Starlight's Hellfire

by King of Madness

Give Me Sanctuary!

Starlight Glimmer walked deeper and deeper into the cavern she had ran into back when... it happened. Her head hung low as she listened to the sounds of her hooves hitting the ground. It was pitch black, but she didn't bother lighting her horn. She didn't care. All she could think about was what had happened yesterday. It had stayed in her mind throughout the rest of that day, haunting her at night so that she couldn't sleep. She didn't know when the time changed nor what time it was now. She didn't care.

She was tired; she hadn't slept since the night before last. She was hungry; she hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday. She was sore; she had only had rocks to comfort her since yesterday and they had left her body aching. But much more than anything else, she was angry. Everything that what she had dedicated her life to building was destroyed! It was all because of that damned Alicorn: Twilight Sparkle!

Starlight could feel her bones shaking at the very thought of the Alicorn. She wanted to hurt her. She wanted to hurt her so very badly! Her and her friends. But what about her goals? What about all the effort she had put into building the start of a perfect world where everypony is the same? She could find another town and take measures to insure this wouldn't happen again. She could still fulfill her dream... But she couldn't stop thinking about Twilight. She couldn't let go of the sins against her.


"Ugh!" Starlight rubbed her head after bumping into a wall. She glanced to the side and noticed a light. Without so much as a thought, she followed the light to it's source. She turned a corner and found herself in a large cave covered in gems. She slowly walked in and looked at the gems, which were clear and showed her reflection like mirrors. She stopped to look at herself as the thoughts entered her head. Thoughts of what she wanted to do and who she wanted to be.

Finding another town and rebuilding her dream; that was what she should have done. She knew in her heart that that was the path she was meant to take... But she found her desire for it slipping away; making way for a much darker desire. A thirst that she desperately wanted to be quenched.

She closed her eyes and bowed her head as she felt her petty desires overcoming her righteous devotion. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, marching methodically as she looked from each mirror. It was time to address this matter and do something she hadn't done in a long time: Pray.

"Beata Celestia, You know I am a righteous mare.
Of my virtue, I am justly proud.
Beata Celestia, you know I'm so much purer than
the common, vulgar, weak, deluded crowd."

She stopped and stared directly into one of the gems. Her eyes pin pricked as she saw her reflection change into that of another pony. It's was... her.

"Then tell me, Celestia, why I see her standing there!
Why her deceitful eyes still scorch my soul!"

She clinched her eyes shut and turned away, feeling the rage course through her body.

"I feel her! I see her! The sun caught in her purple mane
is blazing in me out of all control!"

She opened her pin pricked eyes to find herself in a sea of fire.

"Like fire. Hellfire. This fire in my skin."

She lifted her hoof to find it engulfed in flames. She waved it away frantically and closed her eyes.

"This burning desire is turning me... to sin!"

She dropped to the ground and opened her eyes. The flames were gone, but she saw hooded figures inside of the gems; looking down at her. Condemning her. She took her hooves and started running.

"It's not my fault! I'm not to blame!
It was that bigot mare, Twilight, that sent this flame!"

She stopped and looked to the unholy judges with pleading eyes.

"It's not my fault! If God would dare,
He made the Devil so much stronger than a maaaare!"

She dropped down and looked up at a gem, seeing Twilight again.

"Protect me, Celestia. Don't let this bigot cast her spell.
Don't let her lies contaminate my soul."

She stood up and blasted the gem, completely destroying it.

"Destroy Twilight Sparkle and let her taste the fires of Hell
or let me do the job all on my owwwwn!"

Starlight held up her hoof and the dust from the destroyed gem formed a small figure of Twilight in her hoof, which she then stomped on the ground. She sighed as her demons continued to haunt her.

She stayed there for a long time. More and more time passed by. She continued to pray, her dark desires consuming her more and more. She got into a fiddle position and rocked herself back and forth. She scraped her forelegs against sharp rocks. She wept and wept as she felt herself being dragged away into the darkness; into the fire.



"...Jesus, I burn all these demons in your name..."


"...Please, set me free..."


"Delivery me from evil, Celestia..."






Starlight stood up and slowly lifted her head, tears running down her face as she gritted her teeth. "...I will find her. I will find her if I have to burn Equestria to the ground!" She struck the ground and the sea of fire erupted once more, but this time, it couldn't burn her. She had now accepted the flames.

"Hellfire. Dark fire. Now, Twilight, it's your turn!
Get ready for... your pyre! Soon, you and your friends will burrrrn!"

Starlight's body shook uncontrollably and she began to sob.

"...God have mercy on her... God have mercy on me...
But she crossed the line! Now, sheeeee willlll..."

She stood on her back hooves and rose her forelegs into the air.


The flames slithered around her body as she called out, disappearing into the sky. Starlight dropped on her back knees and threw her head back.

"She will burrrrrrrrrrrrrn! AAAAAAAH!"

She dropped to the ground once more, weakly pushing herself up with her forelegs. Tears running down her face and sobs caught in her throat, she made one last plea. "Please... Give me sanctuary!"


Nothing. She had nothing.

Knowing how alone she truly was now, Starlight broke down and curled into a ball on the floor, crying herself to sleep.

Once she awoke, she made her way out of the caverns to begin her new destiny. As she later thought about it, it was foolish for her to try and stick to a goal she no longer wanted. It was no different from a cutie mark. She was making her own destiny and that destiny was the end of the Elements of Harmony. Soon, she would find a way to do so... and, once she did, she would accept the flames.