The Return of Harmony (EQG Style)

by Bookpony579


The City of Canterlot was founded with the intention of being a place welcome to everyone, regardless of species. Vampires worked in offices alongside werewolves, mages studied alongside normies, and even dwarfs and elves laughing together and so on.

Canterlot was proud of it's rich and diverse history. One of ways that it showed said pride was at the Canterlot Museum of Cultural History, naturally. There were exhibits and information about pretty much everything about Equestrian history from recent events to even before the dark ages along with a garden filled with statues to commemorate special events and people. The large stone building near downtown Canterlot was beautifully built with high walls, large steps and on either side of these steps were statures of horses.

It is here on this fine day that we find a class from a particular school on a field trip.

"Alright class, stay together follow me into the statue garden!" Cheerilee called out to her class of freshman as they walked out into said garden. The students looked on in awe at the various well carved statues around them. Among the group were a trio of familiar girls who were known for causing mischief in their endless search for their talents.

"That statue over there represents 'Friendship'." Cheerilee announced as they explored. The statue was of three unidentifiable people with their arms around each other, smiling.

A girl with red hair topped with a bow stopped to look at the statue...accidentally blocking the path of two other girls behind her. They bumped into each other and stumbled, but were alright. However, they gave each other scathing looks before catching up with their class.

"This one over here is a statue of Xena: the Warrior Mage Queen. Or simply: The Warrior Queen!" Cheerilee pointed to a statue of a tall and beautiful woman wearing a crown and battle armor, wielding a sword. "She fought to protect mages and other magical creatures against persecution during the dark ages. An accomplished warrior mage and tactician, she won many battles and also advocated for widespread education and harmony amongst the differing groups in Equestria, which helped to eventually bring an end to the Dark Ages."

"Cool..." Scootaloo awed. "How awesome would it be to be victorious at nearly everything you did?"

"Maybe...if you were actually victoryful at somethin'." Apple Bloom remarked snidely.

"That's not a word!" Sweetie Belle argued.

"What are you, a dictionary?" Scootaloo asked.

"GIRLS!" their teacher interuppted, causing them to catch up with the rest. Cheerilee had now stopped a one statue in particular. It was of a creature none of the students had ever seen before.

"Now this is a really interesting statue. What do you notice about it?" She gestured to the statue just behind her.

"It's got an eagle claw!" Apple Bloom pointed out.

"And a lion paw!" Scootaloo stepped in front of Apple Bloom.

"And a snake tail!" Sweetie Belle called out, stepping in front of Apple Bloom.

Cheerilee nodded and continued: "This creature is called a draconequus. He has the head of a pony and a body made up of all sorts of things. What do you suppose that represents?"

"Confusion!" Apple Bloom guessed.

"Evil!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Chaos!" Scootaloo shouted.

"It's not chaos, you dodo!" Sweetie argued.

"Don't call me things I don't know the meaning of! And it is too chaos!" Scootaloo fired back.

"Is not!"

"Your both wrong!" Apple Bloom joined in.

A fight quickly broke out between the teenage girls in a ball of dust and punches. Cheerilee could only sigh at this, unaware of a soft light pulsing from the statue...

"Actually, in a way, you're all right." Cheerilee announced, causing the girls to stop fighting and look up."This statue represents "Discord", which means a lack of harmony between people. Long ago, a creature like this terrorized Equestria, causing unhappiness and chaos wherever he went making the lives of the inhabitants miserable until a past mage queen stopped him. In fact, you three have demonstrated discord so well that you're each going to write me an essay explaining it."

The other students chuckled as the trio of girls hung their heads in shame.

"Now let's go, and I don't want anymore fighting." As the group moved on, the girls glared at each other and argured out of the teacher's earshot.

"It's confusion!"



As their petty argument continued, nobody noticed as the light continued to pulse within the statue. Large cracks soon began to form and spread all around the stature.

If one listened closely, they could hear a mischievous laughter....