A Mirrored Reunion

by currentlemon

Chapter 2

    “Ya gonna to be ok, Buttercup?” asked Bright Mac.

    “I’ll be fine, Bright Mac,” replied Pear Butter. “You don’t have to worry about me.”

    “Are ya sure?” Bright Mac asked again, feeling a bit uneasy. “Ah know this isn’t goin’ to be easy, speaking to both Principal Celestia and Spoiled Rich.

    “Don’t worry about me. I know how to deal with Spoiled Rich,” replied Pear Butter with a smirk. “The only thing you should be worried about is our produce.”

    “If ya say so.”

The two share a kiss as their roosters crowed loudly at the rising sun. Morning had arrived. The Apple family had woken early, placing their apple barrels right outside their barn. The delivery truck was scheduled to arrive at their barn soon, along with their reward.

    However, not everything was pleasant for the family, namely: Apple Bloom. She and Applejack had to leave for school early this morning. Pear Butter would be accompanying them, as she had to attend a parent-principal conference regarding Apple Bloom’s recent behavior.

    The three of them were on their house’s driveway, getting ready to leave for school. Bright Mac and Big Mac came to see them off while Applejack and Apple Bloom were already in their mom’s car, waiting. The two of them sat in opposite ends of the back seat in silence, avoiding eye contact.

    Pear Butter looked at her daughters. I wonder what’s going on with those two? They haven’t spoken up at all this morning. Apple Bloom I understand, but Applejack? I wonder if she feels a bit guilty after she lost her temper yesterday?

    Before stepping into her car, Pear looked toward her son. “Big Mac, make sure you help your father with our produce, okay? There’s a lot, so make sure the truck received every barrel from the barn.”

    “Eeyup,” replied Big Mac.

    Pear Butter smiled and went inside, adjusting the driver’s seat to her liking. As she got comfortable, she adjusted the rearview mirror and spotted Apple Bloom. She smiled at her, but Apple Bloom turned her head and avoided eye contact, much to Pear’s disappointment.

    Ever since their argument yesterday, Apple Bloom had not spoken a word to her. She remained quiet in her room for the entire evening, never stepping a foot outside. Although Pear expected this, it hurt that she couldn’t speak to her daughter.

It’ll be best if I spoke to her after the meeting. Pear thought. Once everything’s settled down, I’ll give her a proper lecture.

Pear opened her window and looked at her husband again. “I’ll see you later dear. Make sure the barn is completely empty. I don’t want to come home and find out there’s still some left.”

    “Don’t worry about me, Buttercup. Me n’ Big Mac got this,” said Bright Mac with confidence. “Ya jus’ worry about our daughter, alright.”

    The two shared another kiss before Pear Butter closed the car window. Pressing the break, she put the car in reverse and exited out of the driveway. She and her daughter’s wave one last goodbye to their family before disappearing out on the road.

    The drive to Canterlot High felt long. No one had spoken a single word. Not Pear Butter nor her daughters. The only sound emanating from the car was the stereo, which played country music for the entire trip.

    Pear Butter smiled. She loved country music. Every time one of her favorite songs played in the radio, she tapped her fingers on the wheel and sang alongside the lyrics. Although it embarrassed her children, they did not mind as much. Their mother was a good singer, and hearing her sing inspired similar feelings in them.

    They soon reached the parking lot of Canterlot High. It was rather empty, although it was expected. It was still early in the morning, and the only people who were here were either faculty or students who belonged in clubs.

    “Alright girls, we’re here.” Pear parked the car in an empty spot close to the school entrance. She stopped the entrance, took the keys, and stepped outside. Her daughters followed, taking their school supplies and joining their mother on the sidewalk.

    “Hey ma,” said Applejack. “Since I’m here early, can I jus’ go ahead and study at the library? There’s some projects that I need ta finish.”

    “That’s fine, Applejack,” replied Pear Butter. She then turned to Apple Bloom. “As for you, dear, you’re coming with me. We’ll both go to Principal Celestia’s office together.

    “Yes, ma,” said Apple Bloom softly, still avoiding eye contact.

    Pear Butter smiled. She finally spoke up. A bit quiet, but at least she said something.

    The three of them walked together toward the school’s entrance. Although Pear and Applejack took their time, Apple Bloom went ahead of them, walking at a much faster pace.

    Oh dear, looks like she still avoiding me. Pear thought, taking notice of Apple Bloom’s behavior.  I think she feels a bit uncomfortable with me and Applejack. Though I’m not surprised, I wish I could at least say something!

Pear sighed. I wish things didn’t turn out so bad. Applejack’s temper did not help at all yesterday. She gave one quick glance at her older daughter.  Hmm, that reminds me.

“Applejack, can I ask you something?”

“What is it, Ma?” replied Applejack.

“Didn’t you say that you had a bad day at school yesterday?” asked Pear Butter. “Can you tell me what happened?”

Applejack shuddered. “Uh, about that. You see—”

“Applejack broke her locker door yesterday,” said Apple Bloom.

Pear Butter blinked. “Wait, what?”

“Uh, it’s nothing, Ma!” said Applejack who ran toward her sister and covered her mouth.

“It wasn’t just her locker door!” shouted Applebloom, trying to break free of her sister. “She ended up breaking other stuff at school today!”

“Quiet, Apple Bloom!”

Pear watched as her daughters wrestled against each other, tumbling hard to the ground. Applejack tried to cover her sister’s mouth while Apple Bloom fought back.

“Girls!” Pear Butter ran toward her daughters, trying her best to separate them. She felt their hands squeezing hard on her face as she grabbed hold of Applejack first and pushed her away. She then pinched Apple Bloom’s ear and pulled on it, causing the girl to yelp in pain. After a few minutes of struggling, the girls finally settled down. Pear and her daughters breathed heavily, trying to catch their breath.

The things I do for my children. Pear thought as she brushed the dirt off her cloths.

“Applejack, you’re going to tell me everything when you get home today,” said Pear Butter. “It’s likely that Principal Celestia might bring it up, but I want to hear it from yourself later, alright.”

Applejack looked away and frowned. “Yes, ma.”

After brushing off the last bit of their clothing, the three of them resumed their walk toward the school entrance. They passed through the school courtyard which, much like the parking lot, was mostly empty.

“Alright Applejack, you go on ahead and go to the library. I’ll see you later.” Pear Butter gave her eldest daughter a hug. “Take care, alright. And don’t forget about our little talk later today!”

“Yes, Ma,” said Applejack.

Pear then looked at Apple Bloom, who still avoided eye contact. Nevertheless, she gave her a warm smile.

“Apple Bloom, when the conference starts, leave the talking to me, alright. Don’t say anything that will make the situation worse. If Principal Celestia asks any questions, just answer them calmly.”

“Yes, ma,” replied Apple Bloom, nodding in agreement.

“Alright, so let’s go…. huh?” Pear Butter paused and looked away from her daughters.

“Ma, what’s wrong?” Applejack asked.

No answer. Pear Butter ignored her and continued to look away.

“Hello, ma? What’s wrong?!” Applejack asked again. This time, her tone was a bit louder.

“Huh?” Pear Butter snapped out of her trance and shook her head, trying her best to compose herself. “Oh, Applejack. I’m sorry, I must’ve dozed off a little there.”

“Are ya ok, ma?” Applejack asked. “It looked like ya were lookin’ at something.”

Pear Butter shook her head again. “Oh, sorry about that. I was just looking at the school monument, that’s all.”

“Why?” asked Apple Bloom.

Pear Butter sighed. “Well, it’s just that, you girls do know that Canterlot High is the school I went to when I was your age, right?”

“Yeah, you did,” said Applejack. “But what’s that got ta do with anything?”

Pear Butter sighed and closed her eyes. “You see, girls, I’ve made a lot memories here. Good memories! In fact, this is the place where I met your father. Our entire relationship started here.”

“Wow! Ah didn’t know that,” said Apple Bloom.

Applejack scratched her head. “Ok? But what are ya getting’ at ma?”

Pear Butter smiled. “Well you see, the school was the only place your father and I could socialize. Before we were married, our families were in the middle of a big feud.”

“Feud?” asked Apple Bloom. “What feud?”

Pear nodded “The Apple-Pear family feud. I was originally part of the Pear family while your father was an Apple. Neither one of our relatives got along with each other. We were rivals to the core. The only ones who got along were me and your father.”

She closed her eyes and smiled, feeling nostalgic as she recalled her early love life. “School was the only place where your father and I could talk. During lunch, we would come out here and sit at the school monument over there.”

Pear pointed toward the school’s now ruined monument. “Your father and I made a lot of good memories there. So many happy memories.  I froze because the school monument, the place where we made those memories, is now in ruins.”

“Oh, wow,” said Applejack in amazement. “Gosh, I didn’t even know.”

Pear took a deep breath and sighed again. “It’s a shame that they haven’t fixed it yet. The monument was so grand at the time. Now it’s completely ruined. The statue is gone and the base has been left to rot.”

Pear Butter rubbed her forehead. Just looking at the monument felt uneasy.

“Apple Bloom, can you go on ahead without me? I just want to go and examine the statue. I’ll meet you at the Principal’s office soon, alright.”

“O-ok, ma.” Apple Bloom turned away from her mother and entered the school. Applejack hesitated, but soon followed her sister inside. Once the two of them were gone, Pear Butter walked toward the ruined monument. As each step brought her closer to the object, a sense of nostalgia luminated on Pear Butter.

“It’s so sad to see the statue in such a bad shape,” said Pear Butter. “I wonder why the school hasn’t fixed this yet?”

Using her right arm, she reached out toward the base of the monument, trying to get a feel of the object.

“They really need to get this fixed soon. This statue is priceless—whoa!” Instead of touching hard marble, Pear Butter’s hand somehow slipped inside the ruined statue. A ripple appeared s her right arm fell deep inside the stone.

“W-what’s going on??” cried Pear Butter, trying to get her arm out. She reeled back, tugging harder, but her attempts to break free were unsuccessful. She was completely stuck.

“I don’t remember the statue having something like this! What’s happening?!” cried Pear Butter. As she continued to struggle, Pear Butter soon heard a strange sound coming from inside. Her body suddenly started moving forward, it was if she was being sucked into the monument itself.

“Someone help!” Pear cried, but her pleas were all for not as her entire body move forward.