'The Flash' meets 'The Dash'

by Silver Inkwell

Epilogue: Journal Entry/ Trouble Brewing

Epilogue: Journal Entry/ Trouble Brewing

Meanwhile Back in the Human World of Equestria…

Lightning Dust looked at Rainbow Dash with some kind of strange affection and then suddenly she asked her a very strange and unusual unexpected question that came from nowhere, “Rainbow Dash, do you trust me?”

“Why yes, of course I do,” she said very confused at this question, “Why do you ask? Do you doubt that I do trust you or are you just reflecting?”

“A little bit of both I think,” she said, “It is always good in science to reflect and review that which you know, and then to doubt it and question it too.”

“Well you have nothing to fear or doubt about me,” she said.

“I know,” Lightning Dust said, “I know.”

And with that said Lightning Dust left the room and went to her secret room where she kept all her digital records and journal entries too.

“Gabriel,” she said to the computer, “Open up a new journal entry.”

“Yes of course Lightning Dust,” the computerized voice said.

“Recent developments and changes have made me alter my original plan very slightly,” she said, “But have no fear, despite Barry Allen, a human from another new different world also called earth, well, he hasn’t affected anything at all, The Dash’s future still remains intact, but due to the information that I gained from him I have determined that his mentor failed in his plan.

This has made me reconsider my own since if you assume that many worlds are similar in some ways and different in others then that could possibly mean that I could fail in my plan. But perhaps maybe not, Rainbow Dash still trusts me as her friend and teacher, she still relies on me, I just hope that this does not change any time soon. But in other news the test of opening a gateway or portal to another world was a success, but I do fear what an open door will mean, but no matter, I will have to deal with one problem at a time.

Barry Allen currently poses no threat to my plan at this time, but if he does then I will have no choice but to eliminate him, my plan must continue and move on no matter what, all that matters is her future, and mine as well.”

And with that said she stared at the newspaper article from the future. “You have no idea how important you really are,” she said, “You really truly do not.”