It's Time to Move on

by InkHeartBrony

Chapter 2

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash did not know what the world would be like when they returned. Fluttershy still remembered when a dying Rainbow Dash whispered in her ear.

"I want to become like you."

Rainbow was the only pony who knew her secret. That the spell casted on her, temporarily turning her into a vampire pony, was not really temporary. She was still a vampire pony, no pony had noticed her excessive amount of buying apples after that. Although Applejack did raise an eyebrow, but didn't question it. Applejack only assumed it was for the animals.

Fluttershy told her dearest friend, but was too embarrassed to tell the others. She was afraid of what could happen, she was still afraid to tell any pony.

She knew she could drink blood, she felt a craving for it, but filled that craving with apple juice instead. She didn't need it, she never actually did it. Until Rainbow asked her to.

It wasn't out of true selfishness, to live forever. Fluttershy didn't even know she would live forever after drinking blood. After that, she became a full vampire, she became young again and lost the gray streaks in her hair. She was just little old Fluttershy.

The same happened to Rainbow. From being bitten she became a full vampire, but they ended up living far away in the Everfree forest. They couldn't show their faces for years, and lived amongst the terrifying monsters who ignored them. Seeing them as just other creatures in the forest.

Rainbow felt as though her life was not over yet. She still wanted to be with Fluttershy, her lover, forever. They both had lost their pained joints and wrinkling skin. They had returned to their spry young, happy selves. Even if they did look a little bit different. But Rainbow always told her that Fluttershy was hot as a vampire, which, always made her giggle.

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash, her bright red eyes looking at the castle. Her eyes were focused on one particular window. The only light coming from the castle, even if it was faint. Rainbow looked into Fluttershy's eyes, then pulled her close to kiss her. Rainbow pulled away after a moment, and shook her head, laughing slightly.

"It's funny... I mean, we're aren't really alive are we."

"And we're definitely not alive!" Another voice said. A ghostly white image of a familiar earth pony hopped onto the branch, she tried balancing, walking up to them, but lost her footing, falling while giggling. She then flew back up to the branch to face the two bat pony's.

"You think you could've all bitten us too and we could look all cool with your scary bat wings? Grrr!"

Another voice chimed in, another ghostly image of a mare walking gracefully on the branch towards them. "I for one, would not prefer to have those horrific wings and messy mane."

"Watch your tongue." Said the brave bat pony.

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Well, it's true darling."

"Ponies!" Fluttershy said suddenly. "This is how we return to Ponyville? We haven't been here in years! We haven't seen our friends, our family, Twilight..."

"Well I did visit Manehattan to be with my daughter." Rarity said.

"I wouldn't call that a visit really." Responded Pinkie. "More like a scare the living daylights out of her visit?"

"Pffft, I did not scare her! She just couldn't seem to hear or see me, and her house was a bit messy so I decided to be kind and clean up a little."

Pinkie giggled. "Yeah you definitely scared her! Nice prank!"

"I do not prank. Pinkie Pie. I was only being generous."

Rarity crossed her hooves and floated beside the two bat ponies. "Aah yes, we are going to talk to Twilight hmm? How? We can't exactly walk up to her like this, she'd have a heart attack! Should I get my fainting couch? Actually, I don't know where it is!" Rarity worriedly looked to either side of her, and shrugged.

"It is the middle of the night." Said Fluttershy. "Why don't we go in the morning, we approach her politely and-"

"Again." Rainbow put her hoof over Fluttershy's mouth. "She'll freak out. I don't think that's a good idea."

"Well, what other option do we have?" Asked Fluttershy, tilting her head.

Everypony thought for a moment in silence, but nothing else came to their minds.

"Wait." Rarity said suddenly. "I think I know how to do this."

Twilight yawned, blinking, trying to wake up. It took her a moment to realize where she was, yes, Spike's room. He was still asleep. Maybe she should get them both something to eat.

After a moment, she stood up, and walked out tiredly, shutting the door behind her as quiet as possible. She walked down the hall, through the throne room and to the kitchen. But at the door to the kitchen, she stopped. Seeing a faint glow in the corner of her eye.

She turned around, looking at the cracked a broken thrones of the mane six. Twilight's was the only one fully intact.

The map was glowing. It was something, a sight she had not seen in years.

Four cutiemarks appeared on the map, the cutiemarks of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, spun around Twilight's castle.

But, that was impossible. They were dead, this didn't make any sense, and out of all places, why were they being called here? Something must be wrong with the map...

Twilights head jerked as she saw a glow. Through the dark cracks and broken down throne, the three balloons glowed. Pinkie Pie's cutiemark, with one balloon cut off in the middle was glowing.

Her head turned when she saw another glow. Rarity's cutiemark, three bright gems glowed.

Twilight took a few steps away. The thrones marks only glowed when-

When the ponies they belonged to were sitting upon them.

Twilight looked at the two thrones, her eyes widening and her emotions going all over the place.

Sadness, fear, confusion, hope.

Her ears perked up when she heard a loud buzz from her door.

She ran out of the throne room, and as fast as she could to the large doors. Her breathing getting heavier and heavier. She couldn't even think about who might be there, she was too confused about the throne room and map to think straight.

She opened the door quickly and greeted the ponies with that signature princess grin.

But her smile faded when she saw who it was.