The Truth

by OmNomCookieCookie

Chapter 3

Pinkamena stormed back outside. When she got there her friends asked her how she was.

"I-I'm fine," Pinkamena stammered, tears forming in her eyes.

"I-is something wrong Pinkamena?" Fluttershy/Angelica asked.

Pinkamena wiped her tears and looked at her friends.

" The counselor...she was asking me questions about you guys. Like she knew something. Like you guys knew something."

They looked at each other.

"Pinkamena, if we knew somethin' 'bout you we'd tell you," Applejack said, not looking Pinkamena in the eye.

"Tell me that to my face." Her tone was icey, cold.

Applejack said nothing.

Pinkamena turned towards the others. "What about you guys? Are you going to lie to me, too?"

"Pinkamena," Twilight/Michaela said. "You don't understand-"

"I understand that my supposed friends are just liars!" Pinkamena became flustered again.

No one said anything. Twilight was staring pleadingly at Pinkamena, Applejack was biting her lip, Rarity twirled her hair, Rainbow Dash crossed her arms and looked away and Fluttershy was staring at the ground in shame.

Pinkamena shook her head and ran away.

"You guys," Fluttershy said. "Do you think we're doing the right thing? Pinkamena doesn't seem to be getting any better."

"I think we are," Rainbow Dash said indignately,glaring at the others. "If we tell her she's wacko she'll really go off the deep end."

Twilight nodded. "According to this book I've been reading, someone as unstable as Pinkamena could essentailly...well...snap."

"Well then I guess we just wait an' see."

Pinkamena ran home, and flopped down on her bed. She cried for 15 minutes until her Mother stepped into the room.

" Pinkamena, what happened?" her mom asked in a comforting tone.

" T-the other ponies just don't u-understand mom...they don't...,"Pinkamena trailed off and started crying again.

Pinkamena's Mother walked back out to the living room. She sighed and looked at her husband,who was reading a newspaper.

"Dear? I think it's time we get Pinkamena some real help."