Electric Fire

by CalmingNature

Let the Fun Begin!

Well yesterday was nothing less than a riot. The capital was taken over by invaders and in the same day was liberated. Somehow you managed to hide out until everything sorted itself out. It might have something to do with the fact that to your knowledge there are no other humans on this planet. Today the whole besiege fiasco was history, and the day went by as usual. At some point Pinkie Pie, who you met day one, came up to you and asked, “Hey Matt, do you know what tomorrow is?”
“I know it’s not anyone’s birthday. How about Solitude Day?”
“Nooo, but I’ll make sure to find a date and make it happen! Tomorrow’s Hearts and Hooves Day!”, that would be their version of Valentine’s Day. Either way it wasn’t a holiday you were too familiar with. “So with that in mind-” Pinkie continued,”-knowing that you don’t have a special somepo-someone what do you say to a blind date?”, oh no! Blind dates never lead to a happy ending. Like the lottery success relies completely on random chance. You know that much, everything else is guess work. You were about to reply when she played that card, “Listen if you don’t want to then it’s okay. It’s just that there’s this mare that really needs a pick me up after all the that’s happened to her in the past.”
“Okay Okay! I guess...okay.”, she squeals and leaves you for the rest of the day.
The next day came in full swing. The only thing missing was the very literal hearts swirling above the couple’s heads.

What followed was your morning routine, then work, and finally as evening approached the main event came. Pinkie came to you with a whole outfit saying Rarity made them just for the occasion. After a quick wardrobe change it was off to see the wizard. There was no context as to what would happen next. For all you know a giant monster could come and attack any second now. Maybe if you were actually interested in finding someone that would help immensely, truth be told you’re not looking to find a special somepony. It’s more of an instinct than anything else to not find any creature here attractive, but if a way home isn’t found soon it may come down to just that. They are cute, maybe some beautiful, but in no way attractive! Before another thought could come you collide with Pinkie.
“We’re here”, she says with an adorable giggle. Looking up you find nothing but open plains, with the occasional tree. Not another word is spoken, if anything the sunset would be enjoyed. Pinkie goes off to try and find somepony. Meanwhile you sneak off while her back is turned. Thank God that there were no Pinkie promises involved. You returned when she left, determined to see this sunset. Yeah they weren’t natural, that didn’t subtract from the beauty of them.
All of a sudden a character leaps down from a nearby tree. They look rather large in build, dark purple coat, scarlet mane and tail, and...a broken horn? She trots in your direction, allowing you to make out a scar on her right eye. Both eyes were light blue. Oh, you’re uh, lying in the nearby tall grass unnoticeable by the naked eye. So it’s no surprise she trips over you. Four eyes lock before the unicorn front flips and flashes a fierce glare at you. Static forms around her broken horn. Before a shot is fired off Pinkie lands mane first between you two, “There you are! Matt this is Tempest, Tempest this is Matt.”, terrific. What an interesting first meeting, she comes within mere seconds of killing you.
Tension vanishes as the situation becomes clear. Pinkie leaves after an explanation, telling Tempest and me to ‘carry on’. The first thing that came out of her mouth was,
“Matt...forgive me for asking, but what are-”
“What am I?”, here we go. A series of questions and answers later Tempest seemed satisfied, just as the sun was setting. Bright hues of orange incited warmth, while a satisfying red topped off the display. In some form of heart wrenching action she lays her head on your shoulder. You soon pass into sleep with her.
Who is this mare?, the question rose within. Pinkie said that she needed a ‘Pick me up after all she’s been through’, what has she been through?, you thought to yourself. You find yourself in the same position as before. Nighttime was evident by the full moon, and everypony else is more than likely asleep. Tempest was still out of it, no doubt due to the time. The sleep schedule didn’t affect you since staying up late was a habit from home. Still, drowsiness eventually overrides any other functions and you succumb to sleep.
In one moment pain jolts from head to toe. You look over to see Tempest had fired a small dose of electricity.
“Sorry, but you were mumbling to yourself, and then you started to spaz out. So I tried a shock therapy method.”, she says with an apologetic smile. You forgive her, and decide to tell her about the issue. While asleep you dreamed of awakening to a coughing fit, then came the feeling of suffocation. A sickly pale creature appeared, thick white smoke generating from holes on their skin. It reached out and grasped your neck, and that's when it ended.  She then trots over and hugs you, “I’m still new to this, so let me know if this gets uncomfortable”.
Upon breaking the hug you then ask her what she did prior coming to Ponyville. Tempest becomes uncomfortable upon hearing that question, “Oh uh, I may have been a tyrannical commander bent on chasing after power in a half-crazed attempt to fix my horn. Leaving a path of destruction in my wake.”, that sounds complete. Your jaw is left agape, was this unicorn responsible for the capital takeover yesterday!? What a night! You go on a blind date and meet an ex-villain that nearly took over the entire region.
How does one respond to that? A hoof slap brings you back to reality. Apparently your mind left if only for a moment. Tempest sighs, " We should get going.", she then gets up and proceeds to leave. You follow shortly after. You leave feeling as though something's wrong.

Slowly the sun's rays overtake the sky. They leak into your room and pierce your closed eyes. Morning, and not a disturbance in sight. You turn to face the opposite side of the bed only to be met with three different pairs of eyes. Pinkie, Twilight, and Spike were each giving their own looks. Twilight was first to speak, "Tell me what happened last night."
"Well it started with us meeting, then some unimportant stuff, and at the end she left after she told me about her past. Which left me without any words. Why are you asking?", you ask with some hesitation. Twilight's facial expression clearly told that Tempest was not okay. She was about to speak when Spike jumped up on the bed,
"I'm stopping you right there. One, I should have said something but didn't and for that I was ignorant. Two, tell me where is she so we can make up.", Twilight then takes you by the hand and teleports. All this took place in matter of seconds,
"That was too fast for the story to be genuine", the story would be dragged out otherwise Pinkie.
Instantly you find yourself in the middle of a room inside the castle. In front was a door, hopefully Twilight's aim was on point. It wasn't, Starlight was behind it reading a book out loud to herself, and she screamed when she saw you. Before you could say anything else you were teleported again. This time on the edge of some stairs; with a push you fall. Good lord, you have absolutely no luck today. Anyway, you end up at the bottom with Tempest standing over you. Applejack came running down the stairs saying “Sorry! You’re not hurt are you?”
“No, somehow not.”, you responded. After miraculously surviving a fall down crystal steps you stand up and say, “Tempest, sorry for not responding to your answer.”
“Last night.”
“Oh, oh that! Heh-heh, it was nothing. I didn’t leave because of that.”, Applejack gets the sense that this was something private and leaves. “It was because I didn’t feel anything. When Pinkie said she set me up on a blind date, I wanted to tear her head off. It was too soon after everything that happened.”
“Tempest I just came to apologize. To be honest I wasn’t looking forward to it either.”, unfortunately the logic of this world does not succeed in bailing you out and suddenly she jumps up to plant one directly on your lips. Every hair on your body stands up at the literal static she gives off. You two go separate ways, only to be surprised by a stack of ponies falling over upon opening the nearest door. Each eavesdropper slowly gives off their own grin, shy or not. Rarity was first to recover,
“So, you two hit it off?”, oh this isn’t gonna end without at least a little drama.