Madness Combat, Ponies with Improbabilities

by Metei

Chapter 8 (Hello to me)

“Okay I’ll go over it again. Me, Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow will infiltrate their base and destroy their armoury. After that we cut off their communications room. After that’s done we kill all the other bastards that are in our way to the exit” Metei was getting impatient as the group was still a bit confused.

“What about Fluttershy, Rarity and me?” Pinkie asked Metei, who upon seeing her calmed down slightly

“As I’ve already said, you and Fluttershy are to be in charge of the medic division. Rarity is in charge of designing better armour for the soldiers”

“Oh, okay”

“Good, everypony understand the plan?” Everypony in the room nodded their heads. “Good”

Celestia was surprised at the stallion. He has shown great leadership in times of trouble and even had a great motivational speech to get more recruits.

“Maybe he’s the one who can save Equestria?”

The group of ponies looked out the window of the library expecting that it was all just an illusion. However it was not to be. The castle had been destroyed and Canterlot was on fire. All toured their gazes away from the ruins, except for two. Celestia wore a sad face for all those who died only a few seconds ago, while Metei had anger on his, angry that he landed in a peaceful world only to be thrown right back into combat because of his arrival.

“Motherfucking son of a bitch!” Metei punched at the wall causing a large dent.

“What do we do now princess?” Twilight asked her mentor only to be responded with silence. She looked up at her, only to see surprisingly that Celestia had tears flowing down her face.

“I don’t know Twilight” Twilight was shocked that her mentor did not have an answer. Never had she heard that her mentor didn't know what to do in her lifetime.

The atmosphere grew dark and gloomy as none of them knew how to proceed with the idea that they were now at war. All of them looked at the ground as each of them felt hopeless in the situation.

Unexpectedly the atmosphere was broken as the air grew cold and electricity sparked from the ground, forming an arc as it touched each other. Light began to flood the room, causing everypony to shield their eyes if they didn’t want to go blind. The light show was soon accompanied by a glowing orb. Said glowing orb started to expand to the size of the room, rumbling the walls. Once all movement seized, the ponies let their eyes open. What they saw made them shocked to the very core.

The princess of the night looked exhausted, panting as if she had run for a mile. However it was not the state the princess that surprised them, it was because she was covered in blood. Her beautiful flowing blue mane was now hosting a patch of red everywhere. Her coat was in terrible state. All ponies blanched at the scene since it was the first time they seen such level of blood, except for two. Metei was fine with the blood as his training had exposed him with even more gore and Celestia as she had participated in a war against Nightmare moons forces seventy years ago. The night princess moved away from her spot making the mane six run towards her, treating any wounds she got on her.

“Princess Celestia! Quick, we need some help! There’s a first aid kit on the far right wall!” Twilight spoke with such authority that it would have made Shining Armour look like a mere grunt. When no response came back or the sounds of hooves moving, Twilight looked back at Celestia. She had not moved from her spot and was staring intently at where Luna was standing.

“Princess what are you doing? Go get the first aid kit!” Still no response, however she could see from the corner of her eye that it was Metei that was going to get the kit. She followed Celestia’s gaze and saw what made her stop all movement. There on the ground, was Shining Armour. He was badly hurt as he had suffered second degree burns on his side and slashes on his foreleg and face, as if he was fighting. Next to him also made her heart stop. Princess Cadence was lying next to him, face down in her hooves sobbing quietly. She also had slashes on her and only mild burns.

“Please don’t die Shining”

That one sentence broke Twilight’s commanding exterior and ran towards her brother. She was no longer a student of the princess nor was she the one who was treating Luna’s wounds. No, she was now the little girl that had insecure problems and who also missed her brother when he joined the ranks.

Metei walked back into the room and kneeled down next to Luna. Opening the box, he put alcohol on a towel and wiped the wounds. He then got the bandages and wrapped them around the shallow wounds on Luna. He pulled out needle and started to stitch the bigger wounds. Once those were done, he wrapped them up also. Leaving his place, he went back to standing next to Celestia.

“How are you able to stay calm in this situation?” The question surprised as it was Celestia who asked, never was she not hostile while he was around.

“I’ve seen worse than this. To be honest, these wounds that they got are pretty tame compared to what I’ve seen”
Celestia was about to question him more when the room started to disappear.

“What’s happening?”

“I don’t know”

The two were surprisingly calm as everypony else was freaking out. The wooden walls were replaced with dull gray ones. The windows melted into the walls, the door was replaced with a metal one. The once colourful library disappeared and was soon replaced with a dull one. The group stared at what just happened as laughter broke the silence. The laughter was soon accompanied with a voice.

“Well I can’t believe that war has begun already. Luckily I have everything ready” They all turned behind them to where the voice was coming from. They were greeted with black flames. The flames danced around on the spot, as if it was saying ‘come and touch me’. It soon morphed into a shape. The shape took on a more equine form. The flames disappeared and were replaced by a stallion. Rainbow gasped as she looked at the stallion.

“That was the guy that attacked me!”

“Are ye sure Rainbow?”

“Of course she’s sure. I should know as I was the one who almost beat her to death” The statement shocked everypony except for Rainbow, who was glaring at the stallion and Metei, who was giving him a look of familiarity.

The stallion caught the look on Metei’s face and grinned at him.

“Why are you looking at me like that? What, you’ve never seen your own self before?”


“You heard me. I am your double”

Metei’s mind stopped all activity and tried to process the thought of him having an exact replica of him.

“Well since you’re all here, I’ve got a confession to make. See, it was me that wanted war. Now hold your applause I’ve still got more to tell you. The griffons aren’t the only thing you should be worried about. Now see ya later dickfaces”

Black flames encircled the group and engulfed them. Their screams could not be heard by anypony as they were being burned.

Since all eyes were closed, they did not know that they were back at the library. When all eyes opened everypony sighed in relief. Metei made the mistake of joining in as well when Rainbow tackled him. She fell on top of him and pinned him down. All of his struggling couldn’t free him from the pony, not until a pink aura wrapped around him, picking him up from the floor.

He sighed in relief. “Thanks Twilight for tha-” His thanks were cut short as he was thrown against the wall. He shut his eyes from the force of the impact. He opened his eyes only to be greeted with six mares glaring at him, only Pinkie looking at him sadly.

“Why do you have a clone? Are you working with him? Are you going to help destroy Equestria? Why should I believe what you have to say?!” Twilight’s anger caught up with her and it exploded. She could not believe that Metei helped the bastard who put her brother on a thin thread that he would make it.

“I am not going to destroy Equestria. I don’t know why I have a clone. I am not working with him and you should believe me because I have nothing to do with this” Metei’s oddly calm response surprised everypony.

“He’s not lying Sugarcube” Applejack’s answer was good enough for Twilight as she could tell when somepony was lying.

Twilight sighed. “Okay what do we know?”

“Okay so we are getting fucked by my fucking clone and some fucking birds?”

“Metei calm down. Now is not the time to be angry. We have to keep a clear head”

Metei took deep breaths and resumed his talk.

“I know but-“

A flash of light signalled that he was being teleported.

Where once Metei stood was know a smouldering circle on the floor.

Metei woke up to see something that he hated.

“Good morning huh me?”

Metei grinned at himself.