The Broken Unicorn

by Red flame

New Family

Twenty chocolate spheres in and Red Flame's belly was nicely round, soft, and plump like poor Pinkie Pie's right now. Chocoshine had a big mischvious grin on his face while offering up one more piece of chocolate for Red Flame to eat. The red unicorn's nose twitched from the smell, Red's head tried to move away from it but the scent was too mesmerizing.

He opened up his mouth after his head came back into place and began chomping away at the chocolate sphere. It took about two minutes for him to finish while his belly gurgled adorably from being so full. Even panted a bit just from being so tired from eating.

"Good boy, now we can start the fun." Chocoshine grinned.

"O-ooh hehe one might be mistaken for thinking you plan to cook me." Red Flame chuckled nervously.

"Not a bad idea."

Two chocolate brooms begin to shape right above the belly, touching the softened skin making the poor unicorn yelp from the mere touch. For a few minutes the bristles just rested there making him sweat in suspense and made his belly quiver rapidly. Finally they began to sweep against it getting Red Flame to let out huge hysterical laughter in a second.

"Aww such a nice laugh." Chocoshine grinned.

A blush appeared on his cheeks while he twisted around against the blob's body while he laughed helplessly. The bely bounced up and down rapidly while the brooms swept in circles around the whole spot. While this happened, a chocolate pointed pole was created and the tip stuck into his belly button.


"Such a helpless little pony." Chocoshine teased happily

This tip began to scrub around inside of the button, swirling against the bare skin at a rapid speed. Getting adorable squealing to join his hysterical laughter. His body trembling rapidly as it wanted so much to arch up from the intensitiy. His eyes were wide open though.

Pinkie Pie was going through her own tickle torture, Pound had a staff with a giant ring attached to the tip made out of cotton candy inside of her button twisting it around in the skin. While Pumpkin had hand held white mecha hands scribbling in her pits. So her squealing laughter was just as loud as Red Flame's.


"We know Auntie Pinkie, that's why it's so perfect." Pound smirked.

Her front hooves wobbled in place while the hands scribbling fast against the pits, the ring in her button twisted faster. While Pound flipped a switch making it spin on it's own too now, getting her to squeal harder and her laughter grew hysterical. She could feel it, she'd pass out soon.


"Nothing can save you now." Pumpkin grinned happily.

While having the hand devices keep up the attack. Pumplin reaches over to a cotton candy again and shapes it into an arm cannon. She puts it on her right hoof and then aims it at Pinkie's quivering belly right above the button. She pulls the trigger and cotton candy fires at it. The impact instantly makes the tickling much worse and get's her laughter really loud and bubbly while her body twisted against the cotton candy table. After a full hour of this she finally passed out, her body going limp but with a big weak grin on her face.

The twins smile big while watching her slow cute pumping belly as she breathed big in her sleep. They loved that Pinkie Pie let them play with her like this. Of course Pinkie did make sure to tell them to be aware when it's getting to be too much, but luckily their Auntie could endure a lot of their tickling.

"I'll start covering Auntie." Pumpkin smirked.

"Think I'll leave Red flame off this time, after his "doom" of course." Pound grinned.

Three more of those chocolate poles were swirling around the belly, the tips making the skin quiver rapidly while forcing it's owner's hysterical laughter out in waves. In addition to this eight chocolate hands were scribbling their fingers in his foreleg pits as well. Making them pull in the chocolate in reflex.

"Is it nappy time for you too?" Chocoshine smirked happily.


After four hours of this he finally passed out on Chocoshine's body, his belly pumping adorably slow as he breathed big in his sleep. Pound and Pumpkin had nearly all of Pinkie covered in cotton candy except for her head and belly. Even encased or completely covered she'd be able to breathe fine under it. Pound look to Red Flame.

"I'll get him outside." Pound grinned.

It was around sunset when Red flame finally began to wake up, his eyes fluttering as he saw Twilight and Applejack standing infront of him. He was laid on a bench next to the entrance, he shook his head and sat up with a big smile happy with the whole thing.

"Ho-ow long were you there?" Red Flame smiled tiredly.

"Just got here, want to explain what happened?" Applejack grinned.

Red Flame simply get's off the bench and walks over to the door way, after peeking inside he shows Aj and Twilight the cotton candy covered Pinkie laid on the counter while the twins brushed a feather each on her belly, it quivered from the tip while she laughed hard and muffledly.

"Guess she'll be busy for while." Twilight chuckled nervously.

The three began to walk away heading towards the Apple farm. While there Red Flame explained his meetings with the others and where Spike and Rainbow Dash were right now. Applejack was brimming with happiness at hearing his clear excitement for everything.

"Well glad ya had a good time sugar, now I've got a surprise for ya." Applejack smiled.

"Oh yeah what's that?" Red Flame asked.

"Just wait you'll see." Twilight assured happily.

Soon they were in Sweet apple acres, and they walked into the house only the light was off. For a minute everything was silent and Red Flame could hear Twilight and Applejack moving away from him too. The lights flipped on and he was greeted with a yell of surprise from the whole Apple family plus thouse two. A banner was spread across the wall labled. Welcome to the family. He stared at it as his eyes began to fill with tears.

"Y-you mean your." Red Flame tried to say.

"Yep your an official Apple now buddy!" Granny Smith cheered

"I always did want a little brother." Big mac smiled.

Big Mac wrapped a hoof around his neck, and then began to scribble a hoof on the belly getting him to laugh cutely and squirm in the big pony's grip. Applebloom's hooves joined in scrubbing it rapidly. After a minute they pull away allowing him to pant a bit.

"Thank Applejack, she made it happen." Applebloom grinned happily.

Red Flame gasped at this while turning his head to Applejack, who's cheeks were blushing bright red but with a face full of excitement and happiness. His own smiler got wider as he pounced on his new big sister. His front hooves wrapped tightly around Applejack.

"Your the best Aj." Red Flame smiled.

"Ah know one day ya'll remember ya'r real family, but ah'm happy to make sure ya'r not alone in the mean time." Applejack promised.

Red Flame grinned and let his front hooves squeeze Applejack harder getting a cute gasp out of the earth pony. Yet he noticed that Aj wasn't exactly bothered by this. So he decided to squeeze tighter and tighter getting groans out of Aj and causing the eyes to buldge cartoonishly.

"T-tommor-row T-twiliulk Twilight and ah w-will help ya t-train with y-yar magic accckkk too." Applejack squeaked cutely.

"Hehe sounds good to me." Red Flame agreed happily.

This training was Twilight's suggestion, she had wondered about Red Flame's cutie mark, and how the young unicorn ended up in that forest. She guessed that it must've been a fight, she couldn't prove it but she figured it was best to make sure that Red Flame could defend himself if those enemies came back.

Rainbow Dash had made it to the canyon with the crisscrossing bridges, she flew straight while scanning the ground for any sign of Spitfire. She got a glimpse of two Unicorns, one black and one pink. The Pink one was holding the Wonder Bolt outfit. She gasped and then landed down in front of these two.

"Hey you two, where'd you get that?!" Rainbow yelled.

"You were right Smog, another one did show up." Lannis grinned.

"Yeah, this will be fun." Smog smirked.

Lannis dropped the outfit as the two spaced themselves out a bit in front of Rainbow. Smog's horn began to glow causing a dark fog to start to form in the air. Rainbow grunted as she could barely see these two through the haze. However she was able to just barely get a glimpse of Lannis rushing at her, sweeping a hind hoof up that was covered in a pink aura. She uses her front hoof to block the kick, the two tremble a bit from the struggle. While the spider was watching the fight from above.

To be continued.