The Invisible Brony Defense Force

by SoullessDCLXVI


A/N: The "winners" of the cameos: Technia, S1nt4x, and Pascal. Pascal's character had me in giggling fits and will be a challenge to write for. And I look forward to tackling that challenge. However, he won't be seen this chapter.
Edit: I guess Technia will also be introduced at a later time

"Ahh!" Twilight screamed as I wrapped my arms and wings around her, shielding her from view of anyone who might see her.

"Shhh! Please be quiet!" I stage whisper. Twilight calms down but doesn't cease shaking. I scan the forests looking for anyone who might see Twilight. Seeing none, I let go of her and let out a sigh of relief. Thankful that the 'sleeping camps' are a half a mile away from the Inner Circle.

"Why did you attack me? I thought you guys liked me?"

"Attack you?" I respond, confused. "Oh, no. I'm sorry. I was just trying to make sure no one saw you. The rest of my kind... well let's just say that you don't want to meet any of them. And by 'let's just say', I of course mean you seriously don't want to meet them."

"Wait, you thought we liked you?" responded Arrow accusingly. Twilight looked hurt.

"You mean you don't?" Twilight sat on her haunches and her eyes went a little large. Arrow and I could barely contain our d'awwws. Arrow looked flustered as he verbally backpedaled.

"No, no! Of course we like you! I guess what I mean is, how did you know that? And-- wait, shouldn't you be freaking out over our appearances?"

"I've already had my freakout. At least I think so. I could be in shock. Is this what being shock feels like?" She brought a hoof to her chin. Then, shaking her head she continued "Nevermind, you see... the reason I knew you liked me is.... I was sorta..kinda...spying on you guys" She looked down and appeared to be a little ashamed. I was admittedly a little uncomfortable having been spied on, but given the situation, I wasn't about to let on.

"Woo! Ammunition against Rainbow Dash!" Snake had apparently regained consciousness long enough for him to hear Twilight's confession. Twilight was not happy to hear what she considered to be a threat against her friend, and glared at Snake. Sitting up, he raised his hands in an internationally, and hopefully interdimensionally, recognized sign of surrender.

"No, I mean. When she eventually asks us if we're spies we could work it in that you were. That's all."

"That does seem like something Rainbow would ask. How do you know that? Why do you people have pictures of me and my friends in that building? Why do you.... Arrgh! You're all so confusing I can't even find the right questions to ask! Do you know how long it's been since I've failed to come up with a decent question?"

"Uh..... no?"

"Neither do I!" She practically screamed. Which freaked us out a little.

"Shhh, please calm down. We can't alert the others. As for your questions. Maybe we can answer them later. But right now what's most important is getting you back to Ponyville and your friends as safely, and as quickly as possible." Twilight pondered this and settled down.

"Alright. Let's get me home."

"Can you become invisible or anything? 'Cause that would be really helpful right about now." Ah, Snake. Where would I be without your genius? Oh right. Fucking dead, that's where.

"I only have enough energy left for an invisibility spell. But you'll still be able to hear and touch me."

"We can touch you?" Snake asked hopefully. Pervert.

"I'm not saying you have permission, because you don't. I'm saying everyone, as well as the enviroment, has the ability to touch me. I can't go intangible anymore."

"Anymore? You mean you could before?"

"I only have energy enough for invisibility. Can we go? I want to go home."

"Er.. yeah, sure. C'mon guys. We're going to the Inner Circle. Twilight, you probably want to cast that spell now." Twilight's horn gave a soft glow that briefly reflected off the trees before she disappeared from sight. "Great let's get going. Twilight, try and mask your steps with ours." We turned and faced a South Easterly direction and moved silently through the dark forest.

About 20 minutes later we arrived at the Inner Circle. Roughly three quarters of the guards were facing inward in a very deep bow. Seems It was sunset. That should help. One of the guards that was not bowing and was still facing outwards was going to be the one we met. I tried to get around him but he'd already seen us. He waved us over and I reluctantly made my way to see him. I had to act like nothing was wrong.

As I looked at his gas mask and German officers cap, I couldn't help myself, "Are you my mummy?" I asked in a lilting British accent.

"Um, what?" He responded in a voice clearly filtered through electronics.

"Are you my mummy?" I asked, doing a remarkably good job at keeping my voice the same dead, creepy, childlike tone as before.


"Are you my mummy?"

"Look man, I ain't got the time for this shit. I just wanted to know what you were doing out here. Shift change was two hours ago. Not to mention we're on high alert with Twilight having been spotted. Real shame, that."

"Twilight?" I asked, feigning innocence. "She's been spotted?"

"Yeah." The man had a long black leather trench coat, with sleeves that tucked into a hard plastic material that covered his forearms before switching into gloves at the wrist, a black combat vest and a pistol belt over the trench, slightly baggy black cargo pants tucked into knee high combat boots topped by knee pads. He was looking a little forlorn. His wings that were similar to my own but without the coloration or holes and a demonic arrow pointed tail sagged slightly, futher giving that impression. This guy looked brilliant. Except for the hat, I could totally see myself hangin' with this guy. That and he probably would rat out Twilight pretty fast. Not a good way to make friends.

"So, um.. what's the plan to catch Twilight?" I was hoping he'd give me the lay of the land and make it easier to bring Twilight home.

"We've set up her home as a trap. There are snipers positioned throughout the Everfree. If she so much as pokes a horn out the bush, bam. She's gone. The unicorns have set up an anti-teleportation magic shield around Ponyville. Aided by mages of other varieties. If she tries to pop home her molecules will scatter across the planet. To top it off there's a telepath roaming the woods scanning for her mind." At this he sat down. His wings stretched out and settled back into a more comfortable position. He looked up at me and asked simply

"Why do you have to kill her, Priest?"

"Um...." I didn't know what to say. This guy didn't want to kill her either. I was glad that not everybody was a heartless bastard. But I couldn't let on that I agreed with him. Many HOH were glaring at him. Some looking at me as though demanding that I publicly punish him for such blasphemy. I had to get out of there.

"It would seem you are unfit for duty, Harmonic. You will come with me." I began to lead him away and the HOH looked happy. Though some appeared dejected that I would handle his 'punishment' privately. I imagine if I could see this guy's face he'd look scared.

When we were far enough away I asked him his name.

"It's S1nt4x, sir. You can just call me Sin for short."

"Syntax, huh? Neat. I have a few questions for you: One, would you prefer Twilight lives or dies. Answer honestly, Snake can tell when you lie. And he hasn't eaten anything for three days." At this Snake became a green velociraptor and I could swear I saw him smile. Syntax just looked bored. Which freaked me out a little.

"Honestly, I want Twilight to live." as the words leave his mouth his face locks onto Snakes and he gets into a defensive position, clearly expecting a fight. When none comes, he looks my way, tilting his head in inquiry.

I smile and say simply, "We, also, want that." Twilight chooses this moment to reveal herself. And Syntax, in a motion quite unbefitting his appearance, fanboy squees.

Twilight, sitting down, is looking a little irate as Sin absentmindedly pets her like a dog. Earning a scowl from Snake, who's once himself again, and chuckles from me and Arrow. "You realize that Overture will gut you if he finds out?" Sin asked, a hint of disappointment lining his electronic voice as Twilight decided she'd had enough and moved away.

"I took the same oath as you. Protect the ponies, even at the cost of our own lives. That's what I'm doing."

"Good enough for me. What are we gonna do? She can't go back to Ponyville. She can't stay with us."

"Wait. Sin, you're a genius!"

"I am?"

"Overture sent us to the other half of the Circles, right? We just take Twilight with us. When we get to the Canterlot Break, we can smuggle her in. She'll go to the Princesses and... oh boy. Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, onto the Canterlot Break!"

"What's the Canterlot Break?" Twilight asked.

"Well, we erm.. Harmonics, have formed two circular perimeters around both Ponyville and Canterlot. However, given Canterlot's unique topographical location, we haven't been able to form neat lines there. What we've done in stead is place a few strong individuals with ranged abilities, flight, or advanced eyesight to adorn the face of the mountain that Canterlot rests on. There are also a few weaker Harmonics, spread throughout. If we can avoid being spotted, we can slink right past them into Canterlot. Hopefully they won't be expecting stealth attacks and we can slip in easy enough."

"Well," clapped Arrow. "This sounds like a plan. I say we start our little quest early. While the diurnal creatures sleep."

And so we set off, doing our best to stay away from the many sleeping former humans and from the nocturnal guard. About a quarter mile of woods and darkness on either side of us blocking our view from said groups.


Celestia had had a long day. The longest in a thousand years. Paperwork, cleanup and grief was the unholy trifecta that sought to drag her into the pits of Tartarus. Now that all but grief had been dealt with, she needed some company. Luna was busy training her own Night guard after the attack on Celestia. Celestia's remaining day guard, which she had successfully managed to loosen up after years of effort, were back to being the stony statues of vigilance and discipline that they were trained to be. She would get no comfort from them.

"Prepare a chariot to Ponyville, I think it's time I visited my favorite student." Besides, she hadn't written to Celestia today either. And she was usually so punctual. As good a reason as any to visit, Celestia mused.

Sitting in the Chariot Celestia sighed and visibly relaxed as the cool evening air rushed over her. Celestia closed her eyes an breathed deeply and slowly. Finding her center. She smiled as the Chariot touched down and her guards let her continue to meditate.

Now in a relaxed, serene, state she walked gracefully to Ponyville's one and only library, knocking on the door softly she called out to Twilight. However, it was a puffy-eyed little dragon that opened the door instead.

"What's wrong Spike? Is Twilight home?"

"No!" He cried, wringing his little clawed fist in one eye. "She went into the Everfree Forest! I told her not to go! That it was dangerous, but she refused to listen to me. Again!" Celestia knowingly smiled at Spike, Twilight was known to go on little adventures, this time would be no different. "But this time it's different," cried Spike "She'd be back by now. She's never been gone this long. And she'd never stay in the Everfree at night, not unless she absolutely had to like when she first moved here. And even then, she was in great danger! Please find her Princess. Please!"

Celestia smiled. She'd find Twilight, but not because of her assistants worries. Celestia was sure Twilight could handle herself. However, Celestia wanted to talk to Twilight. She needed a shoulder right now.

"Okay, Spike. I'll find her. Don't you worry." Celestia offered a warming smile.

"Thank you, Princess. I- I think I'm gonna lie down. Please have Twilight wake me when you bring her home" Spike yawned, heading up the stairs to where is basket lay in wait.


As Celestia flew over the Everfree, scanning for her student, she took notice of the changes apparent in the forest. The most noticeable of which was a large circular clearing of downed trees. In the center stood a shoddily built stone building. Whatever this was, it was new, and likely to have drawn Twilight's attention as well.

Celestia tilted her wings and descended into the clearing, landing right in front of the building. Carefully opening the large twin wooden double doors she called in for Twilight. Or anypony else that might occupy the small structure.

When her gaze took in the one roomed building, she stiffened. It was weird staring at a propaganda poster of herself that demanded obedience. It went against everything she stood for. It was also weird seeing the banners that held minimalistic artistic renderings of the six bearers of Harmony. As well as a younger looking Luna depicted with the same style propaganda poster.

Celestia's assumption of the structure having only the one room was quickly proven false as Discord walked casually out of the back room, cleaning his hands on a rag. When she spotted him, she yelled out his name and quickly began readying a spell.

Upon hearing this and spotting The Goddess of The Sun in his Temple, Overture quickly fell into a deep bow, practically kissing the ground, and yelled. "I swear my loyalty to you, Princess Celestia, Goddess of The Sun, Day Bringer, Life Giver. Also, I'M NOT DISCORD. I only look like him. I swear to you, my Goddess."

Of course this confused Celestia. Only one thing looks like Discord. And that's Discord. But this creature did not share his voice or mannerisms. And Discord would never bow to Celestia, much less give her grand titles that included 'Goddess'.

"My name is Overture. High Priest of the Holy Order of Harmony. Leader of a group of roughly four thousand souls ready to give their lives to protect you, your sister, and your ponies. And I am at your service." Overture finished with a graceful bow.