A Not So Proper Courtship

by BibiG

Unfortunate Middle

The whole date, the dinner, who paid the bill, even most of the walk home, have been very awkward for Rarity. Judging by the stiff steps Applejack took, it was awkward for her too. She wasn't even trying to touch Rarity, who walked nearly a foot away from her.

Rarity couldn't help but scuff her hooves at the stones at her feet with every step. Technically, this was exactly what she was aiming for, make it so Applejack left her alone, because surely Applejack couldn't perform any requirements that any proper pony could. And yet, Applejack have been doing well, not exactly perfect, which Rarity still felt stuck on, but alright. So chasing her off like this felt almost... wrong.

She needed to end this night on a better note. For both their peace of minds, if nothing else. She cleared her throat, or at least tried to, she wasn't exactly too aware how to clear your throat to get another pony's attention. So it was more of a cough, which caused Applejack to look back at her, one eyebrow raised, but looking at her.

"D-Did you enjoy the food? I thought the salads were superb!" That was not a good conversation starter, Rarity was aware of this. But it was the best she had at the moment, even if the few seconds Applejack just stared at her suggested even she was aware of the bad start as well.

Still, Applejack shrugged, "Yeah, all that food was alright, all those condiments sure were a bit confusin' but... that's all, really." She stopped talking, and Rarity bit her lip, thinking as quickly as she could. Too much silence would most likely make everything awkward all over again!

Rarity trotted a bit faster, almost stepping on the delicate hem of her white dress, an action that she wouldn't even entertain in any other situation. She gestured with one hoof vaguely, not even certain what she was saying at the moment. "Oh, but wasn't the dancing there lovely? I had no idea that eatery would allow ponies to come in, eat, then dance!"

Applejack finally smiled, she still trotted along stiffly, but definitely not as badly as before. "Well, that's sorta the reason Ah picked that place. Ah can't sit around that long without so, Ah'm guessin' you know what Ah was hopin'." Rarity laughed, voice going high for a second, unfortunately, she did know.

"Yes, yes, however! I doubt you could have kept up with me, I have danced ballroom many more times than I could count, I am practically an expert by now." Rarity found herself imitating a pose, one hoof coyly held out, and one hind leg stretched out, maybe as a joke, she didn't know, she was feeling desperate.

Thankfully, Applejack snorted at the sight and stopped walking, facing Rarity. "Oh yeah? Ah've been dancin' mah whole life too. Box dancin', just dancin' dancin' y'know? Bet Ah could have worked some of that stuff into some sorta dance!" She tapped her hooves on the stones, getting a small rhythm before striking a similar pose to Rarity, her foot placement was clearly off but still!

Rarity let out a snort of laughter too, stepping closer and bending a foreleg in a new pose. Applejack did the same and both fell out of the silly poses, laughing earnestly now. Neither fell all the way to the floor, but it was a close thing, Applejack leaning on a nearby lamppost, and Rarity having to put a hoof at her stomach, so it doesn't hurt, well, hurt as much as it could.

However, when Applejack trotted towards her, still laughing and tilting to the side, and with a hoof out as if to steady herself on Rarity, Rarity found herself stumbling away before she could think. And before she could see the confused and, dare she say it, hurt expression grow on Applejack's face.

"Rarity... you don't exactly like me like that, yeah?" Those were the words Rarity was already working towards to say, that she doesn't like Applejack like that, but at those words she suddenly shot over the distance she have backed away over, shaking her head, and trying to get her odd, odd thoughts into understandable words.

"No! Believe me Applejack, it is not exactly like that!" Rarity felt the uncomfortable sensation of her fur and dress sticking together, no doubt because of sweat, despite the fact that it was night, and late at night at that. The sensation only grew worse as Applejack frowned, clearly not convinced.

"Rarity, there's no reason to lie. Ah kinda already knew. You gave all them special rules even though you gave me a chance 'cause you knew Ah couldn't do everthin' you wanted. Heck, Ah'm not exactly happy myself you did that, but Ah still can see why you did that! But Ah'm just a farm mare, not perfect, and that's prolly not enough." Applejack ended this with a half-hearted shrug, and Rarity felt her heart sink.

"I... I..." Didn't give a proper chance. Do like you in some way, maybe some is the way you want. Will not do anymore rules. Tried to make sure there would be no chance. Rarity thoughts were scattered, and none came out, leaving her uselessly opening and closing her mouth.

Seeming to take this as some sort of sign that she was correct, Applejack sighed, then put on a small smile on her face. "Hey. It's alright! Ah said Ah already knew, so, not too much harm done!" She looked past Rarity, eyes falling on a building. "Oh, there's your house! Didn't even notice, guess you're home Rarity."

Rarity cranes her neck to look behind herself, and sure enough, there was her house, her lonely, suddenly not as welcoming house. She turned her head back to the front as Applejack said one last thing with a tiny wave. "See ya around."

Rarity scraped her hooves on the stone, more painfully than just scuffing her hooves, and far more likely to damage her dress, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Was there a way to fix this? She have spent so much time trying not to give all this a chance that now she had no idea what to do. But she was going to try, maybe with some help, but she was going to try!