Streaming, Unintended!

by Ponyess

Welcome to Ponyville: 11


I had had the most peculiar of dreams.  There are new houses in the village.  Of course, the entire village had even been rearranged.  The strange thing is that our village now resembles the village I recall Starlight Glimmer was living in.  Yet, she is not with us now.

Starlight Glimmer never came with us; to this village, such as it is.  I had, and still have no idea why.

She had been growing on me, and us; since Twilight Sparkle introduced us to her after that incident.  I barely recall the incident itself; largely because it never happened, once Twilight Sparkle had set everything straight in the process of reeling Starlight Glimmer in.  At least, this is the official story.

I always support Princess Twilight Sparkle and my friends; even if and when I find myself forced to contradict her and them.

Though I ponder, what this particular, peculiar dream could possibly mean.  I just know, it does mean something.  The village is growing.  Our village had been enlarged as we slept during the night.

Who is it, I and we are going to welcome into Town?  Or, is it back to town?  Either way; I am finding myself giddy and excited, over the news.

Any Pony else would have said: “A dream is a dream”, but I know better.  After so many years of experience.

I trust my predictions for what they are, even when I can’t explain it, or convince any Pony.

This, is simply who I am.  They had been forced to grow used to it and me, as they are exposed to the reality.

To a point, one could say Celestia explained it; as she pointed out, that every Pony has magic.  Not just the Unicorns.  Though now I know; it is not just Ponies, possessing magic.  Zebras, Griffons, Hippogriffs and Dragons have their own brand of magic.  On second thought, we all knew Changelings use magic too.

As I had woken up, from the dream; I can’t just go back to sleep, the dream had excited me far too much for that.  With that said, I slip out of my bed; jumping down, onto the floor.

”I could as well have my breakfast, now; since I am awake. Then I can see what time it is, as I have finished my breakfast!” I ponder.

The room in which I sleep is fairly cool, thankfully. As a Pony, I wear nothing; neither at night, nor in the day. Thus, I merely slip out, from under my quilt. The one I had been given, as we moved in; or, if it was shortly thereafter.

I leave my bed, as I trot towards the door. Promptly open it, before I continue through my living room towards the cloaking-room.

As I am looking out, I can see a selection of vegetables, herbs and fruit; sliced and diced into mouth-size little pieces. I pull in the food through the door; carrying it over to my kitchen table. Before I consider anything. I need my breakfast, before I can consider the rest of the day.

Whatever my dream means, and whomever I will be greeting, could wait. At least, for now.

Just a few minutes, should be doing no real difference.

Being a pony of Ponyville, I had grown used to enjoy my Apples. I never had a problem, with Apples even as I was new in town. Being a Rock-farmer may leave a dent in who you are; but I am a pony first and foremost, thus I enjoy what ponies have.

Carrot, cucumber, oats and salad. I take my time, enjoying everything. Though I realize I had found a few seeds in the selections. Not just the oat and the once in the cucumber, but even an Appleseed.

“Applejack will love these!” I exclaim, to myself.

Applejack is after all the farmer in the group, and in town. It is her responsibility, to handle the farming for the lot of us.

Since I had concluded my meal, happy and content; my belly full, I trot back to see what is outside.

At first, nothing appears to have been changed. Even though I instinctively know, it had.

There is a picket fence around my home, as far as I could see from the door; I even have, what appears to be a mailbox.

It appears, Rarity lives in the house before me; as I trot down the path, leading to the street.

Houses lining the street, in even intervals; but I am the first pony on my side; just as Rarity is the first on her side. The road is a T-Crossing, a road following the fence of my and Rarity’s property. On the other side of the road, I can clearly see the empty house; the home of Starlight Glimmer, in her village.

The T-Crossing, and the road seems to indicate more things are being planned for later. However, I can see no sign of what is to come.

What I can see, is the houses lining the road. Aside from my own home, and Rarity’s; I can clearly see Twilight’s home and Rainbow Dash’s homes respectively. Apparently; Twilight Sparkle is my neighbour, and Rainbow Dash is Rarity’s neighbour.

However, the next house is empty. No mailbox. The houses lining the road are all empty, dark and cold.

I know that Rarity loves to be at the center of attention, so having her in this position will play right into her hooves. I have no problems, with being at the center; where I can see all my friends, as I am cheering hem up. Or cheering them on. Based on the setting, I picture Starlight Glimmers house and home as the natural center of the village. The center of all. Just the way she wanted it.

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash had no such ambition. This will give them the space, to slack off and relax as they please; while still keeping them in the loop, and letting them keep their hooves on the situation as need be.

If Applejack is at the edge of town, should be just right for her; offering all the space she needs for her orchard and farming. Her farm; the Sweet Apple acres require all the space she could be offered in the first place.

I know Fluttershy will love to be a bit outside town, where she can keep to herself, giving her the space she needs; even if she had no woodland creatures, or any creatures to care for at this time. Maybe this will come later. At least, she can look forwards to the opportunity.

On second thought, my mailbox is pink, just as Rarity’s is Marsh Mallow white. These had been painted in our respective colours. A prudent means of identifying us, at this point; even if I guess writing the name, would be good just in case.

I continue to trot along the path to the road, stopping to look right and left; before I continue down the road in the direction out of town.

Every pony is still soundly asleep, by the looks of it. All my friends, resting soundly in their beds.

The street is abandoned and quiet, the air serene; as I continue further and further down the street. At some point, as I continue trotting along the road; I notice an addition to our habitat, at the end of the road. What it is, I can not quite put a hoof onto.

As I am approaching, at the end of the street; I see a gate open, and the Pony steps out.

I easily recognize the mare, as Nurse Redheart. She slowly steps through, or in; trotting along the road towards me. She appears somber, but optimistic.

“Hiya, Nurse Redheart!” I exclaim, as I am approaching her.

“Hello, Pinkie Pie!” she responds; “Nice to see you!” she then adds, while she is sprouting a smile of her own.

“Always nice to see you, too; Redheart!” I put forth; “Maybe I could escort you to your new home?” I add.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” she responds.

At this point, I notice the door once more opening, and the next pony is stepping into our habitat. This time, it is Vinyl Scratch.

“Hiya, Pon3!” I exclaim, just as the door closes behind her.

“Hiya, Pinkie Pie!” she responds.

“In just a moment; I will be escorting you to your new home too, Vinyl Scratch!” I offer.

“Thank you Pinkie!” she responds; “Just curious, who are we waiting for?” she now inquires.

“Mayor Mare, and Dr. Whooves!” I promptly respond.

Of course, this is when the door once more opens; just before the mayor of Ponyville herself is stepping out onto the road, before the door closes behind her.

“Hiya, Mayor Mare!” I exclaim.

“Greetings, Pinkie Pie!” Mayor Mare responds, nodding in recognition.

Since the mayor is maintaining a measured, slower gate; the door is once more opening, just as Mayor Mare is reaching the gathering of newly arrived ponies.

As the gate opens, for one final time; I lay eyes on the final arrival, the Stallion of the group. Not that we had put any importance of emphasis on tribe or gender before. Why? We are all ponies first and foremost. Friends.

Hiya, Dr. Whooves!” I exclaim.

“Greetings, Pinkie Pie!” he responds; “Nice to see you!” he then puts forth.

“As always; nice to see you, too!” I respond, as he is trotting up to me and the group of gathered ponies.

After a minute, or two; he stops before me, as the final arrival into town. The town of Ponyville.

“I am sure, we will be finding something for all of you to do; some manner, for each of you to feel useful and important!” I point out.

“While the village does look calm enough right now, but I guess someone will hurt herself soon enough!” the Nurse offers; “and then, I am here; waiting, ready to care for any injury!” she then adds.

“While you wait, I will be lifting every pony up with music and concerts!” Pon3 offers.

“My post may be quiet and possibly boring, but I will be handling all the papers!” Mayor Mare suggests.

“Quiet, yes; guess I will have to make due, considering the larger issues!” Dr. Whooves suggests.

“At least, I can present all of you with a brand new home; so you can feel right at home!” I proclaim.

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie; that would be lovely, indeed!” the mayor responds.

“Right this way, please; I will be guiding you through town!” I offer.

“I know, we have more than enough houses for everyone to find a home and be able to feel right at home and welcome!” I proclaim, as I point out the direction back into town.

“Of course; this is Applejack’s home!” I explain, pointing out her house and mailbox.

“This is Fluttershy’s home!” I continue, pointing out the direction.

As I am trotting down the road, I am passing all the empty houses; as of yet home of no pony.

“So many empty buildings!” the mayor utters.

“Homes, to all the ponies I have not greeted yet!” I point out.

“By the looks of it, I will have some time to grow into the mantle!” the mayor concludes.

“You all will, but I suspect things will start to grow lively soon enough!” I point out.

“Regular houses!” the mayor observes.

“Homes, for ponies; cozy and intimate, but with plenty of room!” I point out.

“On the outside, all these houses are identical!" Redheart observes.

“We will just have to make these our homes, by decorating them in our personal styles!” Vinyl suggests.

“Sounds about right!” I point out; “We are just short of a few ponies, the experts required for certain services!” I continue.

“At least, I can liven up the stage!” Pon3 offers.

“I will be tending to the injured and sick!” the nurse fills in.

“I may need a few items, but then I can start working on something..” Dr. Whooves mumbles to himself, as he considers his options based on the current situation.

“If you need anything organized, I will be keeping tabs on everything; so we can prosper, in the village!” the mayor deduces.

I stop, before the house that is the center of town.

On closer inspection, I notice a set of four mailboxes; lying on the path of the home, in the middle of town. The house belonging to Starlight Glimmer. Even if she has not arrived, I will refer to it as her home and her house.

“This would be your mailbox, Redheart!” I point out; picking up a white mailbox, as I hoof it over to the nurse.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” she responds; as she is accepting the mailbox, clearly marked as hers.

“This is your mailbox, Vinyl!” I point out, as I pick up the next mailbox; hoofing it over to the intended owner.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” she responds, as she is accepting her mailbox.

“This is clearly your mailbox, Mayor Mare!” I point out, as I am offering the mailbox to the mayor.

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie!” Mayor Mare responds, as she is accepting her mailbox.

“Since this is the last mailbox I have to hoof out; this is obviously yours, Dr. Whooves!” I offer, as I pick up the final mailbox, offering him one.

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie!” he responds, smiling at me as he is accepting the mailbox.

“I will need the nurse close to the center, for when the hospital is finally constructed!” I point out, “If you take one of the two first available houses?” I suggest.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” Redheart responds, as she is trotting towards the building.

“I suggest you take the next house, Vinyl Scratch; you would enjoy living close to the center, for when we do construct your stage too!” I point out.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” she responds, as she is trotting off.

“Mayor, you probably want the next house!” I suggest.

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie!” she responds, as she is turning around, trotting to her home in a measured gait.

“I imagine you would prefer a more quiet home, Dr. Whooves?” I suggest; “maybe you would prefer to live, at the edge of town?” I continue.

“Yes, Pinkie; thank you!” he responds, just before he turns to trot off to his new home.

This is turning into a much more interesting village!” I ponder.

With Princess Twilight Sparkle and mayor Mare already installed; it certainly is no Township, even before Starlight Glimmer arrives.

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