Best Brother Ever

by Comrade Bagel Muffin

Best Sister Ever

Canterlot was a lot colder in the morning than Ponyville was. Pound Cake assumed that this was because it sat on the side of a mountain, were as his former home had been in the plains. Still though on a clear day he could see Ponyville from the dormitory window. He made his way quickly through the streets of the capital city. Before he was accepted into Celestia's school he had to be up no later than 6:30 am to help with the baking. Now the only reason he was awake was because of the cold weather and the occasional early winter wind, and it was already 7:45. He was really starting to slip. Still he had to hurry up Pumpkin would be waking up in less than half an hour and the two of them had their first class in an hour exactly. He turned down a side street to avoid the traffic of the main road. In three minutes he arrived at his destination. With a sigh of relief he hurried in.


By a convenient coincidence Pumpkin was in the shower when he got back to their dorm room. He hide his gift away in the refrigerator, and grabbed the carton of milk. It was freezing outside and hot chocolate would help him warm up. Especially since Pumpkin would probably burn out the water heating talisman before he could get his hot shower.
"Pound was that you?"
"Yeah, it's me. Sorry I didn't tell you that I was going, but you have your exam in Influential Unicorns today, and I thought it was best if you got your sleep." He answered as he set a pot of milk on the stove.
"Where'd you go out to so early in the morning?"
"I just needed to get out and get some fresh air, you know." Pound hoped that she wouldn't press the issue if she did it would probably ruin the surprise. "With my test in Alchemy today, I just needed to clear my head."
"I thought that you were calmer than normal."
"Yeah it definitely calmed me down hard to think of anything when you can't even feel you hooves." He added the chocolate powder to the milk. "I have no idea why they don't just keep it regular fall temperature until the start of winter. Why do they have to do this easing it into winter thing?"
"Come on Pound it can't be that bad. Can it?" The shower was cut off. Pumpkin walked out of the shower, drying herself with her pink towel. "Is that hot chocolate that I smell?"
"Yeah, it's almost done, this stove is amazing." Pound continued to stir the hot chocolate. "Could you grab two mugs and some marshmallows?"
"No problem." Pumpkin grabbed some marshmallows as her magic grabbed two mugs. "Here you go bro." She put the cups down on the counter, and Pound poured two even cups for him and his sister. "I can't wait for this week to be over. Can you believe that we get to go home next week."
"Yeah I can't wait to see mom and dad, and aunt Pinkie." Pound sipped down some of the hot chocolate, and chewed the marshmallows. "It's been kind of weird not having them around." He went to take another sip, until he noticed that he finished.
"Here you go Pound." Pumpkin poured the rest of her cup into his. "Go ahead, you look like your freezing."
"Thanks Pumpkin."
"No problem Feather Weight, it looked like you really needed it. I was getting chills just looking at you. " Pound gently bobbed her foreleg. "I know, I know don't call you Feather Weight." She returned his playful punch. "Don't worry I remember Bird Brain." Her horn lit up and she vanished in a flash. A moment later she reappeared in the same spot. "Oh I'm going to throw up."
"It's okay sister you actually flashed that time you're doing better." Pound laughed as his sister lurched over the sink. "I'm going to go get my shower."
"Okay I'll make our lunches."
"See you after class Sis."


Pound Cake waited patently on his bed going over the near endless ruin combinations, he'd need to pass his Fundamental Harmonics exam. It was definitely difficult being a pegasus at a school for talented unicorns. But difficult didn't mean impossible. During his time here he had already learned of runic short cuts that cut the number of runes he needed down to only a fourth. Relaxed as his hooves went through the motions, that he had long committed to memory. He took deep breaths just like Twilight had told him. She was right it really did help with test stress.
"BOO!" Pound screamed and fell off the bed. As his sister laughed her head off. "Got you." She cheered, half of her body sticking through the wall.
"Pumpkin you teleported into the wall hold on I'll go get help."
"I'm fine Feather Brian." Pumpkin laughed as she finished walking through the wall. "Intangibility spell pretty neat huh?"
"Yeah really neat. Why don't you become retangible so that I can tackle you?" Pound held his hoof to his chest trying to keep his heart from popping out of his rib cage.
"You know I'm not going to do it if all you're going to do is tackle me Light Weight." Pumpkin stuck out her tongue. "I'm untouchable right now Feather Brain."
"Your right and that must be such a difficult trick." Pound smiled slyly at his sister. "Why don't you become retouchable so that your big brother can give you a hug."
"Big Brother? Please, we're the same age."
"Uh-uh I'm five minutes older than you."
"Uh-uh." Pumpkin retorted
"Uh-Huh." And the two twins soon broke down it to an seemingly endless cycle of "Uh-uh's" and "Uh-Huh's". Until after five minutes they were giggling to hard to continue.
"Two more finals left and then we're done. I can't wait." Pumpkin sat up on the floor and wiped a stray tear from her eye.
"You know what today was right?"
"Uh. Your Alchemy exam and my Influential Unicorns exam."
"Really?" Pound Arched an eyebrow.
"You had Alchemy today."
"Where would you be without me?" Pound laughed as he half jumped half glided over to the refrigerator. After a couple of seconds he returned with the package he had picked up that morning. "I can't believe you forgot your own birthday."
"It's our birthday?" Pumpkin face hoofed. "I'll get the candles." Two candles floated through the air, and landed on the unwrapped cake. "I've been studying so hard and long I totally forget sorry bro."
"It's okay." Pound lit the candles. "So long as you hurry up and make your wish. I've been waiting for this cake all day." The twins blew out the candles in unison. Before enjoying the chocolate cake with vanilla icing.