Old World Blues

by Wheller



Vinyl Scratch had stopped running. Here she was marching down the southern road with only a vague notion of the direction she was going, she'd been walking all night and hadn't stopped since departing from Ponyville, leaving Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash in a world of confusion.

To be perfectly honest, she was in something of a confusion herself. To be perfectly honest, Vinyl Scratch needed to be away for a little while, what had happened between her and Octavia... she needed to get away. Even if her idea of getting away was locating the Fillydelphia Iron Works and contending with the members of the Machine Cult that were undoubtedly going to be there.

The book that Vinyl Scratch had taken from Twilight's Library was a book on the history of manufacturing in Fillydelphia from a thousand years ago. How this book had escaped the burnings that had come after she had taken power, Vinyl could only guess. Not to mention that Ponyville hadn't been built until year 899 of Celestia's reign.

The book had likely been in Emerald Sparkle's care, and dropped by an invisible Spritebot when asked for it.

Vinyl's ear twitched, she looked up and noticed a white blur was moving towards her, and fast.

A second later it was on her.


Surprise had tackled Vinyl Scratch to the ground and was grinning brightly. 'Found you!'

Vinyl Scratch blinked, she should be mad, she didn't want anyone following her, though she had only told it to Twilight and Rainbow Dash, she couldn't get mad at Surprise for it.

'What are you doing?' Vinyl asked.

'Helping you!' Surprise said brightly, hopping off Vinyl and helping her up.

'Did you consider that I might not want help?' Vinyl asked.

'Nope!' Surprise said and grinned at her. Vinyl realised at this point that Surprise was emulating her.

'Okay, when I do it, it's adorable, when you do it? It's just plain creepy', Vinyl said.

Surprise continued to grin.

Vinyl Scratch smiled and let out a sigh. 'Okay, fine, let's go then'.

Surprise smiled, and the two mares continued to walk down the road.