Destroying the fourth wall

by Henry Hatsworth

Part 4

"Right, 'owsabout something a little bit different, eh?" Thompson said to himself as he began transporting himself to yet another scenario. The familiar flash of light assaulted his eyes, blinding him to whatever was happening when his imagination seeped into his reality in this manner. When he could see again, he stood in what looked like a market in Ponyville. He looked around, having temporarily forgotten what he intended to do. However, he looked ahead of him and saw Gilda the Griffon walking straight towards him.
"Ah, that was it." He said, his memory refreshed.
"Okay, he seems to have put himself in an actual fucking episode. That's something of a plus, I suppose." The man said to himself as he continued to observe Thompson's actions. Thompson deliberately walked into her, causing her to start shouting.
"Hey! I'm wallking here!" She shouted angrily.
"Yeah well what the fuck do I care? Why you always fuckin' in 'ere with the fuckin' matches? You fuckin' my wife? You fuckin' my wife?" Thompson shouted. Upon reading this, the man groaned.
"Oh good god he's quoting Eddie Izzard." He said, head in his hands."Oh well, at least Gilda doesn't know how to reply." He sighed to himself, trying to be positive. Meanwhile, Gilda was taken aback at this sudden burst of anger from Thompson.
"I AM your wife." She said in surprise as well as confusion. These words caused the man to stare at the screen, utterly gobsmacked.
"He....Manipulated Gilda......To know how to finish off that Eddie Izzard routine........WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS GUY FUCKING DOING!? HE CAN MANIPULATE WHAT THE OTHER CHARACTERS SAY? HOW IS HE DOING ALL THIS? AND HOW DOES HE EVEN KNOW ABOUT EDDIE IZZARD? You know what? I'm convinced, this guy somehow knows everything that I know. He's literally a self insert. And he's getting too strong for his own good! I'll have to stop this before it gets out of hand. But how?" The man said as he tried to think of a solution. Meanwhile, Thompson was continuing his tirade of swearing.
"That's not the point! You fuckin' my wife? You fuckin' my wife? You fuckin' my wife?" He shouted at Gilda, slowly walking towards her.
"Alright, I fucked your wife! I am your wife and I fucked her!" Gilda shouted, wanting to get the situation over and done with.
"That's better." Thompson said in a calm voice. Then, as quick as it had before, the world changed and Thompson was back in the Everfree Forest. When this happened, the man breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank god that's over." He said to himself. At that moment, the door to the room he was in opened and another man walked in.
"Yo roomie! You wanna piece o' pizza?" The other man shouted, his voice loud and brash.
"For the last time, my name is Bill!" The man replied."And no, I'm a bit busy with something." He added before turning back to his computer.
"What? You got some shitty virus or somethin'?" The other man said as he walked over to Bill, for that was indeed the first man's name.
"You're not gonna believe this, I was writing a fanfiction and my character just randomly started doing everything on it's own." Bill told him.
"Woah. That is pretty crazy." The other man said, biting into a piece of pizza he was holding.
"Eeeeeeyup." Bill replied. They both stared at the screen while Thompson thought about what he was going to do next before the other man spoke up.
"Well, good luck with that. if you change your mind about the pizza, you know where to find me." He said as he left the room.
"See ya." Bill replied before doing as Thompson was doing and thinking, thinking about an ending.