Twilight's Adventures to Oz

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 11: The Witch of the West and Night

Some time later, they come across a big dark castle, that is the shade of dark blue, with a crested moon on the castle door. To them the castle looks like of dark and a bit scary. They kind of figured that since the ruler of the castle is the witch of the night, she would have a castle that represent the night. Twilight, who is still on Tin Rainbow's back, know that it's the only place where the princess can be and the only place in the whole forest.

As they stand by the castle Twilight says, "So this is where Moon Dusk lives."

"It's really scary," Lionshy says as she shutter and her fur stand on ends.

"I know it's scary, but we need to go in there," Twilight clarifies.

Lionshy sighs and says, "You're right. We made it this far."

Tin Rainbow turns to Twilight and asks, "How is your hoof feeling?"

"It''s fine. It doesn't hurt anymore," Twilight answers.

"Think you can walk," Chinaty asks.

Twilight gets off of Tin Rainbow's back and decides to try walking to see how her hoof is feeling. When she starts to walk, she feel a bit still on her hoof, but she is able to walk on it just fine.

Twilight says, "It doesn't hurt that much anymore. I think I'm okay to walk now."

The friends smile and glad that they are glad that Twilight is able to walk fine now.

Apple Crow says, "Now that Twilight is feeling better, let's go inside the castle."

With that the group of friends walk towards the castle. Even though the castle looks a bit scary and they have no clue what kind of pony the princess she is, they know they need to see her right away.

When the reach the castle and the door looks big. They are kind of anxious about meeting the princess. Twilight decides that she will be the one to knock on the door to get someone's attention.

Twilight knocks on the door and says, "Hello."

Then Tin Rainbow screams, "Anypony there!"

As she screams, the others cover their ears since she screams very loud.

Apple Crow angrily says, "You don't need to shout."

"Sorry," Tin Rainbow sheepily replies.

Just then the slide door of one of the doors open to reveal a gray pony with a dark blue mane and bright yellow eyes. The group of friends figure he must be the guard of the castle.

The guard says in a serious tone, "Who goes there?"

Twilight calmly says, "Um My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends. We were sent by Star Sphere to see your princess."

The guard looks at them with a serious look too see if they're here to do any harm. He can see that they are not up to anything serious or here to cause trouble.

The guard says, "Very well, you will proceed."

The group of friends smile and say, "Thank you."

With that, the doors to the palace opens and they are escorted inside. The group of friends follow the guard to the throne room and they are surprised to see the inside of the palace. The castle is like the night sky indoors. There is a big moon above the throne room and walls are covered with stars, each of them making a constellation. Everypony in Twilight's group believe that they are in space or the night sky seeing one constellation after another.

Chinaty says with sparkle in her eyes and excitement, "Oh my! Her castle seems very nice on the inside. Dark blue, dark purple, black, and a little bit of white for the moon and stars."

"It's also very dark too," Lionshy replies still feeling a bit cared by the dark.

Appel Crow turns to Lionshy and calmly says, "Don't worry, we won't be here too long and as long as we stay together, we don't have anything to worry about."

"Unless we find the princess first!" Funny Pie screams with excitement.

As they stare at the design of the wall, a strange shadowy figure appear right before Spot's eyes. At first he believed that his eyes are playing tricks on him, until he start to hear something.

Spot turns to the others and asks, "Did you hear something?"

Everypony look around the throne room to see that no one seems to be in the throne room.

"Must be your imagination," Tin Rainbow replies.

"Spot is right. I saw something too," Twilight clarifies.

Just then a shadowy figure flies pass them at a fast speed. They haven't gotten a good look at it, but they can tell it's pony shaped.

Twilight says, "There it is again."

As the friends look around, they are trying to find the pony who is flying pass them. Just then, when they look at the direction of the throne, they see a dark pony like figure sitting on the throne.

The ponies jumps back and scream, Aah!"

They end up falling over see the pony and gotten really scared when the figure appear from out of nowhere. The pony removes her dark hood from her black cloak to reveal a mare. A mare that has dark blue fur, light blue eyes, and misty purple mane with white sparkles on it. The pony is also wearing a black tiara with a white star on it. Twilight and the others are surprised to see the pony beheld them and think that she must be the princess they are asked to find..

Twilight scaredly asks, "Are... are you Princess Moon Dusk? The witch of the night and the west side of Oz.

The pony looks at them with a serious face and says, "That is correct."

"Um it's very nice to meet you," Twilight replies while trying to calm herself down,

Princess Moon Dusk looks at them seriously and firmly says, "Charmed!"

After fully calm themselves down, they start to get up so they can talk to the princess witch to tell them about Star Sphere's assistance.

"We were sent by Star Sphere to see how you are doing and asked for your help," Twilight calmly explains.

"What kind of help does need?" Moon Dusk firmly asks.

Apple Crow comes over and says, "He didn't really says. All we know is that he needs you to go to the city with us."

"And said something about you've becoming distant for some reason," Chianty says.

Princess Moon Dusk turns her head away looking a bit frustrated and sad at the same time. The girls and the dragon notice it and can see that something is wrong.

"Is there something wrong? You look a little down." Lioshy asks in concern.

"Yeah. Your frown is upside down,"Funny Pie replies, as she turns her head up

Princess Moon Dusk hasn't turn her head, but she says, "Well…"

"Yes," Twilight replies to bring the conversation further.

Moon Dusk turns her head to face Twilight and her friends.

Seh sadly explains, "I believe that... nopony appreciate my beautiful night. Not only I have been distant from Star Sphere, I've become distant from my sister as well."

Just then Funny Pie happily announces, "Well don't worry, I know just how to cheer you us."

Moon Dusk, Twilight and the others look at Funny Pie with confused looks. They are starting to wonder what she's up to.

Moon Dusk asks, "What will that be?"

Funny Pie simply turns to Spot and happily screams,"Spot! You know what to do!"

"Don't have to tell me twice," Spot replies with a salute.

At that moment, Funny Pie and Spot leave to get something. The others who are remain in the throne room are wonder what the pony and the dragon are up to.

Apple Crow asks with a confused look, "What in the hay are those two are up too?"

"I have no idea," Twilight replies with a confused look.

After a few minutes, Funny Pie and Spot are back with four bags. The girls are not sure where the bags are coming from, but another part of them doesn't want to know. Funny pies pulls out a rail that is actually a fence. She then unrail the fence to make a circle that is 15 feet.

Twilight questionable says, "A circus performance?"

Just then Funny Pie get into the circle and announces, "Mare and Princess! Get ready for the duo of Funny Pie and Spot!"

She then turns to Spot and says, "Bring out the ball!"

With that, Spot brings a ball about the same side of him and rolls it over to Funny Pie. Just when the ball reach her, Funny Pie jumps on top of the ball and starts to balance it.

Funny Pie says, "And now, watch as I balance three sets of plates."

With that, Spot throws one set of three plants on three poles to Funny Pie and she balance them on one hoot. Then she been passed another see of three plates and poles and she balances it on her other hoof. She then been passed three more of them and she's able to balance them on her noise.

Everypony in the audience start to clap and cheer for Funny Pie's performance.

"Woah!" The ponies replies in amazement.

"They're good," Chianty replies.

"And funny," Tin Rainbow says while snickering.

Just then Funny Pie announces, "And now for the great finish."

After hearing the signal, Spot pulls out another pole and a chair from the bag. When Spot gets close to where Funny Pie is, he then jump up and land the pole on the middle plate that is on the hoof raised up in the air. Spot use his balance to put the chair on the pull. Then he puts his claw on the top of the chair to hold on to.

Everypony awed in amazement by the performance. They think that Funny Pie and Spot are very good with their performance.

The performers says, "Tada!"

After the performance, everypony including the princess are laughing and smiles with glee. Princess Moon Dusk hasn't remember the last time she laughs like this with other ponies around. Funny Pir and Spot clean up the supplies from their act and puts them back in the bags.

Moon Dusk stop laughing and says, "I admit, you two put on an… interesting performance."

"I knew you'll like it," Funny Pie says happily.

"Yes," Moon Dusk replies with a smile.

Then Twilight comes to the witch and says, "And you don't have to worry about the night. Everypony loves the night as much as the day."

Princess Moon Dusk look at Twilight when she says it. She can tell that Twilight is honest about it.

"It's true," Tin Rainbow says.

"Night time are a good time for resting after a hard days work," Apple Crow says.

"Looking at the night sky seeing the stars and moon," Twilight adds happily.

"Some animals come out at night after a long time sleeping in the day," Lionshy shyly replies.

"And to party all… night… long!" Funny Pie cheerfully screams.

Then Chinaty says, "Only on special occasions."

Princess Moon Dusk shows a calm and lovely smile. She starts to believe that there are ponies who loves her beautiful night that she brings to Oz.

Then Moon Dusk says, "I guess in a way the night is just as important as the day."

"Of course it is!" Funny Pie happily screams.

Then Moon Dusk happily says, "I feel grateful to have met you all,"

"It no problem princess," Appel Crow says with glee.

Then Twilight asks, "Will you be able to come with us to see the wizard, it's important?"

"What is it?" Moon Dusk asks with concerns.

"He told us that he needs you to help with Twilight's wish," Tin Rainbow explains.

"Your wish?" Moon Dusk questionably replies.

"Yes. You see, I'm not from here and the wizard said that I'll be about to get my wish with your help," Twilight explains.

Princess Moon Dusk is kind of surprised to hear what the ponies are telling them. Then again, she has sensed something different about Twilight and now she knows what.

Princess Moon Dusk says, "Somehow I knew there was something different about you. Now I understand, the Land of Oz isn't your home and you need help getting back to your real home."

"That's right," Twilight says while nodding her head.

Moon Dusk smiles and says, "Then Let's go see Star Sphere so we can see what kind of help is needed."

"Thank you so much," Chianty replies happily.

"It is I who should be thanking you. For making me see that the citizens of Oz does appreciate my night and helping me feel better," Moon Dusk replies with a smile.

"No problem," Tin Rainbow says.

Just then Apple Crow says, "Guess we better get walking through the forest."

With that the girls and the dragon starts to head back to the woods, but now they're glad to have Moon Dusk with them.

Before they can leave Moon Dusk teleports herself in front of them to stop them in their track

Then she says,"There's no need for that. I can use my magic to get us the the Crystal City,"

Funny Pie sighs with relief and says, "That's good. At least we don't have to walk through that forest with the ghost dogs again."

Twilight rolls her eyes with a small smile and says, "Oh Funny Pie."

With That, everypony including Funny Pie start to laugh at Twilight's remarks. After having a little laugh, it's time for them to go to the Crystal City to see the wizard again. Moon Dusk light up her horn and they all disappear in a blink of an eyes and on their way to get to the wizard quickly.