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The Byzantine Knight

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It’s Transdelusional Not Transgender · 6:35am Jun 8th, 2022

by Fr. Ioannes Apiarius

Being transgender is impossible. Humans cannot change their biologically determined sex. There is no such thing as a “transgender man.” There is no such thing as a “transgender woman.” No man can transform himself into a woman. No woman can transform herself into a man. It’s stark raving madness. It’s insanity. It’s delusional, or more accurately, it’s transdelusional.

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Hello Everypony! Here are some new annoucements! · 4:50am Mar 2nd, 2022

I haven't updated in a while, so I thought should give you guys an update on what's been happening with me as of late.

First off, I'm working hard my first stories for this website.

My first story is inspired by this story where a a human OC introduces Twilight and Spike to the comedy classic Airplane!

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As a follower of Christ, have a follow.

Thanks for favoriting my story! :twilightsmile:

You're welcome! I love your Pony on Earth stories.

Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for adding A Midnight Stroll to your favorites!

Thank you so very much for liking my stories ^^

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted March 8th

I'm liking all of this so far. Bring on Chapter 2 and beyond!

That is exactly is my line of thinking is that world fully accepts the presence of aliens, but magic is still an urban myth. Good point how much Equestrian magic is confined just to Canterlot, compared to the larger effect of the Kryptonitain Invasion in Metropolis.

I just think that idea of Trixie as a Zatanna fan and eventual team up is too good not to use. Besides, we've got lots of magic using heroes and villains in the DCU, so I hope some of them get to appear.

Also, what role would Green Lantern would play in the story and which one(s) would you use?

I'm liking what I'm hearing so far!

Richard is still alive and operating as Nightwing out in Bludhaven (I hope).

The Birds of Prey characters can still exist, but just not the versions the movie gave us. In the comics and in other cartoons, Black Mask is a deadly menace, and the heroines are not only powerful, but also beautiful. Let's keep it that way.

I look forward to see your take on the humanized MLP villains.

Might I make one more suggestion?

I think that it would be beneficial to say that this continuity that Man of Steel and the first Equestria Girls film happened simultaneously. In this way we can say that the reason why the magical shenanigans that happened at Canterlot High were completely overlooked and dismissed by the rest of the world, is because they were more focused on the Kryptonitain Invasion. Because of this, magic is dismissed as an urban legend by the public, but the existence of aliens is completely accepted. Maybe say that the Enchantress from Suicide Squad is dark Equestrian magic?

Also, Trixie is a huge fangirl of Zatanna, is an aspiring stage magician because of Zatanna, and will eventually get meet her..and maybe get actual magical powers and fight along side her? It might be cool.

I'm liking this. I can tell you have a clear vision for where this to go and what will be incorporated.

I admit that I actually enjoyed the theatrical cut of Justice League, but I completely understand why everyone else didn't. I do think Snyder's version is better, but I can't dismiss the Whedon version entirely because there were some unique parts I thought worked.

I like everything about Zack Snyder's intended vision for Justice League except for these 3 things:
Dick Grayson being the dead Robin, and thus the only one to wear the suit, Batman getting killed by Darkseid (instead of being banished to the stone age), and Clark and Lois naming their kid after Bruce.

Even I find it strange that I have been able to tolerate and enjoy almost every one of Zack Snyder's "controversial" story choices in his DC movies except for those 3 things. I only ask that those 3 elements be given a second thought...and possibly be ignored.

I'm not telling you how to write your story, I'm just telling what I think could be improved.

Another improvement I strongly suggest: IGNORE everything that happened in Birds of Prey. Nothing would be lost in your story if that film is ignored.

I'm also not sure if any of the EqG villains could pose a threat big enough to require the Justice League to combat. Maybe if they get some power-upgrades?

I'm glad to hear you are going with Snyder's vision for Justice League in your story. Are there any elements from Whedon's version in it? Maybe some elements from the animated series and the comics?

You're welcome! I look forward to the rest!
I also took a second look at the cover art and I noticed Black Suit Superman. Love it!

Thank you for favouring my story.

Thanks for the favorite!

Thank you for the fave.

Thank you so much for the fav on How to Host a Party!

Thanks for favoriting I Love Luna.

All three stories are hilarious.

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