Madness Combat, Ponies with Improbabilities

by Metei

Chapter 6 (Can I get a word in?)

“You again, I thought I put your ass behind bars”

“Well sadly it looks like I escaped you fat bitch”

Celestia glared at the disrespectful pony.

“Guards take him away”

Twilight stepped in when things were getting messy.

“Wait princess! Metei has urgent news! Please listen princess!”

“Yeah listen to your most faithful student you fucking ass”

Celestia walked towards Metei and lowered her head. Before she could get a shot in, Shining Armour punched him in the stomach.

“Is that all you got kiss-ass?”

Metei smirked.

Applejack was worried. Rainbow Dash was never late in coming back to the farm. If she was held back, then Rainbow would have sent a letter. She was never this late without a reason. Applejack glanced at the clock hung up on the wall, its face reading that it was past midnight. Sighing sadly, Applejack made her slow walk up the stairs to her bedroom.

“You know Pinkie; you should have told me that you had babysitting to do today, I would have helped y’know? “

“Exactly, if you knew then you would have tried to help me, and that meant that whatever you had planned for the day would have gone out the window”

“That’s the thing Pinkie. I have absolutely nothing to do. Anything would have been fine, even taking care of little fucktar- I mean shithe- I mean foals”

Pinkie frowned at Metei.

“Did you call the Cakes’ foals what I think you called them?”

“Err, what did you think I called them?”

Pinkie sighed at the behaviour Metei was still letting out.

“We have to fix that swearing problem”

“I don’t have a swearing problem”

“Yes you do, you just called the Cakes’ foals bad stuff”

Metei sighed. Back in his old life no one seemed to care if he swore, but here they treated it as if were a weapon of mass destruction or the plague.

“Whatever I’m going to sleep”

Metei went back to the couch and collapsed on it. Hanging out with Pinkie had drained up his energy and only wished he could get some shut eye.

The next morning was a repeat of the last one. Metei woke up and saw Pinkie out of bed. He goes downstairs to get breakfast only to have a bucket fall on his head, dowsing him with water.

He had enough of her morning antics on him, so he stepped outside to go to a restaurant, hoping to escape Pinkie’s pranks. He spotted a good restaurant when he was blocked by something. Something big, with what looked like brown feathers? He glanced upwards looking at the towering griffon.

“We meet yet again pony. We have accepted to engage war with you. Let the griffon race obliterate ponykind and whatever you throw at us”

Metei was utterly confused as to what the griffon was talking about until one word bounced around in his head, still echoing around in his ear. War. Metei snapped out of the confusion and went straight into horror and surprise.


The griffon flew off before Metei could question him further on the matter. Hearing his distressed call, Pinkie bounced towards him, wanting to find out what made him scream out loud.

“Hey Metei what’s wrong? You screamed really loud that I heard it from across the town, not only that but it looks like you've seen a ghost. Oh, oh did you see any ghost ponies? Ooh, that would be so cool!”


Pinkie stopped her jabbering and looked at Metei who had a serious face.

“Pinkie can you round up your friends? I’ve got to talk to them. Tell them to meet me at that restaurant over there”

Metei pointed to the restaurant he was walking towards earlier.

“Got it!”

Pinkie ran off towards an unknown direction.

Half an hour later five ponies sat with Metei, who had ordered them breakfast as an apology for waking them up. Metei counted again as he swore there was one missing. There was.

“Pinkie, where’s Rainbow Dash?”

“Dunno, I Checked everywhere and I couldn’t find her”

Metei groaned, the one time that Rainbow couldn’t be found and it had to be when they were going to have a war discussion.

“No matter, Applejack can you tell Rainbow when we are done talking?”

“Course, but ah don’t know where she is”

“We will figure that out later but right now-”

Metei was cut off by the elegant (but sometimes a giant bitch) Rarity.

“Excuse me darling, but why have you called us out here, I haven’t finished my beauty sleep”

“Yes well, what I was going to say was-”

He was cut off once again by Twilight.

“I haven’t even finished my report yet, if you don’t hurry up then I’ll miss a deadline”

“Well if I can just get a sentence in then I can tell you that-”



Metei was raging beyond belief. Everypony at the restaurant turned to look for the source of the commotion. Once seeing that it was a pony with no manners, they went back to eating. Fluttershy however, cowered in fear as Metei was yelling. Everypony at the table glared at Metei for what he had done to Fluttershy.

“My word that was unnecessary. Did you really have to yell, and at Fluttershy too?”

“Yeah, why did you go an scare Fluttershy like that, what’s wrong with you?”

“Well if I could just fucking talk for a second here”

“And stop with the language, there are children here”

“I don’t give a fuck! Now that I have your attention, what I was trying to say before was that we are going to war”

Everypony stared at Metei, not believing that they were in danger.

“Why would we go to war? We are not in bad terms with any of the neighbouring races”

“Yeah well a griffon got in my face and said that they were declaring war”

All eyes were studying Metei to see if he was lying. No of them could find anything, not even Applejack.

“Alright say if that were true, what are we supposed to do?”

“I dunno, you guys were the ones that stopped two ancient evil beings from destroying Equestria so I thought that you would know”

“Well I guess we could send a letter to Princess Celestia”

Metei’s eyes widened when the name was brought up, luckily his glasses concealed his surprise.

“Not happening. Spike is away at Canterlot. However the princess di send me tickets to the gala”

“Oh goddess not again”

“We don’t have to enjoy the night. We could go to the gala and talk to the princess. After that we go home”

“Alright, but only to talk to the princess, I don’t want to run into that stallion again. That reminds me, do you girls still have your dresses?”

Everypony at the table nodded except for Metei who didn’t know what Rarity meant.

“Alright, so that means that I have to make only Metei’s outfit. Metei if you have time, can you come by to my store, if you want to get into the gala then you need something formal and I doubt that you have anything to wear except for your jacket”

Metei nodded dumbly, wondering if she said a compliment or an insult. Everypony got up to leave when a weak voice stopped them from moving.

“Hey-over here-guys”

All eyes turned to the source. There limping out of the shadow, Rainbow Dash was looking at them.


Applejack threw her forearms around Rainbows’ neck, giving her a bone crushing hug. Tears rolled down her closed eyes and down onto the cyan fur.

“Sorry if I scared you AJ”

Applejack removed herself from Rainbow and gave her some space before barraging her with questions. She was bet to it by Twilight.

“Rainbow! What happened to you?”

Twilight’s voice was laced with worry from seeing her friend in a terrible state. Rainbow had blood covering her face, slashes on her body and her feathers mostly gone. A strange mark was on her side, depicting black fire. Twilight did not know what it meant.

“I was attacked by a pony. It was-“

Rainbow cut off her conversation as she spotted something out of the corner of her eye. There, sat Pinkie but it was who she was with that caught Rainbow’s eye. She ran up to the pony and tackled him, her right hoof raised, ready to strike down on the pony.

“Ow, what the hell, Rainbow? What are you doing?”


Rage seethed out of her like poison. Everypony in the area looked at Rainbow. Even Metei was surprised at the accusation.

They all screamed in harmony.


“I didn’t do anything to you!”

“Oh yeah, then we where you last night at ten?”

Pinkie answered the question.

“He was with me all last night”

“Rainbow could it be that you couldn’t see your attackers face? What about his clothes?”

Rainbow replayed the memory again. She could only see the silhouette of her attacker, before he got all up close and personal. She remembered the clothes he was wearing. It was black, not the blue that Metei always wears.

“The clothes were different, except the hairstyle and glasses. Those were yours”

“It could just be a coincidence”

Rainbow stood there, wondering if it really was just a coincidence.

“You know what? I’m tired so maybe a good nap would make me remember. I’m going back to the farm; you wanna come with me Applejack?”

Applejack nodded and walked by Rainbow’s side. Fluttershy was the next to go, Pinkie following suit and went back to take care of the store. Rarity was the next to go, intent on waiting for Metei to come by her store later. It was only Twilight and Metei left.

“Where is Carousel Boutique anyway?”

“Well it’s nearby from where I live so I can show you they way if you want?”

“Thanks Twilight”

The two set off for the boutique, making small talk on their way and also careful to not discuss the upcoming war as to not freak everypony out.

“Do we really have to go to see the princess?”

“Yes we do”

“I don’t know about this”

Metei was having second thoughts about the plan.

“But you have to. If we’re going to war we have to tell the princess”

Twilight’s voice was urgent, the last war ended one thousand years ago. Ponies would not be prepared if they sent a surprise attack.

“But couldn’t we just send a letter to her”

“No we can’t. I told you, Spike is away in Canterlot so we have to tell her face to face”

Metei sighed in defeat, he was not as eager in meeting the princess again.

“The Grand Galloping Gala is happening in two days from now. The train ride to Canterlot would take two days since a lot of ponies would be going to there. Luckily we have tickets to go, not only that but the princess sent an extra one in case any of us got hitched, whatever that means”

“This would not end well”

Metei walked into the boutique, speechless with the tacky colours that were used to paint the building. He decided that he would never step into the building again after this. The only suits he liked were worn by the l33t.

“There you are deary! Come with me so we can get your clothes for the gala done!”

“This is the last straw. I really hope that this building is destroyed when war happens”

A few hours later, Metei was in his formal clothing. He had second thoughts about wanting this building gone.

“This is perfect Rarity, thank you. How much do I owe you?”

“Think nothing of it. This is free of charge since this is for the fate of Equestria”

Metei smiled at such generosity.

Outside in a plain field, Metei was in his final stages of his plans. Looking over at how they were set up, he noticed that a leaf had gotten in his testing area. Vaporizing the leaf, he smiled as he could feel the world on his hooves.

“I don’t know why I had to get the damn Pegasus and griffon feathers but it did say that it wouldn’t work without it”

He looked at the circle he drew. In the circle were four smaller circles, all at the top, bottom, left and right sides. In them were items, feathers from a Pegasus, feathers from a griffon, a horn broken off from a guard and a head from an earth pony.

“Let’s hope this works”

Metei raised his front hooves in the air, lighting shooting from the sky. He aimed the lightning at the circle. A black cloud surrounded the circle, destroying the items. The ground underneath shook from the power the lightning was giving off. Once the black cloud died down, so did the lightning. Where once was the black cloud, there was buildings filling the entire field. The doors opened and revealed a sight that made Metei smile. L33t agents flooded out the doors, armed with weapons. In the sea of l33t, there were some A.T.P agents that were more heavily armed than their weaker counterparts. Metei smiled.

“Let the games begin”