Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard.

by TDR


Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard
by TDR


Twilight settled in as Rainbow Dash flipped through the most current book. Out of all her friends the pegasus was the furthest along, after being the most reluctant to start. She left dash to her reading and slipped into the spell, thinking to start with Rhede this time. Things were getting more interesting as they were coming to a head.


There was nothing for this now. The die had been cast and end of the war was coming.

An entire species focused on seeking justice, all pushing towards a goal unheard of in the world. The eradication of a nation.

The nations not directly involved were clearly worried, should the dragons fall and this focus be turned towards them, would they fare any better? The Griffons were all for striking back before Equestria had a chance to turn on them. The Diamond Dogs were willing to continue to try and negotiate them out of this course. The Zebra's agreed with the ponies motivations, but not their actions. The smaller nations such as the Minotaurs, Harpies, and dozens of others had mixed reactions in what they thought should be done. Most simply wished this to be over and for the balance of the world to remain unchanged. It was some what pathetic at how desperate they were to remain in their own little worlds.

Rhede simply smiled through it all. Delegates from all over the world had come to the Zebra capitol of Asclepius, to try and talk peace and bring the war to an end before it began. He knew it was already far to late for that. His delegation had been arguing and fighting with words for nearly a week now. The Equestrian ambassadors had gone into this with a determination and guile that answered nothing directly and diverted half the questions to other groups. Old sore spots were rekindled between the delegates, nationalities, and personal lives of those in attendance. Rhede's team knew to hold back nothing and to turn as many against each other as they could. There had already been a brawl between A Harpy delegate and a Griffon, their two species had been fighting each other for centuries over the same preferred roosts. It was an old hatred stirred up by the silver tongues of the Equestrian delegates, and it was not the only one to come back into the light.

The only other group as focused as the ponies were the dragons. However their efforts to drum up aid from the other nations or anything of the sort were shot down by Rhede's team pointing out flaws in the plans, or reopened old wounds inflicted by the lizards. Equestria was not the only nation to have suffered from the actions of the Dragons, it was just the one that fought back the hardest.

The primary problem was most of the other nations were lead by carnivores. Meat eaters who considered those who only ate plants as little more than a possible food source. While other meetings of this type had stopped most from eating other sentients the mind set was still there. To have the race that had been all about peace and only fighting back to defend itself, suddenly turn about and launch a full scale invasion on one of the strongest nations in the collective was unheard of. When the conference first started at the Dragons behest, many thought it a joke. That was soon changed as Equestrian delegates admitted that the attack was going on as well as why.

The end results of the first day of the meeting were far better than Rhede had hoped for, many of the smaller nations had changed their beliefs, siding against the Dragons in favor of Equestria's “justice”. In truth many who had changed sides were offered portions of the land that would be available, once the dragon empire was destroyed. The Minotaurs and Diamond dogs were particularly interested in this.

The Griffons remained unswayed by any offer and were set that they would retaliate if Equestria persisted in this manner. The Zebra nation remained neutral though and despite their Queen working with Equestria they agreed with the Griffons that the war should not continue.

None of it mattered, the aid from those willing to give it was a bonus, but the march had already begun. With Starfall, Bleu, Jer, and Luna at the head of it. All this talk was simply to delay any counter measure until it was too late and that, Rhede thought, was just as planned.


“So what's the situation Starfall?”

“Scouts report the primary force is Orc's and Rams. There are a few smaller dragons as well acting as commanders.”

Jer'rahd and Luna look down at the map Starfall lays out before them. The map showed a sizable pass between the mountains that would be the most direct route on the road to Cindervale. The problem was it was still narrow enough that a small force could hold it forever. It was little surprise the mountains would host Rams. The race practically lived on every mountain surrounding the dragon lands. The exact relationship with the dragons was never understood, but they could often be found in small numbers with the dragons armies.

“What sort of counter do they have for pegasi?”

“Aside from the dragons the cliffs are full of caves. I saw at least a half dozen of the catapults we encountered with the Bone Hounds back at Camp Geode. I also saw some caves that had tarps and plants over them so I could not get a clear view of what was in them. I expect there are a few spell casters as well. They must have seen us headed this way and reinforced this pass. It does not ,look like it was meant to house a force the size it has there are quite a few tents out in the open, as well as what appear to be caves for storage. There are a few dragons that fly into camp and back out every so often delivering supplies and orders. The position gives them a great deal of terrain advantage. There is still time to take the long way around the mountains.”

“Not as if we are able to hide an army of this size, time is always of the essence. Such a small force still , I can simply walk in and rip them all apart.”

“Princess we discussed this. We are not going to let you risk yourself on fodder.”

“I understand that Starfall, but my way would ensure that the path would be clear.”

Jer'rahd seems to pay no attention to the two as he regards the map a small smile creeping over his face.

“Not necessarily Princess, we don't know if they have anything set to blow the whole pass down on top of you. Yo may survive, but the recovery time is too much of a delay. Besides, I have a better idea. Starfall do you know where Bleu is?”

“I saw her showing some of the troops how to properly use the magic cannons Celestia's students made.”

“Good, go get her. We passed what I needed a mile or so back. We still have a days ground travel before we get to that pass. The dragons know this too. The time to strike is now.”


Bleu sailed along the mountain range headed towards the pass. She had crossed over the night before along with a group of pegasi all of them doing their best to remain unnoticed. They had set up a ambush point in a small patch of wilderness on the other side. The Dragon they were looking for did not take long after dawn to appear. The small force was up and had downed the orange scaled creature before it had time to even think of using its breath weapon. Checking the package it carried she sent the pegasi back with the contents inside that appeared important, repacking the rest of the supplies and hoisting it to add to her disguise. She altered her coloration to match the dragon's corpse that had been hidden in a ticket of trees nearby. She took to the air again winging her way towards the pass as if she belonged there. Starfall had said the supplies were dropped near a pair of tents that seemed to be the command structures of the base. The were set back under a over hanging of rock to keep them out of the line of fire from an airborne attack. Bleu simply hoped that this would go as well as Boss had said it would. It did not make her any less scared to be there. The last time she had really fought on her own was in Neighlantis and that was survival.

A stray thought crosses her mind and her eyes narrow. She shifts her body, determination setting in as she flew on, a small tune being sung under her breath.

“A falling star..... fell from your heart.....”


“You will sit down and rest like I have said ,or I shall tie you to your bed!”

Velkorn glared at the Princess of the Sun as she tried to sneak out for perhaps the fifth time today alone. This was ridiculous, the Goddess might not have access to her magic, but by the stars was she a sneaky one.

She had tried to escape through the window, in her own dirty linens as they were carried out, under her food cart, and once though a secret passage behind the bookshelf. The last might have worked if the book shelf had closed properly behind her. This time she had evidently just decided to storm past Velkorn like she owned the place. While in truth she did, the zebra doctor was having none of it.

“I have things to deal with. I need to try and get my subjects lives back on track among other things , the least of which is stopping my sister.”

“You will be doing nothing of the sort, it is not as if you have the stature you once had, you have become quite short.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes, though she was looking directly at the zebra from the same height. While she was still taller than Starfall and Luna when she had no magic, the depowered Sun goddess was easily at half her former height. Celestia was not truly thrilled about her hair bleaching either though Baelit had suggested perhaps dyeing it, something else the Princess was not too thrilled about.


The zebra winced a little flattening her ears though she did not move from in front of the door. In fact she seemed to take this as an affront snapping back in her own language with a tone that might have implied that trying to speak to the Princess in pony was now beneath her to do.

[“ And I am Queen of the Zebra lands. I do not care who you claim you are. As of this moment and until I decide that you are able to do anything you are my patient. I have had unruly and down right annoying ones such as you in the past. If you do not return to your bed at once and finish recovering from a near fatal wound that is still subject to reopening the more stress you place on it I will be sure to break all four of your legs so you cannot run about. I can then add that to my book on alicorn treatments. Under a chapter titled, How to set and heal four broken legs at once.”]

Celestia's eyes widen and she actually took a step back away from the glowering zebra. Baelit winced a little but continued to try and make himself unnoticed by either of them.

“But, wha, wait....... “

“Go to bed, before I go through with the idea to get it out of my head!”

Celestia backed away again looking at the serious expression on Velkorn then back over Baelit who simply shrugs and motions with a hoof for the Princess to return to bed. As Celestia slinks off back into her room Velkorn snorts.

[“Congratulations you have managed to make Jer'rahd seem like a perfect patient.”]


It played out beautify. Jer'rahd grins as a gigantic rush of green flame burst into existence in the air before him channeled though his horn by Bleu. Tents and screaming forms fell from the flames reforming rapidly into bodies of dragons,Rams and Orcs. He watched them fall before him, landing hard with solid thunks and wet splatters to the ground far below. He turns his gaze looking down at the jumbled mess crashing and to the ground of the box canyon below him. Some of them lay still, their pain from being transferred by flame mercifully ended. Others still thrashed among the debris of the command tents screaming as their bodies reacted to the pain of the transfer as well as the sudden fall into the canyon. As the last of the flame flickered away the Guard's waiting around the lip of the canyon rushed down to secure and bind those still alive for questioning and sift through the remains for anything of strategic value.

He felt a brief stab of regret that the ones on the ground below him suffered through that transfer. Having done it once before himself he was quite familiar with how much pain they were going through.
A slight shifting to his left drew a glance from him towards the Princess of the Night. Her ears had flattened to her head at the sounds of the screams though she watched the recovery efforts with interest.

“Do you think we will find anything of value General?”

“It does not matter if we do or not. We have crippled the command structure of this outpost. That is enough for us to send a small force in to mop up while they are in disarray. I am more concerned with Bleu and how she is fairing.”

“If you worry so much, why did you send her into this?”

“She would not have stayed on the sidelines. She has just as much hatred for these dragons as I do. She lost her sister to them and after the Canterlot attack she lost the only other dragons she considered friends. They have taken nearly everything from her. She is young, but she is not a child, she is quite aware that she is effectively never going to be accepted by her kind for aiding us. She realizes this and yet doesn't care, Bleu was brought up as a pony and she considers herself closer to us than to her own kind.”

“So you trust her not to betray you to her own race?”

Jer'rahd glares at Luna, though the Princess did not seem to notice as she watched the subduel of a particularly ornery yellow dragon below.

“I trust her more than I trust you Princess. And I have done much just on your word alone. That you needed to ask where I think her loyalty lies after all she has done for you is a insult.”

Luna closes her eyes and Jer'rahd's expression softens slightly.

“My apologizes Princess. I had already forgotten how closely you regarded Mustang.”

“It is fine Jer'rahd. If anything I should not be questioning the loyalty of my friends. The five of you have been with me through more than any other pony save my sister. I should never doubt any of you.”

Jer'rahd nods lightly smirking as a pair of earth ponies finally managed to beat the dragon into submission so it could be bound properly.

“There will be plenty of time for us to go through more things together with..... what the!? LOOK OUT BELOW!!”

The green flame had returned and with it a large cannon of some kind as well as another group of screaming orcs. The flames flickered and died out though Jer'rahd and Luna both look at the collection of new items with a bit of shock.

“What the buck is she doing?”


Bleu was laughing Not the normal some what high pitched laughter of a funny joke or prat fall, this was a dark malicious laugh that bordered lined on psychotic. And she found all of it funny.

She had followed the plan just as Jer'rahd laid it out, up to a point. She was to land with the supplies outside of the command tent and as soon as a officer was confirmed to be present the whole area was to be saturated with her green flames. After that she was to escape before the shock of the attack wore off.

It was that last part she had not bothered with. She had seen the Rams, the Orcs, and the other dragons about. Listened to the guttural complaining and the draconic orders being shouted. When she spotted the officer she hosed the dragon first and then swept her flame over everything she could before she needed a breath. At that point she changed her mind seeing the shocked look on the faces of the soldiers still around. She changed her scale color back to normal and let her armor cover her form before ripping into anything and everything that even looked at her. If it moved it died, if it didn't move it was made sure to be dead before she moved on.

There was rage that she had yet to express,a burning anger she hid behind her mask of laughter. A way to make every one else feel better no matter what she truly felt like. Jer'rahd had seen behind the mask once, though he had been going through the same emotions at the time.

Still she did not roar or scream obscenities or battle cries, at those she fought, she laughed. Spears and arrows bounced off her armored hide and she laughed, as she ripped the limbs from the ones shooting at her she laughed. Magic was brought to bear against her and was met with a charged blast of lightning and another peal of laughter. Her tail lashed out slicing through armor and bodies alike of those who charged her and she laughed.

All the anguish, all the emotions she had been holding back behind that mask of comedy came out and were brought to bear against these draconic forces. She was alone here, and outnumbered even by the meager forces in this pass, but she found it funny and she laughed.

A group of orcs ran past ripping one of the tarps from a cave bringing a strange looking cannon to bear on her. Green flame erupted from her maw filling the cave and sending everything in it to the destination Jer'rahd chose before that power ran out again.

She lept into the air fanged maw closing on the wing of a green dragonling trying to escape ripping the wing from the beast and sending it crashing into the cliff side. She spit out the wing along with another peal of laughter as she cut loose with all she had been holding back.


“I'mmmm boooooooooooooooooooooored!!”

Velkorn twitched her ears flattening as the Princess whined. Baelit glanced her way and had the grace to cover his mouth to hide the smile. By the stars this mare was more annoying than all of the patients she had ever aided. Once she ceased her escape attempts she had kept up a running commentary for the past two days about how lousy the service was here, off key singing every chance she got and demanding some sort of entertainment, going so far as to flirt with Baelit at one point. The look on the zebra stallions face was far to similar to Rhede's at that point for her not to know he was considering the offers made by the wounded Princess.

She gritted her teeth again snapping yet another quill pen and splattering ink over the desk. Baelit dropped his hoof with a wince muttering softly to his aunt.

[“ I think I might have something to keep her distracted........”]

[“So help me if you finish that sentence with what I think you are........”]

[“I would like very much to live to see my twentieth birthday auntie so no.”]

“Again with the Zebra? Don't you know another language to speak in?”

“ I do Princess, though at times it is easier to speak in my native tongue than in another.”

Celestia perks up a little at the rather elaborate and well worded speech. Velkorn sighs, Baelit was a bit of a negotiator as well as a medic, gifted with a tongue nearly as gilded as Rhede's. It was that very talent that allowed him to form, lead, and get the Queen's Cross to be accepted by every nation as a neutral party only existing to help.

“ So why are you not rhyming I thought that was a zebra doctor thing.”

“For most it is, though rhyming does help one to learn the language better it is also a mental exercise to keep ones mind sharp, a rather important thing for a doctor. I tend not to as most of my dealings are with the healthy and in regards to the actions and motives of my organization. Sometimes rhyming can be detrimental to that. Though now that your question is out of the way I suppose I might ask one of my own?”

“I usually play a game for that sort of request, but a rather unruly beast ate my chess set.”

Baelit blinks following the Princesses stare back to Velkorn who ignored them both.

“So about that question Princess?”

“Oh go ahead. It might pass the time a bit.”

“It is simply something I am not sure I understand, You are the Goddess of the Sun who raises it each morning, and your sister raises the moon each night.”

“Well every foal in grade school knows that, but I sense that was only the setup of the question.”

“Indeed. What would have happened to the sun if Silverclaw had succeed in ending your life?”

Velkorn turns at that, looking back at her nephew, the Princess seemed rather surprised as well. Baelit smiles slightly clearly glad he could still surprise ponies when he needed to.

“That is a question I am not sure I should answer. It is a rather complex matter.”

“Princess my aunt and I have seen more of the make up of an alicorn than any other creature in Equestria alive today. At the very least you can humor a pair of non casters with something as trivial as my question.”


“Did he expect to steal your power? Would it have moved on to another with your death? Do you not actually control the sun and this is a rather excessive lie that has been going on for years in order to make you and your sister seem more important to your subjects?”

Celestia's eyes narrow a bit and Velkorn cannot help to smirk a little at the Princesses annoyance with her nephew's suggestions. Baelit simply remained standing there watching the Princess with interest.

“I think it may be time for my nap.... if you will excuse me.....”

“That is quite alright Princess I will simply ask again when you wake.”

Celestia flinches as Baelit turns away, and hides her head under the pillow. Velkorn very much wanted to hug her nephew at that moment for getting the Princess to shush, at least for a while.



“Sorry boss.”

“It seems Velkorn was correct Bleu you are starting to act like Jer'rahd a bit too much.”

Starfall smirked standing next to Jer'rahd as both of them looked down at the blood drenched dragonling. Only half the camp remained here, the other half of it was in a ravine a days travel back towards Equestrian lands, or in custody. The few remaining orc's and half dragons had been cornered by Bleu inside one of the shallow caves dotting the pass, a place she had kept them until Starfall's scout force had found her again. There had easily been close to a hundred enemy troops here and now there were a hundred corpses or prisoners. Luna had come by checking the carnage, impressed at it before she was swamped in reports of what was found in this raid and forced to deal with the officers bringing them rather than her friends.


“Heh, heh, yeah Boss?”

“Try to follow orders next time, I do not need another reason to fight. I have to many as it is.”

“You're not the only one boss.”

“Also Bleu, try to save some for us, all I’ve been doing is a couple of scouting missions and its rather boring.”

Bleu chuckles and Jer'rahd simply rolls his eyes.

“Next thing I know you two are going to start counting kills like this is some sort of game.”

“Not a bad idea boss.”




Rhede pulls the dagger free of the still warm corpse, carefully checking to make sure none of his hair was on the blade. He shifts his gaze to the door before returning it to the corpse dragging the dagger roughly across the creatures neck smearing the blood around the open wound.

Rhede was not a stranger to killing with a purpose. Though often he was sent to kill those who deserved it, not those who's death would start more conflict. At least not since when worked for The Order.

His eyes run over the corpse, two spindly clawed legs jutting out from a mass of fur and feathers of a mottled gray and white. Past the waist the creatures upper body was not unlike that of a Diamond dog save instead of arms there were a pair of great wings. The head was an odd cross of canine and bird, right down to a beak full of teeth. The harpies were never a large threat to Equestria, living in the lands on the other side of the Griffon empire, though this ones death would likely start another war between the Griffons and the Harpies. He had picked this one as a target as she was not even supposed to be here. She was the head delegates mate, bore several of his children the youngest of which had been brought along as well to stay with their mother. The soft sniffles and whimpering from the chicks that he shoved in the closet drew his attention briefly. The pair had seen him kill their mother, and that was the point to add even more weight and trading to this act, or at least it would as soon as the rest of the plan worked as it had been laid out. A copy of this dagger had already been hidden in the griffon delegations quarters. It was a rare item, a double edged blade made of starmetal designed to be held by a griffon. The scabbard was also mostly griffon made and altered to have spots for two of the blades and he wore a copy of that harness now to add to the illusion.

The door burst open and he could not help but grin at the timing, a harsh squawk from the harpy that opened the door at the scene was the only sound for a moment before Rhede flung the dagger at the harpy, intentionally missing but forcing the creature back from the door and to scream for aid. Rhede charged the window diving out of it and dropping a hoof full of shed griffon feathers that had been collected.

He lands on the ground darting off into shadows as the harpy rushes the window looking into the air trying to spot him. Rhede slips around a corner pulling the gold band off his fore hoof letting the griffon disguised fade. He pops open a barrel gathering the supplies hidden inside and pulling his robes over the harness, hiding it.

The Harpy delegation now had witnesses, feathers, and a murder weapon. When the Zebras investigated the Griffons quarters they would find the weapon's mate as well as a duel harness for them both. Thus sparking an investigation that would lead to conflict with the griffons from the Harpy Empire. With the griffons thus occupied protecting their northern borders they would not be able to aid the dragons against Equestria. The act might even draw more support for Equestria from the other nations. One innocent life sacrificed to open a door to possibly saving thousands of pony lives by keeping the Griffons out of the war for at least a bit longer.

Rhede slipped out of the shadows pretending to be interested in the commotion going on, along with several other nobles and ambassadors on the grounds who had been going about nightly strolls. This was a sacrifice he could live with making. It would not be the first time he had some ones blood on his hooves that did not deserve it.


Luna regards the captured maps with a small sigh. This was mostly useless trivia she already knew about the dragons lands. Roads, minor settlements, and quarries. The supplies were nothing worth note either gems and meat, things that the ponies could not use, although Bleu had taken some of the gems for a snack.

The few surviving individuals from the attack had thus far been resistant to questioning, but there were two things that worried her.

The first was the cannon that Bleu had recovered, that one along with several others they found in the pass. It was a spell cannon, one slightly less refined than the few her army had, but a test firing proved it was much stronger. It blended the dragons elemental magic with their ability to forge creating something much more destructive than anything Equestria had.

The second was the sheer amount of starmetal weapons that were found. She had expected some, perhaps with the officers or an elite strike force after all, nearly all the Canterlot attackers had a weapon of some sort of this material. But this was a outpost guarding a pass and they not only all had weapons, but two of the officers had full suits of armor made of the metal.

The dragons should not have this much starmetal available to them. It was a rare iron type that only came from meteors that fell from space. Such a valued weapon should not be just given to a lesser solider.

She checked over the maps again pulling out the maps made from Starfall's fly over as well. She paused a moment noticing some rather striking differences from this dragons map and the one Starfall had made. To the north there was a massive encampment that had not been there on the fly over. According to the dragons map it was in a valley that the General had not seen in her fly over despite having passed over that section of the mountain range to get to Cindervale.

It took Luna a moment to consider the options of what was going on before she decided on the best course.


A pegasus pony quickly slips into her tent saluting with a wing.

“Yes Princess?”

“Go find my Generals and tell them I need them here at once.”

“ General Silvertail has already left on another mission for General Kaisur, but I will bring Him and General Scale for you Princess.”

She blinks a moment as the pony runs off looking down at her own chest and the bit of metal hanging from a silver chain that dangled from her neck and sighs softly. She had forgotten she could call for them directly again. Far too much had been slipping her mind lately as she focused on this war.

Battle plans, secrets, and anything dealing with conflict was as fresh in her mind as the day she had learned it, be it yesterday or a thousand years ago. But simple things like what her favorite watercress tasted like, or Tia's scent. It was all fading as the battle progressed.

She expected it may be nothing to worry about and once the stress of the war had ended she would remember all of it just as vividly once it was experienced once more.



“You could always answer my question Princess.”

“Not that booooooored.”

Velkorn snorts. The pair of them had been back and forth for two days now. At first it had been a welcome change from the grown Alicorns whining about her bed rest, and her meals of only soup or that her mane and tail were ruined, though now it was like both of them were only doing this to annoy her. Velkorn was about ready to wash her hooves of the whole thing and just start clubbing them both with the nearest heavy object.

“Are you sure? It is a question I am still quite curious about. After all it may be something that could help us later on.”

Baelit responding automaticly now. It was the same response from them both every time. The princess groaned and fanned her wings.

“Alright fiiiiiiine.”

“Well if you are still sure you're not going to tell us...... Wait, what?”

Celestia sits up on the bed wincing a little as her neck moved to the new position. Velkorn flattened her ears at the Princess flipping around like that, but was distracted enough by the change of attitude enough not to yell at her.

“That was unexpected Princess.”

“Well it will kill time and you are right. After all this time the situation might warrant it being told. It is getting hard to tell what needs to say secret and what needs to come out any more.”

Velkorn perked her ears as Celestia's tone changed.

“Keep in mind I have no plans to tell you the full of it, but this is also not really anything I have thought about in a long time. The only reason I am telling you any of this is I am bored out of my mind and my warden there won't let me up.”

Velkorn snorts in annoyance at that term.

“I would let you do as you wish if I thought it would not cause more harm, what would I tell your sister if you recovered a bit and then bough the farm?”

The Princess sticks her tongue out at the zebra mare then pretends to ignore her.

“So moving on, Baelit was it?”

“Yes Princess.”

“History shows that while I have been around a while I am not the first Princess of Equestria, or any of the waring states this land was before it became Equestria. I was however the first to control the sun, just as Luna was the first to control the moon. The sun of course brings light to the land and allows the plants to thrive and grow as well as bringing warmth . The moon is there to provide light as well, if not as bright and allows a time for the land to rest and heal, its movements also affect the eb and flow of the tides and the movements of many creatures.”

Velkorn nods lightly most of this was pony history, and Rhede had been quite willing to talk about it at length , of course at the time she had not cared about what he was saying, so long as he was the one saying it. Though she still listened and remembered. Baelit was rapt with attention clearly not having heard any of this before.

“There was a time before the Discordian war that I was much like my sister is now. Seeking conflict as the only means to an end, might making right. When the war started my sole goal was to destroy Discord for what he had done to a friend I had. Luna was of the same mind set at the time, and the pair of us fought wing to wing in several great battles that make these last few years of conflict pale by comparison. Although this current war is edging close in the loss of life and the treachery.”

Celestia sighs reaching out with a wing to take a glass of water and swallowing a few gulps before setting it aside again.

“In time we came across some of Discords creations and officers that were leading the effort. There were three of them in particular who were giving us far more trouble than they should have. The three appeared to be foals, their coats ran every color of the rainbow and they made a game of every attack and every assault. The problem was that they were excessively deadly in their actions. No one expects a group of foals to have god like powers. It was at this point that the Elements of Harmony were brought to our attention. Luna and I gathered our most trusted followers acquired them. I will not go into the exact details, but suffice to say Velkorn, you and your friends got off light with just a test.”

“Call it that if you will, but the thought of my test still makes me ill.”

Celestia looked at the zebra curiously a moment before continuing.

“The first time we used the Elements it was on these three children of Discord. One was a colt called Artemis, the other a filly, named Apollo, the final filly barely spoke, but was called Screwball by the other two. Apollo and Artemis had been ruining the land with their powers, whether they gained these abilities when Discord created them or after we do not know. But Apollo controlled the Moon and Artemis controlled the Sun. The only reason they had not used these abilities to destroy Equestria directly was the effort seemed to put great strain on the foals and they could not do terribly much before they tired out. This did not limit the havoc they caused very much however. The moon blotted out the sun for three days straight at one point before they grew bored with the effect. I am not sure if Screwball had any powers aside from the minor ones similar to Discord, but she acted like she was feral most times when the trio were involved in any fighting.”

Celestia takes another sip of her water.

“We brought the Elements to bear on them and sealed them in stone. It was then when the power they had transferred to us. In the past the unicorns of pre Equestria raised and lowered the sun and moon, that ability was lost in time and yet the sun and moon still traveled the skies. It turns out that it was the Griffon's gods who had gained those abilities for a time. When Discord rose to power he stole those abilities and killed the gods who controlled them. When we sealed the trio that power went to the next closest gods. The two of us.”

“So you are saying that The dragon had hoped to kill you and take the power to control the sun from you?”

“Possibly, in all honesty Silverclaw might have been blinded by revenge too much to even consider that part. Though with as in depth as his information seemed to be he may have known. It is a secret that only the other gods seem to know. I am not sure where our power initially came from before the unicorns first started it. I have not been around that long compared to how long Equestria itself has been in existence. Every god has power over over the land in some way, but as far as I am aware Luna and I are the only ones with power over celestial bodies. My own talent is growing things in far excess of anything they should be able to do. Luna's talent however seems solely based on the night. Even before she gained control of the moon. That power was much more fitting for her.”

“What happened to the foals?”

“They reside in the garden like many others who were far too dangerous to let run free. They rest in the presence of their father, Discord, sealed in stone forever.”

Baelit blinks.

“That is quite a lot of information you have passed onto us Princess.”

“My sister trusts Velkorn, and Velkorn trusts you. I am aware you cared for me when she was away. Throwing out a little bit of history that you can do nothing to alter means less than you think. I do not like to live in the past. I prefer to live for the present. The past is a far too unpleasant of a place for those of us who have been in it. My sister is not the only one who has lost ponies they cared for, I am grateful that she seemed to have opened up to you all the way she has Velkorn. I simply wish it was in a less hectic time.”

“It really does not matter the time and place, your sister will move along at her own pace.”

Celestia chuckles halfheartedly, looking more worn out now than she had any time with her injury.

“I worry more about how she will be when you are gone Velkorn. I always find it hard to watch those you have grown close to age and die before you. It is one reason I have such a low retirement rate with all my staff. I like to think that all of the ones who have left my service are still out their living the easy life after working so hard for me and bringing me the joy of their company. Even though I know that I have out lived all of them.”

“It is enough to make many reconsider any minor wish to live forever. Princess.”

“Yes, well it is not as if I will last forever either. All things die in time. Even gods. But there will always be new gods to rise up and replace us so long as our people live. Every race has its gods even if they hunt them down and kill them as foals.”

Baelit turned away from the Princess at this jab. Though Velkorn met the alicorns gaze with a vicious stare of her own. Celesita's words were spat out in a dark venomous tone that the zebra had not heard from the Sun Goddess before. Even though Velkorn knew it was directed at her races beliefs as a whole she felt it was fully intended for her directly.

Centuries ago the zebra's had gods as well. They ruled as Celestia and Luna did. However the rest of the race was treated as little more than slaves or breeding stock for the gods. In time a revolt was led and the zebra gods were put to death with the aid of darker arts. In time the ones who saved the zebras were also destroyed lest they try to gain control, and the era of the warlords began.

“I have one more question Princess.”

The two mares blinked looking over at the stallion who showed no signs of actually having taken offense to the slight against his race.

“You realize I only allowed one question.”

“True, but I also happen to know that the head cook is making some pastries and if you answer this one I might be inclined to bring a few extra back. Unless of course you are content with nothing more than soup for your meals.”

“Now I am not sure which of you two is crueler.”

Baelit laughs a bit though he taps his hoof waiting for her answer. Celestia lays her head on her forelegs with a sigh expecting another uncomfortable question from him.

“Fine, ask away, but they better be good pastries....”

“What is this I hear about you being turned pink?”

Celestia's eyes widen at that, a smile forming on her lips as she struggled not to laugh at the memory.

“That question I would answer for free. But you promised me pastries so go get them first then we will talk.”

“Of course Princess.”

Velkorn made a note to not allow Baelit in the same room as Rhede ever again. The earth pony was starting to rub off far too much on the young zebra.


“Boss are you sure this was a good idea?”

“Not in the slightest. But Luna needed some pony she could trust to check this out and who would know it if they saw it, and that’s us. If this was nothing we would have been fine.”

“Boss this ain't nothing..... this is some serious shit here.”

“I said “IF.”

The pair crouched on the edge of a crater looking down into the massive wound in the earth. Below them was a city. Not a camp or a village but a city, one easily the size of Manehatten. It filled the crater along the walls. At the craters center was a mountain that towered higher then the craters lip, that gleamed with a metallic sheen in the moon's light. Both Jer'rahd and Bleu knew at first glance what sort of metal that mountain was made of, starmetal. “Buck us... Luna was right Boss....This is bad.”

The mountain was pockmarked with holes and the tiny dots of torches covered its surface illuminating movement of creatures moving along it. The clang of hammers echoed in the crater and the smoke from countless forges clung in the air hanging over the city like a haze. A large swathe of clear land ringed the mountain for perhaps a league.

Several smaller Tanks trundled along this ring carrying the ore from the mountain's base to the smiths at the edge of the city. The smell of metal being forged assaulted their noses as they watched over the city.

“Boss, why is there such a large area between the city and that mountain? Wouldn't it make more sense to have them right at the base?”

“I have no idea. I can't see a tactical reason.”

“Maybe they are worried its gonna fall over?”

“Possibly if they plan to strip the whole thing.”

As if to answer the query a siren suddenly sounded. At first both of them pulled back looking around expecting they had been discovered though when no attack came they peered back over the edge to see a reddish glow atop the mountain.

“Boss there some one up there...”

Jer'rahd pulls a spy glass from his bag, tugging it open and floating it up to an eye.

“If you had that boss, why didn't you use it to start?”

The unicorn ignores her focusing on the red glow. There were several figures on top of the mountain. A small green dragon, a fully grown Diamond dog, and a diamond Dog Pup. It was the pup who was producing the glow. The small dog had its claws raised towards the sky as if it was grabbing and tugging on something. The red glow faded and the small dog collapsed. The other dog ran up to the pup to check on it though the dragon continued to watch the sky.

“Boss take a look at this....”

Bleu's repeated taps on his side forced Jer'rahd to lower the spy glass. He glanced at the dragon who was pointing upward towards a line of fire in the sky that was arcing towards the crater. His eyes widened as the hurtling ball of flame slammed into a section of the clear space between the mountain and the city. A great gout of earth was flung into the air and the rumbling quake shook the ground the pair were on even at the lip of the massive hole.

As the dust cleared and Jer'rahd brought the spy glass back up to look at the small crater near the mountain. Several dozen Diamond dogs were rushing towards it, sliding down into the hole. After a moment one reemerged from the hole lifting a red flag over his head and waving it at the top of the mountain. Jer'rahd pans the spyglass back up to the mountain and the dragon peering over the edge at the flag, a look of annoyance on his face. The green creature turns to say something to the Diamond dog who responds angrily bringing a snort of blue flame from the dragons nostrils before it stormed off back into a cave at the mountains peak.

He turned his focus back to the pit watching the dogs hook a Tank to something and send the beast marching away. A massive charred stone was pulled free of the pit .Chunks of it fell away as it was drug along. A large chunk fell away revealing a clean section of metal that appeared to be gold.

“Boss whats going on? Did that thing just fall out of the sky?”

“I don't think so it looks like they have a Diamond dog pup that pulled it out of the sky. It seems to be gold though the dragon at the top with the pup did not seem happy about that. I think they are trying for more star metal or something stronger perhaps. The pup does not seem to be able to do it very often as he collapsed at the top of the mountain. In any case we need to report this back to Luna. If she suspected this it's no wonder she wanted some one she could trust.”

“Right lets get out of here.”



“Honey, I'm home.”

Rhede stepped into Celestia's sitting room expecting Velkorn to be there and perhaps even Baelit. The third party who was up around and rather pissed off looking wiped the small smirk from his muzzle. His gaze shifted to the others, Baelit looked sheepish and Velkorn looked nearly as pissed as the alicorn behind her did, though her rage thankfully seemed to be directed at some other pony other than him, for once.

“Ahh Princess, I see you have recovered well enough to be up and about.”

Velkorn growls lightly as if she disagreed completely and Baelit simply turned his head whistling innocently. Celestia ignored them both the faint glow of her horn lifting a small stack of papers before her. Her magic barely seemed to have a hold of them as she flung the stack at Rhede. The pile fell short a few paces scattering across the floor at his hooves. He glances down at the papers with a bit of annoyance noting briefly that the cover page labeled the stack as a report from the negotiations. Rhede was not entirely certain what the zebra's had done to her, but he was not sure the mostly white mane was a good look for the Princess.

“Pelt what is all this?”

“Looks like dead trees to me, pulped and processed into some rather fine paper, quite pricy too.”

“Do not play this game with me Pelt, I am already in a foul mood from being nearly murdered and having a prison warden for a doctor for the last month. What happened at the peace conference? Why am receiving documents that the Griffons and the Harpies are now at war over a murder. Why am I getting contracts for land that we do not even own from the Dragons holdings?”

“That is a good question. Why are you getting them? That information was supposed to come directly to me or Princess Luna.”

“Even bedridden I have my own information circles Pelt. I would not be as concerned if I did not see your hoof work at the heart of all this. A pair of star metal blades forged for griffons to use? Convenient there were so many griffon mercenaries with just such weapons that attacked here recently.”

“The weapons check in the Zebra Palace showed the griffons brought them in. It must have been a rather strong coincidence.”

“ Do not give me that crap, that group you brought with you are loyal to me not you. It did not take much for me to put together what happened from their observations of how you acted. Why Pelt? After all that I have struggled for, the moment I cannot do anything you take advantage of it to start a war?”

“I was under orders. Just like always.”


“Who do I answer to now Princess? Who have you told me repeatedly that I am to answer to? Just your sister. She told me to find a way to keep the Griffons from aiding the Dragons. And I did. So now that I admit it , its your move Princess. What are you going to do? Turning me over to the Griffons will simply prove that Canterlot had something to do with this and cement the Griffons desire to destroy us. The dragons are already trying to kill us out right, Silver claw planned all this for who knows how long and he still managed to keep his supporters in Cindervale happy with him all while buddying up with Luna as Mustang. What would you have done if it had been your sister who had been stabbed and left for dead? Shes already having a hard enough time dealing with that level of betrayal, then you get wounded as well? Peace was off the table the moment they brought the war here.”

“ I should have you locked up again for this at the least, I should have you executed for causing more wars among the races that I have been trying for centuries to end. Do you have any clue at how far you have set back all my efforts? Get out Pelt,.”

Rhede grits his teeth his ears flattening.

“I'm not bucking going any where till I have said my piece on this Celestia. You know damn well you would be working to wipe them off the map if the situation was reversed. The dragons have been killing ponies for years without anything more than a slap on their scaled wrists as punishment, you should have destroyed them in the first war, instead you took the weak way out and tried to reason with the monsters.


“I AM NOT DONE ….. I lost my father and a great many family members in this attack and there are some who lost everyone, those ponies count me lucky I have any one left that I love, so many of my family dead and I AM LUCKY!?! I don't give a buck any more about any other race so long as ours stays safe. I would kill every harpy on the planet if I thought it would protect what remains of my family, at least your sister seems to give a shit that her subjects are getting murdered in front of her instead of hiding in a bucking castle and pretending everything is alright, holding Galas to pander to self righteous idiots who are only using you and everyone else to further their own agendas.”


Rhede glares at the Princess, his eyes shift to Velkorn and Baelit. He had not been this visibly angry since he had met either of them, but judging by the looks on the two zebra's faces the shock of it was evident. He spits on the floor, before Celestia storming away towards the door.

“As you wish, Princess.”

He shoulders the door open, kicking the door far to hard to close it once he passed. The impact of the door striking the frame enough to shake the wall the door was attached to.

Velkorn glances at Baelit who was in shock and then to Celestia whose head had drooped showing her level of exhaustion. She never should have allowed those papers to come to the Princess, but the mare was insistent she needed some sort of work to do. She rose to her hooves heading towards the door.

[“Baelit, get the Princess to bed. I will have a word with him.”]

[“Of course Auntie.”]


Bleu crashed hard into the ground, her wings were in tatters and the Armor of Laughter was hanging off her form, cut to ribbons. If not for her thick scales she would likely be dead. The mercenaries were still working to remedy that even now. She flung herself out of the trench she created as she crashed , firing a bolt of lighting at one of the Griffon mercenaries. The bird exploded in a spray of burning feathers and blood, its armor slagging and fusing partially to the falling bones. The two dozen others hung back keeping air borne and launching at her from random sides making swift, if light attacks seeking to strike deeper when the chance presented itself.. The starmetal blades cut though her armor like butter, but her scales were a little more resistant. Their attacks were chipping small chunks from her scales though only a few sank deep enough through them to draw blood.
She lashed out with her tail battering one of them aside into another, although they both were knocked to the ground one quickly rose again while the other hopped back away from her, its left wing bent at an odd angle. The one on the ground readied its spear, the fight clearly not gone out of it just yet.

Bleu cursed having relied far to much on the armor to save her from the attacks. She had not been ready when she was swarmed as she had hoped she could out fly them. Jer'rahd was still back at the crater holding off the entire army it seemed, just so she could get back to tell Luna of what they found.

She had not wanted to leave him, but he gave her no choice actively charging into the midst of the patrol that found them to clear her an opening. Even ordering her as a higher rank, she could have ignored it and stayed, but Luna needed to know what they found. And now she had failed even that, granted, she was not dead yet.

She grins her claws digging into the ground as she laughs ripping up the earth as she charged the the Griffon still on the ground. The bird did not panic and set its spear to meet a charge planning to let her impale herself on the weapon. She shrunk suddenly sailing past the spear blade her teeth clamping into the light armor on the griffons neck her fangs piercing it enough to draw blood as she swung around using her momentum to land on the Griffons back. She released his throat turning back to full size and crushing the unfortunate bird under her full weight.

She spit out the blood that covered her tongue glaring at the others circling.

“So which of you is next?”

The griffons did not respond, but a high pitched whine could be heard growing closer in the brief silence. Bleu smiles at the sound.


The field was soaked with so much crimson it ran over the craters edge like a miniature waterfall. The element of Loyalty armor was shredded as was much of his flesh underneath. He barely noticed. Bodies lay about him scattered in a wide circle. His whole form was soaked in blood and he was not even sure of how much of it was his. Rams, Diamond Dogs, Griffons, Orcs and even a Minotaur or two had fallen at his blade and hooves.

Just on the other side of the growing pile of bodies he was surrounded. It seemed the entire force in the crater had come up here to deal with him. Which was just as he wanted it, with all the attention focused on him, Bleu could get back to the Princess.

This place needed to be destroyed, If an army of dragons marched on Equestria armed and armored with starmetal, magic would be useless, half the kingdoms defenses would be little more than neutralized before the first shot was fired.

One of the dragons circling dove for him, the action prompting a rush of his allies over the kill zone as well. He spit out his blade, caught the weapon with his magic and swung it in an arc across the battlefield lashing at the ones charging him. He rose on his back legs meeting the diving dragon head on, his still armored fore hooves smashing into the beasts jaws shattering teeth and bone meeting little resistance from the beasts head. A sloppy attack, most of them should have seen by now that only their starmetal weapons even nicked him.

He blinked as the dragon bit down on his legs shattering more of its teeth, holding his front legs in his jaws and charging towards the cliff s edge, trying to take to the air. The Waning Moon arced back through the air slicing off the creatures wing sending it stumbling, its grip still tight on his fore legs. They both soared into the air over the ledge propelled by the beasts forward momentum. His blade hit home ending the dragons life though the damage was done and his legs were still locked in the creatures jaws as they both fell into the crater towards the city far below.



The earth pony stops, and glances back at the zebra mare that had followed him, sighing deeply.

“I don't have the time or the patience to deal with anyone right now Velkorn. Go back to Celestia.”

[“Like buck I will, what is wrong with you? I have only seen you lose yourself like that once before and that is when half your leg was burned off.”]

Rhede looks down at the black fur covering his left foreleg that ran up to his neck. A trophy of surviving dragon fire.

[“I have said my peace on the matter, I don't wish to speak further about it.”]

[“I wish to know why this is bothering you to the point you lash out at the Princess. She may be insufferable, but she did not deserve that, so what is really wrong Rhede? Do you wish to avenge your family directly, is that it?”]

[“You ask that,and act as if you understand, but you have done nothing to avenge your brother? Do you even know a family?”]

[“My brother does not deserve to be avenged. He had become a mad animal who was doing harm to any around him, infecting them with his sickness. You know this as well as I do, Even if Bloodtail had his ear, he could have not listened.”]

She moves closer to him her hooves sounding lightly on the tile floor of the hall. Rhede seemed to flinch with every echo of that sound.

[“I will not force you to say anything Rhede. But what ever is bothering you cannot be good to hold inside. Am I not correct in this?”]

[“ No. It is not good and it would be good to get everything off my chest. But not now, suffice to say I can only remain calm so long in the face of what has been done. Family is everything to the Pelt's Velkorn. And we lost twelve of our own including my father and my eldest siblings. Then when I find a way to take a small measure of revenge, to do my part in seeking justice for this act, I am confronted and abashed by the mare who had been one of my greatest supporters in everything I have ever done. She nearly died, her sister nearly died, and yet she still thinks there can be peace. Optimistic, but blind to what is really happening, either that or she sees it and chooses to ignore it hoping the problem will go away on its own. I am beginning to question how Equestria survived this long with her leading it.”]

Velkorn's ears flatten as his tone darkened again. He was not yelling at her, though it seemed like he may at any second and was simply holding it back.

[“There is only so much I can do here, and for once I wish I was more of a front line combatant like Jer. At least then it's easy to see who the enemy is and to deal with them as such. All I can do here is predict how things may go and hope they pan out as I want. I.... I just.... never mind. I would suck trying to do Jer's job any way. I have to hope that he gets enough vengeance for both of us and that Luna sends me some where a little more direct next time.“]


[“I'll be in my quarters Velkorn, I would prefer no one to see me in this state.... especially you. There's only time for mourning when you stop and thanks to this I have nothing to do until Luna gets back or sends for us.”]

He trots off leaving Velkorn in the hall by herself.

[“..... You do not need to be going through this alone…....”]


The Sonic Rain Boom hit with enough force to even send even Bleu tumbling across the ground and she had braced for it the moment she heard the high pitched whine. She still managed to right herself before the griffons did, crushing another of them before it could recover. The rainbow colored cloud had not even cleared when a dozen shapes tore out of it, black suits making them appear as little more than shadows in the after glow of the brilliant flash of light. The stunned griffons were all dead before they had a chance to even see who their attackers were.

Bleu lay down again panting as Starfall approached, the pegasus bit her lower lip looking at the wounds covering her friend. Bleu pushes herself upright trying to act like she was not even wounded.

“Bleu what are you doing out here? Are you alright?”

“Never better, we need to go back to the crater and save Boss....”

Starfall winces and the dragonling's eyes widen as Starfall glances behind her towards the crater..

“.. What whats wrong?”

“We are not going to be able to go that way for a while.”

“What are you talking about!?! Boss is back there.

“ What, Jer'rahd? Buck it!”

One of the other Ponies walked up to Starfall saluting both her and the dragon.

“We need to hurry back and report General every moment they get closer.”

“I know. Bleu ,we can't go back for him right now we need to get to the Princess.”

“Yeah..... He told me to do the same.......”

“Can you shrink down enough that I can carry you Bleu? I think we both have a report to make. I am sure he is fine. I think as Element Bearers we would know if he was killed.”

The dragonling didn't say anything, but she shrunk down letting the armor fade from her form. In the smaller size the wounds on her looked even worse and she needed help to get onto Starfall's back.

They took the trip back as quickly as they could, but Bleu did not say anything and just cried into Starfall's mane.


Again he tasted blood and once again he was not sure how much of it was his own. It was mixed with sweat, fouled meat, ash and whatever traces of that potion they tried to feed him were. He didn't know if it was a healing potion or a truth serum or what,but they wore more of it now than they got into his mouth.

He shifts again the rattling of the chains holding him making several of the Diamond dogs around him jump and back away raising their weapons. The howling of the one who's claws he had bit off could still be heard outside. Jer'rahd smiled at that. He was chained up in some sort of silo the chains recently having been fastened to the walls, likely after he broke out of his last few cells. A cat walk ran far above him with at least six Griffons with crossbows standing along it.

He was standing all four legs bound in place with chains and bars. His chest and neck were draped in them as well Binding him to every wall of the stone room in several points. One of them had tried to get a muzzle over his face. The muzzle along with two severed fingers now lay between his hooves. Granted he think he was suffering from that more than the injured dog was, those creatures were foul.

Another chain was wrapped tight around his horn, the starmetal links of this one were supposed to prevent him from casting spells. Though with a bit of effort he could push past the canceling effects of them. All that time playing with the dagger was paying off quite well. This had screwed with his captors on more than one occasion already and helped him escape several times already.

It had been three days since the dragon had shoved him into the crater. He smashed through several buildings on the way down his armor absorbing most of the impact. Once he pulled free of the dragon corpse he proceeded to run amok trashing anything and every one he could get to before they managed to subdue him.

He then had escaped two more times causing more damage and injury before the chains were tried. When he escaped from that and was caught again they resorted to bindings of starmetal. So far that had held and yet he still managed to kill two more and wound half a dozen. He was bleeding from numerous wounds, he was unsure if he even had cutie marks on his flanks any more from the burns he suffered and he could not see out of his right eye any more. Whether it was gone or just had swollen shut he did not know though the pain was still much less than what he had experienced in the past. Rage still powered him, and every time he saw or heard any one from this place, that rage grew.

They had attempted to question him, one even tried torture. One of his hind legs was broken from that attempt, but the one who tried was never going to do anything ever again. His red eye glowed brightly, illuminating the silo brighter than the torches along the walls. He had not eaten anything or had anything to drink since he had last escaped, perhaps it was time to break free and find the mess hall.

That thought was stalled as a pony sized green dragon slunk into the room through the main door. The beasts appearance was enough for him to make a lunge at the creature. One of the links snapped and two Diamond dogs lept on the chain grabbing it and pulling to secure it again nearly choking him. The dragon walks around Jer'rahd seeming unconcerned looking him over and smirking softly. Its lavender eyes glinting in amusement.

“When I was told a spy had been caught I was not concerned, When I was told of the losses incurred in capturing him I became curious, when I was told of the subsequent escapes and the casualties and damage that continued to climb with every attempt that was made. I was intrigued. When you managed to blind one of the tanks and used its own mindless thrashing to your own ends to destroy easily forty percent of the eastern area, I knew I had to meet this pony. Now that I have, I recognize you and I am giddy with joy. It is not every day one of my race meets the infamous Demon of Dullahan and lives to tell the tale.”

“What makes you think you will live to tell that tale?”

The dragon grins looking down at the bloodied pony expressing a glee that seemed to border on madness. He pokes the unicorns nose with a claw drawing blood from the small wound and yanking his hand back as Jer'rahd snaps at it.

“You are just as I have heard described, brash, uncouth, violent, and best of all dangerous. It is a pity you were not born a dragon, you would have gone far in the empire.”

“Yeah pity that, you all might not be on the verge of destruction right now if I wasn't a pony.”

The green dragon tilts his head up trying to look thoughtful at something though he simply sighs.

“Silver claw kept many of us in the Flame party informed of the goings on in Equestria. Your tales always interested me the most. Of course my interest was personal. After all the first dragon you killed was my mate. I was looking forward for a long time to ending your life due to that. Then I found out that your mate was killed and I thought perhaps it was a trade off. Though the more things that Silverclaw sent back about you the more interested I became.”

Jer'rahd shifts his head watching the dragon pace around him.

“You are a monster, you were broken, rebuilt, suffered and trained away from your own nightmares. You died and came back, killed several gods, and became the bearer of a powerful artifact. You managed to become the third most powerful pony in the entirety of your land in such a short time, just through your own skills and a bit of luck. Not since the rise of the mixed breed Krisis has some one from nothing risen so fast and so high in such a short time. Ahh, but even that poor orange drake fell in time when he reached to far past his own abilities. Just as you have.”

“Is this some new form of torture? Cause your history lesson and fancolt nature is only getting on my nerves.”

“Ah yes, I do apologize for that. I tend to get carried away at times. But no matter. Normally I would give you my name, but I can tell you do not care. Nor do I want my name to be cursed with your dieing breath. Bad business that. I simply wanted to meet you and tell you that thanks to Silverclaw I know the best way to kill you before I have your head mounted on my wall. You are greatly feared General Kaisur, and my killing you will elevate my standing greatly in Cindervale. I cannot of course forget my mate so I will not allow you to die quickly. “

He waves a hand at the diamond dogs who finish attaching another chain and dart out of the chamber. The green dragon turns heading out to the door glancing back with a smile on his face. He snaps his claws and the lights in the chamber go out save the ones along the cat walk above him and the red glow from the unicorns eye.

The door was shut tight, the metal grinding as it was sealed leaving him in near blackness. Looking up at the griffons he watched as two of them set the crossbows aside and swung a large high sided ramp from the wall over the pit before pulling on a rope and opening a sluice gate.

The first droplets of water to strike his back felt like fire in the dark and it only took seconds before the first surge of it hit the floor splashing over his legs. The red light from his eye faded in the shock enveloping him in blackness.


“Are you sure that is what you saw Bleu.”

“Yes, boss said there was a small Diamond Dog pup that called the rock down out of the sky. We got ambushed and Boss stayed to fight so I could get back and tell you.”

Luna looked grim, the worry was not easily hidden even with her new menacing look. She shifts her gaze between the medics who were tending to the multitude of wounds covering the small dragons back and sides. Her wings were in tatters and it would take months of healing to repair them and even longer for her to fly again, if she ever did.

She dips her head wondering why she had not thought to warn the pair about her feelings of dread from that place. She shook it off turning her gaze to Starfall.

“General ready the troops we march to destroy this instillation immediately.”

“We can't do that Princess.”

“What? Jer'rahd is trapped there and that place needs to be destroyed immediately you know what dangers a production of that size will have.”

“We can't do it because of what is in the way.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I have my own report to give Princess. A huge contingent of the Dragon army is currently marching on our position. If we head out into that open valley they will pick us off like we are nothing. Especially if they are armed with starmetal. Our best bet is to hole up here in a place already set to defend a siege and fight them off . If we take everyone over there we will get hit on both sides from the defenders and the army. As tough as you are and as many forces as we have that kind of attack would put us in the cross fire of everything. We would lose easily. We lost surprise now we need to play to win. Losing Jer'rahd set us back considerably already. I understand you only wanted to send some one you trusted , but you could have waited until I arrived and sent me. Or do you not trust me any more to do so.”

“No. It is not like that. I made a gamble and I lost. General Kaisur has had more experience with that metal than any other pony save my sister and I. I had hoped Bleu would be able to get them both out of trouble if they found any. Seems I was wrong on that.”

“Boss ain't lost yet hes been in worse scrapes than just being captured.... hes not dead.... he can't be....... WE WON”T KNOW TILL WE GET BACK THERE!! And if I gotta claw my way through an army to find out I will.”

The pair of them look at the crying dragon before glancing back to each other. Starfall sighs hanging her head not meeting the Princesses gaze.

“Starfall place the order to prepare for siege and send a messenger back to Canterlot, if Celestia is well enough inform Velkorn that I want her and Rhede out here as soon as possible.”

“At once Princess.”


The green dragon looks down at the curved sword, his grip tight on the handle as the blade shook, trembling, as if trying to slip free of his grasp to kill him without its master's presence. He glances back at the silo, the water pouring into the dark building bringing screams from its lone occupant. The panicked cries were like music. In time the water would be over the pony's head and he would drown in terror. Once he was dead the dragon would go in himself to behead the General with his own blade. It would be quite the event. One spoken of for decades, though it would be a much more thrilling tale of single combat of course with him emerging the victor.


Twilight whips her head back Pulling away from terror flooding through Jer'rahds's mind before she became over whelmed with it herself. She drops her head, panting hard, bringing a worried look from Rainbow Dash.

“Umm you OK Twilight?”

The Lavender Pony shakes her head trying to contain the trembling, as the shared fear fades. She had not felt that level of terror before from Jer'rahd even when he was first tortured and she had been along, it had not been like that. After that first time she had avoided baths for a week sticking to showers only after Spike complained.

“Something rather bad is happening Rainbow, this story is getting darker every time I look into it.”

“Maybe you should have a bit more light to read the thing by then.””

Twilight blinks looking up at Rainbow who still had a serious expression on her face after saying that, though the pegasus focus still seemed to be on the book she was reading.

“You're joking right?”