Twilight's Adventures to Oz

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 4: The Tin Rainbow Pegasus

Twilight and Apple Crow are walking down the yellow dirt to reach the Crystal City. They been walking down the road for the rest of the afternoon and to the early evening. The pair are starting to get very tired and think ti will be a good idea to rest up for the night and continue their quest in the morning.

"It sure is a long day to get to The Crystal City," Twilight says sounding a bit tired.

"It sure is. I suggests it will be a good idea to find a place to stay for the night," Apple Crow suggests.

"That sounds like a good idea. We been walking down the road for hours," Twilight replies, agreeing to the idea.

"And y'all getting tired?" Apple replies replies.

"Maybe a little," Twilight says looking at her hooves and can tell that her hooves are feeling sore.

"Then let's go find some there to rest for the night," Apple Crow says with a smile.

With that Twilight and Apple Crow head down the road searching for somewhere to stay for the night.

After an hour more of walking down the yellow dirt road, Twilight and Apple Crown find themselves in forest made of Pine trees. The pine trees looks lush and green. The forest is so big and following the yellow dirt road is the only way to make sure nopony gets lost.

As the two mares walk down the road, Apple Crow notice something that catches her attention and it's something important,

Apple Crow points her hoof at that something and says, "Hey, look over there."

Twilight looks over to where Apple Crow is pointing at and to her surprise, she sees a lovely log cabin made from pine tree.

Twilight says, "It looks like a wooden house."

"Maybe someone who live there can let us stay for the night?" Apple Crow suggests.

Twilight nods her head agreeing to the idea and they both make their way to the wooden house. Twilight and Apple Crow are wondering who is living in the house and if that somepony will let them stay for the night.

When they reach the door Twilight knocks the door and says, "Hello, anypony there?"

Twilight and Apple Crow wait for somepony to answer the door, but no one answers.

Twilight knocks on the door again and says, "Hello."

But no response.

Apple Crow turns to Twilight and says, "Guess no one's home."

"Maybe somepony is in the forest?" Twilight suggests.

"Then let's go," Apple Crow replies agreeing to the idea.

Twilight and Apple Crow walk towards the forest to see if anypony in there. As they walk through the forest they notice that some of the trees in the forest are chopped down and all that's left is the stump.

Twilight looks at the stump and says, "Judging from these stumps, these trees have been chopped down recently."

"Then who ever did it is over there," Apple Crow replies.

Twilight and Apple Crow walk a little farther down the path and see a pegasus mare next to a pine tree. The pony is cyan blue, with rainbow color mane and tail. Her mark is a white cloud with light bolt colored red, blue, and yellow. The pony is made of pure tin even the mane and tail that is made of tin. The pony is also holding an ax on her hooves looks like she's about ready to chop the tree down.

"Look there's somepony," Twilight says.

"Yes, but something's not right," Appel Crow replies sound suspicious.

Twilight and Apple Crow decides to take a look at the pony that's next to the tree. Twilight is surprised to see that the tin pony looks like Rainbow Dash, only she's isn't made of tin. Twilight notice that the pony isn't moving an inch and starting to think something is wrong.

Twilight says, "The pony ain't moving an inch."

As Twilight and Apple Crow look at the tin pony, they start to hear a voice calling, "Help!"

They are surprised to hear a voice calling for help, but can't tell where the voice is coming from.

"What was that?" Apple Crow asks surprisingly.

Twilight shrug her shoulder in response, not having a clue where the noise is coming from.

Just then the voice keeps repeating, "Help! Help!"

Twilight and Apple Crow turn around hearing the noise and are shocked to see that it's the tin pegasus that is calling for help.

Apple Crow shockley says, "Land sakes"

"Are you okay?" Twilight worriedly asks,

"Is there thing we can do to help y'all." Apple Crow asks still shocked.

"No and yes there is something you can do. It rained a few days ago and I got rusted. I need oil in order to move," the tin pegasus mutters loudly, since her mouth is closed shut..

"Where is it?" Twilight asks.

"It's in the oil can! On the stump! Right over there!" the tin pegasus mutters loudly in response.

Twilight looks at the stump closed to where they are and she can see the oil can right on it. She use her magic to levitate the oil can to the pony. As she put the oil one the pony she begins to move her hooves, her head, and her wings. As the oil is fully put on her, she is able to move and able to feel her wings.

"Thanks for helping me," The tin pegasus says with glee.

"No problem," Twilight replies happily.

,My name is Tin Rainbow," Tin Rainbow introduces herself.

"Hi Tin Rainbow. My name is Twilight Sparkle," Twilight says.

"I'm Apple Crow," Apple Crow replies.

"Nice to meet you, but serious, thanks for the help," Tin Rainbow says feel grateful.

"It's not a problem," Apple Crow replies.

Tin Rainbow feels really glad for Twilight and Apple Crow for saving her from being a permanent statue.

Tin Rainbow asks, "So what are you two doing and where are you two heading?"

"Twilight and I are going to see The Great Wizard of Oz in the Crystal City," Appel Crow answers.

Tin Rainbow looks at the girls with a surprised look and says, "Woah! You two have a long way to go."

"We know," Twilight and Apple Crow say at a friendly tone.

"So why are you going to see the wizard?" Tin Rainbow asks.

"I was hoping the wizard can help me get back home to Equestria," Twilight answers sounding kind of sad.

"And I'm hoping he can get me a brain so I can be intelligent," Apple Crow answers while tipping her hat.

Tin Rainbow looks at the girls curiously. She is surprised that they are traveling very far just to get their wishes granted.

"Sounds like your journey will be worth it once you get there," Tin Rainbow says.

Twilight and Apple Crow remember that they need a place to stay for the night. Since they only see Tin Rainbow in the forest, they decide to ask her to see if she does.

Twilight asks."Tin Rainbow, do you like in a wooden house?"

"Yeah. I live in a wooden house. It's right over that hill and I build it myself," Tin Rainbow says with pride.

Tin Rainbow then look at the girls with curiously and asks, "Why you ask?"

"We're hoping if it's okay for you let us stay for the night," Apple Crow replies.

"Sure I'll let you stay. It's the least I can do after saving me from being a statute forever," Tin Rainbow says with a smile.

"Thank you very much Rainbow," Twilight happily says.

Tin Rainbow turns to see that the sun is lowing even more.

She turns to the girl and say, "Let's get in before night fall."

Twilight and Apple Crow nod their heads agreeing with her to go to the house. Tin Rainbow leads the way to her house.

Twilight is looking around the forest with nervous look in her eyes. She is very worried about something.

Twilight says to herself, "And hopefully she doesn't find us."

Tin Rainbow turns to Twilight after hearing her talk nervously.

Tin Rainbow suspiciously asks, "Who?"

"The Changeling Witch Queen, Cocoon," Apple Crow answers with a serious look on her face.

After hearing the changeling witch's name, Tin Rainbow is looking at Appel Crow and Twilight Sparkle with an angry look in her eyes. The girls can tell that their new friend seems to have a bad history with the queen.

Tin Rainbow angrily says, "What?! Her again!?"

Twilight scaredly asks, "Has she been giving you trouble?"

"You can say that," Tin Rainbow mutters with a angrily look on her face.

Tin Rainbow can see that Twilight and Apple Crow are kind of tired and can see that it's getting very late.

Tin Rainbow suggests, "Okay, first we go to my house and get you two something to eat. Then, I want to hear the whole story."

Apple Crow and Twilight say, "Okay,"

With that, the three friends walk to the wooden house. They are glad that the meet each other and are going to have a talk about what is going on with the changeling witch.

In Tin Rainbow's House:

Twilight and Apple Crow made some food with the food supply they bring from the apple trees. Tin Rainbow is breaking some oil and put some on her henges so they wouldn't rust. Twilight and Apple Crow explain to Tin Rainbow about the situation with the changeling witch queen and the reason why Twilight really needs to get to the city

After hearing the story, Tin Rainbow surprisingly says, "Woah! That gotta be a bummer!"

"Yes. That's why we need to get to the wizard," Apple Crow says sounding serious.

"And hope he can grant our wishes," Twilight says sounding wishful.

Tin Rainbow is surprised to hear the story and their situation.

Just then Tin Rainbow has an idea and says, "Hey do you think…"

But Tin rainbow stop in the middle of her sentence and sadly says,"Nevermind."

"What is it?" Twilight curiously asks.

"It's nothing," Tin Rainbow bluntly answers.

Twilight and Apple Crow can tell that something is on Tin Rainbow's mind and they want to know what that thing is.

Twilight comes over to Rainbow and sadly asks, "Tin Rainbow, is there something wrong?"

Tin Rainbow looks at Twilight and can tell that Twilight really want to know what on her mind.

"Kind of," Tin Rainbow sadly says.

Tin Rainbow takes a deep breath and breathe out to make sure she is calm and ready to tell her new friends her problem.

Tin Rainbow nervously answers, "I… it just… I may be loyal, but… I wish I can have a heart."

Twilight and Apple Crow look at Tin Rainbow with confusion and questionably says, "A heart?"

"You know to have actual feelings," Tin Rainbow Clarifies.

"Oh!" Twilight and Apple Crow says understanding the statement.

"I know it sounds silly, but I was built without one and I really wish I can have one," Tin Rainbow adds sounding desperate.

Twilight and Apple Crow can see that Tin Rainbow really wanna hear so she can have feeling. Just then Twilight has an idea and think it will be a good on/ she turn to Apple Crow and whisper to her about her idea. Apple Crow nods her head in reply think that it's a good idea.

Twilight turns to Tin Rainbow and calmly asks, "Tin Rainbow, do you want to come with us to see The Wizard of Oz?"

Tin Rainbow eyes widen and surprisingly says, "Really! You want me to come with you!"

"We don't mind," Twilight says with a smile.

"Besides we could really use the help," Apple Crow replies.

"And maybe the wizard can give you a heart," Twilight adds.

Tin Rainbow flies in the air and happily screams, "Yes!"

"We can all leave after breakfast and pack ourselves some lunch for the road," Tin Rainbow adds with a smile.

"Sure," Twilight and Apple says agreeing to the idea.

Just then Twilight starts to yawn and rub her eyes with her hoof.

Appel Crow notice it and says, "Well, I say it's sime for us to get some shuteye."

"I agree," Tin Rainbow replies.

"I'm just a little tired," Twilight replies feeling sleepy.

"I guess it's time for bed," Tin Rainbow replies after she yawns loudly.

After getting up stairs and hop into bed. Tin Rainbow is in her bedroom while Twilight Sparkle and Apple Crow are in the guest room and all three are ready to sleep.

"Night y'all," Apple Crow says.

"Good night," Twilight and Tin Rainbow replies.

After turning off the light, the girls excluding Twilight are fast asleep. Twilight is having trouble going to sleep, mostly because she is thinking about what happened at the rehearsal and what become of her. Twilight gets out of bed and looks out of the guest room window looking at the stars and the moon. She really wishes she can go back home and feels that she needs to hurry before something bad happened at the wedding.

"I wonder what happened at the wedding. I hope everypony's okay," Twilight asks to herself.

As she stared towards the moon, Twilight is starting to remember the good time she has with her friends and family. She starts to shed tears from her eyes as she stare from the window.

As Twilight shed tears she says in her thoughts, "I hope the wizard can help me or I may never see my friends, my brother, Spike, my parents, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, or my real Cadence again… Never again."

Twilight decides to head back to bed still letting tears coming down her face. She really wish the wizard can help her get home. She technically cries herself to sleep and wish she can get back home and hope everypony's okay.