Celestia's Ascension to madness

by storiesatrandom

Chapter 2

Act II: So It All Begins and Ends Here.

Celestia, one day, was only meditating in her study when she got a letter from what seemed to be out of nowhere. She read, and she knew exactly what it was. Celestia said to herself: "It is time. But she is still so unprepared, choosing books over friends. Perhaps now's the time for her greatest lesson: friendship." Celestia wrote a letter to Twilight to stop reading those dusty books and go to Ponyville to see to the preparations for the upcoming Sun Celebration Festival. Celestia knew she would run into the other new bearers of Harmony, whose names were revealed to her sometime ago by her master Creation. (He had been told by Father Time Stallion.) She even knew about the Sonic Rainboom that granted her student and the chosen few their cutie marks. Celestia knew that they were friends that did not met yet.
“Well,” Celestia thought, “it's time Twilight meets them.” She sent the letter. Sighing to herself, she left the study. She encountered to a pegasus guard. Celestia said: "I need you to contact General Thundering Might; there is something I want from him." The guard only nodded and flew off.
She returned to her study to wait, knowing how busy that old pegasus Thundering Might is. He was often overscheduled when it came to organizing. A few minutes passed, and a stallion entered the study. He bowed in respect. Celestia said: "At ease, General, you may enter."
Thundering Might said: "I heard you required my assistance, your grace?"
Celestia said glumly: "General, rally all your guards, and evacuate all the citizens of Canterlot. Take them to the secret compartment under the palace. Everypony must remain there until I send a letter stating ‘it’s safe.’" The general sighed; he knew exactly why the princess had asked.
Thundering Might said: "Your sister?"
Celestia said: "I wish I could believe the lie of Nightmare Moon being an old mare's tale, but yes, the 1000 year banishment is coming to a close. I must meet this threat and lead Nightmare Moon to a false sense of victory. Her overconfidence will lead her to defeat. No matter what happens, you and all the guards must stay with the civilians; they are your concern."
Thundering Might asked: "What about the rest? Ponyvillie at least?"
Celestia said: "Fear not, the rest of this land not going to be attacked. Ponyvillie, well, I already explained the plan of the New Bearers. I promise you, Thundering Might that I will be fine, briefly imprisoned, but fine. You’re dismissed. Now rally the guards." Thundering Might bowed and then left. Celestia said a prayer: "Creation, our savior, father of all creatures and ponies alike, created Equestria. Nature granted life and Time added years. Creation granted order. Peace is a virtue, harmony be praised. Creation be praised. Have mercy on Luna. Have mercy on Twilight. Have mercy for all of Equestia. Have mercy on me. Please let your guiding light shine though these dark times ahead. And please, if it does not work, please save Twilight Sparkle from Nightmare. Grant her a better life; save her from whatever cruel fate Nightmare may have. Harmony be praised."

Night finally came. The city outside and around the palace was now a ghost town, practically empty.

On the palace balcony, Celestia stared outside, looking at the moon with the shadow of a mare still on it. Celestia was not smiling but was still calm. Celestia said: "I know you are going to be free soon so just save the suspense." The Mare in the Moon vanished from the surface of the moon. Celestia sighed.

An evil cackle was heard. It got on Celestia's nerves, but she retained a straight face. Celestia said: "I know what you seek, Nightmare, and, against my better judgment, I ordered my guards to evacuate the citizens of Canterlot, for a private battle. Just you and me Luna."

Silence. Suddenly, a purple mist slapped Celestia, sending her flying, but she flipped herself over and landed upright, horn glowing and ready and wings unfolded. An angry, booming voice shouted out: "HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO DO THIS OLD BIT? IT'S NIGHTMARE MOON! THE RIGHTFUL RULER OF EQUESTIA! THE QUEEN OF THE NIGHT! AND, YOUR DEFEATER, TREACHERIOUS SISTER!" Celestia's nerves slowly but surely began to dwindle, realizing who she was in the presence of, but this time, she would not be so manipulated by fear or the dark spirit's rants.
Celestia said: "Well Spirit, if you seek a rematch, I set the battlefield, a deserted city, a deserted palace. We are of equal level, sister. The council disconnected me from the Elements, and I am sure you are weakened from your banishment." Nightmare Moon's voice laughed.
Nightmare Moon's voice said: "Very sure of yourself, Wimp-lestia? Discounted on magic, yes, for now anyway, but I still possess our Alicorn-fu skills." Celestia said: "Our master, Creation, intended for these skills to be used for good, not personal gain."
Nightmare Moon's voice said: "Oh, and what did you called sending me to the moon, back-stabber?" Celestia's face of focus broke.
Celestia said: "Sister, it was unintentional. I was unfocused, overwhelmed by fear. I just, I just wanted to turn you normal again, Luna." A loud booming scream echoed through the room.
Nightmare Moon appeared, charging at Celestia. Celestia quickly dodged her at the last minute. As Celestia got up, the purple mist lashed at her side, leaving a bloody scar. Celestia screamed in pain. Nightmare kick-flipped Celestia to the roof. Celestia smashed through the roof, stopping herself with her wings. Celestia looked at her side and moaned in pain. A lighting storm began to brew, but only in Canterlot. Celestia saw Nightmare fly at her, so she flew at Nightmare. Nightmare forward somersault-kicked Celestia away, sending Celestia falling towards the courtyard. BAM! Celestia only moved quickly enough to see a black dot get bigger and more Alicorn shaped until-


Nightmare Moon stood proudly on her injured sister with an evil smile on her smug face. Celestia whimpered in pain; Nightmare's weight is too much to bear. This did not deter Nightmare Moon one bit. Nightmare's mane began to lash at Celestia, making scars with each turn of the lash. There were scars on Celestia’s eyes, but she could still barely see. Then Nightmare began to stomp on Celestia's wings. She was pleasured by the sounds of Celestia's wing bones cracking.
Celestia finally got the strength to kick Nightmare off. Celestia stood, almost as awkward as a new born foal, and she readied herself. Nightmare Moon just stood there, amused by Celestia's willingness to continue fighting despite the damage Celestia bore. Nightmare Moon said: "At first, so long ago, I never knew you had a backbone. But that was before your last minute trick. Now I am convinced Creation's training with you was not wasted time. It's a shame I remained the better fighter."
Nightmare Moon laughed. The letter from that morning rose up, the one Twilight Sparkle wrote. Celestia gasped in fear. Nightmare Moon said: "Yes, sister, I know of your little student. I'll admit, I don't know much of what you are planning, but it's a good guess that you intend to get the sixth element: the Element of Magic. It will complete the chain, and, if they're hearts remain contained and focused. Twilight and these possible new replacements will ruin everything! Well, I am here to say otherwise. I'll see to it that your previous student and these unlucky 5 foals, will be fitted for a personal execution from me, Sister!" Celestia put on an angry face, enraged by what this spirit intended to do. She charged. Nightmare Moon only grinned, as her mane began to glow. Celestia skidded to a halt.
Nightmare Moon said: "But you dear sister, you have a special form of punishment. Just for you."
Celestia said, her fear returning: "What's that?"
Nightmare Moon said: "We, Tia, we shall become one! Your powers will be combined with mine once my own regeneration is complete! We shall be WHOLE, SISTER! You see, I took your petty thoughts about plants needing sunlight and crap like that into consideration. It made me realize: ruling a dead kingdom is BORR-RING! So, I pondered, why not combine the sun with the moon creating a Celestial moon. It's both a moon, and, in a way, a sun. Not bright enough to draw away the stars but enough to feed those plants. That'll fuel your beloved mortals you cared about so much about. I will have to simply imprison you INSIDE ME VIA MY FREAKY MISTY MANE!" Nightmare's mane formed a tornado, which headed towards Celestia. Celestia struggled to run, but the mane-nado caught up. Celestia screamed: "NO! LUNA, I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE! STOP THIS, BEFORE IT'S—“

The mane-nado begins to engulfed Celestia. The mane returned to Nightmare Moon, who only laughs. Nightmare Moon said: "Now that the bigger threat is out of the way, I will focus on my next target: Twilight Sparkle. Destination: Ponyvillie. No pony will stop me this time." With that, she became a mist cloud and flew off to Ponyvillie.

Meanwhile, inside an empty void, Celestia, with her wounds and broken wings gone, was now floating in a fetal position. All she could do was cry, but she remembered this was part of the Council's plan. Nightmare knowing was a blessing disguised. Nightmare's overconfidence was her great weakness, as well as her underestimating of mortal ponies. Celestia smiled. She said: "So, you think you have won, Luna? Well you, and that spirit, will most certainly be surprised. It's only a matter of time." She lay back, relaxed, knowing even though Nightmare Moon defeated her, Celestia was but one challenge. Twilight and her friends would be the real match. Celestia said: "So, it all begins, and ends here. Nightmare Moon has bitten off more she could chew. It may get a little boring in here, but it will be worth it."
Seconds turned to minutes; minutes turned to hours. Celestia was getting bored. Celestia suddenly noticed a great, blinding light. Celestia said: "I knew I could count on you Twilight." Celestia flew towards the light.
The blinding light faded, Celestia opened her eyes, seeing a familiar room. Where it had all started, Nightmare Moon had ended. The friendly faces of Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight, her student, her half-daughter, her savior stood before her. But what filled Celestia with greater joy was the sight of an unconscious, but alive, Luna.

Luna sat in her room, clearly saddened by what she had done as the spirit. She was approached by Celestia. Celestia said: "Sister, I know why you still feel glum. Please understand it was mostly the fault of the spirit that controlled you. You cannot be held responsible for your actions."
Luna said: "Sister, I am, still amazed thou can manage forgiveness but, I did terrible wrongs. I bodily injured you, insulted you, attacked innocent ponies, and threatened your student and her friends. But worse, I brought great shame to the council, to Creation, to Uncle Time, to Aunt Nature, to our Mother and Father, and to all the alicorns in Alicorn-hala. I am disgraced." Celestia came closer to soothe Luna.
Celestia said: "Sister, in a way, I am sort of a disgraced. I betrayed mother and father's wishes by losing balance in harmony, attempting to bring you back while the spirit was still in full power. I even attacked the Council. Luna, I kicked our mentor in the face for you. I risked becoming a permanent disgrace in the eyes of our mentor because I didn't want to lose you, sister. I intended to turn you back to normal, but—“
Luna said: "Thou was unfocused? Imbalanced? Victim to unrelenting love and fear?"
Celestia said: "Yes, that's why the Council took away my ability to use the Elements of Harmony, to protect me from becoming another tainted Alicorn." Luna was still sad. Celestia nuzzled her. Celestia said: "They have pardoned me for my actions; I forgive you."
Luna asked: "Sister? Have I, lost control of the Elements too?"
Celestia said: "Well, because of the Spirit's attempt to attack the bearers, even destroy the Elements themselves you too are disconnected."
Luna said: "Tia, please know, whatever the spirit said, I never meant any of it."
Celestia said: "I know, Luna, and I never meant to banish you." Luna smiled.
Luna said: "So, thou hast really kicked Creation in the face?" Celestia giggled.
Celestia said: "I won't even dream of doing again! But don't worry, our master's a tough stallion. He had tougher students hit him in more, shall we say, softer areas." Luna and Celestia giggled.
Luna said: "Thank you for believing in me and granting your forgiveness."
Celestia said: "And thank you Luna, for accepting my forgiveness and for coming home."
A voice said: "Your highnesses?" Both Luna and Celestia looked over, seeing Thundering Might with a blushing face. Thundering Might said: "Um, if you are done with your sister moment a feast in celebration of Luna's return is set." Celestia chortled.
Celestia said: "Grant us a few minutes, General." Thundering Might made no hesitation in leaving. Luna and Celestia snickered.
Luna said: "I am eager to meet the high-life ponies of this lifetime."
Celestia said: "They’re not all bad, at least till you meet my ‘nephew’ Prince Blueblood."
Luna said: "I can already tell Blueblood may be a tough one to sallow." Celestia only grinned.
Celestia said: "Luna, you don't even know the 99% of it!"