Twilight's Adventures to Oz

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 12: Invasion of the Changelings

It's hasn't been long since Twilight, The Moon Witch and the others has teleported to the Crystal Castle. They find themselves in the castle garden at the back of the castle. Twilight and the others are kind of surprised that are at the castle so fast.

Spot smiles and says, "Well, that was fast."

"I'm glad you were able to teleport all of us," Twilight says while facing the moon witch.

"Well, I am one of the most powerful witches of Oz, not as powerful at the wizard, but I have a lot of magic to teleport all of us back here," Moon Dusk says with pride.

"It beats walking through those woods again," Tin Rainbow remarks.

"And having our little encounter with the ghost dog," Funny Pie adds.

Moon Dusk makes a shock look when the others mention the ghost dog. She knows that the ghost dogs are very dangerous and has a rule that when they come out ponies must remain out of the forest or in doors with precautions to keep the ghost dogs away.

Moon Dusk surprisingly says,"You have an run in with the ghost dogs."

"Yeah, but Lionshy was able to make a big enough roar to scare them away," Apple Crow answers.

Moon Dusk looks at Lionshy with a smile and say, "Really now."

Lionshy blushes a little and says with concerns, "Twilight was in trouble I have to do something. I would never forgive myself if something happens to her."

"Don't worry Fluttershy, everything turned out alright," Twilight says reassuring Lionshy.

Lionshy smiles and says, "I guess you're right,"

"And I just hope we won't have anymore trouble with something weird coming our way," Spot says with uncertainty.

"Now that's just asking to be jinxed," Funny Pie whispers to Twilight and Chinaty.

Just then, they start to hear some buzzing noise that sounds like bees and a lot of them. Then then start to hear alarms and ponies all over town are getting indoors. They are wondering what is going on, but from the looks of it, this might be trouble.

Apple Crow looks up in the sky and looks completely shocked, she screams "It's the changelings!"

Funny Pie mutters, "Told ya."

"Run!" Chinaty screams.

At that moment, Moon Dusk leads Twilight and the others inside the castle. When they are inside the castle safe and sound, they look outside to see that the changelings have manage to get into the city, but nopony is outside.

Twilight scaredly asks, "What are they doing at the city?"

"And how did they get in?" Chinaty adds to the question.

"I don't know, but we need to find Star Sphere," Apple Crow suggests.

The others think it's a good idea to go find the powerful wizard and see if he can do something to get the changelings out of the city.

Before they can leave, a familiar voice says, "There's no needs for find me."

They turn to see Star Sphere in the castle. The others are feeling relieve know that he is here to help them.

"Star Sphere, thank goodness you're here," Twilight says.

Moon Dusk comes to Star Sphere and says, "It's good to see you again Star Sphere."

"You too Moon Dusk. Though, I wish your visit wouldn't have this situation," Star Sphere replies.

Then Moon Dusk asks, "Where is my sister?"

"She's in the city fight the changeling as hard as she can," Star Sphere answers.

Moon Dusk has become concern hearing that her sister is fighting the changelings herself. She knows that she needs to help her.

Moon Dusk says with concerns. "I need to help her,"

"You go and help her, the rest of us will go with Star Sphere," Twilight replies.

Moon Dusk and the others agree to the situation about her going to help Celeste while they go help find a way to stop the changeling.

But before they can leave, Star Sphere says, "I think it will be wise if a few from your group goes with her."

Twilight and the others listen to the suggestion and think it will be a good idea for some of them to go with Moon Dusk so they can help her find her sister and help her fight the changelings.

"I'll do it," Apple Crow says.

"Me too," Tin Rainbow says agreeing to the idea.

Then Lionshy quietly says, "I will go too."

Then Funny Pie says, "Then the rest of us will go with Twilight and Star Sphere and find a safe place to hide."

"I need to go to my chamber to creature the field that will send the changelings away from here," Star Sphere informs.

He then turns to Twilight and says, "Twilight, I will need your help with this spell."

"Okay," Twilight says agreeing to the situation.

After the conversation, Moon Dusk takes Apple Crow, Tin Rainbow, and Lionshy to find her sister and fight off the changeling while Star Sphere takes Twilight, Chinaty, Funny Pie, and Spot to his chamber to find the spell. They all hope they can stop the changeling before anything can happen.

Outside the castle, Celeste the good witch is fighting off the changeling while making sure the citizens of the city are safe. As she use more of her magic, she starts to get exhausted and feared that she will not be able to stop the changeling any longer.

Just then Moon Dusk runs towards Celeste screaming, "Sister!"

Celeste turns to hear the voices coming from her sister.

Celeste happily screams, "Moon Dusk! You're here!"

"Just in time to stop an invasion," Moon Dusk replies.

"Don't worry good witches, we're at your service," Apple Crow says.

Then Tin Rainbow screams with pride, "Then let's kick some changelings' buts!"

At that moment, The two good witches and the three friends start to fight off the changelings. The two witches use their magic to blast the changelings, Apple Crow and Tin Rainbow use their hooves to punch and kick them, and Lionshy is able to use her strong roar to push the changeling back. Hard as they might, the changeling are not giving up and there are so many of them.

Apple Crow punches the changeling in the face and says, "These changeling are as stubborn as wild bulls."

"And there's a lot of them too," Lionshy adds.

They know that the changeling continues the fight so they must do the same. As they fight Lionshy is moving fast trying to avoid the changelings magical blast. Just then, she bumps into somepony.

Lionshy shyly says, "Sorry about that."

When she looks to she she she bumps into, she is shocked to see none other than Star Sphere the Wizard of oz.

Lionshy shockley says, "Star Sphere!"

Celesta, and the others look to where Lionshy and Star Sphere are to see that he is in town and not in the castle. Other than Celestia, moon Dusk and the others are shocked to see Star Sphere here and they last them they have seen him is at the castle.

"What are you doing here?" Appel Crow asks looking confused.

"I'm fighting the changeling and I need to get back to my chambers to create the protection spell," Star Sphere explains.

Tin Rainbow says while freaking out, "But… but didn't we just saw you."

Star Sphere arched his eyebrow with a confused look and asks, "When?"

"Back at the castle," Lionshy answers.

Star Sphere starts to get confused, he certainly remember that he isn't at the castle earlier.

"I haven't been there since this morning," Star Sphere confirms.

Apple Crow and the other are still confused about Star Sphere's statement. They figure that he might be telling the truth about his where abouts. But there is one question that they are having right now.

Tin Rainbow questionably asks, "But if you're here, then who the one we saw back at the castle."

They decide to go back to the castle to see who is the Star Sphere at the castle. One thing they do know, the one at the castle is a fake and wants them out of the castle for a reason.

In front of the Royal Chambers:

Twilight and the others who are with Star Sphere who is actually a fake, is at the royal chamber in hoping to perform the spell to repeal the changelings.

Star Sphere turns to Chinaty and the others and says, "You three say here and keep watch while Twilight and I perform the spell."

"Yes sir," Spot says.

"Of course," Chinaty replies.

"Yep," Funny Pie says while saluting.

Star Sphere leads Twilight to the royal chambers and close the door behind them. When they are in the room, Chinaty and the others are waiting outside for the two unicorns to finish with the protection spell and get rid of the changelings. As they wait, Chinaty is starting to get a strange feeling about Star Sphere or she is just nervous about changelings.

Chinaty turns to the others and says, "You know there is something odd about Star Sphere. He seems to be more calmer than the last time we saw him."

I guess, but I doubt something is wrong or something," Spot replies.

Chinaty thinks for a bit and says, "I guess so. Maybe I'm just nervous about the changeling invasion."

Just then, Funny Pie pops into the conversation and says, " I always get nervous about thing, but then it goes away and comes back with cake."

Chinaty shrugs her shoulders with a confused look. Spot however, starts to giggle a bit and seeing Funny Pie methods never gets old.

In the royal chamber, Star Sphere and Twilight are in the room and are going to figure out how to perform the spell. However, Twilight notice that Star Sphere is acting a bit strange since they enter the room.

Twilight asks with a confused look, "So how exactly does the spell supposed to work?"

Star Sphere hasn't responded to Twilight's question yet. He is simply looking over one of the book and look at Twilight with a mysterious green and blue glow.

He then puts the book down and walks over to Twilight to explain to her his plain.

When he is in front of Twilight, he answers, "Well, the first thing we need to do is for you to hold still."

Twilight looks a bit confused about it at first, but she think that he knows what he is doing and decides to stay where she is.

She questionably says, "Okay."

He then make an evil smirk on his and says, "And the next step is hoping you'll have a good nap."

"What?" Twilight says looking surprised.

Before Twilight can say or do anything, Star Sphere lights up his horn and create a strange green aura and smoke around Twilight.

Twilight starts to get all covered up with the green smoke and has no idea what is going on or what's he doing. Twilight notice that she is starting to get sleepy and her body is starting to feel numb.

Twilight tiredly says, "What… is… this?"

Before she can say anything else, Twilight collapses from the spell and falls right to sleep. Star Sphere simply smiles to see that Twilight is fast to sleep.

Star Sphere says, "You sure are the helpful type."

Just then Star Sphere horn starts to light up green and starts to cast a spell on himself. Just then Star Sphere has transform into her true self. The one who is the fake Star Sphere is actually Queen Cocoon of the East and ruler of the changelings.

Queen Cocoon smiles evilly and says, "Too bad being helpful is your downfall."

Queen Cocoon can see that her plain has worked and has Twilight fast a sleep so she can take her to her castle to get her choker and feed off of her love.

In the hall of the royal chambers, Chinaty, Funny Pie, and Spot are still outside waiting for Star Sphere and Twilight to come out and perform the spell. As they wait they are also wondering if the others are alright, but know Twilight and the wizard haven't come out, they are starting to worry.

Chinaty turns to the others and asks, "I wonder what could be taking them?"

"Maybe the spell it's harder to do or something," Spot suggests.

"But when do you think the others are coming back," Funny Pie asks.

Just as they are wonder what is going on, they turn to see that Apple Crow and the others along with the witches are coming back from fighting the changelings.

Funny Pie smiles and says, "Hey guys you're back. And the two good witches are with you too!"

"Yeah. Yeah. We're back," Tin Rainbow says.

"But we have a huge problem," Apple Crow adds looking freaked out.

"What is the… " Chinaty is about to ask until she and the others notice that someone is with them.

Chinaty and the others can see that Star Sphere is with them as well. Which is confusing because they have seen him not that long ago.

Chinaty and the others questionably says, "Huh?! Star Sphere?"

Then Chinaty says with a confused look, "But if you're here, then who is in there with Twilight."

"We have a pretty good idea who is in that room!" Apple Crow angrily screams.

Just then Tin Rainbow starts to bang on the door as she screams, "Open this door or Apple Crow and I will break it down!"

But so far no answer. Tin Rainbow knows that she is going to have to break the door down.

"Alright, you've ask for it!" Tin Rainbow angrily screams.

With that, Tin Rainbow and Apple Crow starts to bang on the doors with their hoof and they manage to bang on it so hard that they force the door open. They run inside as fast as can so they can see who is the imposter is and save Twilight. But when they are in the room, they can see Queen Cocoon in the room.

Everyone shockley screams, "Queen Cocoon!"

Queen Cocoon make a smug on her face and says, "Ah, so the goody goodies decided to pay us a visit."

"What are you doing here?" Celeste angrily asks.

"Oh, I'm just here to get a little something," Queen Cocoon evilly says.

Just then she use her magic to levitate Twilight who is still unconscious, to her and can see that she is still asleep from the spell.

Everyone gasps with horror and screams, "Twilight!"

"I thought it will be a good idea for us to get a little acquainted for a while," Cocoon says as she hold Twilight in her hoof.

She then look at the choker Twilight is wearing and says, "And of course, I want my choker back from her."

Star Sphere stands in front of the others with anger in his eyes and demands, "Leave her alone!"

"Not a chance, once I get my choker back, there is nothing you can do to stop me," Cocoon replies.

Just then Tin Rainbow angrily screams "Grab her!"

With that, Tin Rainbow and the others, excluding the two witches and the wizard jump at her in hoping to pin the queen down and rescue their friend. Before they have a chance to grab her, Queen Cocoon teleports herself along with unconscious Twilight away from the room and going to return to her kingdom.

The others regain their vision after getting hit on the floor, they notice that Queen Cocoon and Twilight are gone.

Apple Crow panicky screams, "She got a way!"

And with Twilight," Spot says looking scared.

The two witches and the wizard are now concern for the group of friends because their friend has been abducted by the changeling queen. When they look out the window, they look to see that the changeling are retreating now.

Moon Dusk looks at her sister and worriedly asks, "Sister, why are the changeling retreating?"

"They're retreating, because they have accomplished their mission." Celeste answers with serious face.

Then Star Sphere says, "I agree. They left because they have done what they came here to do."

Star Sphere and the witches know that the situation has taken the turn for the worst. If Queen Cocoon has manages to get her choker off of Twilight, she will become more powerful and use if to take over Oz.