• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago



Lol It's Zero XD...Wait, where did that come from!?

  • EFar Enough
    It was shelving day. A day for Twilight to finally find a home for her new books in her new home. Coincidentally it was also the day Frieza thought Equis would be a nice planet to conquer.
    TheGameGenie · 4.3k words · 376 views

Probably some of the most badass music about friendship you've ever heard or will have heard... probably.

I'm not sure if this one's about friendship.

...now that I think about it, the only one about friendship is the first one...

...low key though I like that last one alot :)

Super Sick Awesome (and might I add free) Album (though you should be a bro/ sis and donate anyway)

Comments ( 23 )
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Ty for the fave:twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding An Overlord Apart to your Favorites!

Thanks for Favoriting Bizarro Am Not in Equestria.

TThe Encounter
Barefoot, nearsighted and lost, a young man wakes to find his life has drastically changed.
Winter_Solstice · 70k words  ·  290  38 · 7.7k views

Thank you for Favoriting my Dark Adventure.

Thanks for the favorite! Love your avatar!

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Words I heard, said, and read that I like.

Bitches are greater than or equal to trippin'.

"Ignorance is a condition that can be corrected. Stupidity is permanent."
-Steven Wallech

The square root of rope is string.

"Here I sit broken hearted,
Tried to shit but only farted.
Then one day I took a chance,
Tried to fart but shit my pants."
-Bathroom Stall

"The Relatively Small Horse That I Own, I Used To Inquire What The Relationship Between People Who Are Close Might Be Until Everybody Gave Me A Piece Of The Sorcery That It Is."

"You can lead a horse to water, and you can't make it drink, but you can drown its ass."
-a friend... he's kind of a jerk

"Chaos doesn't chose its victims."
-a Magic the Gathering card

"... I'm bored."

Ok seriously why aren't the ponemotes working? It defeats the purpose of having them here if they're not gonna work.

...Who am I even talking to?

"If you learn to ACCEPT instead of EXPECT you'll get far less disappointments."
-The Knight in Rusty Armor

"You might be afraid before you can be brave. Use that fear to stand your ground."

Make no mistake! My personality is who I am! My attitude depends on who you are!

"These years ain't comin' back, I gotta put my time in!"

"Doesn't matter whacha been through, just try to remember ya victory's all mental!"

No matter what they say pray hard, work harder, just remain smart, worker harder, had a great start, work harder, never stop so I work harder."

"We can't change the past, and we can't predicted the future, we only have control over that split second that's the present."
-Richie Branson