The Return of Harmony (EQG Style)

by Bookpony579

Chapter 8

Twilight continued to stand in place, stunned, as the world around her turned to chaos.

Discord was still laughing, and had even dropped to the ground in a fit of hysterics. A grayed-out Pinkie Pie stomped over and looked him in the eyes, glaring.

"And what are you laughing at!?" She demanded.

Discord just smirked. "Oh, you girls are just the most fun I've had in aeons!"

Pinkie growled before getting right up in his face. "Well, quit it! You'd better think before you laugh at the Pink..." She paused as she tried to come up with something." Pie!"

"Oh yeah!" FLuttershy sneered. "Well, ha ha!"

"Quit it!" Pinkie demanded as she marched over.

"No. Ha ha ha ha!" Fluttershy mocked, ignoring Pinkie's protests.

"STOP IT!" Pinkie cried as Fluttershy continued her cruel laughter.

Meanwhile, AJ walked up to Rarity as she was stoking her boulder.

"Uh... Rarity?" She started, smirking while still avoiding eye contact. "That there diamond of yours? Twilight said we should split it six ways since we, uh, found it together." She pointed at the 'diamond',

Rarity elegantly responded by putting down the boulder and karate-kicking AJ in the gut. "HI-YAH! Try it, punk. He's mine. All mine! Ya! Ya! Ya!" She shouted, as she and AJ continued fighting.

Twilight finally snapped back to reality as she took in the situation. "Girls, you have to stop this!" She shouted at AJ and Rarity. From her past experiences with Sunset, Dazzlings, and Queen Chrysalis, she knew mind altering magic when she saw it.

"We need to stick together!" She exclaimed to Fluttershy and Pinkie.

She heard Discord laughing again and turned to find him sitting in a movie theatre seat and eating popcorn while he watched the show in front of him. "It's just too entertaining!" He then helped himself to another handful of popcorn.

Twilight had had enough with his antics and marched over to him. "Stop it, Discord. You're not playing fair!"

Discord actually looked confused for a moment before replying. "I'm not playing fair? Perhaps we haven't met. I'm Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony." He got up in her face. "Helloooo?"

She continued to glare at him. "First off, I couldn't find my element anywhere! And now I don't know where Rainbow's is. Second: What did you do to my friends!?" She demanded.

"Oh that?" He asked as if it didn't matter. "I just encouraged them to be a bit more...chaotic" He grinned maliciously.

"B-But you never said....!?"

"As for your element..." He continued, interrupting her. "It's not my fault you bad at scavenger hunts!"

"But I looked everywhere and there was no sign of it!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" He scolded. "I would like to point out that you have not, in fact, searched everywhere."


"As an act of good faith, I'll even give you this." He snapped his claw and the Element of Loyalty appeared in his paw, which he them tossed to Twilight. "Keep trying Twilight Sparkle, maybe the 'Magic of Friendship' will help you." He said mockingly. "Now If you'll excuse me I have some chaos to wreak. Ta ta!" He teleported away, leaving Twilight alone with her corrupted friends. Cotton Candy clouds quickly filled the sky as chocolate rain poured down from above.

"Chocolate milk?" Pinkie spat out in disgust. "I hate chocolate milk!"

Twilight quickly did a magic scan with her restored magic and found that the Element was the real thing. Now onto the matter of finding her own element...

"What to do what to do what to do..." Twilight muttered as she began to pace, ignoring her friends fighting each other over the 'diamond' in the background. She tried to come up with a plan. "Think Twilight Think!"


Twilight turned and saw Sunset running up to her, followed by Flash Sentry, Sandalwood, Micro Chips, Lyra and Bon Bon.

"What's going on!?" Sunset asked and preceded to tell her about her and Flash's experiences at the restaurant. "....and then we saw Rainbow superspeed by! I thought you guys couldn't use your powers so we dropped the Crusaders at Flash's house before coming here."

Twilight felt terrible. Discord's chaos was spreading faster than she thought. "This is a disaster! First my Element goes missing, then my friends are corrupted by Discord, now his chaos is getting worse!"

"What!?" The newcomers explained as Twilight told them about Discord's 'game'.

"Well that does explain why Rarity acted so odd when we saw her." Micro concluded, looking over at the fighting girls.

"Same for Pinkie Pie!" Lyra realized.

"Isn't there anything we can do to fix this?" Sunset asked.

"We don't have time! First we have to find the Element, then we have to deal with Discord. After that we can focus on getting them back to normal."

"Well is there anywhere left to look?" Flash asked.

"I don't-" Twilight was knock back by Rarity who had been shoved by Fluttershy.

Twilight turned around in anger, "Will you just-" Her eyes opened and widened in realization as she looked at the school.

"Of course! How could I have missed it? We looked everywhere but here!" Twilight spread her arms out, gesturing to all of CHS.

The others did not share her enthusiasm, and were in fact quite intimidated by the size of the school.

"Are you sure about this?" Bon Bon asked.

"Of course! This is the last place in all of Canterlot we haven't looked yet. And I know EXACTLY where to start!"

The others gave her flat looks before saying in unison: "The library?"

"THE LIBRARY!" Twilight cheered. "Let's go everyone! There's no time to lose!"

Managing to drag the corrupted Elements with them, the group headed towards the library, hoping to find a solution to this mess.

As they got inside, Twilight asked "Sunset, do you think you, Flash and the others can keep Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity under control long enough for me to check the entire library? I have a feeling this is going to take complete concentration."

"I know this is hard for you, but between the six of us, we'll TOTALLY be able to manage the four of them under control." Sunset assured.