Madness Combat, Ponies with Improbabilities

by Metei

Chapter 3 (Meet the evil)

Metei gazed into the eyes of the glaring sun goddess. She did not look happy but then she did not look overly angry. No, she just looked right enough to make even the most hardened soldier cower in fear. Compared to Fluttershy’s stare, the latter would have been behind the massive shadow. Metei however was not ordinary. He did not get frightened by her, only stepping back for just a second before regaining his foot hold. Her stare did not let up.

“You were the one in the meteor, were you not?”

Metei didn’t answer immediately thus provoking the lunar mare behind Celestia.


Luna was threatening Metei for no apparent reason. He was confused beyond his belief as to why she would just openly do that in the middle of the street. He sighed in resignation as he couldn’t be bothered to tell the lie. It was his philosophy back at Nevada. If the guards knew you were lying, than you spend your one and final night in the pit. Those who went in never came out. He could not tell a lie since he feared for his life. That is why that if Applejack were to mysteriously disappears, than Metei would be a perfect replacement.

“Fine, I am the meteor, but how did you find out”

Celestia was eyeing Metei suspiciously, seeing if he was to be trusted to what she was going to say. Seeing that she did not care if he found out, thinking that he can’t do anything to them, she decided to tell him.

“Our spy was in the forest at the time for who knows what he was doing, but instead found you. I know you killed him but before you did, he sent me a telepathic message and image”

“FUCK! I should have been more careful!”

Celestia was taken aback at his foul language. Never in her lifetime did she hear somepony say those disgusting words and never in the presence of one of the princesses, but this pony did, right in front of her.

“Please do not use that kind of language here. I do not need ponies complaining to me about what you are spouting out”

“Fuck off; I do what I fucking want. I’m not afraid of you”

Celestia was even more surprised. Metei was still swearing, but this time it was aimed towards her. Luna was filled with rage, this pony, this THING was swearing at her sister. He had already ruined her beautiful night sky with the meteors, destroyed part of the Everfree forest and killed a pony. It was time to take him down.


Luna’s booming command produced a number of guards by the way of teleporting, but to Metei they looked like they were spawned from white lightning. Taking a defensive stance, he readied himself for whatever they threw at him.
“Bring it assholes”

Pinkie was done with the final touches of the welcome party. She had stated that this was going to be the best party ever for Metei since he never had one. Happy with the preparations finished, she put on her basket and walked out of Sugarcube Corners to invite all the residents of Ponyville. Wearing a big grin, she opened the door.

The guards that rushed Metei first were introduced to his fist (hoof?) in their face. The others decided to hang back to see if their comrades can take him on. Metei grabbed one guard and punched him in the stomach. The guard curled into a ball before being stepped on his head. With one down, he pivoted towards the other guards, smashing one in the face with his hoof. Two down. The guards became wary that they needed some weapons to take the bastard on, so they armed themselves with spears. Metei shook his head and chuckled. Even with weapons they could not take him on.

Looking at his victims in his eyes, Metei was gone in a blink of an eye, punching at all of the guards in front of him. Sixteen down. Metei got behind one group and decided to choke one of them. Seeing their comrade in trouble, the guards tried to help him, only receiving the legs of the trapped guards in the face. Metei spun him round and round before letting go, scoring seven points in knocking down the guards.

The only ones left were the unicorns, and they were thinking twice about approaching him head on. Seeing that they would not make the first move, Metei sprinted towards them on his hind legs. He grabbed the one in front and kneed him in the stomach three times before letting him go. He broke the neck of the second one, but did not kill him. He snapped an arm and beat another until his face was puffy and bruised.

He felt something grab him and hoist him in the air. He could not determine who was lifting him but he did feel the force of smashing into the ground. He gazed up into the eyes of a white stallion with two tints of blue in his mane.

“Thank you Shining Armour that was easy enough”

Metei recognized the voice as Celestia before being engulfed with a bright white light. The next thing anypony knew, Metei’s body went kamikaze. The explosion was gigantic as the two princesses were flung back, Shining was knocked into a building and the guards all flung in different directions.

The smoke was clearing as it gave the ponies a sight of a shadow. The smoke cleared, revealing a Metei with a twisted, sadistic, evil smile. One of the lenses on his shades were cracked while the other was smashed, revealing his eyes. However they were not the black that was dead, no they were blood filled, like he was unleashing a monster that could wipe out Equestria and paint the wall and river red. Cracking his neck twice he eyed the two princesses and grinned menacingly at them.

“Well that was not nice”

In an alley somewhere in Ponyville, a pony laid there. He began to stir in his unconscious state, revelling in the cool shadows that loomed over him. When it became too cold his eyes opened. Metei lifted his head up, wondering what just happened.

“What the fuck just happened. I remember that I was looking at something in my mind. Something looked like red eyes. No matter, it doesn’t matter to me”

Oh Metei, it really matters. He walked out of the alley to run into... Pinkie!

“Oh, oh, METEI, I finally found you. I was trying to find you to say that your party is done and that you need to come with me like now or you’ll miss your party, and what kind of welcome party is it if you’re not there, and if that happens then-“

Pinkie’s mouth was blocked by Metei’s hoof.

“Alright Pinkie, let’s go to the party”

“GREAT! The party is at Sugarcube Corners so go like now since it started now!”

“Wait Pinkie we could go together!”

But it was too late. Pinkie had already sped off for the party.

“Might as well”

Metei gazed around the inside of Sugarcube Corners, or whatever Pinkie called the place. The entire shop was filled to the brim of decoration, food, games and ponies, eager to meet the new pony in town. Metei was tearing up as back at Nevada he was a prisoner, and therefore did not have parties, even when he was a child, the only thing close to a party would have been for the people who ran the place while the test subjects ate the scraps.

“Hey Metei, why are you all sad?”

Metei looked at Pinkie who was right next to him, concern etched on her face, only being intensified by her deflated mane.

“I’m not sad; it’s just tears of joy. I’ve never had a party or friends since childhood”

Pinkie wrapped her hoof around his neck, bringing him close for a hug.

“Well, you’ll never be alone ever again”

Metei was subdued with a bind of magic which the princesses conjured up after knocking him out with their combined blast of magic.

“Take him away”

“Yes your majesty”

The guard’s teleported away for Canterlot while the princesses stayed behind. Luna looked at Celestia with worry about their new prisoner.

“Tia did you feel the foul chaos emitting from him?”

Celestia was frowning at what that could mean.

“Are you thinking that he is Discord or will set him free?”


“I fear for that too”

The princesses looked at the sky, hoping that wasn’t what would happen. If Discord was free then he would make the pony’s life hell. They were off the mark with what Metei was thinking of doing. Murder all the ponies.

The cage that held the criminal was locked tightly as two pegasi guards were taking off for Canterlot. The prisoner opened his eyes and laughed. Both pegasi disappeared from the sky.