Lightning Dust Gets A Visitor

by deadpansnarker

Meanwhile, At Ponyville General...

The Washouts' fearless leader Lightning Dust lay washed-out in her hospital bed, feeling somewhat depressed. And it didn't take a genius to figure out why.

Not only was she most grievously injured, when her hoof accidentally got tangled up on a scooter with rockets attached going at a great speed as it crashed, but she couldn't even enjoy her lunch properly anymore.

Because you know, when your meals have to be liquified and fed through a drip, it takes a lot of fun out of the dining experience.

One of her fellow teammates, the quite aptly named Short Fuse, had been yelling at the nurse non-stop to enquire when Lightning Dust would recover, and absolutely blew his top when he'd discovered the truth. Needless to say, he was quickly ejected from the premises, and wouldn't be allowed to visit her for quite a while.

Or, in all likelihood, ever again. Tossing bedpans around and jumping on snoozing geriatrics tended to be frowned upon at this particular institute.

Rolling Thunder had reacted even worse to the news of her friend's long-term handicap. There was no way Rolling could be earthbound for around three to six months before taking to the skies again, and she flat out told the green pegasus that she was thinking of embarking on a 'hostile takeover' of the troupe.

Obviously this didn't go down so well with Lightning, but it's a bit hard to protest when your mouth is fully enveloped with medical adhesive. Rolling didn't stay for much longer after that, but she promised to 'recruit many more members' and 'give her a share of the proceeds... she'd need it for her doctor's bills anyway.' What a pal.

Now Lightning Dust just lay prone and alone, all four hooves fully strapped up and completely bored out of her mind. The healing process would be a slow and arduous one, and with her limited mobility most of that time would be spent being prodded and poked at by various white-attired staff brandishing clipboards.

Great, she thought with a somewhat muffled sigh, what am I supposed to do now? Stare at the drywall? Sleep? Rethink recent life choices? Oh, what a world!!

It was at this poignant juncture Nurse Redheart arrived with her cursory pleasant smile, and proceeded to adjust Lightning Dust's position to make her more comfortable. "What a good mare you are! You've drunk all your dinner, and are looking so much better! Keep this up, and you'll be back among those clouds quicker than you can say 'lift off'!"

If I only I could talk properly, so I could tell her what a condescending nuisance she is. Just go away already... Lightning dust fumed internally, frowning at the attentive medical worker in front of her.

Unaware of her patient's latent hostility, Nurse Redheart carried on her professional duties regardless. "So, to today's schedule then. You have another pain-killing shot due at two, major physiotherapy at four... let's see if you can move that pinkie hoof this time! I'll be rootin' for you! And right now, you have a very special guest. Well, I'll see you two of you later! Bop the button with your snout if you need anything at all!"

Brilliant, another packed schedule of humiliation and rehabilitation. Can't wait... Lightning Dust thought sarcastically, before the last segment of the nurse's statement there sunk in. W-What? Another guest? Who could it possibly be? Short Fuse is banned forever, Rolling Thunder is a stone-cold traitor, Scootaloo is probably just a bit hung up on the fact I nearly killed her, so who else could it...

"Hello, Lightning Dust, if that is you underneath all that get-up. Long time no see. I heard you had a 'safe landing', and decided to check out your condition for myself..."

Oh no. Not the mare who got me kicked out of the Wonderbolts. Not the pony who is most definitely my 'rival forever'. Not the blabbermouth pegasus who likes to lecture me more than my own annoying parents. It can't possibly be...

Sadly for Lightning Dust, yes it could. The only multicoloured equine in existence who might be a teensy bit faster then her came trotting languidly into her room, oddly enough not looking in the least bit smug or smirking. Instead, she wore an expression of genuine concern on her face, and without any hesitation headed straight to Lightning Dust's bedside.

"Oh, Lightning. I'm so sorry to see what's happened to you, but really you only have yourself to blame." Rainbow Dash shook her head sadly, as she gazed at her critically injured former colleague. "What were you thinking, dragging poor Scootaloo into your hazardous stunts? And yes, she told me what happened out there. It's one thing putting yourself in danger whilst performing your tricks, it's another jeopardising those around you. Didn't you learn that lesson, when you got summarily dismissed from the Wonderbolts? And now, you're risking the lives of children? What the hay were you thinking?! I knew you don't exactly follow protocol per standard, but I never realised you were this reckless. "

Rainbow Dash's stern words had caused Lightning Dust, against her better nature, to pay attention to them. While she was still deliberating over what'd happened earlier though, the visiting pegasus continued to recite what she'd come to say. "You know, I could easily go to the cops and tell them what you almost did to my favourite foal, but I won't. I figured lying here like a vegetable for a few months is probably punishment enough, especially as it should give you chance to think about what you nearly did. I myself know what it's like to be stuck here bored out of my mane, until I discovered Daring-Do that is. Maybe when you regain the use of your forehooves, I'll pick you up some of her stuff. I realise reading might seem pretty lame , but it's actually really cool if you choose the right books! Which basically means anything that's not non-fiction, with no long and complicated words, in my experience..."

Lightning Dust rolled her eyes slightly in response to Rainbow Dash's cordiality, a fact that seemed to be picked up on by Rainbow herself. "I bet you're wondering why I'm here telling you all this guff, right? When you almost cost me a spot on the Wonderbolts and nearly exploded the best filly I've ever met into a smoking heap of feathers. Well, here's the reason, and I know it sounds all soft and gooey but trust me on this, 'kay? It's all to do with what my friend Twilight taught me over the years... she might be an insufferable egghead sometimes who goes crazy when one tiny little thing is out of place, but when it comes to understanding friendship I guarantee there's nopony better. She says it's not a good thing to hold a grudge forever, that almost anypony can change if you give them a second chance. O-Or in your case, a third chance, I suppose. I mean, if you really think about it, we're not so different, you and me. Anyway, I'm willing to give it a try if you are. What else are you going to do in this place during your long recovery? Stare at the wall? Nap? Exactly. So, how's about I come and see you once every week, just after my responsibilities as chairpony of the newly formed Scootaloo Appreciation club have finished? Would you like that, Lightning?"

Despite her general cynicism to Rainbow Dash's somewhat mawkish outlook on life, if you could've fully seen Lightning Dust's eyes at that specific moment you might've spotted the merest hint of moisture. Before she could properly answer that pertinent question though, (by blinking once, or twice of course) Rainbow had yet another surprise in store for the stricken green pegasus.

"Anyway, mull it over. I think it would be good to talk like civilised ponies again, instead of being at each other's muzzles all the time. For now though, I should introduce you to the special companion I brought with me, who I believe has a few more things to say to you. She practically insisted on joining me today, so you'll have to forgive her if she's a bit brazen. Come on in Captain, I think she's ready for you now."

Still deep in thought about Rainbow's offer and all the permutations it might have for the future, Lightning Dust was completely blindsided by an orange-coloured blur speeding to halt alongside Dash, and a loud voice barking at her in a raucous but strangely familiar way.

"What did I tell you back at boot camp if you carried on this way, cadet?! I told you that you'd be in a full body wing and hoof cast, drinking through a straw! 'Leap Before You Look' indeed! You're the poster child for what happens when talented yet hotheaded new recruits don't listen! In fact, that gives me a great idea! Mind if we get a picture of you now, to publish in our next safety brochure? You'll potentially be helping a lot of other ponies make the right decisions, rather than following in your misguided hoofprints! So, what do you say to that?"

It was fortunate, in a way, Lightning Dust couldn't be heard clearly in her emotional yet muted response to Spitfire's kind proposal.

Because if she could, there's no way this fic would've been rated E.