Twilight's Adventures to Oz

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 8: Repairing Damages

Back in the real world of Equestria:

The repairs of Canterlot is still going on. From the looks of the damage, it will probably take a little while before the damages will be repared. The ponies of Canterlot are working together to help fix their homes, stores, and other places where the changelings cause damage to.

In Princess Cadence's room, Princess Cadence is in her bed with Twilight next to her still unconscious after being attacked by Queen Chrysalis. Right now, Cadence is changing some of the bandages that Twilight is wearing and use a cloth of damp water to help her cool a little. She is very glad that Twilight will be okay as long a she is taken care of, but can't help but worry if she will ever wake up.

Just then Shining Armor walks into the door not only to see how Cadence is doing, but to see how his sister is doing.

Shining Armor says, "Morning Cadence,"

"Morning Shinning, how is fixing Canterlot?" Cadence replies.

"It's very tiring, but we are ahead of schedule and might have it done the day after tomorrow," Shining Armor answers.

Then Cadence happily says, "That's good."

Shining Armor walk to Cadence and Twilight who are still in bed. He is still very side and worried to see is L.S.B.F.F or his Little Sister Best Friends Forever unconscious, even her bruises from being attacked are still healing.

Shining Armor sadly asks, "How's Twily?"

"She's still unconscious, but it seems she is still dreaming. I only wish we know what she's dreaming about." Cadence sadly answers.

Shining Armor sighs sadly and says, "I guess whatever Twilight's dreaming about, she can't seem to wake up from it."

"You're right. I wonder what's Twilight dreaming about?" Cadence replies.

"I wish I knew," Shining Armor answers.

Shining Armor and Princess Cadence are still very worried about Twilight. It's been three days since Twilight has fallen unconscious. The girls, Twilight's parents, Spike, and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are worried about her well being, especially being unconscious for very long.

Just then, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence hear a knock on the door.

Princess Cadence says, "Come in."

The door opens and the couples can see Spike and Twilight's friends walking into the room. Cadence and Shining Armor can see that most of the girls and Spike has are carrying a small box wrapped in a boy while Pinkie is carrying a wagon with a big box behind her.

Pinkie cheerfully says, "Morning Princess Cadence. Morning Shining Armor."

"Hi girls and hello to you too Spike," Cadance replies with a smile.

"What brings you here?" Shining Armor asks.

"We're here to see how Twilight is doing," Spike answers.

"And to bring her some get well presents. And I got her plenty of cupcakes," Pinkie answers cheerfully.

Pinkie pulls the ribbon off of the present and it reveals to be a five foot tall of cupcakes in a pyramid. Other than Pinkie, Spike and the others think it isn't a good idea for Pinkie to give her so much sweets and they aren't sure when she is going to wake up from her unconsciousness. Shining Armor and Princess Cadence are surprised to see Pinkie bringing Twilight a lot of cupcakes, but are not sure that even she can eat all of it.

Shining Armor says, "That's very kind of you Pinkie, but Twilight is still sleeping and I don't think she's going to be able to eat all these cupcakes."

"I told you bring so much sweet was a bad idea," Rainbow whispers to Pinkie.

"Aw well, more for us then," Pinkie says.

After declaring that statement, Pinkie starts to eat some of the cupcakes. Some of the ponies in the room giggle at Pinkie's sweet tooth while some of them are looking confused as Pinkie starts to eat some cupcakes. Rarity decides to levitates some of the cupcakes to the others before Pinkie eats all of them.

Shining Armor giggles a little and asks, "Is there always like this?"

"You can says that," Rainbow says while rolling her eyes.

"She also has a lot of energy," Cadence replies and then she giggles a bit.

As things are starts to have a good moment, Spike and the others can see that Twilight is still in bed, fast asleep from the conditions she's still in. From the looks of their faces, they are still worried about her.

Rarity sadly says, "I can see that Twilight is still unconscious."

"Yes," Cadence answers while looking down on Twilight who is still sleeping.

"How long is she going to be like this?" Fluttershy sadly asks.

"It's still going to take a while, but I hope it will be soon," Cadence answers.

Rainbow Dash groans and says, "A while that sounds like forever."

"I know it's going to take a while, but let's not forget that Twilight still needs some to recover from being ambushed by Queen Chrysalis," Applejack says.

"I know," Rainbow Dash replies feeling impatient.

Shining Armor can tell that the girls are still worried about Twilight as much as he and Cadence are. He really wants her to be better as much as they do, but he needs to be patient so his sister can recover.

Shining Armor decides to change the subject from his mind and ask the girls about the boxes the girls have.

Shining Armor asks, "So what are in the boxes you got?"

Applejack comes over toward to where Twilight is and says, "We were hoping to give Twilight something until she wakes up and hopefully some of them will help."

"And I brought her the perfect outfit for the wedding, even though you two postpone it until Twilight recovers and the damages to Canterlot is fixed," Rarity's adds

Rarity uses her magic to unwrap her present to Twilight and brings out Twilight Best Mare dress and veil. Twilight's dress is a magenta like with a pink ribbon, with a green-blueish color with star matching the dress. The hairband is light blue and it's made of round balls and has three greenish blue flowers on it.

Cadence and Shining Armor are in awed with the dress and thinks it will be perfect for Twilight to wear to their wedding.

Cadence happily, "Oh Rarity, it's beautiful."

"Twilight is going to love it," Shining replies.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy comes over and unwrap their presents since they think it will help Twilight be comfortable in it.

Rainbow Dash's present is a blanket with a Wonderbolt symbol on it.

She then hands it over to Cadence and says, "Hope this will keep her warm."

Princess Cadence smile and uses her magic to levitate the blanket and puts it on Twilight. Then Fluttershy takes her present out of a box and it's a stuffed animal that looks like her pet owl.

Fluttershy puts the stuffed owl next to Twilight and says, "There you go Twilight, now it will be like Owlicious is with you."

Even though Twilight is still unconscious, she feel comfortable under the blanket and she hugs the toy owl with her hoof. The girls, Spike, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadence smile to see Twilight is feeling very comfortable.

Applejack comes over to Twilight and opens her present. In her box is a apple shaped pillow. She lifts Twilight head and puts the pillow under her. Then she gently put her friend's head back on the pillow.

Spike comes over to Twilight and says, "I hope our gifs will help her and let her know we care for her."

"I'm sure she'll love them. When did you bring for her?" Shining Armor replies.

Spike opens his present and as he brings his present out, he says, "I was able to convince Big Mac to let me take Smarty Pants back, now she has two little toy friends to be with."

Spike puts Smarty Pants to where the toy owl is and Twilight feels more comfortable even though she is unconscious and stuck in bed for a while.

Princess Cadence gets off the bed so she can walk around and so Twilight can feel comfortable.

Cadence smiles and says, "I'm very glad you brought these presents for Twilight and I'm sure Twilight will love them too."

"I know she will," Rainbow says."

Then Fluttershy says, "We just hope she'll regain consciousness too."

"We do too," Cadence replies.

Just then, there is a knock on the door. Everyone looks at the door and wonder who is here right now.

Shining Armor opens the door to see Princess Celestia, and his parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light. Shining Armor smile and let them all inside. He suspect they are here to see who Twilight is doing with her recovery.

Shining Armor says, "Hi Mom. Hi Dad. Hello Princess Celestia."

"What are you doing here?" Princess Cadence asks.

"We thought it will be nice to pay you a visit and to see how Twilight is doing," Twilight Velvet explains.

"She's doing fine, but she still unconscious," Shining Armor says.

"But the girls and Spike were kind enough to give Twilight something to make her feel more comfortable," Princess Cadence adds.

Princess Celestia smiles and says, "That is very generous of you to make Twilight feel conformable."

"And we're proud of it," Pinkie says loudly.

"But we wish Twilight will wake up so," Fluttershy sadly replies.

Night Light and Twilight Velvet comes over to see Twilight. They are relieved that she is alright, but kind of heart broken that she is still unconscious.

Night Light turns to Shining Armor and Princess Cadence and says, "Why don't you two go out and have a walk while your mother and I take care of Twilight."

Shining Armor asks, "Are you sure?"

Twilight Velvet comes to Shining Armor and says, "Shining, we know that she's your sister, but remember she's our daughter, so you don't need to worry. We'll watch over her and you and Cadence can take a break.

At First, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are unsure about it at first, but can see that Twilight Velvet and Night Light have a point. They have a right to take care of Twilight as much as they do.

Princess Cadence says, "I guess you're right. Just make sure to change her bandages and wash a forehead with a cloth so she doesn't get too warm."

"Okay," Twilight Velvet.

"And make sure you take care of her," Shining Armor says.

"Don't worry too much, you just take a break and we'll take care of everything from here," Night Light replies.

"I really like to, but I need to get back checking Canterlot and see how the repairs are doing," Shining Armor says.

"And we do need to help with the repairs too," Rainbow adds.

Twilight Velvet smiles and says, "Then I guess we'll see you all later."

Shining Armor says, "We'll see you later and one of us will come to check up on her."

Night Light laughs and says, "Okay, just to make sure you're not worried.

With that, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Spike, and the girls leave to go help with the repairs. As they leave, Spike notice that Princess Celestia isn't leaving with them. Spike can tell that even though she is very calm, he can tell that Princess Celestia is worried about Twilight as much as he is.

After everypony else is gone, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, and Princess Celestia are alone with Twilight Sparkle in the bed. Twilight Velvet sit next to Twilight on the bed and glad that her friends give her some present so she can feel comfortable.

Twilight Velvet sadly asks, "Princess, do you think my baby will ever wake up."

"We can only hope, she is brutally attacked by the changeling queen and was hit to the wall with force," Princess Celestia explains with a serious yet worried look on her face.

Night Light and Twilight Velvet look at their daughter with worried looks on their faces, but knows they need to be strong for her and do whatever it takes to help. Princess Celestia is deep in thought about Twilight's condition and know that she can't do anything magic to help wake her up. She also know that this whole problem could have been avoided if she and the others just believe her and see though the changeling queens disguise. Princess Celestia knows she needs to be strong for Twilight and Equestria.