• Member Since 8th Jul, 2018
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Lunatic God

I may stand there with 22 ping, but know that my widowmaker is reloading shells, I'm listening to voice chat as if I'm not lagging, and I'm watching my ping get higher than the age of the universe

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Meet the Lunatic God

Helloing! I have ADHD and love writing to avoid responsibilities. I graduated high school though (somehow), so there's a lot less for me to shirk off with writing, thus far less updates. I'm trying though!

But! I will proofread stories for money! $5 per story, plus $1 per chapter after the first! For inquiries, you can DM me here or on Discord (which I have a much higher likelihood of responding too), which is superwarpig13.


Comments ( 14 )
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Thanks for the follow!

i hope life goes well for you

Thank you for the interest!

Vote now! (And comment on the blog for your vote to be counted)

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

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