Twilight's Adventures to Oz

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 17: Home Again

Twilight starts to wake up and starts to feel a bit hazy. She opens her eyes staring at a ceiling that is different from the one at the Crystal Palace. Twilight starts to get up, but still feeling drowsy after the spell has been performed on her. Twilight then start to feel a sharp pain on her head and start to rub it.

Twilight rubs her head, feeling a bit of pain and says, "My head hurts."

After feeling the pain from her head, Twilight rubs her eyes still feeling tired and like she just waken up from a long nap. Twilight opens her eyes fully to see that she is in a room that she fully remember.

Twilight says in her thoughts, "This is Cadence's room? How did I got here?"

Twilight look around to see that she is definitely in the room of her old foalsitter. She remember that she used to come here with Cadence all the time and it's just like how she remembers it. Twilight looks around to see that nopony is in the room, but herself.

As Twilight looks around, she start to notice some of the things that isn't in her room before. She can see a blanket with a Wonderbolt symbol on her, a stuffed owl that reminds her of her pet owl at home, and an apple shaped pillow behind her. Twilight also looks around to see a pony manikin that has magenta dress with a pink ribbon on it with green-blueish collar and a magenta. It's also wearing a light blue ball haieband with greenish blue flowers on it. Next to the dress is a small box that has four cupcakes in it.

Twilight thinks the stuff must be from her friends and can see that they must be gifts to her. Twilight thinks they must have found Twilight and place her here. But one thing is still bothering her, what happened while she's been at Oz.

Twilight gets out of bed and decides to walk to the window to see the outside of Canterlot. When she opens the window she can see that the sun is going down and the moon is starting to rise. Twilight thinks that it must be getting late and everypony are going inside. But the one thing that is making Twilight very happy, is that she can see that she is finally home to where she lives, to where her friends, family, and mentor are.

Twilight smiles and says, "I'm... I'm finally back home."

Twilight starts to shed tears and says, "I'm so glad to be home."

Twilight is glad to be finally home after being away for very long. Twilight looks around to see that it's starting to get lat, but not feeling tired at all. Twilight then start to wonder what happened while she's away? What happened to Canterlot? What happen to Queen Chrysalis?

Twilight has been so distracted by the view and her question and she doesn't notice someone opening and walking into the room. She just then hear the loud thud and water spilling everywhere. Twilight turns around to see Princess Cadence, the real one, next to a small bowl of water that she spill on the floor.

Twilight is shocked to see that Princess Cadence is here, but don't know what to do about the situation. Last she has seen her, that body is only a disguise for Queen Chrysalis. However, Twilight since something different about this Cadence and from the look at her face, she can tell that this Princess Cadence is very shocked about something.

Before Twilight can reach, Princess Cadence shockley says, "T-twilight…"

Twilight starts to feel a bit nervous about this Cadence's rection. However she starts to notice that Cadence is starting to shed tears and her surprised face has been changed to a smile. Cadence shed tears of joying to see something that is making her really happy.

She then says, "You're... you're finally up."

"Twilight!" Cadence happily screams.

Then she runs to Twilight to give her a happy and emotional hug. Twilight has become confused to see this Cadence reaction and wonder if this is the real Cadence right now.

Then Cadence quietly says, "I'm glad that you're alright."

Twilight is kind of confused about it. She's also feeling a bit shocked, confused, and tired after everything she's been through back at the land of Oz.

Twilight is able to snap out of the confusion and questionably says, "Are... are you... the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?"

Cadence lets go of the hug to look at Twilight with a smile and says, "Yes, but remember you can call me Cadence. You don't need to be so formal with me."

Twilight looks at Princess Cadence and wonder if she is 100% the real Cadence. She then remember that the imposter is not acting like the real one. She even wants everyone to call her Princess Mi Amore, even though the real one wants to be called Cadence for short. To be honest, Twilight has no idea what to do now about this or anything since she return.

Twilight nervously says, "I'm glad too, I guess. It's just... I need you to prove to me that you are the real Cadence and not another changeling pretending to be her."

Twilight expect this Cadence to say something mean or rude, but instead this one smiles and says, "I understand. You've been sleeping for a while and I know how skeptical you must feel after being attacked by Queen Chrysalis."

Cadence knows exactly how to prove to Twilight that she is the real Princess Cadence and not Queen Chrysalis or any of her changeling in disguise. The only thing Cadence can think about is the their special hoof shake she and Twilight done when they're young.

Cadence perform the dance and says, "Sunshine. Sunshine. Ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves…"

Just then Twilight realizes that this one know their special phrase and dance, she and the Cadence the phrase by saying, "And do a little shake."

After the performance, Cadence simply smiles at Twilight with glee. Twilight realizes that this one the real Princess Cadence for sure, and not Queen Chrysalis.

Twilight shows a big smile, hugs Cadence and says, "You remember me."

"Of course I do. How could I forget the one filly I love to sit for the most," Cadence says with a calm smile.

Twilight and Cadence are very happy to see each other and can't wait to do some catching up. However, Twilight realizes that since the real Cadence is here, she has a lot of question and wants some answers.

Twilight face Cadence and worriedly asks multiple question, "What happened? Where were you? What did Queen Chrysalis did with you? Where is she now? Is my brother and friends are alright? Are they… "

But before she can asks more, Cadence put her hoof in front of Twilight's lip so she can stop.

"I know you have plenty question and want to know what happened, but you still need some rest," Cadence says.

But Twilight worriedly asks, "What happened while I was in the Land of Oz?"

"Oz?" Cadence says with a confused tone.

"After Queen Chrysalis hit me, she teleported me to a place called the Land of Oz. I has to travel all the way to the Crystal City made some new friends and help saved everypony from an evil changeling witch," Twilight explains her story.

Cadence is kind of confused about Twilight' story. Then again, Twilight has been unconscious for a while, and figure out that she must have dreamed this place and her adventure. She knows she needs to tell Twilight what really happened to her, but feel it will be best if her friends hear her story and Twilight will hear theirs.

Cadence wrapped her wing over Twilight and says, "Twilight, maybe it will be best if you can explain to us about your story. Then we can tell you about what really happen."

Twilight is still a bit confused about what happened to her and to the others while she is gone. She decides to not question Cadence and decides let her and the others explain.

Twilight nods her head and says, "Sure."

After the conversation, Cadence decides to take Twilight to see her friends and her family that have been waiting for her for sometime.

In the throne room, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Twilight's parents, her brother, Shining Armor, and all of her friends are waiting for Cadence to come back to see how Twilight's been doing. They don't have a clue that Twilight has just woken up from her sleeping state.

Rarity asks, "I wonder how Cadence is doing with Twilight?"

"Well, she did left to go check on Twilight," Fluttershy says.

Then Princess Celestia says, "But she is taking a while, maybe one of us should go check on her to make sure everything's alright."

"I can go check on her," Shining Armor volunteers.

But before he can leave, Princess Cadence opens walks into the throne room and she seems happy. What surprise everyone is to see that Twilight is with her and she looks fine and yet a little tired. They can't believe that after some time, Twilight has finally woken up from her long sleep.

Pinkie happily screams, "Twilight!"

"Uh Pinkie," Twilight says as she struggles through Pinkie's hug.

"You're okay!" Pinkie cheers and start to squeeze Twilight harder.

Rarity comes over to her and says, "Pinkie, you're squeezing the poor dear."

Pinkie realizes that Rarity has a point, and says, "Oops, sorry."

Pinkie lets go of Twilight and let her relax a bit. Twilight parents and brother comes over to Twilight and they are very happy to see her.

"Twily!" Shining Armor says with a smile and gives Twilight a hug.

"Shining Armor, you're alright!" Twilight happily says.

"Of course I'm fine," Shining Armor happily replies.

"We were so worried about you," Twilight's father says.

"Are you alright sweetie?" Twilight's mother asks.

"I'm fine," Twilight says with a calm smile.

Shining Armor looks at Twilight with a sad look and says, "Twily, I'm sorry about what happened during the wedding rehearsal."

But Twilight says with reassurance, "It wasn't your fault. Queen Chrysalis was controlling you and feeding off your love since she pretended to be Cadence."

"Maybe so, but you wouldn't be in this mess if we would have believed you at the alter," Applejack says feeling ashamed.

"It's alright, she fooled everypony. She even followed me thinking she's Cadence," Twilight replies.

"True, but you were able to notice her strange behavior while the rest of us were busy with the wedding," Rarity says.

Shining Armor turns to Twilight and asks, "But Twily, what happened after all of us left the alter? What did Queen Chrysalis did to you?"

Twilight feels a bit unsure about telling the others about it, but she can tell that they really want to know what happened to her.

Twilight takes a deep breath and explains her story, "After you all left, Cadence came back and I apologized to her. However, she transformed into Queen Chrysalis and told me she was feeding of your love the whole time she took Cadence's place. She then expose to me her plan to feed all the love in Canterlot and all of Equestria. I tired to fight her, but she blast me to the wall and teleported me away. I passed out right after that."

"That when Cadence found you in the caverns," Pinkie finishes her friend's sentence.

Twilight looks a bit confused and says, "I'm a bit confused about it, but I understand that what I thought happened is different to what really happened to me."

"What do you mean?" Shining Armor asks.

"When I passed out, I found myself in a strange place called Oz and I remember my head hurts," Twilight says.

Then Princess Celestia comes over to Twilight and says, "I'm guess that what happened to you in the dream world."

"Yes. But not the real story," Princess Luna says.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asks.

"From what Cadence explained to us, she found you in the caverns unconscious and was able to get you of there just in time to stop the reception," Princess Celestia explains.

"But with you unconscious, it was very hard for your friends to use the elements," Princess Luna adds.

Just then Pinkie comes over and explains, "We tried to fight them off, but the changeling were too strong. They captured all of us in the cocoon, but Cadence manages to hold on to you really tightly. But the changeling didn't stand against Shining Armor and Princess Cadence's love for each other. Their love creates a large blast and sent all the changing away alway the way to the changeling kingdom."

Then she happily scream, "Ka pow!"

"How ever, with you unconscious and the damage to Canterlot, we think it would be befor for us to postpone the wedding until you awaken," Shining Armor adds.

"Really!" Twilight says.

"Of course, it wouldn't be the same without my best mare," Shining Armor says with a smile.

"And my mare of honor," Cadence says with a smile.

Twilight hears with and look kind of surprised of what her brother and new sister-in-law are saying.

Twilight surprisingly says, "You want me to be your mare of honor."

"Of course I do. I couldn't of anypony suited for it," Cadence says with a smile.

Twilight smiles happily and says, "Thanks you, but I'm really glad to be back after everything that has happens, but how long I was out."

"You were out for like a week," Rainbow Dash says.

"You were hurt really bad," fluttershy says.

Twilight is kind of surprised to hear that she's been out for some time. She can tell that all of her friends and family have been through a lot while being unconscious. She thens start to feel a little pain on her head and feeling a bit tired.

"Are you okay, Twily?" Shining Armor asks in concern.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired and my head kind of hurts a bit," Twilight answers and she still feel tired.

Twilight stomach starts to growl really loud, meaning that she is very hungry.

Then Twilight says, "And I'm really hungry. I felt like I haven't eaten in days."

"More like a week," Applejack remarks.

"Right," Twilight replies.

Then Cadence says, "I guess it's about time for all of us to have some dinner."

"Yeah. and Twilight can tell us what her dream is about during dinner," Pinkie says with a smile.

"I'm in!" Rainbow Dash replies with excitement.

"I really like to hear it," Spike says.

Twilight giggles a bit and says, "I like to tell you, but believe me it's kind of a shock and kind of crazy."

With that, Twilight and the others walk over to the dining room of the castle so they can have something for dinner. When they are having dinner, Twilight talks to them about her dream in the Land of Oz and her adventures along with making new friends and defeating an evil witch. After Twilight finishes her story, everyone is very impressed by her story. They are kind of surprised that they are in her dreams, but in a different life. They sure have some questions about her dreams and have some comments about it too.

Pinkie cheerfully screams, "Wow! That's was the best dream ever."

"Sounds to me that you dreamt us that are different characters," Applejack replies.

"Sadly, that awful Queen Chrysalis was in the dream too," Rarity says.

Then Rarity happily says, "But I feel glad that you dreams I was a lovely china doll. I'm sure I would look fabulous."

Fluttershy giggles and says, "I'm a bit surprised that I was a lion in your dream."

"I know it seems a bit strange, but that's what happened," Twilight replies.

"Well gotta say, you sure had one interesting dream," Rainbow Dash replies.

"Yeah. It's just too bad I've been a sleep this whole time, all this was going on," Twilight says.

"Trust me Twilight, you'd be better off dreaming than what we'd been through," Rainbow Dash says.

Then Applejack says, "Yeah. The changelings did a lot of damage to Canterlot. It took us days to have the repairs finished."

"Yeah. It was a mess," Spike mutters with annoyance.

"And it was even harder on us knowing you were hurt and unconscious," Fluttershy says.

Then Rarity says, "But we're glad that you're alright now. And to make it up to you after that little incident at the rehearsal. We're going to have a picnic in the nice field when we get back to Ponyville."

"Sounds good to me. After this and the wedding I could use some relaxation and outside," Twilight says with a smile.

Just then, Twilight is starting to yawn a bit and feeling a bit tired , even though she's been unconscious for a while.

Princess Celestia comes up to her and says, "I'm guessing you're still a little bit tired after having that dream."

"I guess, but I don't know if I could sleep after being unconscious for so long," Twilight says.

She then yawns in reply indicating that she is a little bit tired and want to sleep some more. Her friends, and family can see that even Twilight has just woken up, she must be very tired after being unconscious for the week.

Twilight's mother walks over to her and says, "I think now will be a good time for you to get to bed."

"I guess so," Twilight says.

After this conversation, Twilight decides to head to the room she's been staying so she can get some sleep. She says goodnight to her friends, and they leave to the room they are staying in for the night. When Twilight reach to the bed, her parents, sister-in-law, and her brother are with her and making sure she is fine for the night.

"Good night Twilight, we'll see you in the morning," Twilight's mother says.

"And make sure you drop by the house for a visit," Twilight's father replies.

"Night Twilight," Shining Armor says with a smile.

"We'll see you in the morning," Cadence says.

"Goodnight," Twilight says.

Twilight's family leave the room and make sure the lights is off so Twilight can sleep. Twilight falls to sleep after the light has been turn off. Twilight can't wait to help get the wedding ready and make sure it's the best one ever and no changelings will be involve in this reception.