Twilight's Adventures to Oz

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 13: Rescuing Twilight

After some time, Twilight has regain consciousness from being out for so long. Twilight wakes up to find herself in a dark room. The room seems to be a bit spooky and there is a wooden door with bars on it.

Twilight groans with pain as she says, "Ow, my head!"

She then starts to look around the room and know it's not familiar to her at all. She remember the last time she's up is at Star Sphere's royal chamber going to perform the spell.

Twilight questionable asks herself, "Where… where am I?"

As Twilight search around to find out where she is, familiar voice evilly says, "You're in my castle now."

Twilight makes a shock look and turn to see Queen Cocoon at the door of the room she is in.

Twilight horrorly says, "Queen Cocoon!"

Twilight then tries to use her magic to repeal Queen Cocoon, but for some reason Twilight's magic isn't working.

Cocoon laughs and says, "I've made sure that you can't use your magic so you won't be able to escape."

Twilight is shocked that the changeling witch takes some precautions so she has no way of escaping. Then Cocoon uses her horn to levitate Twilight to her so she can see her and her choker.

Queen Cocoon laughs evilly and says, "I told you I'll get my choker. Even if it means taking you with it."

"Let go of me!" Twilight angrily screams as she struggles to break free of the magic.

"No!" Cocoon yells.

Then Cocoon gets into Twilight's face and says, "I want my choker back, so unless you want to get out of this cell, you'll give it to me right now."

Twilight uses her hoof to cover the choker and angrily yells, "Forget it!"

"Well, you sure have a fine attitude," Cocoon says with annoyances.

Queen Cocoon can see that Twilight isn't going to give her the choker and it can't be taken off by any means. She then leaves the cell, puts Twilight back on the ground, and close the door with Twilight in side locking it behind her.

Then Cocoon evilly says "You're going to my slave and you're going to scrub every floor in the castle without using any of your magic."

Twilight angrily says, "You won't get away with this! My friends will come and rescue me!"
"You really think so," Queen Cocoon says with grin on her face.

Then she says, "Nopony dares to enter the changeling forest unless they want to be sucked of their love."

Twilight starts to feel concern and worried that her friends might not be able to get her out because of the changeling are around. She is worried that they might be attacked before reaching the castle.

Then Cocoon says, "Sorry, but your friends can't help you this time and neither will that mark Celeste gave you. Hope you make yourself at home in there, you'll need it."

With that Queen Cocoon leaves the cell leaving Twilight alone in here. Twilight feared that she may never be able to get home to her family and friends, but remember she needs to have faith in them.

Twilight hold on to the choker she is wearing as she says in her thoughts, "Girls if you can hear me, I really need your help."

At the castle of Crystal City, Apple Crow and the others are trying to find a way to get Twilight back from Queen Cocoon and her changelings. They are very worried about her and afraid that Queen Cocoon will something terrible to her.

Apple Crow says with a serious voice, "We gotta do something!"

"We know! If Queen Cocoon manages to get the choker, she will be unstoppable," Tin Rainbow says while freaking out.

"We gotta rescue her," Spot replies.

Lionshy shutters and sacredly says, "But nopony has ever step hoof into the forest before."

Chinaty turns to Lionshy with a concern look and says, "I know the forest is scary, but we need to save our friend and help her get back home."

Lionshy thinks about the situation. True she is scared about going to the changeling forest, but remembers that Twilight is in danger.

Lionshy takes a deep breath and says, "You're right, Twilight's in trouble and we need to help her."

"That's what we want to hear," Apple Crow says.

The other are glad that they all want to rescue Twilight, but they need to find a way to get to the castle first. Star Sphere, Celeste, and Moon Dusk can see that the 6 friends want to rescue Twilight. The think that their friendship is very strong towards each other, but know there's danger in the changeling kingdom at the east side of Oz.

Star Spheres walks up to the group of friends and asks, "Are you all ready for this kind of task?"

"Of course we our. Twilight helped us so we can get our wishes," Tin Rainbow answers with a serious look.

"And we're going to help her," Funny Pie adds.

Star Sphere and the two witches can see they want to rescue their friend from the clutches of the changelings. He and the witches know that with that kind of friendship, they will succeed on their rescue mission.

Star Sphere smiles and says, "Then I wish you luck on your journey."

Then Celeste says, "Be warned, there are changelings soldiers in the forest and most of the strongest ones will be at the castle."

"You must work together if you are able to help your friend," Moon Dusk adds.

"Got it!" The girls reply agreeing to the idea.

Then Star Sphere says, "Good. Here's the map to the forest and how to get to the castle."

Then he levitates the map to the changeling forest to the castle to the group of friends.

Funny Pie takes the map and says, "Thanks."

Then Tin Rainbow announces with confidences, "Come on gang, let's go rescue Twilight."

With that, Apple Crow and the others start to make their way to the changeling forest to find the changeling castle. They know that rescuing Twilight is their number one mission. When the leave to go on their mission. Star Sphere and the two witches watch them leave and hope they will succeed on their mission.

Celeste turns to Star Sphere and asks, "Do you think they'll be alright."

Star Sphere walks towards the window and explains, "As long as they have each other, I don't think we need to worry about them. Besides, it seems that they are gaining their wishes more and more and soon… they'll have the power to help Twilight with her wish."

With that the three ponies look at the window to see that the group of friends are on their rescue right now.

After a long time on the road, Applejack and the others are in the changeling forest and boy it is spooky and scary. It's even more scary than the forest Moon Dusk lives in. The girls and the little dragon are trying to look for the castle and to rescue Twilight.

"Okay, so we're at the forest, what now?" Tin Rainbow asks.

Spot who is holding the map says, "According to the map, the castle is a bit further from here."

As the walk towards the castle, they walk deeper and deeper into the forest. But as they walk through the forest, they start to notice that they haven't seen any changelings yet.

Chinaty questioningly says, "It's strange, don't you think we would ran into a changeling by now."

"I agree. I wonder where they are right now?" Tin Rainbow asks looking curious.

"Maybe they're having a party," Funny Pie suggests.

Tin Rainbow rolls her eyes and says with sarcasm, "Yeah. A party of having Twilight as a hostage."

"Or maybe they are hiding in the trees, waiting for the right moment to pounce at us," Lionshy shutterly says.

"Don't worry, as long as we don't ran into them we can get to the castle without worries," Apple Crow replies.

The others agree with Apple Crow about the changelings and think it will be a good idea to continue their way to the castle.

After some time, they find their way to the changeling castle. The castle looks like a jagged beehive and a lot of changelings flow to. Right now, they need to find a way to get inside so they can rescue.

Tin Rainbow says, "Wow! The changeling castle looks like a beehive or something."

"Yes all of the changeling are swarming around the castle," Chinaty replies.

"And Cocoon is their queen," Funny Pie adds.

"But how are we going to get inside so we can rescue Twilight? Spot asks with concern.

Apple Crow and the others are trying to come up with a plan to get into the castle and rescue Twilight. As they think, Apple Crow looks around to see a lot of plank woods, barrels, and some rope. She can also see that the castle hive has a draw bridge and some open windows.

Just then Apple Crow happily says, "I think I have an idea."

The others look around to see that Apple Crow has an idea on how to get inside the castle.

When everyone is looking at Apple Crow, she explains, "Listen up gang, there are some wood and barrels that we can use to make a catapult. Then we'll trick on of the changeling to open the drawbridge, so it will hit the other side and fly one of us into the castle. Finally with the rope, one of us will bring the rope down so the rest of us will climb up into one of the window."

Chinaty scaredly says, "That is an absolute crazy idea."

"Yeah. But might be crazy enough to work," Tin Rainbow says.

"If it's the only way then we'll do it," Lionshy adds.

After everyone agreeing to Apple Crow's idea, the decide to put the plain into motion. Funny Pie, Spot, Apple Crow, and Lionshy set up the catapult and position it so it will launch one of them over to the window. Then Tin Rainbow and China make sure there is enough rope so it will reach them. After finishing setting up their plan, everyone else hide behind some bushes while Apple Crow volunteers to get launched by the door.

Apple Crow turns to where the friends are and says, "Alright, get ready to head to the window and I'll pull you up."

"Right," The others say while nodding their heads.

At that moment Apple Crow turns to the drawbridge and says, "Hey! Who exactly are you ponie or just some over grown dragonflies?!"

One of the changelings hear Apple Crow's remark and isn't liking it at all. Then the changeling opens the door and Apple Crow flies to the window and manages to get to it without falling off.

Apple Crow lowers the rope and says, "The coast is clear, you can come up."

After that, the others have manage to climb up the rope, except for Tin Rainbow since she can fly. Apple Crow and the others help Lionshy climb up the window and luckily the window is big enough for her to get inside.

After getting inside the room of the castle, they are relieved to make it inside without being seen.

Appel Crow tiredly says, "I'm glad we made it in here."

"And without being seen," Lionshy adds.

"I'm glad we were able to get inside and now we can get Twilight," Chinaty says calmly.

Then Tin Rainbow declares, "Then let's go through the castle so we can look for our friend."

With that, they decides to go leave the room and hopefully they are able to find Twilight without being seen by the changeling or their queen. However it hasn't taken that long for the changeling to be seen and so the changeling star to chase them. They are simply going to run and hopefully find Twilight before the changeling catches them.