• Member Since 15th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 15th, 2023


Hugger of ponies and writer of words.

Latest Stories

  • EJust Stories
    An older Rainbow Dash recalls her short lived attempts at writing, her experiences with a most vexing writing group, and how she dealt with a curiously obsessive Twilight Sparkle: the pony that signed her up for the writing class in the first place.
    slightlyshade · 6k words · 447 views

Hello there!

So glad you could hop into my little writing alcove here on FiMFiction. I've been doing creative writing one way or another for as long as I can remember and even have a few pony stories to share. There's always more on the way, so if you like one of my stories, keep a close watch!

Find me elsewhere on the internet, as well! I have a gallery on Inkbunny, on FA, and even a deviantArt page! Also, I'm @slightlyshade on Twootter, do a weekly podcast called No Hooves Barred, and paint a pony every day over on my Tumblr.

Geez, that's a lot of self-promotion! Ahem, stay awesome everypony!


Check Out these Ponies · 10:03pm Sep 2nd, 2017

Hello tiny little horseys and prance-friends! Today I'd like to share with you two fantastic pictures done by the cool-tastic Kae, known for her love of frogs 'n ponies 'n that kind of cool stuff. (If you like these, you'd do well to check out her other works as well!) Anyway, they are of Lily and Bullet, from Following of the Sun and Birth of a Bullet respectively.

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