilight cried hopelessly.

Fluttershy and Dash looked at each other worriedly.


Within seconds, a huge storm appeared above Ponyville. Every passenger told four-letters on Pegasus, as far as their vocabulary’s end. The winged ponies didn’t even forecast rain today, not a huge, god-rage thunder like that. Unfortunately, storms like this are in the irreversible category. It would be too hazardous and dangerous for any pegasus to try to fly into it and try to stop it. That’s why they do anything only under higher orders.

Some brave pony volunteered to scour the village, they might find someone left outside or they didn’t managed to find safe shelter. Two, from those brave ponies, went across the main square of Ponyville.

“Molestia damn it! I say, Wary, I’ve never seen a storm like that” told his partner the other one, chewing something unidentifiable.

“ No worry, Wail, there’s no soul left in the street. We saw second time our part, guess we could go now. Even my fleas got drowned in the rain, an’ I mean not to follow ‘em. I could even drown from talkin’ outside.”

“ That’s always dangerous if it’s about you, Wary.” Wail ribbed him.

“Ha! I’d like to see you, growing onions without killing breath, fella. Though, it got good, too: bugs stay away from me.”

“ Mares, too.” Wail laughed. “ You could bless Luna for crossing your way with that lawyer mare. She’s in the office so much, you talk only by phone. When it’s time to action, she pass out from your breath immediately. And ya can do whatever ya want. I ‘member when she said, she’d three kids, but she doesn’t remember from who.HAHAHA!”

“ you’re very funny, fella. Why? Bein’ notcher is better? What does it, anyway? I never was sure. You do something with cars, don’t you?”

“Wary, my old friend, did you get so angry for the wife joke? Well then, for rest of the night, I’ll make do with mother-in-law jokes. Laughing at other’s unluck is the funniest,.HAHA! After, so-so many years, you don’t know my job? It really hurts me, pal, seriously.”

“Now, why you gotta be so pussy?”

“ ‘kay, I don’t mind, drowning or not, talking is better then just standing in the rain, in some minutes we got the nearest shelter anyway. I’m a notcher at the local car salon.

“ What an earth is that?”

“ Somepony brought in his car then it turned out its tyre had worn-out. In this case, I grab a hot iron and cut new, fake tyre patterns in it.

“ Isn’t it illegal?”

“ No, it isn’t. I inherited this job from my dad. He was a magnificent, old reprobate. Faust make his rest peaceful. We were in very good term.”

“Isn’t it dangerous?”

Wail wondered for a moment: “I don’t rick the client’s life more then if I would work in the Mcneigh, and fatten them with artificial food.

Wary laughed.

“ Well, pal, for this conversation, it was worthy waking up this morning. Look, I already see the shelters lights, we’re almost there.”

Then they heard the sound of water splash.

“ Did you hear that, Wail?”

“ It must be some water dripped from the roof, and we heard its sound. Let’s move.”

“ No, look over there!” Wail turned his head to where Wary’s hoofed pointed. There, a show white filly was playing carefreely, she was jumping in the puddles, as if she wasn’t even standing in the middle of the storm of the century, but only in a mild summer shower. She didn’t care about he was almost totally covered with mud.

“ Hey, this filly lost her mind? Where are her parents?”

“ I don’t give a damn on it. We are only two minutes away from the shelter. Grab her, take her. ‘Cause I’m freakin’ tired from the walking in the mud that swallows half of my legs. Soon, I’m gonna have such an ass from it that any Apple mare could be jelly of. Let’s take the kiddo, then we’ll sort out the others in the shelter, but my number one desire is a hot shower and boiled wine.”

“ You’re right. Take her in, let the child service care about her parents, it’s not our problem.” they headed for the filly.

“ Hey, kid, what are ya doin’ outside, all alone?” little filly stopped, as if she turned into a statue: she didn’t move a millimetre either.

“ It is not safe here. Come, we’ll take you to one of the shelters. There’s gonna be hot, food.” Wail said the filly, what he had to.

“Hey, Wail, don’t ya think something is not normal with this kid?” Wary asked.

“ I do. In the middle of the night, downpour, playing outside, dame it’s fuckin’ strange, but it’s not business. Our business to take her a safe place.”

“ Look at her mane, can’t you see something odd?” Wail took a better look at it: the filly’s mane was so calm as though she was standing a windproof place.

“ Yeah, her mane-fixer is number-one, big deal. What do you want? Let her here?” Wail roared at Wary.

“ No, I just have a bad feeling.”

“ As usual, Wary, but, we can’t leave her here, anyway.” There were only meters between them and the unmoving filly.

“ Do not play deaf, now we take you safe place.”

The filly, as if the statue suddenly came alive, moved a bit then turned to them to face. After this, she did nothing, but stood there, and stared at them.

Wail got deadly afraid of it. Even he could not tell why, he stop where he was, he didn’t get any closer to the filly. Something in his brain didn’t allow him to. Some moments passed like this, but Wail felt as these were years instead. He looked into the filly pure, black eyes, and he could not take away his stare.

Her eyes were dead, empty, no sign of any emotion, expression. It was similar to the stuffed animals’ one.

The filly’s face was extraordinarily smooth, like a mirror, as more thousands of year of generation of wax scripture masters had worked on it. Her expression slightly visibly changed. A manebreadth thin line started to appear under her nose. It looked like an invisible surgeon with an invisible lancet hasty cut it where her mouth should be. The doc could be in clouded mind because the smile got a little bit bigger than a normal one.

Wail didn’t even realize what happening, only when he was not able to say any word any more. Every horror of the tartarus plus this world appeared in front of him when the filly opened her huge mouth. Her whole face opened up, in it were numerous sharp teeth. Wail had no chance to run away, he was too close to the filly. He had time only a half scream, from his last breath when the filly bit off his nose, with it the half of his face.

Wary, without thinking, ran to help his friend, as he was drowning in his own blood, groaning in the mud. As soon as he took only one step, he halted, he didn’t know what happened to him, the he finally understood, when someone saw the mistake on a picture: the filly. It was unmoveable again, the rain cleaned the blood from her. It was different now, she was thinking. It made her more fearful than anything else. Apparently, she didn’t plan to finish Wail’s life immediately. She enjoyed the struggling. Wary felt sorry and shame for what he had already decided.

I’m sorry, he thought. He turned around and started to run, but with the swing of run he felt with face on the mud. AS he lifted up his head, he felt some kind of ivy or tentacle has twisted around his leg. The creature only now moved: stepped triumphal, as if that happened that she expected.

She was prancing above Wail’s body as a sublime predator. Wary felt a slow but strong drag on his leg that that thing was twisted around. It pulled his leg under the mud and further. Sound of creak and crackle can be heard while the not-for-adult-pony sized hole tried to swallow him. A demon cares no much for its victims comfortable.

The sea of mud, as a gate to hell, slowly and painfully absorbed him. He didn’t even try to struggle anymore, it was no use. For ponies is not easy to grab something even if there would be something to do so.

Nevertheless, it did not soothed the pain and fear as he cream as he could from the power of his throat. It all wasted in the murmur of the storm, though. While Wary’s torture, the little monster happily started to eat Waint still alive body. Wary eyes were covered by darkness as the thick, sticky mass swallowed him totally.

“It isn’t so bad.” he said. He felt no cold and darkness, but warm light. It was the sun. It came over the window of his bedroom. He and his wife laid in their bed, they woke up. He finally saw his children cheerfully at breakfast, see them out of the school…

As the mud filled his luges, at the same time he was filled with the peace of the other world.

As both of her victims breathed-out their souls, the creature cried out together with the bolts and the storm, sounded like Canterlot city itself had fallen down from the side of the mountain.