• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I'm odd. I dunno? I guess I'm here because some Empty Plots need Filler.


Updates and Status. · 4:38pm Last Thursday

Hello, all of you,

It's been a while since I've shown any real activity on here outside of a few comments here or there, which I doubt any of you may have seen. As far as my writing has gone, there's been next to nothing to show in terms of meaningful progress. There are reasons for that.

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Current Issues: Getting Worse · 2:42pm May 7th

Hello, all of you.

For those who have been following me for any length of time, you've come to know that I have my fair share of issues. The biggest issue has been my health, and I've been relatively open about most of those problems. The second largest issue I've rarely discussed has been my occupation and dealing with the compensation due to my ongoing condition.

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Sneak Peak, BarCast Interview · 8:46pm April 19th

Yeah, the images are a little messy, but it's a work in progress. What's actually up with Spitfire? Why would she be getting combat ready?

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Chapter 12 Update (No Spoilers). · 3:03pm February 23rd


Possible requests. · 4:39pm February 9th

I was wondering, given the new trend of art I've been taking on with A New Life In The Crystal Empire... There was a lot of art for CTTB that I was never able to get done. So, now I'm wondering, were there any pictures not created or scenes not illustrated any of you would like to see created?

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Slight delay, maybe. ER Visit. · 7:36pm February 7th

So, for those who saw on my Discord, I was working on some art for the next chapter, but during a medical appointment this afternoon, I suffered a pretty bad seizure. This one hurt worse than most of my previous episodes and lasted longer than I would have expected.

Saying that I don't know how it will affect my quality of work. Maybe it won't, or maybe the lingering effects will come and go in stronger spikes than I can predict as this last episode did.


Back to work · 9:21pm January 9th

Okay, so the holiday season is over, and it's a brand new year. With that being said, I'm back home and back to both following up with medical appointments and working on writing.

Chapter 11 is, for the most part, finished, and chapter 12 is largely fleshed out. However, so much of these two play into each other that finishing 12 required rewriting portions of 11, which worked out for the best (I did have some down time while on vacation).

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New Chapter Soon · 12:47am Nov 28th, 2023

So, the next chapter is typed up and ready to go, but I want some art to go along with it, and it's going to be better than most of the art I've put out before. It will be AI-assisted art, but I think it will be worth it and help give better visuals to the characters and the kind of situations they're in. In some scenes, the art will be taken directly from the show to show flashbacks in later chapters, whereas more detailed art will be used to show in-story events.

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Struggling to write... but making progress. · 4:41pm Oct 11th, 2023

Hey, everyone.

Wow, you know, it's been a while, and I'm not even going to look to see how long it's been since I've last published a chapter. However, I've been starting to write again despite how hard it's been. By that, I mean I'm still making a lot of mistakes, and Grammarly is working overtime, underlining all my fuckups.

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Still fighting... Sort of. · 2:42am Jul 31st, 2023

Well, just thought I'd pop in to give an update. Ended up having a pretty bad episode today at home. Couldn't walk, talk, or operate my hands enough to call for help, but was thankfully not alone. Two friends of mine were there to help take care of me and call an ambulance and even stick by my bedside in the ER.

Still no progress for a diagnosis or a cure, but at least I'm not giving up.

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