Twilight's Adventures to Oz

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 10: The Forest of Darkness

After leaving the Crystal City, the girls along with the young dragon are going to the Forest of Darkness where Princess Moon Dusk, the witch of the west and night lives. Lucky that Lionshy knows where the place is because some of her nocturnal animal friends lives in the forest. The problem is that she doesn't go in the forest unless she needs to so she might see where the castle is.

After their walk, they find themselves at the entrance to the forest really dark and mysterious in there. The cold air coming from the forest is making them shiver down their spines and the strange noises is making them get goosebumps.

Twilight says in a worried tone, "So this is the entrance to the forest."

Lionshy nods her head answering yes. However, lionshy wishes she doesn't have to come to the forest, because she's afraid of going in there on her own.

"This place is so dark," Apple Crow says.

"It's creepy," Spot replies looking scared.

"It's scary," Chinaty replies.

"And spooky," Funny shy replies.

Twilight scaredly says in her thoughts, "It reminds me of the Everfree Forest. There's no telling what's in there."

"Yeah. With the place being so dark, it won't be easy to find the castle," Apple Crow replies.

"She's right, but we need to go find the princess' castle," Chinaty says.

Then Twilight looks at the entrance of the forest and says, "Yeah. As long as we stay together, we won't have anything to worry about."

Twilight turns to Lionshy and says, "Lionshy, do you think you can lead us to the castle."

"I'll try. I do remember where the forest is but… can you be next to me," Lionshy nervously replies.

Twilight shows Lionshy a calm smile and says, "Of course I will. We'll be okay as long as we stick together. Plus I can use my horn to light our way.

Twilight then, uses her horn to light up a light to lead them on the path through the forest. With that, the girls and the little dragon walk into the forest with Lionshy and Twilight leading the way with their sprical flashlight. As they go deep into the forest, it seems that the forest is getting darker every step they take.

Twilight nervously asks, "Have any of you been here before?"

"Hevans no. this forest has some unusual things," Chinaty answers with uncertainty.

Then Appel crow says, "Not to mention, the forest isn't very normal."

"What that suppose to mean?" Twilight nervously asks.

Just then Tin Rainbow comes out of the darkness as she spookley says, "Nopony knows. You want to know why..."

"Tin Rainbow, would you quit it," Apple Crow says with frustration.

But Tin Rainbow isn't listens and continues to says, "Because rumor has it who ever goes in this forest has never gone…"

She then burst out and screams, "Out!"

Just as the girls are going to scream, they hear a strange noise coming from the bushes.

Chinaty nervously asks, "What was that?"

As the girls and the young dragon search for the source of the noise, but there doesn't seem to be anypony around. They think it's a good idea to keep their guard up and try to continue down the path to the castle.

"Let's get going," Twilight says.

"Right," Spot replies looking spooked by the strange noises.

With that, they continue to go find the castle belonging to the witch of the west and night in the middle of the forest. But as they go through the forest, a thick fog rolls in and it's starting to get in the way of the group causing the forest to get covered.

Tin Rainbow groans with annoyance and says, "Aw great. It's starting to fog out here,"

"It will be harder to see when the fog comes in," Spot replies.

"How will we know where we're going?" Funny Pie asks.

Lionshy uses her sharp eyesight to see through the fog and dark while Twilight uses her horn to light the way.

Lionshy uses her paw to point to west and says, "We need to head that way."

With that, they follow Lionshy and Twilight to the direction the lion instructs them to go. As they go through the forest, they can see a lot of night animals like owls, possums, bats, kinkajou, hedgehogs and other nocturnal animals. There are also some unusual plans that only blooms with the night and moonlight.

Just then, the girls and the dragon hears something and this time they really hear the noise loud and clear.

Spot clutch himself against Funny Pie's hoof and scaredly says, "Okay, this time I definitely heard something."

Tin Rainbow isn't going to let this go and angrily demands, "Show yourself!"

The one that Tin Rainbow demands hears her and are not afraid to fight back. Just then, group of friends hear a loud howl sound and it's scary too. Just then a big dog appears and it looks like a ghost and with glowing red eyes.

Apple Crow scaredly screams, "Run!"

With that, the group runs as fast as they can. The ghost dog howls and then more of them comes out of the bushes, like around six of them.

As they run for their lives, Chinaty scardly asks, "What are these things?"

"They're ghost dogs," Lionshy answers.

"And what worse, they don't travel alone," Apple Crow adds in fear.

They start to hear the dogs running after them. Only this time they're are like seven of them.

As they run away from the dogs, Twilight asks, "Is there anyway to stop them?"

"Well… they don't like bright light," Apple Crow says.

Then Lionshy says, "But what they really hate is loud noises. They have very sensitive ears."

"Too bad I didn't bring my blowhorn," Funny Pie replies.

The girls don't think it's the time for Funny Pie to mess around even though there might be a chance for her to have one. Just as things get can bad, Twilight trips on a root of a tree and falls over and ends up getting herself tangled in the vines on the ground.

The others turn t where Twilight is and sacredly scream, "Twilight!"

Before they can do anything, the ghost dogs have Twilight surrounded. Twilight become petrified with fear that she is unable to move. As the dogs are ready to attack, Twilight uses her hooves to shield herself and is ready for her doom.

Just then Lionshy gets in front of Twilight with a serious stare on her face.

She then screams, "Roar!"

The dogs starts to get very scared on hearing the very loud roar. The girls and the dragon are amazed by Lionshy's courage to save Twilight and a loud roar she has since they first meet her.

Lionshy screams again, "Roar!"

The roar of Lionshy is so loud, that dogs gets scared and run away with their tails between their legs. After the event, Lionshy uses her claws to cut the vines that Twilight is tangled in. Chinaty, Funny Pie, and Spot come toward Twilight to see if she's okay, while Apple Crow and Tin Rainbow see Lionshy to see is she alright.

Tin Rainbow is still in shock and says, "Lionshy… that… was…"

She then screams with excitement, "Awesome!"

Lionshy starts to blush little and says, "Oh. I don't know if my roar was that awesome."

Twilight smiles and says, "She right, you saved me,"

"You're my friend. I just didn't want you hurt," Lionshy says as she snuggle her furry cheek against Twilight's cheek.

"Yeah and your roar is so loud that it scared the wolves away," Twilight says with amazement.

But as Twilight is about to get up, she feels a sharp pain on her hoof and screams, "Ow!"

"What happened?" Tin Rainbow worriedly asks.

Twilight looks at her hoof and says, "I hurt my hoof a bit."

Tin Rainbow and the others look at Twilight's hoof and can see that Twilight has a bad bruise on her right front hoof. The girls and the young dragon think Twilight must have hurt her hoof when she trip and fall to the ground.

Tin Rainbow clarifies, "Looks like you have a sprain."

Apple Crow looks around to see is there anything she can use to make sure Twilight's hoof doesn't hurt more. Just then, Appel Crow see some pile of branches on the ground along with the remaining of the vines that Lionshy cuts off.

She then has an ide and says, "Perfect."

Appel Crow gather the branches and vines so she can use them for first aid. She puts a piece of branch of each side of the hoof and then use the vine to wrap around Twilight's leg so she can't move her hoof. The others are kind of amazed to see Apple Crow using first aid and use the stuff around her for an emergency.

"Where you learn how to do that?" Chinay asks.

"When you're a scarecrow, you need to make sure your stuffing of hay doesn't fall out," Appel Crow answers with a smile.

After Apple Crow ties the vine that keep the sticks from moving on Twilight's foot. She then puts Twilight's hoof back on the ground slowly. Twilight tries to move her hoof, but hurts trying to do so.

Tin Rainbow worriedly ask, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. I don't think I can walk very well," Twilight answers, still feeling a bit of pain on her hoof.

It pains the girls especially Tin Rainbow to see Twilight hurt and having trouble moving. She wishes there is a way to help her. Then she has an idea and knows that needs to be done.

Tin Rainbow smiles and says, "Don't worry, just relax and I can carry you."

Twilight and the others are kind of surprised that Tin Rainbow is offing Twilight a back ride so she can't move her hoof very much.

Twilight asks, "Are you sure Tin Rainbow?"

"I'm sure," Tin Rainbow says very positive about it.

Twilight can see that Tin Rainbow isn't taking no for an answer just like her friends Rainbow Dash. She know she isn't going to win and decides to just let Tin Rainbow carry her to the castle.

Twilight smile and says, "Thanks."

With that, Twilight puts herself on Tin Rainbow's back so she can carry her. After that, they all make their way to find the night princess' castle. Little do they know, a changeling is hiding in the dark trees spying on Twilight and her friends. The changeling decides to follow them to see where they are going and needs to report back to her queen after his mission is done.