The Tank Hunter

by Lone Maus

Death's Ghost

    Gustav looked Revenant over, most of her track skirts had been blown off and she was covered in shell marks and blast marks. Out of the hundreds of hits they received one penetrated, luckily it was a HEAT round and it hit on the right side of the turret behind the commander's hatch, unluckily for him some of the molten metal hit him on the right side of his face burning him horribly. Besides that Revenant held together and he was proud of her. She had a more powerful diesel engine and stronger transmission giving her a high top speed and a lower chance to break down.

     Gustav was looking for any weaknesses in the track links as his crew ran security of the small warehouse they stopped at after saving two ponies, one of which was in British uniform and was identified by his own British soldier as Jack C Reeds anti-tank marksman. Hoof steps behind him tor his attention away from Revenant and to the young British soldier who he had taken under command, his name was Arran L Charles. “How are they doing?” Gustav asked, they had put the two ponies in the office of the warehouse as one was still out cold.

    “Jack has woke up and they asked to be alone.” Arran said.

    “That is good he is avake, just so that don't do anything stupid in there.” Gustav said plainly. Half his face was still in wraps and couldn't be seen. The rest of Gustav’s crew walked up.

    Claus had a guitar and said, “Commander I played vhen I was young, think ve should sing a song for luck in battle?”

    By now it was dark and although they could all see just fine, Arran on the other hand couldn't. Gustav said, “Get a fire made and then ve can sing Panzerlied and if you can play vith hoofs.”

    A few minutes later and a small fire was burning with them all seated around it. Claus played a note and to his surprise it was still tuned, he then played a few more before he started to play Panzerlied.

    Gustav started and soon everyone else besides Arran joined in and was stomping to imitate marching.

    “If it storms or snows, or the sun smiles on us. The day burning hot, or the icy cold night. Dusty is our face, but happy is our minds, yes our minds. Roar our tanks, in the storm’s wind! Roar our tanks, in the storm’s wind! Vith thundering engines, fast as lightning. Against the enemy, in the tank gun.” They sang. They were all smiling, even Arran.

    The song seemed so short but at the end Gustav stood up on his hind legs with his left hoof in the air and said, “May luck shine upon us and ve be victorious in all our battles!” Everyone cheered.

    Smiles and laughter, for a moment it felt like Gustav was back at home with his dad and uncle in a pub. Everyone having fun but those were just old memories, memories he would never have again. The sound of of a pipe falling over caught his attention. He got up said, “Everyone guns ready.” Then walk to the other side of the warehouse and stopped in front of a open door.

    A soft voice said, “It must have been the wind.”

    Gustav instantly turned as a sword was swung at him cut his wraps causing them to fall off. He grabbed his knife just in time to block another swipe, the hit rattled the sword enough for the user to drop it as it hit the ground Gustav identified his attacker as a lean zebra. Without thought he threw himself at the zebra pinning him and quickly stabbed him in the guts. The zebra grunted and fought to get unpinned but it was no use. The sound of hoofs steps getting distant caused Gustav to turn and see a figure disappear into the city. He stood above the gasping zebra for a moment before picking up the sword and dragging the zebra back to the fire. The zebra seemed deviant tell he could see Revenant, when he did he started to blab in a different language. He was visibly terrified all though weak from his increasing blood loss he fought, seemingly out of fear. As the zebra was speaking Gustav asked, “Anyone know vhat he is saying?”

    Claus said, “I do. He is speaking Romanian. He is saying, ‘not Death's Ghost please take me away from it’ he seems very scared.”

    Gustav thought for a moment then said, “Claus follow me.” and walked to the back of the warehouse dragging the zebra with. When they got to the back wall he asked, “Claus ask him if there are any plans for an attack in the area.”

    Claus nodded and asked and got a response. He relayed it to Gustav. “He said ‘there is a attack planned for tomorrow at the city square’”

    “Good.” Gustav said before pulling the his knife out and walking close to the zebra who was by now in extreme pain, he put the tip of the blade to the zebra’s throat and softly said, “May your spirit find peace.” before pushing the knife into the dieing zebra’s throat. After a short gurgle he checked the zebra’s body and found a medal and a map then returned with Claus back to the fire. They all sat in silence for sometime before Gustav spoke, “Ve vill have a fight ahead of us tomorrow, I don't know whom for but our enemy is the zebras so that is who ve vill fight. Now I vant two of you to stand guard tell first light.” His crew all nodded and he smiled. After a few minutes he lied down on some heavy bed sheets they scavenged and drifted off to sleep.

    Gustav was awoken by Olaf tapping his shoulder. Gustav got up and asked, “Is everyone ready?”

    As Olaf climbed up onto Revenant he said, “Ve are but I think the two ponies ve rescued aren't.” Gustav nodded and walked over to the office and opened the door.

    Jack and the one who said she was called Fang were both lying there cuddling with their hoofs wrapped around one another under a blanket. Gustav made a low growl before pulling his Luger out and shooting it at the ceiling. Both of the sleeping ponies practically jumped straight to their hoofs with angry faces. Gustav put his gun in its holster and said, “Both of you get your gear and be on the tank in 5 minutes or ve are leaving you.” Then he walked to Revenant, climbed up and sat in the commander's hatch waiting. He was about to tell Claus to go when the two ran out and climbed up Revenant.

    “What is with the hurry?” Fang asked.

    “Vell I figured ve vould help repel a attack that is going to hit your main defensive line.” Gustav responded plainly. “Claus get us moving.” He said into the mic of his headset.

    Claus responded with, “Yes sir.” and Revenant lurched forwards and they were on their way.

    As they got close Fang and Jack got off to regroup with Equestrian forces. It had been two hours since they left the warehouse and now they were sitting in wait looking out into a large square. Gustav started saying “Olaf make every shot count, if there is a chance of missing don't.” He was cut off by the screech of artillery shells and he eminently yelled, “ALL HATCHES OPEN!” and his crew listened and they all lied as close to the floor of the tank as possible. Each minutes that went by as shells screamed in but hit in the distance felt like a hour. When the artillery stopped without hitting anywhere near them Gustav ordered hatches close as he stuck his head out of his hatch and listened. The sound of tanks could be heard and it was growing louder and he could hear cannon fire. At first one tank appeared in front of them then more all of them side of, perfect. Just after they all fired Gustav said “Now Olaf fire at vill.” Not a second later one of the tank's was hit and it's crew bailed then machine guns add their fire. The turret turned slightly and then the 88 barked blowing up the ammo rack in one tank, the turret turned a bit more and fired again and once again blowing the turret off. Gustav then gave a command, “Olaf knock out two more then ve vill pull out into the square.” ten seconds later they had blown the turret of one tank apart and knocked out another. As they pulled out into the square the zebra tank started to react out of fear as two crews bailed and the rest started backing up. Well the defensive line had fallen quiet they had continued to engage tanks but now the guns were pointed at them and shells started to hit Revenant but she stood her ground as her turret turned to the big lead tank which still had its side to them. The 88 roared, the round hit and went into the tank, it's hatches flew open and a jet of flames shoot out. Watching Revenant easily destroy their lead tank was enough for the zebras and they retreated. Olaf was able to knock out two more tanks before they disappeared into the city.

    Gustav sat there taking in the carnage turret less hulls and mangle metal, the dead burnt and mangled and bloodied when a female voice asked, “Who are you?”