Twilight's Adventures to Oz

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 5: The Shy Lion

Twilight Sparkle, Tin Rainbow, and Apple Crow are on the trail to the Crystal City. Earlier they have their breakfast, clean the house, make some food for the trip, and packed some supplies. They leave the house and walk down the road in search for the wizard. Around late in the morning, Twilight and her friends are walking down the road.

"It sure was nice breakfast you made," Twilight says.

"Yeah. I love toast with zap apple jam," Tin Rainbow says with glee.

"So girls, how long will it take to get to the city," Twilight asks.

"It might take another two days or so to reach the city," Apple Crow answers.

"So we still have a long journey ahead of them," Tin Rainbow adds.

As the girls walk down the yellow dirt road, a rustle of the leaves and bushes catches Twilight's attention. Twilight turns to where the she hears the noise, but no one is where the bushes are.

Twilight starts to look around and worriedly asks,"Did you hear that?"

"What?" Tin Rainbow says confusedly.

"I thought I heard something," Twilight replies looking around.

The girls look around to see if there anyone following them but there's nothing.

Apple Crow says, "There's nopony here."

Twilight shrugs her shoulders and says, "Must've been my imagination."

With that, the girls continue to walk down the road. That is, until they hear more rustles in the bushes along with a mysterious shadowy figure running across the bushes.

Apple Crow scaredly asks, "What was that?!"

"Okay who is following us and you better come out right now," Tin Rainbow demands.

Just then a shadow creature climbs on a giant rock. The girls can tell it walks on four and has very shadow hair all over it's neck. The girls are starting get scared and worried about the creature is standing before them. They can tell that this creature is the king of all cats and one of the meanest predators.

"Is that a… a…" Tin Rainbow studdrrs in fear seeing the animal.

Twilight scaredly screams, "A Lion!"

The girls are paralyzed in fear when the lion comes up to them. They are afraid the lion is going to attack them.

The girls horrorly screams in terror, "Aaaahhhh!"

They are so afraid that the lion is coming towards them.

Just then the lion quietly says, "Roar!"

"Huh!" The girls says sounding confused.

"Roar!" The lion quietly says again.

The girls look to see the lion isn't scary at all. In fact, she looks very sweet, kind, and really shy. The lion is light yellow, with a pink mane, a light yellow tail with a pink fur on the end and whiskers. The lion also has teal like eyes and has a butterfly hair clip.

The lion shyly asks, "Um, did I scare you?"

`"Well, we were scared, until we heard you roar," Tin Rainbow says sounding confused.

The lion feels guilty about scaring them and says, "Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright," Apple Crow replies with a smile.

Twilight and her friends can see that the lion feels bad about scaring them. Twilight decides to go introduce herself and her friend to the shy little lion.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends Apple Crow and Tin Rainbow," Twilight introduces herself and her friends to the lion.

"I'm Lionshy," Lionshy says shyly and quietly.

Twilight asks, "What was that?"

"It's Lionshy," Lionshy answers a little louder.

"Hi Lionshy, it's very nice to meet you," Twilight says with a smile.

"It nice to meet you sugar," Apple Crow replies.

"Yeah. What were you doing anyway?" Tin Rainbow asks looking confused.

"I was practicing my roar. I hope that if I practiced my roar I can be bravery, but I'm not brave at all. I'm shy and I get scared very easily," Lionshy answers shyly.

Lionshy sighs sadly and says, "I wish I can be brave."

Twilight can see that Lionshy really want to be brave. She then has an idea, the girls look at Twilight thinking the same thing.

Twilight turns to Lionshy and says, "Lionshy. Do you want to come on our journey with us."

"A journey? What journey?" Lionshy asks.

"We're going to see The Great Wizard of Oz in the Crystal City," Twilight explains.

"And we're going to see if he can help grant our wishes," Tin Rainbow adds.

"And… we were just wondering if you want to come with us. Maybe the wizard can help you be brave," Apple Crow adds with a smile.

Lionshy eyes starts to sparkle and think about the idea of traveling with the group to see the wizard. She thinks about the great wizard might actually be able to help her.

She turns to the others and asks, "Do you really think the wizard can help me be brave."

"He might be able to," Twilight says.

After some time thinking Lionshy nods her head agreeing to go with them.

Lionshy says, "I would love to come with you. I really hope the wizard can help me."

"I hope he can help all of us with our wishes," Twilight replies.

"What do you guys want to ask the wizard," Lionshy asks.

"I was to have brains, so I can be smart," Apple Crow answers.

"And I want to have a heart so I can feel," Tin Rainbow says.

"And I want to get back to Canterlot in Equestria," Twilight replies.

Lionshy surprisingly says, "Wow! Sounds like your wishes are very important."

"Yeah and we hope the wizard can help all of us," Tin Rainbow replies.

"We should get going. It's still a long journey to the Crystal City," Apple Crow informs.

"Okay. Let's go," Lionshy says happily.

With that, the girls have a new friend in the group and are on their way to the Crystal city together. They walked another few hours on the yellow dirt road, until they hear a strange noise coming from the sky.

Apple Crow asks, "Did you guys hear that?"

The girls stop wonder what Apple Crow is talking about. When they stop they hear a strange buzzing noise, but are not sure who is making it.

Tin Rainbow says, "Yeah it's some kind of buzzing sound."

The girls look around to see where the buzzing noise is coming from. Lionshy look up in the air behind them, when she does, she sees something that is making her scared and pale as a ghost.

"W-w-what is that? Lionshy screams with horrors.

The others turns to see what Lionshy is looking at. To their surprise and fear they can see five changeling soldiers coming right at them.

"It's Queen Cocoon's changeling soldiers!" Apple Crow scaredly screams.

Tin Rainbow hardly screams, "Run!

The girls run away from the changeling down the road. The changeling solders above can see Twilight and her friends running down the yellow dirt road.

One of the soldiers says, "Remember, the queen only wants the unicorn and take the choker from her."

"Yes sir!" The other four soldiers says.

The changeling then fly down to calm their target. Twilight and her friends run on the road as fast as they can, but the changeling are on their tail. Just then two of the changeling soldiers use it's magic to teleport from the other soldiers to the dirt road in front of Twilight and her friends. The group of friends stop see the two changelings in their path. They are not sure what to do about the changeling.

Just then two of the other changeling grab Twilight from behind and takes her in the air.

Twilight screams, "Aaah!"

The others turns to see Twilight is captured by two of the changelings. Apple Crow, Tin Rainbow, and Lionshy are shocked to see Twilight being captured and realize that the changling are after the choker Twilight is wearing around her neck. Before they can do anything, the two changelings who are in front of them charge at them. Tin Rainbow an Apple Crow fight back at the changeling soldiers, but Lionshy isn't sure what to do. Then she thinks it will be a good idea to try to get Twilight while the other were distracted.

Twilight who is still be hold hostage is scared and worried what the changelings will do to her.

The last soldier comes up to Twilight being hold by the other two comes up to her and says, "Don't worry, it's not you we're after. It's the queen's choker we want."

Twilight realized that the changelings are send by the queen to get retrieve her choker back. Twilight tries to struggle and get away but the changelings grips were too strong for her. The changeling hold the end of the choker hoping to yank it off, but it sends an electric shock to the three changelings. They accidently drop Twilight causing her to fall.

Twilight falls from the sky and about to hit the ground, until Lionshy catches her on her back just in time.

Lionshy quietly yet loudly screams, "Roar!"

The roar isn't scaring the changelings away but left them surprised for a minute, until the changelings solders notice a strange glow coming from Twilight's forehead.

Twilight and her friends notice a bright light coming from her forehead. When the mark is clear they can see a shape of a sun on her forehead.

One of the solders is shocked and says, "That's the mark of The Good Witch of the North."

The other changeling asks, "What sound we do?"

"We must report this to the queen at once," The solder answers."

"But what about the unicorn," The other soldiers asks.

"There's nothing we can do right now, The soldier says.

With that all the changeling fly away back to talk to their queen abou the failed mission. Twilight and her friends are left confused about the changelings leaving after seeing the mark on Twilight.

Twilight confusedly asks, "I… I don't understand. Why did the changeling level just like that.

Tin Rainbow, Apple Crow, and Lionshy are not sure whether to tell Twilight about the mark she has. They are also not sure about telling her about one of the special rules in the Land of Oz.

Apple Crow answers, "It's because of the mark of The Good Witch of the North."

Twilight arches her eyebrow and questionably says, "Huh!"

Lionshy explains, " What Apple Crow means is that it's been a long standing rule that no one is to be harmed if anyone has the mark of the Good Witch of the North."

"Even the changelings had to follow that rule, even if it means disobeying their queen," Tin Rainbow adds.

Twilight is surprised to hear what her new friends are telling her. She also remember that the Good witch telling her the kiss is supposed to protect her.

Twilight surprisingly says, "So this mark is keeping me safe."

"Yes," The girls answer to Twilight.

Then Tin Rainbow says, "We better get going. Who knows when the changeling will be back."

"I agree. Let's hurry, "Twilight replies.

With that, the girls start to run as fast as their hooves can take then to the Crystal City before the changeling soldiers or the queen herself comes after them.

In the Changeling castle:

The queen is not happy that Twilight manage to get away along with her friends, but she is more mad that they haven't got her choker back from her.

"You mean to tell me that you couldn't get my choker back from a unicorn!" Queen Cocoon angrily screams at her soldiers.

The soldiers doesn't like it when she get's very angrily with them for failing their missions, but they also need to inform the queen about Twilight's special mark.

One of the soldiers nervously say, "We're sorry your majesty the power of the choker made it hard to get off."

"But she also has the mark of the Good witch Celeste," the other soldier adds.

Queen Cocoon eyes widen when they mention Celeste's name. She starts to get furious and says, "Celeste! That meddling sun witch!"

Then she angrily says, "I should have know she was to pull something like this."

Queen Cocoon sits on her throne trying to think of a way to capture Twilight and get the choker off her neck.

Then one of the soldiers ask, "What should we do my queen?"

The queen turns to her shoulders and says, "We'll just have to wait until there is an opportunity to capture that young unicorn."

The soldiers simply solute to the queen and leaves the throne room and wait for further instructions.

Queen Cocoon use her enchanted mirror to see Twilight and her friends walking down the path. She is mostly looking at Twilight who is still wearing the magical choker on her neck.

Queen Cocoon narrow her eyes and evilly says, "When the choker and it's powers are mine, that little unicorn is going to wish she never crossed paths with me and I will rule the Land of Oz with an iron hoof."

The Queen laugh maniacally at the mirror with Twilight's image on it and she wants to get Twilight and the choker by any means necessary.